Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays all contacts on the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contacts">Contacts.</param>
        public static void DisplayAllContacts(
            List <Contact> contacts,
            int recordsPerPage = 10,
            int startingIndex  = 0,
            bool doNotClear    = false)
            if (!doNotClear)

            int  index        = startingIndex;
            bool continueList = true;
            int  i            = index;

            // While we have not reached the end
            // of the contact list, and also we
            // wish to continue displaying the list...
            while (index < contacts.Count &&
                // Display the amount of records
                // as indicated per page
                for (; i < (index + recordsPerPage); i++)
                    if (i < contacts.Count)
                        // Break if we have reached
                        // the end of the list.
                        continueList = false;

                // Pause to allow user to view records
                // before listing more records.
                if (Display.Pause("Press 'R' to return, or any key to view next "
                                  + recordsPerPage.ToString() + " records...")
                    .ToLower().Trim() == "r")
                    // Quit displaying contacts,
                    // if user typed 'q'.
                    continueList = false;

                //Set index to start where we left off
                index = i;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays query results so user can view them
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="results">Results.</param>
 public static void DisplayQueryResults(List <Contact> results)
     Display.Pause("***** SEARCH RESULTS *****");
     if (results.Count == 0)
         Display.Pause("No contacts found.");
         Display.Pause("Found "
                       + results.Count.ToString(Display.INT_DISPLAY_FORMAT)
                       + " contacts during our search...");
         Display.DisplayAllContacts(results, 1, 0, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Switches to the sort menu.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SwitchToSortMenu()
            string selection = "";

                // Stay in this menu until user wants
                // to go back to main menu
                while (selection != "r")
                    selection = Display.DisplaySortMenu(contacts.Count).Trim().ToLower();

                    switch (selection)
                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                    case "1":     // sort by last name
                        contacts = contacts.OrderBy(contact => contact.LastName).ToList();
                        Display.Pause("Contacts are now sorted by last name. \nGo back to main menu to view sorted list.");

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                    case "2":     // sort by first name
                        contacts = contacts.OrderBy(contact => contact.FirstName).ToList();
                        Display.Pause("Contacts are now sorted by first name. \nGo back to main menu to view sorted list."); break;

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                    case "3":     // sort by state and email
                        contacts = contacts.OrderBy(contact => contact.State).
                                   ThenBy(contact => contact.Email).ToList();
                        Display.Pause("Contacts are now sorted by state and email. \nGo back to main menu to view sorted list.");

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                    case "4":     // sort by state
                        contacts = contacts.OrderBy(contact => contact.State).ToList();
                        Display.Pause("Contacts are now sorted by state. \nGo back to main menu to view sorted list.");

                    case "5":     // sort by state and city
                        contacts = contacts.OrderBy(contact => contact.State).
                                   ThenBy(contact => contact.City).ToList();
                        Display.Pause("Contacts are now sorted by state and city.\nGo back to main menu to view sorted list.");

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                    case "6":     // sort by ID
                        contacts = contacts.OrderBy(contact => contact.ID).ToList();
                        Display.Pause("Contacts are now sorted by ID. \nGo back to main menu to view sorted list.");

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                    case "7":     // sort by state, city, and zip
                        contacts = contacts.OrderBy(contact => contact.State).
                                   ThenBy(contact => contact.City).
                                   ThenBy(contact => contact.Zip).ToList();
                        Display.Pause("Contacts are now sorted by state, city, and zip. \nGo back to main menu to view sorted list.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Display.Pause("Error: " + e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Switches to user query menu.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SwitchToUserQueryMenu()
            string selection = "";

                // Stay in this menu until user wants
                // to go back to main menu
                while (selection != "r")
                    // display the query menu options to the user
                    selection = Display.DisplayQueryMenu(contacts.Count).Trim().ToLower();

                    switch (selection)
                    case "1":     // find by last name

                        //let user type name to search for
                        string val = Display.GetUserInput("Enter last name to search: ").Trim();

                        if (val.Length > 0)
                            // search for and display results
                            List <Contact> results = ContactQuery.SearchLastName(contacts, val);


                    case "2":     //Find contacts with ID between (starting and ending number)
                        //let user type name to search for
                        string idVal1 = " ";
                        string idVal2 = " ";
                        int    id1    = 0;
                        int    id2    = 0;
                        int    tries  = 0;

