Ejemplo n.º 1
            internal static GradientStroke NewInstance(JsonObject json, LottieComposition composition)
                var name      = json.GetNamedString("nm");
                var jsonColor = json.GetNamedObject("g", null);

                if (jsonColor != null && jsonColor.ContainsKey("k"))
                    jsonColor = jsonColor.GetNamedObject("k");
                AnimatableGradientColorValue color = null;

                if (jsonColor != null)
                    color = AnimatableGradientColorValue.Factory.NewInstance(jsonColor, composition);

                var jsonOpacity = json.GetNamedObject("o", null);
                AnimatableIntegerValue opacity = null;

                if (jsonOpacity != null)
                    opacity = AnimatableIntegerValue.Factory.NewInstance(jsonOpacity, composition);

                var gradientTypeInt = (int)json.GetNamedNumber("t", 1);
                var gradientType    = gradientTypeInt == 1 ? GradientType.Linear : GradientType.Radial;

                var jsonStartPoint = json.GetNamedObject("s", null);
                AnimatablePointValue startPoint = null;

                if (jsonStartPoint != null)
                    startPoint = AnimatablePointValue.Factory.NewInstance(jsonStartPoint, composition);

                var jsonEndPoint = json.GetNamedObject("e", null);
                AnimatablePointValue endPoint = null;

                if (jsonEndPoint != null)
                    endPoint = AnimatablePointValue.Factory.NewInstance(jsonEndPoint, composition);
                var width = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.NewInstance(json.GetNamedObject("w"), composition);

                var capType  = (ShapeStroke.LineCapType)(int)(json.GetNamedNumber("lc") - 1);
                var joinType = (ShapeStroke.LineJoinType)(int)(json.GetNamedNumber("lj") - 1);

                AnimatableFloatValue offset = null;
                var lineDashPattern         = new List <AnimatableFloatValue>();

                if (json.ContainsKey("d"))
                    var dashesJson = json.GetNamedArray("d");
                    for (var i = 0; i < dashesJson.Count; i++)
                        var dashJson = dashesJson[i].GetObject();
                        var n        = dashJson.GetNamedString("n");
                        if (n.Equals("o"))
                            var value = dashJson.GetNamedObject("v");
                            offset = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.NewInstance(value, composition);
                        else if (n.Equals("d") || n.Equals("g"))
                            var value = dashJson.GetNamedObject("v");
                            lineDashPattern.Add(AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.NewInstance(value, composition));
                    if (lineDashPattern.Count == 1)
                        // If there is only 1 value then it is assumed to be equal parts on and off.

                return(new GradientStroke(name, gradientType, color, opacity, startPoint, endPoint, width, capType, joinType, lineDashPattern, offset));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private ShapeTrimPath(string name, Type type, AnimatableFloatValue start, AnimatableFloatValue end, AnimatableFloatValue offset)
     Name    = name;
     _type   = type;
     _start  = start;
     _end    = end;
     _offset = offset;
 internal AnimatableSplitDimensionPathValue(AnimatableFloatValue animatableXDimension, AnimatableFloatValue animatableYDimension)
     _animatableXDimension = animatableXDimension;
     _animatableYDimension = animatableYDimension;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private GradientStroke(string name, GradientType gradientType, AnimatableGradientColorValue gradientColor, AnimatableIntegerValue opacity, AnimatablePointValue startPoint, AnimatablePointValue endPoint, AnimatableFloatValue width, ShapeStroke.LineCapType capType, ShapeStroke.LineJoinType joinType, List <AnimatableFloatValue> lineDashPattern, AnimatableFloatValue dashOffset)
     Name            = name;
     GradientType    = gradientType;
     GradientColor   = gradientColor;
     Opacity         = opacity;
     StartPoint      = startPoint;
     EndPoint        = endPoint;
     Width           = width;
     CapType         = capType;
     JoinType        = joinType;
     LineDashPattern = lineDashPattern;
     DashOffset      = dashOffset;
Ejemplo n.º 5
            internal static AnimatableTransform NewInstance(JsonObject json, LottieComposition composition)
                AnimatablePathValue       anchorPoint;
                IAnimatableValue <PointF> position = null;
                AnimatableScaleValue      scale;
                AnimatableFloatValue      rotation = null;
                AnimatableIntegerValue    opacity;
                AnimatableFloatValue      startOpacity = null;
                AnimatableFloatValue      endOpacity   = null;
                var anchorJson = json.GetNamedObject("a", null);

