// Handles the Drop event for both ListViews.
        void OnListViewDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            if (e.Effects == DragDropEffects.None)

            DragDropTestChoreObject task = e.Data.GetData(typeof(DragDropTestChoreObject)) as DragDropTestChoreObject;

            if (sender == this.listView1)
                if (this.dragMgr1.IsDragInProgress)

                // An item was dragged from the bottom ListView into the top ListView
                // so remove that item from the bottom ListView.
                (this.listView2.ItemsSource as ObservableCollection <DragDropTestChoreObject>).Remove(task);
                if (this.dragMgr2.IsDragInProgress)

                // An item was dragged from the top ListView into the bottom ListView
                // so remove that item from the top ListView.
                (this.listView1.ItemsSource as ObservableCollection <DragDropTestChoreObject>).Remove(task);
        void Window1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Give the ListView an ObservableCollection of Task
            // as a data source.  Note, the ListViewDragManager MUST
            // be bound to an ObservableCollection, where the collection's
            // type parameter matches the ListViewDragManager's type
            // parameter (in this case, both have a type parameter of Task).
            ObservableCollection <DragDropTestChoreObject> tasks = DragDropTestChoreObject.CreateTasks();

            this.listView1.ItemsSource = tasks;

            this.listView2.ItemsSource = new ObservableCollection <DragDropTestChoreObject>();

            // This is all that you need to do, in order to use the ListViewDragManager.
            this.dragMgr1 = new ListViewDragDropManager <DragDropTestChoreObject>(this.listView1);
            this.dragMgr2 = new ListViewDragDropManager <DragDropTestChoreObject>(this.listView2);

            // Turn the ListViewDragManager on and off.
            this.chkManageDragging.Checked   += delegate { this.dragMgr1.ListView = this.listView1; };
            this.chkManageDragging.Unchecked += delegate { this.dragMgr1.ListView = null; };

            // Show and hide the drag adorner.
            this.chkDragAdorner.Checked   += delegate { this.dragMgr1.ShowDragAdorner = true; };
            this.chkDragAdorner.Unchecked += delegate { this.dragMgr1.ShowDragAdorner = false; };

            // Change the opacity of the drag adorner.
            this.sldDragOpacity.ValueChanged += delegate { this.dragMgr1.DragAdornerOpacity = this.sldDragOpacity.Value; };

            // Apply or remove the item container style, which responds to changes
            // in the attached properties of ListViewItemDragState.
            this.chkApplyContStyle.Checked   += delegate { this.listView1.ItemContainerStyle = this.FindResource("ItemContStyle") as Style; };
            this.chkApplyContStyle.Unchecked += delegate { this.listView1.ItemContainerStyle = null; };

            // Use or do not use custom drop logic.
            this.chkSwapDroppedItem.Checked   += delegate { this.dragMgr1.ProcessDrop += dragMgr_ProcessDrop; };
            this.chkSwapDroppedItem.Unchecked += delegate { this.dragMgr1.ProcessDrop -= dragMgr_ProcessDrop; };

            // Show or hide the lower ListView.
            this.chkShowOtherListView.Checked   += delegate { this.listView2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; };
            this.chkShowOtherListView.Unchecked += delegate { this.listView2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; };

            // Hook up events on both ListViews to that we can drag-drop
            // items between them.
            this.listView1.DragEnter += OnListViewDragEnter;
            this.listView2.DragEnter += OnListViewDragEnter;
            this.listView1.Drop      += OnListViewDrop;
            this.listView2.Drop      += OnListViewDrop;