Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Establishes a session with the realm map provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engineSettings">The associated authentication engine's settings.</param>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// The fully qualified path to the ANSI encoded mapping file.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// This provider simply loads a static list of provider mappings from an
        /// ANSI encoded text file.  The mappings are specified one per line in
        /// the file.  The format for each mapping is:
        /// </para>
        /// <code language="none">
        ///     &lt;realm&gt;$$&lt;extension typeref&gt;$$&lt;args&gt;$$&lt;query&gt;
        /// </code>
        /// <para>
        /// where <b>realm</b> identifies the authentication realm, <b>extension typeref</b>
        /// specifies the type implementing <see cref="IAuthenticationExtension" /> formatted as
        /// specified for <see cref="Config.Parse(string,System.Type)" />, <b>args</b>
        /// are the provider arguments and <b>query</b> is the optional provider query
        /// string.  Note the use of <b>$$</b> as field separators.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Empty lines and comment lines beginning with "//" are ignored.  Note that
        /// environment variables embedded in the realm mappings will be expanded before
        /// the mapping is processed.  Environment variables are formatted as <b>$(variable)</b>.
        /// See <see cref="EnvironmentVars" /> for a list of the build-in environment
        /// variables.
        /// </para>
        /// <code language="none">
        /// // This is a comment line
        /// lilltek.com$$LillTek.Datacenter.Server.FileAuthenticationExtension:LillTek.Datacenter.Server.dll$$path=c:\lilltek.txt$$
        /// test.com$$LillTek.Datacenter.Server.FileAuthenticationExtension:LillTek.Datacenter.Server.dll$$path=c:\test.txt$$
        /// </code>
        /// <note>
        /// Every call to <see cref="Open" /> should be matched by a call to
        /// <see cref="Close" /> or <see cref="Dispose" />.
        /// </note>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException">Thrown if there's an error loading the map.</exception>
        public void Open(AuthenticationEngineSettings engineSettings, string path)
            using (TimedLock.Lock(this))
                if (IsOpen)
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Provider is already open.");

                this.path           = path;
                this.engineSettings = engineSettings;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engineSettings">The <see cref="AuthenticationEngineSettings" />.</param>
        /// <param name="realm">The realm string.</param>
        /// <param name="extensionType">The <see cref="IAuthenticationExtension" /> type.</param>
        /// <param name="args">The realm and provider arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="query">The optional provider query.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// See the <see cref="RealmMapping" /> comments for a description of the
        /// realm settings retrieved from the <b>args</b> parameter and the
        /// comments for the specific <see cref="IAuthenticationExtension" />
        /// implementation for a description of the provider specific arguments.
        /// </remarks>
        public RealmMapping(AuthenticationEngineSettings engineSettings, string realm, System.Type extensionType, ArgCollection args, string query)
            this.Realm         = realm;
            this.ExtensionType = extensionType;
            this.ExtensionName = extensionType.Name;
            this.Args          = args;
            this.Query         = query;
            this.AuthExtension = null;

            this.LockoutCount     = args.Get("LockoutCount", engineSettings.LockoutCount);
            this.LockoutThreshold = args.Get("LockoutThreshold", engineSettings.LockoutThreshold);
            this.LockoutTime      = args.Get("LockoutTime", engineSettings.LockoutTime);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Static members