                if (anchorJson != null)
                    anchorPoint = new AnimatablePathValue(anchorJson["k"], composition);
                    // Cameras don't have an anchor point property. Although we don't support them, at least
                    // we won't crash.
                    Debug.WriteLine("Layer has no transform property. You may be using an unsupported " + "layer type such as a camera.", LottieLog.Tag);
                    anchorPoint = new AnimatablePathValue();

                var positionJson = json.GetNamedObject("p", null);

                if (positionJson != null)
                    position = AnimatablePathValue.CreateAnimatablePathOrSplitDimensionPath(positionJson, composition);

                var scaleJson = json.GetNamedObject("s", null);

                if (scaleJson != null)
                    scale = AnimatableScaleValue.Factory.NewInstance(scaleJson, composition);
                    // Repeaters have start/end opacity instead of opacity
                    scale = new AnimatableScaleValue(new List <IKeyframe <ScaleXy> >(), new ScaleXy());

                var rotationJson = json.GetNamedObject("r", null);

                if (rotationJson == null)
                    rotationJson = json.GetNamedObject("rz", null);
                if (rotationJson != null)
                    rotation = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.NewInstance(rotationJson, composition, false);

                var opacityJson = json.GetNamedObject("o", null);

                if (opacityJson != null)
                    opacity = AnimatableIntegerValue.Factory.NewInstance(opacityJson, composition);
                    // Somehow some community animations don't have opacity in the transform.
                    opacity = new AnimatableIntegerValue(new List <IKeyframe <int?> >(), 100);

                var startOpacityJson = json.GetNamedObject("so", null);

                if (startOpacityJson != null)
                    startOpacity = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.NewInstance(startOpacityJson, composition, false);

                var endOpacityJson = json.GetNamedObject("eo", null);

                if (endOpacityJson != null)
                    endOpacity = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.NewInstance(endOpacityJson, composition, false);

                return(new AnimatableTransform(anchorPoint, position, scale, rotation, opacity, startOpacity, endOpacity));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private AnimatableTransform(AnimatablePathValue anchorPoint, IAnimatableValue <PointF> position, AnimatableScaleValue scale, AnimatableFloatValue rotation, AnimatableIntegerValue opacity, AnimatableFloatValue startOpacity, AnimatableFloatValue endOpacity)
     AnchorPoint  = anchorPoint;
     Position     = position;
     Scale        = scale;
     Rotation     = rotation;
     Opacity      = opacity;
     StartOpacity = startOpacity;
     EndOpacity   = endOpacity;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal BaseStrokeContent(LottieDrawable lottieDrawable, BaseLayer layer, PenLineCap cap, PenLineJoin join, AnimatableIntegerValue opacity, AnimatableFloatValue width, IList <AnimatableFloatValue> dashPattern, AnimatableFloatValue offset)
            _lottieDrawable = lottieDrawable;

            Paint.Style      = Paint.PaintStyle.Stroke;
            Paint.StrokeCap  = cap;
            Paint.StrokeJoin = join;

            _opacityAnimation = opacity.CreateAnimation();
            _widthAnimation   = width.CreateAnimation();

            if (offset == null)
                _dashPatternOffsetAnimation = null;
                _dashPatternOffsetAnimation = offset.CreateAnimation();
            _dashPatternAnimations = new List <IBaseKeyframeAnimation <float?> >(dashPattern.Count);
            _dashPatternValues     = new double[dashPattern.Count];

            for (var i = 0; i < dashPattern.Count; i++)

            for (var i = 0; i < _dashPatternAnimations.Count; i++)
            if (_dashPatternOffsetAnimation != null)

