Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks();

            //var book = books.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC++");
            //var book = books.First(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");
            var book       = books.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Title == "Bleh");
            var bookTwo    = books.Last(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");
            var pagedBooks = books.Skip(2).Take(3);
            var countBooks = books.Count();
            var maxPrice   = books.Max(b => b.Price);
            var sumBooks   = books.Sum(b => b.Price);

            //Null because "Bleh" doesn't exist
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                Console.WriteLine("Book is null");


            foreach (var pageBook in pagedBooks)
                Console.WriteLine("\n" + pageBook.Title + "| " + pageBook.Price);

            Console.WriteLine("\nTotal Books: " + countBooks);
            Console.WriteLine("\nMax Price: " + maxPrice);
            Console.WriteLine("\nSum Price: " + sumBooks);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks();

            //LINQ query Operators
            var cheapers = from b in books //always the first
                           where b.Price < 15
                           orderby b.Title
                           select b.Title; //always the last

            //LINQ extension methods
            var cheapBooks = books
                             .Where(a => a.Price < 15)
                             .OrderBy(a => a.Title)
                             .Select(b => b.Title + b.Price);

            books.Single(b => b.Title.Equals("Title 3")); //Single() return only and only the one object; if there isn't object like this, app thorws exception
                                                          //SingleOrDefault() will return null if there is not equilant object, no exception

            books.First(c => c.Title == "Title 1");       //First() returns the fist on the collection that satisfies this condition
                                                          // FirstOrDefault() return default value instead of exception

            books.Last(d => d.Title == "Title 2");        //Last() or LastOrDefault()

            books.Skip(1).Take(2);                        //skip the first one and take following 2

            var count = books.Count();                    //number of items in collection

            var mostexpensiveBook = books.Max(e => e.Price);

            foreach (var b in cheapBooks)

Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks();

            // LINQ Query Operators
            var cheapBooks2 =
                from b in books     // Defines b as books
                where b.Price < 10  // Filters books that are over $10
                orderby b.Title     // Orders the selection by title
                select b.Title;     // Converts the object elements to strings (book title)

            // LINQ Query Methods (is more powerful, since query uses keywords for methods, and not all of them have one)
            var cheapBooks = books
                             .Where(b => b.Price < 10)
                             .OrderBy(books => books.Title)
                             .Select(books => books.Title);

            foreach (var cheapBook in cheapBooks)

            // Some more examples of LINQ Extension Methods
            var book = books.SingleOrDefault(book => book.Title == "El Principito");   // Unlike Where(), this gets only one object

            // There's a Single Method, but that throws an exception if it doesn't find anything

            System.Console.WriteLine(book == null);         // Returns a book with that title, if not found returns null (default object value)

            var firstBook = books.First();                  // Gets the first book object
            var lastBook  = books.Last();                   // They can also receive delegates as arguments

            var pagedBooks = books.Skip(2).Take(3);         // It's gonna skip 2 books and store the following three

            var maxPrice     = books.Max(b => b.Price);     // Returns the max value specified (the price, in this case)
            var minPrice     = books.Min(b => b.Price);     // Returns the min value specified
            var sumPrice     = books.Sum(b => b.Price);     // Returns the sum of all elements (prices)
            var averagePrice = books.Average(b => b.Price); // Gets the average given value
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks();

            //without linq
            //var cheapBooks = new List<Book>();
            //foreach (var book in books)
            //    if (book.Price < 10)
            //        cheapBooks.Add(book);

            //with linq Extension methods:
            var cheapBooks = books.Where(b => b.Price < 10).OrderBy(b => b.Title); //can chain linq!
            //.Select is used for "projections" or "transformations".
            //the below code transforms a list of books into a list of strings.
            var cheapBooksTitleString = books.Select(b => b.Title);

            //more reader-friendly layout:
            var readerFriendly = books
                                 .Where(b => b.Price < 10)
                                 .OrderBy(b => b.Title)
                                 .Select(b => b.Title);

            foreach (var book in cheapBooks)
                Console.WriteLine($"{book.Title}, {book.Price}");

            //with LINQ query Operators:
            var cheaperBooks = from b in books
                               where b.Price < 10
                               orderby b.Title
                               select b.Title;


            //other LINQ methods
            var single = books.Single(b => b.Title == "Book 3"); //if it can't find, it will crash. It wants one and only one object, if you're not sure better to use...


            var singleOrDefault = books.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Title == "hmm doesnt exist"); //returns null if it can't find, better to avoid exception crashing

