/// <summary>
 /// ShipmentContainerCollectionContainer class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public ShipmentContainerCollectionContainer()
     _uNDGCollection = new List<UNDG>();
     _organizationAddressCollection = new List<OrganizationAddress>();
     _customsReferenceCollection = new List<CustomsReference>();
     _customizedFieldCollection = new List<CustomizedField>();
     _additionalServiceCollection = new List<AdditionalService>();
     _addInfoGroupCollection = new List<AddInfoGroup>();
     _addInfoCollection = new List<AddInfo>();
     _weightUnit = new UnitOfWeight();
     _volumeUnit = new UnitOfVolume();
     _messageStatus = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _lengthUnit = new UnitOfLength();
     _goodsValueCurrency = new Currency();
     _fCL_LCL_AIR = new ContainerMode();
     _customsContainerSize = new CodeDescriptionPair2Char();
     _containerType = new ShipmentContainerCollectionContainerContainerType();
     _containerStatus = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _containerQuality = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _commodity = new Commodity();
     _airVentFlowRateUnit = new CodeDescriptionPair();
 /// <summary>
 /// Shipment class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public Shipment()
     _transportLegCollection = new List<ShipmentTransportLeg>();
     _subShipmentCollection = new List<Shipment>();
     _relatedShipmentCollection = new List<Shipment>();
     _preCarriageShipmentCollection = new List<Shipment>();
     _postCarriageShipmentCollection = new List<Shipment>();
     _parentShipmentCollection = new List<Shipment>();
     _packingLineCollection = new List<PackingLine>();
     _organizationAddressCollection = new List<OrganizationAddress>();
     _noteCollection = new List<Note>();
     _instructionCollection = new List<ShipmentInstruction>();
     _entryNumberCollection = new List<ShipmentEntryNumber>();
     _entryHeaderCollection = new List<EntryHeader>();
     _dateCollection = new List<Date>();
     _customsReferenceCollection = new List<CustomsReference>();
     _customizedFieldCollection = new List<CustomizedField>();
     _containerCollection = new ShipmentContainerCollection();
     _additionalReferenceCollection = new ShipmentAdditionalReferenceCollection();
     _additionalBillCollection = new List<ShipmentAdditionalBill>();
     _addInfoGroupCollection = new List<AddInfoGroup>();
     _addInfoCollection = new List<AddInfo>();
     _order = new ShipmentOrder();
     _localProcessing = new ShipmentLocalProcessing();
     _carrierDocumentsOverride = new ShipmentCarrierDocumentsOverride();
     _wayBillType = new WayBillType();
     _warehouseReleaseStatus = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _vesselCountryOfRegistration = new Country();
     _transportMode = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _transportBookingDirection = new ShipmentTransportBookingDirection();
     _totalWeightUnit = new UnitOfWeight();
     _totalVolumeUnit = new UnitOfVolume();
     _totalPreallocatedWeightUnit = new UnitOfWeight();
     _totalPreallocatedVolumeUnit = new UnitOfVolume();
     _totalNoOfPacksPackageType = new PackageType();
     _shipperCODPayMethod = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _shippedOnBoard = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _shipmentType = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _shipmentSubType = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _shipmentStatus = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _shipmentIncoTerm = new IncoTerm();
     _serviceLevel = new ServiceLevel();
     _screeningStatus = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _releaseType = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _ratingTransportMode = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _portOfOrigin = new UNLOCO();
     _portOfLoading = new UNLOCO();
     _portOfFirstArrival = new UNLOCO();
     _portOfDischarge = new UNLOCO();
     _portOfDestination = new UNLOCO();
     _portMessaging = new PortMessaging();
     _portLastForeign = new UNLOCO();
     _portFirstForeign = new UNLOCO();
     _paymentMethod = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _outerPacksPackageType = new PackageType();
     _operationalStatus = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _messageType = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _messageSubType = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _messageStatus = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _mergeBy = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _localTransportJobType = new CodeDescriptionPair4Char();
     _localTransportEquipmentNeeded = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _jobCosting = new ShipmentJobCosting();
     _isNeutralMaster = new IsNeutralMaster();
     _insuranceValueCurrency = new Currency();
     _hBLAWBChargesDisplay = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _goodsValueCurrency = new Currency();
     _goodsOrigin = new Country();
     _freightRateCurrency = new Currency();
     _exportGoodsType = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _entryStatus = new EntryStatus();
     _eFTMode = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _customsContainerMode = new ContainerMode();
     _customsBroker = new Staff();
     _countryOfSupply = new Country();
     _containerMode = new ContainerMode();
     _consolidatedCargoStatus = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _consolCosts = new ShipmentConsolCosts();
     _commercialInfo = new CommercialInfo();
     _carrierServiceLevel = new ServiceLevel();
     _carrierCorrectedWeightUnit = new UnitOfWeight();
     _carrierCorrectedVolumeUnit = new UnitOfVolume();
     _branch = new Branch();
     _aWBServiceLevel = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _dataContext = new DataContext();
 /// <summary>
 /// CommercialInfoCommercialInvoiceCommercialInvoiceLine class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CommercialInfoCommercialInvoiceCommercialInvoiceLine()
     _organizationAddressCollection = new List<OrganizationAddress>();
     _entryReferenceCollection = new List<CommercialInfoCommercialInvoiceCommercialInvoiceLineEntryReference>();
     _customsReferenceCollection = new List<CustomsReference>();
     _customizedFieldCollection = new List<CustomizedField>();
     _commercialChargeCollection = new List<CommercialCharge>();
     _addInfoGroupCollection = new List<AddInfoGroup>();
     _addInfoCollection = new List<AddInfo>();
     _weightUnit = new UnitOfWeight();
     _volumeUnit = new UnitOfVolume();
     _netWeightUnit = new UnitOfWeight();
     _invoiceQuantityUnit = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _hazardousMaterial = new CommercialInfoCommercialInvoiceCommercialInvoiceLineHazardousMaterial();
     _customsQuantityUnit = new CodeDescriptionPair();
     _countryOfOrigin = new Country();
     _containerMode = new ContainerMode();
     _commodity = new Commodity();
     _bondedWarehouseQuantityUnit = new CodeDescriptionPair();
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out ContainerMode obj)
     Exception exception = null;
     return LoadFromFile(fileName, out obj, out exception);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes xml markup from file into an ContainerMode object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">string xml file to load and deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output ContainerMode object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this Serializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out ContainerMode obj, out Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(ContainerMode);
         obj = LoadFromFile(fileName);
         return true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;
 public static bool Deserialize(string input, out ContainerMode obj)
     Exception exception = null;
     return Deserialize(input, out obj, out exception);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes workflow markup into an ContainerMode object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">string workflow markup to deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output ContainerMode object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this Serializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool Deserialize(string input, out ContainerMode obj, out Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(ContainerMode);
         obj = Deserialize(input);
         return true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;