Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set or add a value to document using a json-like path to update/create this field. If you addInArray, only add if path returns an array.
        /// </summary>
        public bool Set(string path, BsonValue value, bool addInArray)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));

            if (addInArray == false)
                return(Set(path, value));

            var expr    = new BsonExpression(path.StartsWith("$") ? path : "$." + path);
            var changed = false;

            foreach (var arr in expr.Execute(this, false).Where(x => x.IsArray))
                changed = true;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the field inside document tree, using json-like path, and update with value paramter. If field nod exists, create new field. Return true if document was changed
        /// </summary>
        public bool Set(string path, BsonValue value)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));

            var field   = path.StartsWith("$") ? path : "$." + path;
            var parent  = field.Substring(0, field.LastIndexOf('.'));
            var key     = field.Substring(field.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
            var expr    = new BsonExpression(parent);
            var changed = false;

            foreach (var item in expr.Execute(this, false).Where(x => x.IsDocument))
                var idoc = item.AsDocument;
                var cur  = idoc[key];

                // update field only if value are different from current value
                if (cur != value)
                    idoc[key] = value;
                    changed   = true;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Find for documents in a collection using Query definition. Support for include reference documents. Use Path syntax
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <BsonDocument> Find(string collection, Query query, string[] includes, int skip = 0, int limit = int.MaxValue)
            if (includes == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(includes));

            var docs = Find(collection, query, skip, limit);

            foreach (var doc in docs)
                // procced with all includes
                foreach (var include in includes)
                    var expr = new BsonExpression(include.StartsWith("$") ? include : "$." + include);

                    // get all values according JSON path
                    foreach (var value in expr.Execute(doc, false)
                             .Where(x => x.IsDocument)
                             .Select(x => x.AsDocument)
                        // works only if is a document
                        var refId  = value["$id"];
                        var refCol = value["$ref"];

                        // if has no reference, just go out
                        if (refId.IsNull || !refCol.IsString)

                        // now, find document reference
                        var refDoc = FindById(refCol, refId);

                        // if found, change with current document
                        if (refDoc != null)

                            // remove value from parent (document or array)

                yield return(doc);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all values from array according index. If index are MaxValue, return all values
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable <BsonValue> Array(IEnumerable <BsonValue> values, int index, BsonExpression expr, BsonDocument root)
            foreach (var value in values)
                if (value.IsArray)
                    var arr = value.AsArray;

                    // [<expr>] - index are an expression
                    if (expr.Source != null)
                        foreach (var item in arr)
                            // execute for each child value and except a first bool value (returns if true)
                            var c = expr.Execute(root, item, true).First();

                            if (c.IsBoolean && c.AsBoolean == true)
                                // fill destroy action to remove value from parent array
                                item.Destroy = () => arr.Remove(item);

                                yield return(item);
                    // [*] - index are all values
                    else if (index == int.MaxValue)
                        foreach (var item in arr)
                            // fill destroy action to remove value from parent array
                            item.Destroy = () => arr.Remove(item);

                            yield return(item);
                    // [n] - fixed index
                        var idx = index < 0 ? arr.Count + index : index;

                        if (arr.Count > idx)
                            var item = arr[idx];

                            // fill destroy action to remove value from parent array
                            item.Destroy = () => arr.Remove(item);

                            yield return(item);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the field inside document tree, using json-like path, and update with an expression paramter. If field nod exists, create new field. Return true if document was changed
        /// </summary>
        public bool Set(string path, BsonExpression expr)
            if (expr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expr));

            var value = expr.Execute(this, true).First();

            return(Set(path, value));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement internal update document
        /// </summary>
        private bool UpdateDocument(CollectionPage col, BsonDocument doc)
            // normalize id before find
            var id = doc["_id"];

            // validate id for null, min/max values
            if (id.IsNull || id.IsMinValue || id.IsMaxValue)
                throw LiteException.InvalidDataType("_id", id);

            _log.Write(Logger.Command, "update document on '{0}' :: _id = {1}", col.CollectionName, id.RawValue);

            // find indexNode from pk index
            var pkNode = _indexer.Find(col.PK, id, false, Query.Ascending);

            // if not found document, no updates
            if (pkNode == null)

            // serialize document in bytes
            var bytes = _bsonWriter.Serialize(doc);

            // update data storage
            var dataBlock = _data.Update(col, pkNode.DataBlock, bytes);

            // get all non-pk index nodes from this data block
            var allNodes = _indexer.GetNodeList(pkNode, false).ToArray();

            // delete/insert indexes - do not touch on PK
            foreach (var index in col.GetIndexes(false))
                var expr = new BsonExpression(index.Expression);