            Console.WriteLine(singleOrDefault == null);

            var first = books.First();                                      //gives first book
            var firstWithPredicate = books.First(b => b.Title == "Book 4"); //gives first book with that title, i.e. the one with price as $14.


            var firstOrDefault = books.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Title == "Book 08089"); //if nothing matches the lambda condition, it returns null without throwing exception

            var last          = books.Last();
            var lastOrDefault = books.LastOrDefault();

            var skip = books.Skip(2).Take(3); //this will skip the first 2, and take the next 3 to the new list.

            foreach (var book in skip)

            var count = books.Count();         //will be 5

            var max = books.Max(b => b.Price); //what does max mean? in this case, highest price.

            Console.WriteLine(max);            //this is the price itself.
            var min = books.Min(b => b.Price);


            var sum = books.Sum(b => b.Price); //sum based on price of books


            var averagePrice = books.Average(b => b.Price);

            Console.WriteLine(averagePrice); //float!
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks();

            // this is how you do it without LINQ
//            var cheapBooks = new List<Book>();
//            foreach (var book in books)
//            {
//                if (book.Price < 10)
//                {
//                    cheapBooks.Add(book);
//                }
//            }

            // LINQ Query Operators
            // equivalent to Extension Methods below
            var cheaperBooks = from b in books
                               where b.Price < 10
                               orderby b.Title
                               select b.Title;

            // LINQ Extension Methods: can chain methods
            // Select used for projections
            var cheapBooks = books
                             .Where(b => b.Price < 10)
                             .OrderBy(b => b.Title)
                             .Select(b => b.Title);

            foreach (var book in cheapBooks)
//                Console.WriteLine(book.Title + " " + book.Price);

            var singleBook          = books.Single(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC");
            var singleOrDefaultBook = books.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC++");
            var firstBook           = books.First(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");
            var firstOrDefaultBook  = books.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics++");
            var lastBook            = books.Last(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");

            Console.WriteLine(singleOrDefaultBook == null ? "null" : singleOrDefaultBook.Title);
            Console.WriteLine(firstBook.Title + " " + firstBook.Price);
            Console.WriteLine(firstOrDefaultBook == null ? "null" : firstOrDefaultBook.Title);
            Console.WriteLine(lastBook.Title + " " + lastBook.Price);

            Console.WriteLine("Paged Books:");
            var pagedBooks = books.Skip(2).Take(3);

            foreach (var pagedBook in pagedBooks)

            var count = books.Count();


            var maxPrice = books.Max(b => b.Price);


            var minPrice = books.Min(b => b.Price);


            var sumPrice = books.Sum(b => b.Price);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks();

            // LINQ Query Operators
            // var cheaperBooks =
            //     from b in books
            //     where b.Price < 10
            //     orderby b.Title
            //     select b.Title;

            books.Single(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC");            // one object

            books.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC++"); //no books match this condition, function returns null
            Console.WriteLine(books == null);

            var book = books.First(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics"); // First which match

            books.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");   // null if no books match

            books.Last(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");

            books.LastOrDefault(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics"); // null if no books match

            var pagedBooks = books.Skip(2).Take(3);                    // skip 2 object and take 3

            foreach (var pagedBook in pagedBooks)

            var countOfBooks = books.Count();

            var maxPrice = books.Max(b => b.Price);
            var minPrice = books.Min(b => b.Price);

            var totalPrices = books.Sum(b => b.Price);

            // books.Where() <- to filter and retun a list of books to match to a given condition
            // books.Single() <- to filter and return a one book
            // books.SingleOrDefault()  <- if don't find book return null

            // books.First()
            // books.FirstOrDefault()

            // books.Last()
            // books.LastOrDefault()

            // books.Min()
            // books.Max()
            // books.Count()
            // books.Sum()
            // books.Average(b => b.Price)

            // books.Skip(5).Take(3)

            // LINQ Extension Methods
            // var cheapBooks = books
            //                     .Where(b => b.Price < 10)
            //                     .OrderBy(b => b.Title)
            //                     .Select(b => b.Title);

            // foreach (var book in cheapBooks)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine(book);
            // }
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks();

            var cheapBooks = new List <Book>();

            foreach (var book in books)
                if (book.Price < 10)


            // LINQ Extension Methods

            var cheapBooks1 = books.Where(b => b.Price < 10);   // Lambda Expression ve where sorgusu

