Ejemplo n.º 1
        public LHUINode getUINode()
            if (null == _uiNode)
                foreach (CCNode child in this.Children)
                    if (child.GetType() == typeof(LHUINode))
                        _uiNode = (LHUINode)child;

        public static CCNode createLHNodeWithDictionary(PlistDictionary childInfo, CCNode prnt)
            string nodeType = childInfo["nodeType"].AsString;

            LHScene scene = ((LHNodeProtocol)prnt).getScene();

            string subclassNodeType = childInfo["subclassNodeType"].AsString;

            if (subclassNodeType != null && subclassNodeType.Length > 0)
                //TODO handle subclasses

                //this will not work as we do not have the class included in the api
//				Class classObj = [scene createNodeObjectForSubclassWithName:subclassNodeType superTypeName:nodeType];
//				if(classObj){
//					return [classObj nodeWithDictionary:childInfo parent:prnt];
//				}
//				else{
//					NSLog(@"\n\nWARNING: Expected a class of type %@ subclassed from %@, but nothing was returned. Check your \"createNodeObjectForSubclassWithName:superTypeName:\" method and make sure you return a valid Class.\n\n", subclassNodeType, nodeType);
//				}

            if (nodeType == "LHGameWorldNode")
                LHGameWorldNode pNode = LHGameWorldNode.nodeWithDictionary(childInfo, prnt);
                pNode.ContentSize = scene._designResolutionSize;
//				#if LH_DEBUG
//				[pNode setDebugDraw:YES];
//				#endif
            else if (nodeType == "LHBackUINode")
                LHBackUINode pNode = LHBackUINode.nodeWithDictionary(childInfo, prnt);
            else if (nodeType == "LHUINode")
                LHUINode pNode = LHUINode.nodeWithDictionary(childInfo, prnt);
            else if (nodeType == "LHSprite")
                LHSprite spr = LHSprite.nodeWithDictionary(childInfo, prnt);
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHNode"])
//			{
//				LHNode* nd = [LHNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return nd;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHBezier"])
//			{
//				LHBezier* bez = [LHBezier nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return bez;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHTexturedShape"])
//			{
//				LHShape* sp = [LHShape nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return sp;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHWaves"])
//			{
//				LHWater* wt = [LHWater nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return wt;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHAreaGravity"])
//			{
//				LHGravityArea* gv = [LHGravityArea nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return gv;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHParallax"])
//			{
//				LHParallax* pr = [LHParallax nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return pr;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHParallaxLayer"])
//			{
//				LHParallaxLayer* lh = [LHParallaxLayer nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return lh;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHAsset"])
//			{
//				LHAsset* as = [LHAsset nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return as;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHCamera"])
//			{
//				LHCamera* cm = [LHCamera nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return cm;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHRopeJoint"])
//			{
//				LHRopeJointNode* jt = [LHRopeJointNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return jt;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHWeldJoint"])
//			{
//				LHWeldJointNode* jt = [LHWeldJointNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return jt;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHRevoluteJoint"]){
//				LHRevoluteJointNode* jt = [LHRevoluteJointNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return jt;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHDistanceJoint"]){
//				LHDistanceJointNode* jt = [LHDistanceJointNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return jt;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHPulleyJoint"]){
//				LHPulleyJointNode* jt = [LHPulleyJointNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return jt;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHPrismaticJoint"]){
//				LHPrismaticJointNode* jt = [LHPrismaticJointNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return jt;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHWheelJoint"]){
//				LHWheelJointNode* jt = [LHWheelJointNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return jt;
//			}
//			else if([nodeType isEqualToString:@"LHGearJoint"]){
//				LHGearJointNode* jt = [LHGearJointNode nodeWithDictionary:childInfo
//					parent:prnt];
//				return jt;
//			}
//			else{
//				NSLog(@"UNKNOWN NODE TYPE %@", nodeType);
//			}