                        //get starting id
                        while (tries <= 5 && (!Validation.IsNumeric(idVal1, ref id1) || idVal1 == ""))
                            idVal1 = Display.GetUserInput("Enter STARTING ID: ").Trim();

                        if (tries <= 5)
                            tries = 0;
                            // get ending id (only if starting id is good)
                            while (tries <= 5 && (!Validation.IsNumeric(idVal2, ref id2) || idVal2 == ""))
                                idVal2 = Display.GetUserInput("Enter ENDING ID: ").Trim();

                        if (id2 <= id1)
                            Display.Pause("The first ID value must be less than the second ID value.");
                            // search for and display results
                            List <Contact> results = ContactQuery.SearchIdRange(contacts, id1, id2);

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per assignment 4 instructions
                    case "3":     //Find contacts with common email domain (like: .aol, .gmail, .whatever)
                        // trim removes leading &/or trailing whitespace
                        string emailDomain = Display.GetUserInput("Enter email domain to search: ").Trim();
                        if (!Validation.IsValidUrl(emailDomain))
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid URL");
                            List <Contact> results = ContactQuery.FindByEmailDomain(contacts, emailDomain);

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per assignment 4 instructions
                    case "4":     // Find contacts within zip
                        string zip = Display.GetUserInput("Enter zip code to search: ").Trim();
                        if (zip.Length > 5 || zip.Length < 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Zip Code");
                            List <Contact> results = ContactQuery.FindByZip(contacts, zip);

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per assignment 4 instructions
                    case "5":     // Find contacts within state
                        string state = Display.GetUserInput("Enter state to search: ").Trim();
                        if (state.Length > 2 || state.Length < 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid State Format");
                            List <Contact> results = ContactQuery.FindByState(contacts, state);

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per assignment 4 instructions
                    case "6":     //Find contacts with first and last name
                        string firstName = Display.GetUserInput("Enter first name to search: ").Trim();
                        string lastName  = Display.GetUserInput("Enter last name to search: ").Trim();
                        if (!(firstName.Length > 0 || lastName.Length > 0))
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Name Format");
                            List <Contact> results = ContactQuery.FindByFirstAndLastName(contacts, firstName, lastName);

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per assignment 4 instructions
                    case "7":     //Find contacts with (first name, last name, and city)
                        Console.WriteLine("Search for substring within first & last names...");
                        firstName = Display.GetUserInput("Enter first name to search: ").Trim();
                        lastName  = Display.GetUserInput("Enter last name to search: ").Trim();
                        string city = Display.GetUserInput("Enter city to search: ").Trim();
                        if (!(firstName.Length > 0 || lastName.Length > 0 || city.Length > 0))
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Name Format");
                            List <Contact> results = ContactQuery.FindByFirstLastNameAndCity(contacts, firstName, lastName, city);

                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per assignment 4 instructions
                    case "8":     //Find contacts with substrings in (first name, last name)
                        firstName = Display.GetUserInput("Enter first name to search: ").Trim();
                        lastName  = Display.GetUserInput("Enter last name to search: ").Trim();
                        if (!(firstName.Length > 0 || lastName.Length > 0))
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Name Format");
                            List <Contact> results = ContactQuery.FindBySubStringInFirstAndLastName(contacts, firstName, lastName);
            catch (Exception e)
                Display.Pause("Error: " + e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Start out by loading up contacts into memory...
            Console.Write("Loading contacts.  Please wait...");
            if (File.Exists("MyContacts.dat"))
                // load existing contact data file...
                contacts = Contact.LoadContacts("MyContacts.dat");
                Display.Pause("There are "
                              + contacts.Count.ToString(Display.INT_DISPLAY_FORMAT)
                              + " contacts in your list.");
                //No .dat file exists yet.
                //Build it from csv
                contacts = BuildInitialContacList("us-50000.csv");

                Display.Pause("Built contact list from csv."
                              + "\nBe sure to SAVE YOUR NEW LIST before ending the program!");

                Display.Pause("There are "
                              + contacts.Count.ToString(Display.INT_DISPLAY_FORMAT)
                              + " contacts in your list.");

            string selection = "";

            // Display menu and keep program "alive"
            // until user presses Q for quit.
            while (selection != "q")
                    selection = Display.DisplayMainMenu

                    switch (selection)
                    case "1":     // save current contact list.
                        Contact.SaveContacts(contacts, "MyContacts.dat");