            // orderby kullanalım
            var cheapBooks2 = books.OrderBy(b => b.Title);

            // ucuca ekleyip, hem fiyata göre filtreleyip, hem Title a gore sıralayalım
            var cheapBooks3 = books.Where(b => b.Price < 10).OrderBy(b => b.Title);

            // ucuca ekleyip, hem fiyata göre filtreleyip, hem Title a gore sıralayalım. Select ekleyelim.
            // select projection veya transformation için kullanılıyormuş
            // sadece Title listesi oluştu yani string generic listesi
            var cheapBooks4 = books
                              .Where(b => b.Price < 10)
                              .OrderBy(b => b.Title)
                              .Select(b => b.Title);
            // (Yukarıdaki şekildeki gibi nokta, altsatırda devam etmeye, LINQ Extension Methods diyoruz.)

            // Single ile sadece tek birşey seçebiliriz. Fakat dikkat et, eğer o filtren bulunamazsa, app hata verir önlem de almamışsan
            var cheapBooks6 = books.Single(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC");

            // O objectin olmaması riski de varsa, SingleOrDefault kullanırız. Alttaki örnekte default olarak null gelir bulunamazsa...
            var cheapBooks7 = books.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Title == "ASP.NET MVC++");  // ++ eklediigimiz için bulunamıycak.

            // First, aynısından sadece ilkini bulur - bulamazsa hata verir
            var cheapBooks8 = books.First(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");

            // FirstOrDefault, ilki, ama hiç bulamazsa default olarak bu örnekte null
            var cheapBooks9 = books.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");

            // Last, aynısından sadece sonuncuyu bulur - bulamazsa hata verir
            var cheapBooks10 = books.Last(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");

            // LastOrDefault, sonuncusu, ama hiç bulamazsa default olarak bu örnekte null
            var cheapBooks11 = books.LastOrDefault(b => b.Title == "C# Advanced Topics");

            // Skip() ve Take() - ilk 2 tanesini atla, sonra 3 tanesini al
            var cheapBooks12 = books.Skip(2).Take(3);

            // SQL deki gibi Aggregate Func da var. mesela Count()
            var bookCount = books.Count();

            // SQL deki Max() - tabi price a göre max olmasını biz söylüycez - float type a return ediyor, çünkü class Books ta, Price type float
            var highestPrice = books.Max(b => b.Price);   // type: float

            // Min()
            var minPrice = books.Min(b => b.Price);  // type: float

            // Sum() - tüm kitapların fiyatı toplamı
            var totalPrice = books.Sum(b => b.Price);  // type: float

            // Average() - tüm kitapların ortalama fiyatı
            var avgPrice = books.Average(b => b.Price);  // type: float

            foreach (var book in cheapBooks)
                Console.WriteLine(book.Title + " " + book.Price);

            foreach (var book in cheapBooks4)

            foreach (var book in cheapBooks12)
                Console.WriteLine(book.Title + " " + book.Price);

            // LINQ Query Methods
            var cheapBooks5 = from b in books
                              where b.Price < 10
                              orderby b.Title
                              select b.Title;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var books = new BookRepository().GetBooks();

            Console.WriteLine("number of books:");
            var count = books.Count();


            Console.WriteLine("name of books:");
            foreach (var b in books)
                Console.WriteLine("Title: " + b);

            var cheapBooks = books
                             .Where(b => b.Price < 10)
                             .OrderBy(b => b.Title)
                             .Select(b => b.Title);

            foreach (var b in cheapBooks)
                Console.WriteLine("Title: " + b);

            Console.WriteLine("favourite book:");
            var book = books.Single(b => b.Title == "Solid Mechanics");


            Console.WriteLine("first book in collection:");
            var firstBook = books.First();

            Console.WriteLine("Title: " + firstBook.Title + ". Price: " + firstBook.Price);

            Console.WriteLine("last book in collection:");
            var lastBook = books.Last();

            Console.WriteLine("Title: " + lastBook.Title + ". Price: " + lastBook.Price);

            Console.WriteLine("books after skipping first three:");
            var remainingBooks = books.Skip(2).Take(2);

            foreach (var b in remainingBooks)

            Console.WriteLine("max price: ");
            var maxPrice = books.Max(b => b.Price);


            Console.WriteLine("min price: ");
            var minPrice = books.Min(b => b.Price);


            Console.WriteLine("total price: ");
            var totalPrice = books.Sum(b => b.Price);