            _opacityAnimation.ValueChanged += OnValueChanged;
            _widthAnimation.ValueChanged   += OnValueChanged;

            for (var i = 0; i < dashPattern.Count; i++)
                _dashPatternAnimations[i].ValueChanged += OnValueChanged;
            if (_dashPatternOffsetAnimation != null)
                _dashPatternOffsetAnimation.ValueChanged += OnValueChanged;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private GradientFill(string name, GradientType gradientType, PathFillType fillType, AnimatableGradientColorValue gradientColor, AnimatableIntegerValue opacity, AnimatablePointValue startPoint, AnimatablePointValue endPoint, AnimatableFloatValue highlightLength, AnimatableFloatValue highlightAngle)
     GradientType    = gradientType;
     FillType        = fillType;
     GradientColor   = gradientColor;
     Opacity         = opacity;
     StartPoint      = startPoint;
     EndPoint        = endPoint;
     Name            = name;
     HighlightLength = highlightLength;
     HighlightAngle  = highlightAngle;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private PolystarShape(string name, Type type, AnimatableFloatValue points, IAnimatableValue <PointF> position, AnimatableFloatValue rotation, AnimatableFloatValue innerRadius, AnimatableFloatValue outerRadius, AnimatableFloatValue innerRoundedness, AnimatableFloatValue outerRoundedness)
     Name             = name;
     _type            = type;
     Points           = points;
     Position         = position;
     Rotation         = rotation;
     InnerRadius      = innerRadius;
     OuterRadius      = outerRadius;
     InnerRoundedness = innerRoundedness;
     OuterRoundedness = outerRoundedness;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private Layer(List <IContentModel> shapes, LottieComposition composition, string layerName, long layerId, LayerType layerType, long parentId, string refId, IList <Mask> masks, AnimatableTransform transform, int solidWidth, int solidHeight, Color solidColor, float timeStretch, float startProgress, int preCompWidth, int preCompHeight, AnimatableTextFrame text, AnimatableTextProperties textProperties, List <IKeyframe <float?> > inOutKeyframes, MatteType matteType, AnimatableFloatValue timeRemapping)
     _shapes        = shapes;
     _composition   = composition;
     Name           = layerName;
     Id             = layerId;
     _layerType     = layerType;
     ParentId       = parentId;
     RefId          = refId;
     Masks          = masks;
     Transform      = transform;
     SolidWidth     = solidWidth;
     SolidHeight    = solidHeight;
     SolidColor     = solidColor;
     TimeStretch    = timeStretch;
     StartProgress  = startProgress;
     PreCompWidth   = preCompWidth;
     PreCompHeight  = preCompHeight;
     Text           = text;
     TextProperties = textProperties;
     InOutKeyframes = inOutKeyframes;
     _matteType     = matteType;
     TimeRemapping  = timeRemapping;
Ejemplo n.º 11
            internal static Layer NewInstance(JsonObject json, LottieComposition composition)
                var layerName = json.GetNamedString("nm");
                var refId     = json.GetNamedString("refId", string.Empty);

                if (layerName.EndsWith(".ai") || json.GetNamedString("cl", "").Equals("ai"))
                    composition.AddWarning("Convert your Illustrator layers to shape layers.");

                var       layerId     = (long)json.GetNamedNumber("ind");
                var       solidWidth  = 0;
                var       solidHeight = 0;
                Color     solidColor;
                var       preCompWidth  = 0;
                var       preCompHeight = 0;
                LayerType layerType;
                var       layerTypeInt = (int)json.GetNamedNumber("ty", -1);

                if (layerTypeInt < (int)LayerType.Unknown)
                    layerType = (LayerType)layerTypeInt;
                    layerType = LayerType.Unknown;

                if (layerType == LayerType.Text && !Utils.IsAtLeastVersion(composition, 4, 8, 0))
                    layerType = LayerType.Unknown;
                    composition.AddWarning("Text is only supported on bodymovin >= 4.8.0");

                var parentId = (long)json.GetNamedNumber("parent", -1);

                if (layerType == LayerType.Solid)
                    solidWidth  = (int)(json.GetNamedNumber("sw") * composition.DpScale);
                    solidHeight = (int)(json.GetNamedNumber("sh") * composition.DpScale);
                    solidColor  = Utils.GetSolidColorBrush(json.GetNamedString("sc"));
                    Debug.WriteLine("\tSolid=" + string.Format("{0:X}", solidColor) + " " + solidWidth + "x" + solidHeight + " " + composition.Bounds, Tag);