                        Display.Pause("Successfully saved "
                                      + contacts.Count.ToString(Display.INT_DISPLAY_FORMAT)
                                      + " contacts.");


                    case "2":     // modify contact list

                    case "3":     // view contacts

                    case "4":    // view specific contact
                        string id  = Display.GetUserInput("Enter contact ID: ");
                        int    val = 0;
                        if (!Validation.IsNumeric(id, ref val))
                            Display.Pause("Invalid ID; must be numeric.");
                            Contact contact = ContactQuery.FindByID(contacts, val);
                            if (contact == null)
                                Display.Pause("Contact with that ID not found.");

                    case "5":    // query contacts

                    case "6":     // sort contacts
                catch (Exception e)
                    Display.Pause("Error: " + e.Message);

            // save contact list before exiting...
            if (contacts.Count > 0)
                Contact.SaveContacts(contacts, "MyContacts.dat");

                Display.Pause("Successfully saved "
                              + contacts.Count.ToString(Display.INT_DISPLAY_FORMAT)
                              + " contacts.\nPress any key to exit program.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Switches to user contact menu.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SwitchToUserContactMenu()
            string selection = "";

                // Stay in this menu until user wants
                // to go back to main menu
                while (selection != "r")
                    selection = Display.DisplayContactMenu(contacts.Count).Trim().ToLower();

                    switch (selection)
                    case "a":     // load contacts


                    // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 3 instructions
                    case "d":     // delete existing contact from the list
                        Contact contact = null;
                        Display.Pause("Delete Contact...");
                        string val     = Display.GetUserInput("Enter ID to delete: ").Trim();
                        string confirm = "";

                        // check if id match is found
                        if (val.Length > 0)
                            int id = 0;

                            // search for and display results
                            if (Validation.IsNumeric(val, ref id))
                                contact = ContactQuery.FindByID(contacts, id);

                                if (contact != null)     // we have found the contact
                                    Display.Pause("Contact with that ID was not found.");
                                Display.Pause("Please enter a valid ID.");

                        // Now, allow user to delete the contact
                        if (contact != null)
                            confirm = Display.GetUserInput("Confirm Delete: Y/N\n");
                            if (confirm.Contains("y") || confirm.Contains("Y"))
                                Display.Pause("Contact Was Successfully Deleted");
                                Display.Pause("Deletion Canceled");

                    case "e":     // edit an existing contact in the list
            catch (Exception e)
                Display.Pause("Error: " + e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the user to enter new contacts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The enter contacts.</returns>
        public static void UserEnterContacts(List <Contact> contacts)
            // continue entering new contacts as long as user wishes
            // prompt if user wants to enter another contact

            string anotherUser = ""; // used for entering another conatct after successful entry


                Contact newContact = new Contact();
                /// <COPY>
                /// create deep copy of contact in case of bad input
                /// </COPY>
                Contact tempCopy = newContact.DeepCopy();

                /// <SEARCH ID>
                /// find available ID
                /// </SEARCH ID>
                // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/05/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                // automatically calculate ID
                // here I assume that the contact list should be able to grow beyond 50,000
                // I also assume that the contact list will not need to be reorganized if ever a contact
                //              is deleted, freeing up space in the list
                // In the case where there is an available ID somewhere in the list that is not at the end of the list
                //              the new contact will just be assigned that available slot
                int startingID = 1;
                tempCopy.ID = startingID;
                bool IDisAvailable = false;
                // reassure user the program has not crashed
                Console.WriteLine("Working on Finding Available ID");
                Console.WriteLine("This may take a few minuties...Please Wait...");
                while (IDisAvailable == false)
                    // loops through contact list & checks if any ID is available
                    // if the loop reaches the end of the contact list & no ID is available
                    // then the new contact is put at the end of the list...now the list has increased in size by 1
                    if (ContactQuery.FindByID(contacts, startingID) != null)
                        IDisAvailable = true;
                // now we have an available ID
                tempCopy.ID = startingID;

                Console.WriteLine("Enter contacts.  Leave name blank to stop entering...");
                Console.WriteLine("You have {0} contacts in your list."
                                  , contacts.Count.ToString(Display.INT_DISPLAY_FORMAT));

                // don't allow user to enter new contact info with duplicate names & phone #s
                // don't allow user to enter new contact info with bad phone, email, or url data
                string doAgain = ""; // if bad data, and user wants to reeneter data
                    string input = "";
                    Console.Write("First Name: ");
                    tempCopy.FirstName = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (tempCopy.FirstName.Trim().Length == 0)
                        //stop entering contacts