                // getting all keys do check
                var keys = expr.Execute(doc).ToArray();

                // get a list of to delete nodes (using ToArray to resolve now)
                var toDelete = allNodes
                               .Where(x => x.Slot == index.Slot && !keys.Any(k => k == x.Key))

                // get a list of to insert nodes (using ToArray to resolve now)
                var toInsert = keys
                               .Where(x => !allNodes.Any(k => k.Slot == index.Slot && k.Key == x))

                // delete changed index nodes
                foreach (var node in toDelete)
                    _indexer.Delete(index, node.Position);

                // insert new nodes
                foreach (var key in toInsert)
                    // and add a new one
                    var node = _indexer.AddNode(index, key, pkNode);

                    // link my node to data block
                    node.DataBlock = dataBlock.Position;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private const int MAX_SORT_PAGES = 5000; // ~ 20Mb?

        /// <summary>
        /// EXPERIMENTAL Find with sort operation - use memory or disk (temp file) to sort
        /// </summary>
        public List <BsonDocument> FindSort(string collection, Query query, string orderBy, int order = Query.Ascending, int skip = 0, int limit = int.MaxValue)
            if (collection.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));
            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));

            _log.Write(Logger.Command, "query-sort documents in '{0}' => {1}", collection, query);

            // evaluate orderBy path/expression
            var expr = new BsonExpression(orderBy);

            // lock database for read access
            using (_locker.Read())
                var last         = order == Query.Ascending ? BsonValue.MaxValue : BsonValue.MinValue;
                var total        = limit == int.MaxValue ? int.MaxValue : skip + limit;
                var indexCounter = 0;
                var disk         = new TempDiskService();

                // create memory database
                using (var engine = new LiteEngine(disk))
                    // get collection page
                    var col = GetCollectionPage(collection, false);

                    if (col == null)
                        return(new List <BsonDocument>());

                    // create a temp collection in new memory database
                    var tmp = engine._collections.Add("tmp");

                    // create index pointer
                    var index = engine._indexer.CreateIndex(tmp);

                    // get head/tail index node
                    var head = engine._indexer.GetNode(index.HeadNode);
                    var tail = engine._indexer.GetNode(index.TailNode);

                    // first lets works only with index in query
                    var nodes = query.Run(col, _indexer);

                    foreach (var node in nodes)
                        var buffer = _data.Read(node.DataBlock);
                        var doc    = _bsonReader.Deserialize(buffer).AsDocument;

                        // if needs use filter
                        if (query.UseFilter && query.FilterDocument(doc) == false)

                        // get key to be sorted
                        var key  = expr.Execute(doc, true).First();
                        var diff = key.CompareTo(last);

                        // add to list only if lower than last space
                        if ((order == Query.Ascending && diff < 1) ||
                            (order == Query.Descending && diff > -1))
                            var tmpNode = engine._indexer.AddNode(index, key, null);

                            tmpNode.DataBlock     = node.DataBlock;
                            tmpNode.CacheDocument = doc;


                            // exceeded limit
                            if (indexCounter > total)
                                var exceeded = (order == Query.Ascending) ? tail.Prev[0] : head.Next[0];

                                engine._indexer.Delete(index, exceeded);

                                var lnode = (order == Query.Ascending) ? tail.Prev[0] : head.Next[0];

                                last = engine._indexer.GetNode(lnode).Key;


                            // if memory pages excedded limit size, flush to disk
                            if (engine._cache.DirtyUsed > MAX_SORT_PAGES)


                    var result = new List <BsonDocument>();

                    // if skip is lower than limit, take nodes from skip from begin
                    // if skip is higher than limit, take nodes from end and revert order (avoid lots of skip)
                    var find = skip < limit?
                               engine._indexer.FindAll(index, order).Skip(skip).Take(limit) :    // get from original order
                                   engine._indexer.FindAll(index, -order).Take(limit).Reverse(); // avoid long skips, take from end and revert

                    // --- foreach (var node in engine._indexer.FindAll(index, order).Skip(skip).Take(limit))
                    foreach (var node in find)
                        // if document are in cache, use it. if not, get from disk again
                        var doc = node.CacheDocument;

                        if (doc == null)
                            var buffer = _data.Read(node.DataBlock);
                            doc = _bsonReader.Deserialize(buffer).AsDocument;


Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal implementation of insert a document
        /// </summary>
        private void InsertDocument(CollectionPage col, BsonDocument doc, BsonType autoId)
            // collection Sequence was created after release current datafile version.
            // In this case, Sequence will be 0 but already has documents. Let's fix this
            // ** this code can be removed when datafile change from 7 (HeaderPage.FILE_VERSION) **
            if (col.Sequence == 0 && col.DocumentCount > 0)
                var max = Max(col.CollectionName, "_id");