                var transform      = AnimatableTransform.Factory.NewInstance(json.GetNamedObject("ks"), composition);
                var matteType      = (MatteType)(int)json.GetNamedNumber("tt", 0);
                var masks          = new List <Mask>();
                var inOutKeyframes = new List <IKeyframe <float?> >();
                var jsonMasks      = json.GetNamedArray("masksProperties", null);

                if (jsonMasks != null)
                    for (var i = 0; i < jsonMasks.Count; i++)
                        var mask = Mask.Factory.NewMask(jsonMasks[i].GetObject(), composition);

                var shapes     = new List <IContentModel>();
                var shapesJson = json.GetNamedArray("shapes", null);

                if (shapesJson != null)
                    for (var i = 0; i < shapesJson.Count; i++)
                        var shape = ShapeGroup.ShapeItemWithJson(shapesJson[i].GetObject(), composition);
                        if (shape != null)

                AnimatableTextFrame      text           = null;
                AnimatableTextProperties textProperties = null;
                var textJson = json.GetNamedObject("t", null);

                if (textJson != null)
                    text = AnimatableTextFrame.Factory.NewInstance(textJson.GetNamedObject("d", null), composition);
                    var namedArray     = textJson.GetNamedArray("a", null);
                    var propertiesJson = namedArray?.Count > 0 ? namedArray.GetObjectAt(0) : null;
                    textProperties = AnimatableTextProperties.Factory.NewInstance(propertiesJson, composition);

                if (json.ContainsKey("ef"))
                    composition.AddWarning("Lottie doesn't support layer effects. If you are using them for " +
                                           " fills, strokes, trim paths etc. then try adding them directly as contents " +
                                           " in your shape.");

                var timeStretch   = (float)json.GetNamedNumber("sr", 1.0);
                var startFrame    = (float)json.GetNamedNumber("st");
                var frames        = composition.DurationFrames;
                var startProgress = startFrame / frames;

                if (layerType == LayerType.PreComp)
                    preCompWidth  = (int)(json.GetNamedNumber("w") * composition.DpScale);
                    preCompHeight = (int)(json.GetNamedNumber("h") * composition.DpScale);

                // Bodymovin pre-scales the in frame and out frame by the time stretch. However, that will
                // cause the stretch to be double counted since the in out animation gets treated the same
                // as all other animations and will have stretch applied to it again.
                var inFrame  = (float)json.GetNamedNumber("ip") / timeStretch;
                var outFrame = (float)json.GetNamedNumber("op") / timeStretch;

                // Before the in frame
                if (inFrame > 0)
                    var preKeyframe = new Keyframe <float?>(composition, 0f, 0f, null, 0f, inFrame);

                // The + 1 is because the animation should be visible on the out frame itself.
                outFrame = outFrame > 0 ? outFrame : composition.EndFrame + 1;
                var visibleKeyframe = new Keyframe <float?>(composition, 1f, 1f, null, inFrame, outFrame);


                var outKeyframe = new Keyframe <float?>(composition, 0f, 0f, null, outFrame, float.MaxValue);


                AnimatableFloatValue timeRemapping = null;

                if (json.ContainsKey("tm"))
                    timeRemapping = AnimatableFloatValue.Factory.NewInstance(json.GetNamedObject("tm", null), composition, false);

                return(new Layer(shapes, composition, layerName, layerId, layerType, parentId, refId, masks, transform, solidWidth, solidHeight, solidColor, timeStretch, startProgress, preCompWidth, preCompHeight, text, textProperties, inOutKeyframes, matteType, timeRemapping));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private ShapeStroke(string name, AnimatableFloatValue offset, IList <AnimatableFloatValue> lineDashPattern, AnimatableColorValue color, AnimatableIntegerValue opacity, AnimatableFloatValue width, LineCapType capType, LineJoinType joinType)
     Name            = name;
     DashOffset      = offset;
     LineDashPattern = lineDashPattern;
     Color           = color;
     Opacity         = opacity;
     Width           = width;
     CapType         = capType;
     JoinType        = joinType;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private RectangleShape(string name, IAnimatableValue <Vector2?> position, AnimatablePointValue size, AnimatableFloatValue cornerRadius)
     Name          = name;
     _position     = position;
     _size         = size;
     _cornerRadius = cornerRadius;