                    // continue entering rest of fields...
                    Console.Write("Last Name: ");
                    tempCopy.LastName = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.Write("Street Address: ");
                    tempCopy.Address = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.Write("City: ");
                    tempCopy.City = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.Write("State: ");
                    tempCopy.State = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.Write("Zip: ");
                    tempCopy.Zip = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.Write("County: ");
                    tempCopy.County = Console.ReadLine();

                    Console.Write("Company: ");
                    tempCopy.CompanyName = Console.ReadLine();

                        // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                        input = Display.GetUserInput("Phone1: ", false);
                        if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (Validation.IsValidUSPhoneNumber(input))
                                tempCopy.phone1IsValid = true;
                                tempCopy.Phone1        = input;
                                doAgain = "N"; // just in case
                                tempCopy.phone1IsValid = false;
                                tempCopy.dataIsValid   = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Phone Number Format...Contact Cannot be Entered");
                                doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Do you want to enter phone number 1 again? Y/N \n");
                            tempCopy.phone1IsValid = true;                    // user doesn't want contact to have a phone #
                            doAgain = "N";                                    // just in case
                    } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y")); // check phone 1 valid format...if not do loop
                    // if user entered incorrect data but does not want to retry
                    // then break out of data entry and return to menu
                    if ((tempCopy.phone1IsValid == false) && (!(doAgain.Contains("y") || doAgain.Contains("Y"))))
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // remove object that contained user's bad data

                        // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                        input = Display.GetUserInput("Phone2: ", false);
                        if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (Validation.IsValidUSPhoneNumber(input))
                                tempCopy.phone2IsValid = true;
                                tempCopy.Phone2        = input;
                                doAgain = "N"; // just in case
                                tempCopy.phone2IsValid = false;
                                tempCopy.dataIsValid   = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Phone Number Format...Contact Cannot be Entered");
                                doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Do you want to enter phone number 2 again? Y/N \n");
                            tempCopy.phone2IsValid = true;                    // user doesn't want contact to have a phone #
                            doAgain = "N";                                    // just in case
                    } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y")); // check phone 2 valid format...if not do loop
                    // if user entered incorrect data but does not want to retry
                    // then break out of data entry and return to menu
                    if ((tempCopy.phone2IsValid == false) && (!(doAgain.Contains("y") || doAgain.Contains("Y"))))
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // remove object that contained user's bad data

                        // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                        input = Display.GetUserInput("Email: ", false);
                        if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (Validation.IsValidEmail(input))
                                tempCopy.emailIsValid = true;
                                tempCopy.Email        = input;
                                doAgain = "N"; // just in case
                                tempCopy.emailIsValid = false;
                                tempCopy.dataIsValid  = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Email Format...Contact Cannot be Entered");
                                doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Do you want to enter email again? Y/N \n");
                            tempCopy.emailIsValid = true;                     // user doesn't want contact to have a phone #
                            doAgain = "N";                                    // just in case
                    } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y")); // check email valid format...if not do loop
                    // if user entered incorrect data but does not want to retry
                    // then break out of data entry and return to menu
                    if ((tempCopy.emailIsValid == false) && (!(doAgain.Contains("y") || doAgain.Contains("Y"))))
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // remove object that contained user's bad data

                        // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                        input = Display.GetUserInput("Web Page: ", false);
                        if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (Validation.IsValidUrl(input))
                                tempCopy.urlIsValid = true;
                                tempCopy.Web        = input;
                                doAgain             = "N"; // just in case
                                tempCopy.urlIsValid  = false;
                                tempCopy.dataIsValid = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid URL Format...Contact Cannot be Entered");
                                doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Do you want to enter URL again? Y/N \n");
                        else if (input.Trim().Length <= 0)
                            tempCopy.urlIsValid = true;                       // user doesn't want contact to have a website
                            doAgain             = "N";                        // just in case
                    } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y")); // check URL valid format...if not do loop
                    // if user entered incorrect data but does not want to retry
                    // then break out of data entry and return to menu
                    if ((tempCopy.urlIsValid == false) && (!(doAgain.Contains("y") || doAgain.Contains("Y"))))
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // remove object that contained user's bad data

