Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void DrawSolidTriangle(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float width, Color color, Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB, Vector2 pointC)
            float[] arrX = { pointA.X, pointB.X, pointC.X };
            float[] arrY = { pointA.Y, pointB.Y, pointC.Y };

            float minX = arrX.Min();
            float maxX = arrX.Max();
            float minY = arrY.Min();
            float maxY = arrY.Max();

            for (int Pointy = (int)minY; Pointy <= maxY; Pointy++)
                for (int Pointx = (int)minX; Pointx < maxX; Pointx++)
                    if (IsInTriangle(new Vector2(Pointx, Pointy), pointA, pointB, pointC))
                        LineDrawer.DrawPixel(spriteBatch, color, new Vector2(Pointx, Pointy));
        public static void DrawArc(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float width, Color color, Vector2 Position, float OuterRadius, float InnerRadius, float Arc, float Rotation, int Sides)
            float degrees = Arc / Sides;

            Vector2 OuterStart = AngleToV2(Rotation - Arc / 2, OuterRadius);
            Vector2 OuterEnd   = AngleToV2(Rotation + Arc / 2, OuterRadius);
            Vector2 InnerStart = AngleToV2(Rotation - Arc / 2, InnerRadius);
            Vector2 InnerEnd   = AngleToV2(Rotation + Arc / 2, InnerRadius);

            if (Sides < 3)
                Sides = 12;

            // Draw the Side of the Arc
            LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, Position + OuterStart, Position + InnerStart);
            LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, Position + OuterEnd, Position + InnerEnd);

            if (InnerRadius > 0)
                LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, Position + InnerStart, Position + InnerEnd);

            Vector2 Next;
            Vector2 Previous = OuterStart;

            for (int i = 1; i < Sides; i++)
                /// This is drawing the circle Counter Clock Wise)

                Next = AngleToV2((i * degrees) + (Rotation - Arc / 2), OuterRadius);
                LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, Position + Previous, Position + Next);

                // Debug Line
                //Console.WriteLine(i+"*" + (i * degrees) + "::" + Previous + "::" + Next);

                Previous = Next;
            LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, Position + Previous, Position + OuterEnd);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void DrawSolidTriangle(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float width, Color color, Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB, Vector2 pointC)
            float[] arrayX = { pointA.X, pointB.X, pointC.X };
            float[] arrayY = { pointA.Y, pointB.Y, pointC.Y };

            float xMin = arrayX.Min();
            float xMax = arrayX.Max();

            float yMin = arrayY.Min();
            float yMax = arrayY.Max();

            for (int yPt = (int)yMin; yPt <= yMax; yPt++)
                for (int xPt = (int)xMin; xPt <= xMax; xPt++)
                    if (InTriangle(new Vector2(xPt, yPt), pointA, pointB, pointC))
                        LineDrawer.DrawPixel(spriteBatch, color, new Vector2(xPt, yPt));
        public static void DrawEllipse(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float width, Color color, Vector2 Position, Vector2 Axis, float Rotation, Vector2 Center, int Sides)
            Vector2 RoationCenter = Vector2.Zero;

            if (Center != Vector2.Zero)
                RoationCenter = Center - Position;

            Vector2 Starting = RotatePoint(RoationCenter, Rotation, new Vector2(Axis.X, 0));
            Vector2 Next;
            Vector2 Previous = Starting;
            float   degrees  = 360 / Sides;


            if (Sides < 3)
                Sides = 36;

            for (int i = 1; i < Sides; i++)
                /// This is drawing the circle Counter Clock Wise)

                Next = RotatePoint(RoationCenter, Rotation, AngleToEllipseV2((i * degrees), 1.0f, Axis));
                LineDrawer.DrawLine2(spriteBatch, width, color, Position + Previous, Position + Next);

                // Debug Line
                //Console.WriteLine(i+"*" + (i * degrees) + "::" + Previous + "::" + Next);

                Previous = Next;

            LineDrawer.DrawLine2(spriteBatch, width, color, Position + Previous, Position + Starting);
        public static void DrawSolidRectangle(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color color, Rectangle Rec, float Roation, Vector2 Center)
            float width = Rec.Width;

            LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, RotatePoint(Center, Roation, new Vector2(Rec.Center.X, Rec.Bottom)), RotatePoint(Center, Roation, new Vector2(Rec.Center.X, Rec.Top)));
        public static void DrawSolidRectangle(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color color, Rectangle Rec)
            float width = Rec.Width;

            LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, new Vector2(Rec.Center.X, Rec.Bottom), new Vector2(Rec.Center.X, Rec.Top));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static void DrawTriangle(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float width, Color color, Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB, Vector2 pointC)
     LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, pointA, pointB);
     LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, pointB, pointC);
     LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, pointC, pointA);
 public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 Offset, float Rotation, Vector2 Scale)
     // TO DO: Add in code for Rotation around a Point that is not the Origin
     LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, LinePrimatives.RotatePoint(Vector2.Zero, Rotation, startPoint * Scale) + Offset, LinePrimatives.RotatePoint(Vector2.Zero, Rotation, endPoint * Scale) + Offset);
 public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 Offset)
     // TO DO: Add in code for Rotation around a Point that is not the Origin
     LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, startPoint + Offset, endPoint + Offset);
 public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
     LineDrawer.DrawLine(spriteBatch, width, color, startPoint, endPoint);