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the settings for a <see cref="AuthenticationEngine" /> instance
        /// from the application configuration, using the specified configuration
        /// key prefix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyPrefix">The application configuration key prefix.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="AuthenticationEngineSettings" /> instance.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The <see cref="AuthenticationEngine" /> settings are loaded from the application
        /// configuration, under the specified key prefix.  The following
        /// settings are recognized by the class:
        /// </para>
        /// <div class="tablediv">
        /// <table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0" ID="Table1">
        /// <tr valign="top">
        /// <th width="1">Setting</th>
        /// <th width="1">Default</th>
        /// <th width="90%">Description</th>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>RealmMapLoadInterval</td>
        ///     <td>10m</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     The interval at which the realm map will be reloaded.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>CacheTTL</td>
        ///     <td>10m</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     The maximuim time an authentication result should be cached by the engine.
        ///     Use 0 to disable caching.  This overrides the MaxCacheTime time returned by an
        ///     authentication source if this number is smaller.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>MaxCacheSize</td>
        ///     <td>100000</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     The maximum number of cached authentication success results.  Use 0 to disable
        ///     caching.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>NakCacheTTL</td>
        ///     <td>15m</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Specifies the maximum time a failed authentication attempt should be
        ///     cached.  Set this to <see cref="TimeSpan.Zero" /> to
        ///     disable NAK caching.  Note that the actual time a failed attempt will
        ///     be cached is the minimum of this value and <b>LockoutThreshold</b>
        ///     or <b>LockoutTime</b> depending on whether the account has been
        ///     locked.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>MaxNakCacheSize</td>
        ///     <td>100000</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     The maximum number of cached authentication failure results.  This overrides the
        ///     MaxCacheTime time returned by an authentication source if this number is smaller.
        ///     Use 0 to disable NAK caching.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>CacheFlushInterval</td>
        ///     <td>1m</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     The interval between authentication success and failure cache flushes.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>BkTaskInterval</td>
        ///     <td>5s</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     The interval at which engine background tasks are scheduled.  These
        ///     tasks include periodically reloading the realm map and flushing the
        ///     authentication cache.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>LogAuthSuccess</td>
        ///     <td>true</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Indicates whether successful login attempts should be logged.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>LogAuthFailure</td>
        ///     <td>true</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Indicates whether failed login attempts should be logged.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>LockoutCount</td>
        ///     <td>5</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     Indicates the default maximum number of failed authentication requests
        ///     to be allowed for a realm/account combinations for nonexistent realms
        ///     before the account will be locked out.  This parameter can be overridden
        ///     for specific realms.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>LockoutThreshold</td>
        ///     <td>1m</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     The default period of time that can elapse between failed authentication
        ///     attempts where the failed attempts will <b>not</b> be counted against the
        ///     <see cref="LockoutCount" />.  Set this to <see cref="TimeSpan.Zero" />
        ///     to disable account lockout for the realm.  This parameter can be overridden
        ///     for specific realms.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// <tr valign="top">
        ///     <td>LockoutTime</td>
        ///     <td>5m</td>
        ///     <td>
        ///     The default period of time an account will remain locked after being locked
        ///     out due to too many failed authentication attempts.  This parameter can be overridden
        ///     for specific realms.
        ///     </td>
        /// </tr>
        /// </table>
        /// </div>
        /// </remarks>
        public static AuthenticationEngineSettings LoadConfig(string keyPrefix)
            var settings = new AuthenticationEngineSettings();
            var config   = new Config(keyPrefix);

            settings.RealmMapLoadInterval = config.Get("RealmMapLoadInterval", settings.RealmMapLoadInterval);
            settings.CacheTTL             = config.Get("CacheTTL", settings.CacheTTL);
            settings.MaxCacheSize         = config.Get("MaxCacheSize", settings.MaxCacheSize);
            settings.NakCacheTTL          = config.Get("NakCacheTTL", settings.NakCacheTTL);
            settings.MaxNakCacheSize      = config.Get("MaxNakCacheSize", settings.MaxNakCacheSize);
            settings.CacheFlushInterval   = config.Get("CacheFlushInterval", settings.CacheFlushInterval);
            settings.BkTaskInterval       = config.Get("BkTaskInterval", settings.BkTaskInterval);
            settings.LogAuthSuccess       = config.Get("LogAuthSuccess", settings.LogAuthSuccess);
            settings.LogAuthFailure       = config.Get("LogAuthFailure", settings.LogAuthFailure);
            settings.LockoutCount         = config.Get("LockoutCount", settings.LockoutCount);
            settings.LockoutThreshold     = config.Get("LockoutThreshold", settings.LockoutThreshold);
            settings.LockoutTime          = config.Get("LockoutTime", settings.LockoutTime);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Establishes a session with the realm map provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engineSettings">The associated authentication engine's settings.</param>
        /// <param name="key">
        /// The configuration key holding the ODBC connection string and query
        /// (see the remarks section for more information.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The <b>key</b> parameter is passed as the fully qualified name of
        /// the configuration key that specifies the ODBC connection string as
        /// well as the SQL query to be used to retrieve the realm map from the
        /// data source.  The key value must be formatted as:
        /// </para>
        /// <code language="none">
        ///     &lt;connection string&gt;$$&lt;query&gt;
        /// </code>
        /// <para>
        /// where <b>connection string</b> is the ODBC connection string and
        /// <b>query</b> is the SQL query or stored procedure call that returns
        /// the realm map as a result set.
        /// </para>
        /// <note>
        /// Every call to <see cref="Open" /> should be matched by a call to
        /// <see cref="Close" /> or <see cref="Dispose" />.
        /// </note>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException">Thrown if there's an opening the provider.</exception>
        public void Open(AuthenticationEngineSettings engineSettings, string key)
            string value;