                    // check if user already exists with same first & last names, & same phone1 & phone 2
                    List <Contact> duplicateNames =
                        ContactQuery.FindByFirstAndLastName(contacts, tempCopy.FirstName, tempCopy.LastName);
                    List <Contact> duplicatePhones =
                        ContactQuery.FindByPhoneNumbers1And2(contacts, tempCopy.Phone1, tempCopy.Phone2);

                    // queries found duplicate names and phone numbers
                    if (duplicateNames.Count > 0 && duplicatePhones.Count > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Duplicate Names and Phone Numbers NOT ALLOWED...Cannot Create Contact");
                        doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Would you like to reenter the names and phone numbers?");
                        break; // no duplicates
                } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y"));

                // no duplicates & correct data format
                // save edits to original
                if ((tempCopy.dataIsValid == true) && (!(doAgain.Contains("Y")) || (doAgain.Contains("y"))))
                    newContact.ID          = tempCopy.ID;
                    newContact.FirstName   = tempCopy.FirstName;
                    newContact.LastName    = tempCopy.LastName;
                    newContact.Address     = tempCopy.Address;
                    newContact.City        = tempCopy.City;
                    newContact.State       = tempCopy.State;
                    newContact.Zip         = tempCopy.Zip;
                    newContact.County      = tempCopy.County;
                    newContact.CompanyName = tempCopy.CompanyName;
                    newContact.Phone1      = tempCopy.Phone1;
                    newContact.Phone2      = tempCopy.Phone2;
                    newContact.Email       = tempCopy.Email;
                    newContact.Web         = tempCopy.Web;
                    contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID);          // delete copy
                    Console.WriteLine("New Contact Info: "); // display new contact to the user
                    contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // delete copy

                anotherUser = Display.Pause("Do you want to enter another new contact? Y/N \n");
            } while (anotherUser.Contains("Y") || anotherUser.Contains("y"));
        } // end of public static void UserEnterContacts method
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Users the edit contacts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contacts">Contacts.</param>
        public static void UserEditContacts(List <Contact> contacts)
            // Continue to allow user to edit contacts
            // until user enters nothing for an ID

            while (true)
                Contact contact = null;

                //let user type ID of contact to edit
                Console.WriteLine("Edit contacts.  Leave ID blank to stop editing...");
                string val     = Display.GetUserInput("Enter ID to edit: ").Trim();
                string doAgain = "";

                if (val.Length > 0)
                    int id = 0;

                    // search for and display results
                    if (Validation.IsNumeric(val, ref id))
                        contact = ContactQuery.FindByID(contacts, id);

                        if (contact != null) // we have found the contact
                            Display.Pause("Contact with that ID was not found.");
                        Display.Pause("Please enter a valid ID.");

                // Now, allow user to edit the contact
                if (contact != null)
                    /// <COPY>
                    /// create deep copy of contact in case of bad input
                    /// </COPY>
                    Contact tempCopy = contact.DeepCopy();

                    Console.WriteLine("Edit fields.  Leave a blank in any field that you do not wish to change.");

                    // Ask user for new values for each field.
                    // Assign the new value ONLY if one was provided.
                    // Otherwise, leave the old value in its place.
                    string input = Display.GetUserInput("First Name: ", false);
                    if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                        tempCopy.FirstName = input;

                    input = Display.GetUserInput("Last Name: ", false);
                    if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                        tempCopy.LastName = input;

                    input = Display.GetUserInput("Street Address: ", false);
                    if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                        tempCopy.Address = input;

                    input = Display.GetUserInput("City: ", false);
                    if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                        tempCopy.City = input;

                    input = Display.GetUserInput("State: ", false);
                    if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                        tempCopy.State = input;

                    input = Display.GetUserInput("Zip: ", false);
                    if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                        tempCopy.Zip = input;

                    input = Display.GetUserInput("County: ", false);
                    if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                        tempCopy.County = input;

                    input = Display.GetUserInput("Company: ", false);
                    if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                        tempCopy.CompanyName = input;

                        // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                        input = Display.GetUserInput("Phone1: ", false);
                        if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (Validation.IsValidUSPhoneNumber(input))
                                tempCopy.phone1IsValid = true;
                                tempCopy.Phone1        = input;
                                doAgain = "N"; // just in case
                                tempCopy.phone1IsValid = false;
                                tempCopy.dataIsValid   = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Phone Number Format...Contact Cannot be Entered");
                                doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Do you want to enter phone number 1 again? Y/N \n");
                            tempCopy.phone1IsValid = true;                    // user doesn't want contact to have a phone #
                            doAgain = "N";                                    // just in case
                    } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y")); // check phone 1 valid format...if not do loop
                    // if user entered incorrect data but does not want to retry
                    // then break out of data entry and return to menu
                    if ((tempCopy.phone1IsValid == false) && (!(doAgain.Contains("y") || doAgain.Contains("Y"))))
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // remove object that contained user's bad data