                // if max value is a number, convert to Sequence last value
                // if not, just set sequence as document count
                col.Sequence = (max.IsInt32 || max.IsInt64 || max.IsDouble || max.IsDecimal) ?
                               Convert.ToInt64(max.RawValue) :

            // increase collection sequence _id


            // if no _id, add one
            if (!doc.RawValue.TryGetValue("_id", out var id))
                doc["_id"] = id =
                    autoId == BsonType.ObjectId ? new BsonValue(ObjectId.NewObjectId()) :
                    autoId == BsonType.Guid ? new BsonValue(Guid.NewGuid()) :
                    autoId == BsonType.DateTime ? new BsonValue(DateTime.Now) :
                    autoId == BsonType.Int32 ? new BsonValue((Int32)col.Sequence) :
                    autoId == BsonType.Int64 ? new BsonValue(col.Sequence) : BsonValue.Null;
            // create bubble in sequence number if _id is bigger than current sequence
            else if (autoId == BsonType.Int32 || autoId == BsonType.Int64)
                var current = id.AsInt64;

                // if current id is bigger than sequence, jump sequence to this number. Other was, do not increse sequnce
                col.Sequence = current >= col.Sequence ? current : col.Sequence - 1;

            // test if _id is a valid type
            if (id.IsNull || id.IsMinValue || id.IsMaxValue)
                throw LiteException.InvalidDataType("_id", id);

            _log.Write(Logger.Command, "insert document on '{0}' :: _id = {1}", col.CollectionName, id.RawValue);

            // serialize object
            var bytes = _bsonWriter.Serialize(doc);

            // storage in data pages - returns dataBlock address
            var dataBlock = _data.Insert(col, bytes);

            // store id in a PK index [0 array]
            var pk = _indexer.AddNode(col.PK, id, null);

            // do link between index <-> data block
            pk.DataBlock = dataBlock.Position;

            // for each index, insert new IndexNode
            foreach (var index in col.GetIndexes(false))
                // for each index, get all keys (support now multi-key) - gets distinct values only
                // if index are unique, get single key only
                var expr = new BsonExpression(index.Expression);
                var keys = expr.Execute(doc, true);

                // do a loop with all keys (multi-key supported)
                foreach (var key in keys)
                    // insert node
                    var node = _indexer.AddNode(index, key, pk);

                    // link my index node to data block address
                    node.DataBlock = dataBlock.Position;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new index (or do nothing if already exists) to a collection/field
        /// </summary>
        public bool EnsureIndex(string collection, string field, string expression, bool unique = false)
            if (collection.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));
            if (!CollectionIndex.IndexPattern.IsMatch(field))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid field format pattern: " + CollectionIndex.IndexPattern.ToString(), "field");
            if (field == "_id")
                return(false);                // always exists
            if (expression != null && expression.Length > 200)
                throw new ArgumentException("expression is limited in 200 characters", "expression");

            return(Transaction <bool>(collection, true, (col) =>
                // check if index already exists
                var current = col.GetIndex(field);

                // if already exists, just exit
                if (current != null)
                    // do not test any difference between current index and new defition
                    return false;

                // create index head
                var index = _indexer.CreateIndex(col);

                index.Field = field;
                index.Expression = expression ?? "$." + field;
                index.Unique = unique;

                _log.Write(Logger.Command, "create index on '{0}' :: {1} unique: {2}", collection, index.Expression, unique);

                // read all objects (read from PK index)
                foreach (var pkNode in new QueryAll("_id", Query.Ascending).Run(col, _indexer))
                    // read binary and deserialize document
                    var buffer = _data.Read(pkNode.DataBlock);
                    var doc = _bsonReader.Deserialize(buffer).AsDocument;
                    var expr = new BsonExpression(index.Expression);

                    // get values from expression in document
                    var keys = expr.Execute(doc, true);

                    // adding index node for each value
                    foreach (var key in keys)
                        // insert new index node
                        var node = _indexer.AddNode(index, key, pkNode);

                        // link index node to datablock
                        node.DataBlock = pkNode.DataBlock;

                    // check memory usage

                return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an IEnumerable of values from a json-like path inside document. Use BsonExpression to parse this path
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <BsonValue> Get(string path, bool includeNullIfEmpty = false)
            var expr = new BsonExpression(new StringScanner(path), true, true);

            return(expr.Execute(this, includeNullIfEmpty));