internal void ReinitObject(object obj, XElement el)
         obj.GetType(), out _, out _, out var contentProperty, out _);
     if (contentProperty != null)
         var list = contentProperty.GetValue(obj) as IList;
     FillObject(obj, el, null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public string StylesheetToLua(string source)
            var elem = XElement.Parse(source);
            var obj  = UiXmlReflection.Instantiate(elem.Name.ToString());

            if (obj.GetType() != typeof(Stylesheet))
                throw new Exception();
            var x = ParseObject(typeof(Stylesheet), elem, null);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public (string, string) LuaClassDesigner(string xmlSource, string className)
            var elem = XElement.Parse(xmlSource, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace | LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);
            var obj  = UiXmlReflection.Instantiate(elem.Name.ToString());
            var x    = FillObject(obj, elem, null);

            if (obj is UiWidget widget)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(widget.ClassName))
                    className = widget.ClassName;

            return(className, x.PrintClassInit(className, "Widget"));
        public object FromString(string source, List <XmlObjectMap> objectMaps)
            var elem = XElement.Parse(source, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace | LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);
            var obj  = UiXmlReflection.Instantiate(elem.Name.ToString());

            FillObject(obj, elem, objectMaps);
            if (objectMaps != null)
                objectMaps.Sort((a, b) =>
                    var comp1 = a.Line.CompareTo(b.Line);
                    if (comp1 != 0)
        public void FillObject(object obj, XElement el, List <XmlObjectMap> objectMaps)
                out Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> elements,
                out Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> attributes,
                out PropertyInfo contentProperty,
                out PropertyInfo reinitProperty
            if (reinitProperty != null)
                var handle = new UiRecreateHandle()
                    Element = el, Object = obj, Loader = this
                reinitProperty.SetValue(obj, handle);
            if (objectMaps != null)
                var li = (IXmlLineInfo)el;
                objectMaps.Add(new XmlObjectMap()
                    Line    = li.LineNumber,
                    Column  = li.LinePosition,
                    Element = el,
                    Object  = obj
            Dictionary <string, InterfaceColor> interfaceColors = new Dictionary <string, InterfaceColor>();
            Dictionary <string, InterfaceModel> interfaceModels = new Dictionary <string, InterfaceModel>();
            Dictionary <string, InterfaceImage> interfaceImages = new Dictionary <string, InterfaceImage>();

            foreach (var clr in Resources.Colors)
                interfaceColors.Add(clr.Name, clr);
            foreach (var clr in Resources.Models)
                interfaceModels.Add(clr.Name, clr);
            foreach (var clr in Resources.Images)
                interfaceImages.Add(clr.Name, clr);
            foreach (var attr in el.Attributes())
                var          pname = attr.Name.ToString();
                PropertyInfo property;
                if (attributes.TryGetValue(pname, out property))
                    object value = null;
                    var    ptype = property.PropertyType;
                    if (ptype.IsEnum)
                        value = Enum.Parse(ptype, attr.Value, true);
                    else if (ptype == typeof(InterfaceColor))
                        InterfaceColor color;
                        if (!interfaceColors.TryGetValue(attr.Value, out color))
                            color = new InterfaceColor()
                                Color = Parser.Color(attr.Value)
                        value = color;
                    else if (ptype == typeof(InterfaceModel) && interfaceModels.TryGetValue(attr.Value, out var model))
                        value = model;
                    else if (ptype == typeof(InterfaceImage) && interfaceImages.TryGetValue(attr.Value, out var image))
                        value = image;
                    else if (ptype == typeof(string))
                        value = attr.Value;
                        value = Convert.ChangeType(attr.Value, ptype, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    property.SetValue(obj, value);
                    //Throw error?

            foreach (var child in el.Elements())
                var          childName = child.Name.ToString();
                PropertyInfo property  = null;
                if (childName.Contains("."))
                    childName = childName.Split('.')[1];
                    if (!elements.TryGetValue(childName, out property))
                        throw new Exception($"{el.Name} does not have property {childName}");
                if (property != null)
                    var v = property.GetValue(obj);
                    if (v is IList list)
                        var listType = property.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
                        if (!PrimitiveList(child, list, listType))
                            foreach (var itemXml in child.Elements())
                                var item = Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
                                FillObject(item, itemXml, objectMaps);
                    else if (v is IDictionary dict)
                        var keyType   = property.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
                        var valueType = property.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[1];
                        if (!PrimitiveDictionary(child, dict, keyType, valueType))
                            foreach (var itemXml in child.Elements())
                                var item = Activator.CreateInstance(valueType);
                                FillObject(item, itemXml, objectMaps);
                                var key = GetDictionaryKey(itemXml, keyType);
                                dict[key] = item;
                    else if (property.SetMethod != null)
                        var newValue = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType);
                        FillObject(newValue, child, objectMaps);
                        property.SetValue(obj, newValue);
                    if (contentProperty == null)
                        throw new Exception($"{obj.GetType().FullName} lacks UiContentAttribute property");
                    var content = UiXmlReflection.Instantiate(child.Name.ToString());
                    FillObject(content, child, objectMaps);
                    var containerValue = contentProperty.GetValue(obj);
                    if (containerValue is IList list)
                        contentProperty.SetValue(obj, content);