                        // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                        input = Display.GetUserInput("Phone2: ", false);
                        if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (Validation.IsValidUSPhoneNumber(input))
                                tempCopy.phone2IsValid = true;
                                tempCopy.Phone2        = input;
                                doAgain = "N"; // just in case
                                tempCopy.phone2IsValid = false;
                                tempCopy.dataIsValid   = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Phone Number Format...Contact Cannot be Entered");
                                doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Do you want to enter phone number 2 again? Y/N \n");
                            tempCopy.phone2IsValid = true;                    // user doesn't want contact to have a phone #
                            doAgain = "N";                                    // just in case
                    } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y")); // check phone 2 valid format...if not do loop
                    // if user entered incorrect data but does not want to retry
                    // then break out of data entry and return to menu
                    if ((tempCopy.phone2IsValid == false) && (!(doAgain.Contains("y") || doAgain.Contains("Y"))))
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // remove object that contained user's bad data

                        // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                        input = Display.GetUserInput("Email: ", false);
                        if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (Validation.IsValidEmail(input))
                                tempCopy.emailIsValid = true;
                                tempCopy.Email        = input;
                                doAgain = "N"; // just in case
                                tempCopy.emailIsValid = false;
                                tempCopy.dataIsValid  = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Email Format...Contact Cannot be Entered");
                                doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Do you want to enter email again? Y/N \n");
                            tempCopy.emailIsValid = true;                     // user doesn't want contact to have a phone #
                            doAgain = "N";                                    // just in case
                    } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y")); // check email valid format...if not do loop
                    // if user entered incorrect data but does not want to retry
                    // then break out of data entry and return to menu
                    if ((tempCopy.emailIsValid == false) && (!(doAgain.Contains("y") || doAgain.Contains("Y"))))
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // remove object that contained user's bad data

                        // edited by Garrett Rathke on 10/03/17 per Assignment 4 instructions
                        input = Display.GetUserInput("Web Page: ", false);
                        if (input.Trim().Length > 0)
                            if (Validation.IsValidUrl(input))
                                tempCopy.urlIsValid = true;
                                tempCopy.Web        = input;
                                doAgain             = "N"; // just in case
                                tempCopy.urlIsValid  = false;
                                tempCopy.dataIsValid = false;
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid URL Format...Contact Cannot be Entered");
                                doAgain = Display.GetUserInput("Do you want to enter URL again? Y/N \n");
                        else if (input.Trim().Length <= 0)
                            tempCopy.urlIsValid = true;                       // user doesn't want contact to have a website
                            doAgain             = "N";                        // just in case
                    } while (doAgain.Contains("Y") || doAgain.Contains("y")); // check URL valid format...if not do loop
                    // if user entered incorrect data but does not want to retry
                    // then break out of data entry and return to menu
                    if ((tempCopy.urlIsValid == false) && (!(doAgain.Contains("y") || doAgain.Contains("Y"))))
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID); // remove object that contained user's bad data

                    // check for all data valid
                    if (tempCopy.phone1IsValid == true &&
                        tempCopy.Phone2IsValid == true &&
                        tempCopy.emailIsValid == true &&
                        tempCopy.urlIsValid == true)
                        tempCopy.dataIsValid = true;
                        // save edits to original
                        contact.ID          = tempCopy.ID;
                        contact.FirstName   = tempCopy.FirstName;
                        contact.LastName    = tempCopy.LastName;
                        contact.Address     = tempCopy.Address;
                        contact.City        = tempCopy.City;
                        contact.State       = tempCopy.State;
                        contact.Zip         = tempCopy.Zip;
                        contact.County      = tempCopy.County;
                        contact.CompanyName = tempCopy.CompanyName;
                        contact.Phone1      = tempCopy.Phone1;
                        contact.Phone2      = tempCopy.Phone2;
                        contact.Email       = tempCopy.Email;
                        contact.Web         = tempCopy.Web;
                        contacts.RemoveAt(tempCopy.ID);             // delete copy
                        Console.WriteLine("Review your changes: "); // display final changes to the user