public void CreateCrmAccount()
            //ARRANGE - set up everything our test needs

            //first - set up a mock service to act like the CRM organization service
            var serviceMock = new Mock <IOrganizationService>();
            IOrganizationService service = serviceMock.Object;

            //next - set a name for our fake account record to create
            string accountName = "Lucas Demo Company";

            //next - create a guid that we want our mock service Create method to return when called
            Guid idToReturn = Guid.NewGuid();

            //next - create an entity object that will allow us to capture the entity record that is passed to the Create method
            Entity actualEntity = new Entity();

            //finally - tell our mock service what to do when the Create method is called
            serviceMock.Setup(t =>
                              t.Create(It.IsAny <Entity>())) //when Create is called with any entity as an invocation parameter
            .Returns(idToReturn)                             //return the idToReturn guid
            .Callback <Entity>(s => actualEntity = s);       //store the Create method invocation parameter for inspection later

            //ACT - do the thing(s) we want to test

            //call the CreateCrmAccount method like usual, but supply the mock service as an invocation parameter
            Guid actualGuid = MockDemo.CreateCrmAccount(accountName, service);

            //ASSERT - verify the results are correct

            //verify the entity created inside the CreateCrmAccount method has the name we supplied
            Assert.AreEqual(accountName, actualEntity["name"]);

            //verify the guid returned by the CreateCrmAccount is the same guid the Create method returns
            Assert.AreEqual(idToReturn, actualGuid);