                if (objectMaps != null)
                    var nEnd = child.NodesAfterSelf().FirstOrDefault();
                    var li   = (IXmlLineInfo)nEnd;
                    objectMaps.Add(new XmlObjectMap()
                        Line   = li.LineNumber,
                        Column = li.LinePosition,
                        Object = obj
Ejemplo n.º 6
        UiLoadedObject ParseObjectInternal(
            Type objType,
            XElement el,
            List <XmlObjectMap> objectMaps,
            Dictionary <string, InterfaceColor> interfaceColors,
            Dictionary <string, InterfaceModel> interfaceModels,
            Dictionary <string, InterfaceImage> interfaceImages
                out Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> elements,
                out Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> attributes,
                out PropertyInfo contentProperty,
                out PropertyInfo reinitProperty
            var result = new UiLoadedObject(objType);
            List <UiLoadedObject> contentObjects = null;
            bool isContentList = false;

            if (contentProperty != null)
                isContentList = Activator.CreateInstance(contentProperty.PropertyType) is IList;
                if (isContentList)
                    contentObjects = new List <UiLoadedObject>();

            if (reinitProperty != null)
                result.Setters.Add(new UiSimpleProperty(reinitProperty, new UiRecreateHandle(result)));
            if (objectMaps != null)
                var li = (IXmlLineInfo)el;
                objectMaps.Add(new XmlObjectMap()
                    Line    = li.LineNumber,
                    Column  = li.LinePosition,
                    Element = el,
                    Object  = result
            foreach (var attr in el.Attributes())
                var          pname = attr.Name.ToString();
                PropertyInfo property;
                if (attributes.TryGetValue(pname, out property))
                    object value = null;
                    var    ptype = property.PropertyType;
                    if (ptype.IsEnum)
                        value = Enum.Parse(ptype, attr.Value, true);
                    else if (ptype == typeof(InterfaceColor))
                        InterfaceColor color;
                        if (!interfaceColors.TryGetValue(attr.Value, out color))
                            color = new InterfaceColor()
                                Color = Parser.Color(attr.Value)
                        value = color;
                    else if (ptype == typeof(InterfaceModel) && interfaceModels.TryGetValue(attr.Value, out var model))
                        value = model;
                    else if (ptype == typeof(InterfaceImage) && interfaceImages.TryGetValue(attr.Value, out var image))
                        value = image;
                    else if (ptype == typeof(string))
                        value = attr.Value;
                        value = Convert.ChangeType(attr.Value, ptype, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    result.Setters.Add(new UiSimpleProperty(property, value));
                    //Throw error?
            foreach (var child in el.Elements())
                var          childName = child.Name.ToString();
                PropertyInfo property  = null;
                if (childName.Contains("."))
                    childName = childName.Split('.')[1];
                    if (!elements.TryGetValue(childName, out property))
                        throw new Exception($"{el.Name} does not have property {childName}");
                if (property != null)
                    var v = Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType);
                    if (v is IList list)
                        var listType = property.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
                        if (PrimitiveList(property, child, listType, out var primlist))
                            var objs = new List <UiLoadedObject>();
                            foreach (var itemXml in child.Elements())
                                var nt = UiXmlReflection.Instantiate(itemXml.Name.ToString()).GetType();
                                objs.Add(ParseObjectInternal(nt, itemXml, objectMaps, interfaceColors, interfaceModels, interfaceImages));

                            result.Setters.Add(new UiComplexList(property, objs.ToArray()));
                    else if (v is IDictionary dict)
                        var keyType   = property.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
                        var valueType = property.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[1];
                        if (PrimitiveDictionary(child, property, keyType, valueType, out var primdict))
                            var keys   = new List <object>();
                            var values = new List <UiLoadedObject>();
                            foreach (var itemXml in child.Elements())
                                var nt = UiXmlReflection.Instantiate(itemXml.Name.ToString()).GetType();
                                values.Add(ParseObjectInternal(nt, itemXml, objectMaps, interfaceColors, interfaceModels, interfaceImages));
                                keys.Add(GetDictionaryKey(itemXml, keyType));
                            result.Setters.Add(new UiComplexDictionary(property, keys.ToArray(), values.ToArray()));
                    else if (property.SetMethod != null)
                        var obj = ParseObjectInternal(property.PropertyType, child, objectMaps, interfaceColors,
                                                      interfaceModels, interfaceImages);
                        result.Setters.Add(new UiComplexProperty(property, obj));
                    if (contentProperty == null)
                        throw new Exception($"{objType.FullName} lacks UiContentAttribute property");
                    var nt      = UiXmlReflection.Instantiate(child.Name.ToString()).GetType();
                    var content = ParseObjectInternal(nt, child, objectMaps, interfaceColors, interfaceModels,
                    if (isContentList)
                        result.Setters.Add(new UiComplexProperty(contentProperty, content));
                if (objectMaps != null)
                    var nEnd = child.NodesAfterSelf().FirstOrDefault();
                    var li   = (IXmlLineInfo)nEnd;
                    objectMaps.Add(new XmlObjectMap()
                        Line   = li.LineNumber,
                        Column = li.LinePosition,
                        Object = result
            if (isContentList)
                result.Setters.Add(new UiComplexList(contentProperty, contentObjects.ToArray()));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public object NewObject(string obj) => UiXmlReflection.Instantiate(obj);