            string[] fields;

            using (TimedLock.Lock(this))
                if (IsOpen)
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Provider is already open.");

                this.engineSettings = engineSettings;

                value = Config.Global.Get(key);
                if (value == null)
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Configuration key [{0}] not found.", key);

                fields = value.Split(new string[] { "$$" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (fields.Length != 2)
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Expected [<ODBC connection string>$$<query>] in configuration key[{0}].", key);

                conString = fields[0].Trim();
                query     = fields[1].Trim();

                if (conString == string.Empty)
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Invalid ODBC connection string in key [{0}].", key);

                if (query == string.Empty)
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Missing query in key [{0}].", key);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Establishes a session with the realm map provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engineSettings">The associated authentication engine's settings.</param>
        /// <param name="key">
        /// This is simply the name of the configuration array that holds the
        /// static realm mappings.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// This provider simply loads a static list of provider mappings from the
        /// application's configuration settings.  The mappings are loaded from
        /// the configuration key array specified by the <b>key</b> parameter.
        /// Each element in the array specifies a single realm mapping.  The format
        /// of each is mapping is:
        /// </para>
        /// <code language="none">
        ///     &lt;realm&gt;$$&lt;extension typeref&gt;$$&lt;args&gt;$$&lt;query&gt;
        /// </code>
        /// <para>
        /// where <b>realm</b> identifies the authentication realm, <b>extension typeref</b>
        /// specifies the type implementing <see cref="IAuthenticationExtension" /> formatted as
        /// specified for <see cref="Config.Parse(string,System.Type)" />, <b>key</b>
        /// are the provider arguments and <b>query</b> is the optional provider query
        /// string.  Note the use of <b>$$</b> as field separators.  Here's an example
        /// configuration:
        /// </para>
        /// <code language="none">
        /// realm-map[0] = lilltek.com$$LillTek.Datacenter.Server.FileAuthenticationExtension:LillTek.Datacenter.Server.dll$$path=c:\lilltek.txt$$
        /// realm-map[1] = test.com$$LillTek.Datacenter..Server.FileAuthenticationExtension:LillTek.Datacenter.Server.dll$$path=c:\test.txt$$
        /// </code>
        /// <note>
        /// Every call to <see cref="Open" /> should be matched by a call to
        /// <see cref="Close" /> or <see cref="Dispose" />.
        /// </note>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="AuthenticationException">Thrown if there's an error loading the map.</exception>
        public void Open(AuthenticationEngineSettings engineSettings, string key)
            string[] configMap;

            using (TimedLock.Lock(this))
                if (IsOpen)
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Provider is already open.");

                this.engineSettings = engineSettings;

                configMap = Config.Global.GetArray(key);
                if (configMap == null)
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Configuration key [{0}] not found.", key);

                realmMap = new List <RealmMapping>();
                foreach (string map in configMap)
                    string[]    fields;
                    string      realm;
                    System.Type providerType;
                    string      args;
                    string      query;

                    fields = map.Split(new string[] { "$$" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    if (fields.Length != 4)
                        throw new AuthenticationException("Four realm map fields expected: [{0}]", map);

                    realm = fields[0].Trim();
                    args  = fields[2].Trim();
                    query = fields[3].Trim();

                    if (realm.Length == 0)
                        throw new AuthenticationException("<realm> field cannot be empty.");

                    providerType = Config.Parse(fields[1], (System.Type)null);
                    if (providerType == null)
                        throw new AuthenticationException("Unable to instantiate provider class: [{0}]", fields[1]);

                    for (int i = 0; i < realmMap.Count; i++)
                        if (String.Compare(realmMap[i].Realm, realm, true) == 0)
                            throw new AuthenticationException("Duplicate realm: {0}", realm);

                    realmMap.Add(new RealmMapping(engineSettings, realm, providerType, new ArgCollection(EnvironmentVars.Expand(args)), query));