Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Battle(List <Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)

            List <string> attackerSquadRace, defenderSquadRace;
            List <int>    attackerSquadEntityPopulation, attackerSquadNumbers, attackerSquadDeaths, attackerSquadSite,
                          defenderSquadEntityPopulation, defenderSquadNumbers, defenderSquadDeaths, defenderSquadSite;

            NotableAttackers  = new List <HistoricalFigure>(); NotableDefenders = new List <HistoricalFigure>();
            AttackerSquads    = new List <Squad>(); DefenderSquads = new List <Squad>();
            attackerSquadRace = new List <string>(); attackerSquadEntityPopulation = new List <int>(); attackerSquadNumbers = new List <int>(); attackerSquadDeaths = new List <int>();
            attackerSquadSite = new List <int>();
            defenderSquadRace = new List <string>(); defenderSquadEntityPopulation = new List <int>(); defenderSquadNumbers = new List <int>(); defenderSquadDeaths = new List <int>();
            defenderSquadSite = new List <int>();
            Attackers         = new List <Squad>();
            Defenders         = new List <Squad>();
            NonCombatants     = new List <HistoricalFigure>();
            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                case "outcome": switch (property.Value)
                    case "attacker won": Outcome = BattleOutcome.AttackerWon; break;

                    case "defender won": Outcome = BattleOutcome.DefenderWon; break;

                    default: Outcome = BattleOutcome.Unknown; world.ParsingErrors.Report("Unknown Battle Outcome: " + property.Value); break;

                case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;

                case "coords": Coordinates = Formatting.ConvertToLocation(property.Value); break;

                case "war_eventcol": ParentCollection = world.GetEventCollection(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "subregion_id": Region = world.GetRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "feature_layer_id": UndergroundRegion = world.GetUndergroundRegion(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "site_id": Site = world.GetSite(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "attacking_hfid": NotableAttackers.Add(world.GetHistoricalFigure(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value))); break;

                case "defending_hfid": NotableDefenders.Add(world.GetHistoricalFigure(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value))); break;

                case "attacking_squad_race": attackerSquadRace.Add(Formatting.FormatRace(property.Value)); break;

                case "attacking_squad_entity_pop": attackerSquadEntityPopulation.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "attacking_squad_number": attackerSquadNumbers.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "attacking_squad_deaths": attackerSquadDeaths.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "attacking_squad_site": attackerSquadSite.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "defending_squad_race": defenderSquadRace.Add(Formatting.FormatRace(property.Value)); break;

                case "defending_squad_entity_pop": defenderSquadEntityPopulation.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "defending_squad_number": defenderSquadNumbers.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "defending_squad_deaths": defenderSquadDeaths.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "defending_squad_site": defenderSquadSite.Add(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value)); break;

                case "noncom_hfid": NonCombatants.Add(world.GetHistoricalFigure(Convert.ToInt32(property.Value))); break;

            if (Collection.OfType <AttackedSite>().Any())
                Attacker = Collection.OfType <AttackedSite>().First().Attacker;
                Defender = Collection.OfType <AttackedSite>().First().Defender;
            else if (Collection.OfType <FieldBattle>().Any())
                Attacker = Collection.OfType <FieldBattle>().First().Attacker;
                Defender = Collection.OfType <FieldBattle>().First().Defender;

            foreach (HistoricalFigure attacker in NotableAttackers)
            foreach (HistoricalFigure defender in NotableDefenders)
            foreach (HistoricalFigure nonCombatant in NonCombatants)

            for (int i = 0; i < attackerSquadRace.Count; i++)
                AttackerSquads.Add(new Squad(attackerSquadRace[i], attackerSquadNumbers[i], attackerSquadDeaths[i], attackerSquadSite[i], attackerSquadEntityPopulation[i]));
            for (int i = 0; i < defenderSquadRace.Count; i++)
                DefenderSquads.Add(new Squad(defenderSquadRace[i], defenderSquadNumbers[i], defenderSquadDeaths[i], defenderSquadSite[i], defenderSquadEntityPopulation[i]));

            var groupedAttackerSquads = from squad in AttackerSquads
                                        group squad by squad.Race into squadRace
                                        select new { Race = squadRace.Key, Count = squadRace.Sum(squad => squad.Numbers), Deaths = squadRace.Sum(squad => squad.Deaths) };

            foreach (var squad in groupedAttackerSquads)
                Attackers.Add(new Squad(squad.Race, squad.Count + NotableAttackers.Count(attacker => attacker.Race == squad.Race), squad.Deaths + Collection.OfType <HFDied>().Count(death => death.HistoricalFigure.Race == squad.Race && NotableAttackers.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure)), -1, -1));
            foreach (var attacker in NotableAttackers.Where(hf => Attackers.Count(squad => squad.Race == hf.Race) == 0).GroupBy(hf => hf.Race).Select(race => new { Race = race.Key, Count = race.Count() }))
                Attackers.Add(new Squad(attacker.Race, attacker.Count, Collection.OfType <HFDied>().Count(death => NotableAttackers.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure) && death.HistoricalFigure.Race == attacker.Race), -1, -1));
            AttackersAsList = new List <string>();
            foreach (Squad squad in Attackers)
                for (int i = 0; i < squad.Numbers; i++)

            var groupedDefenderSquads = from squad in DefenderSquads
                                        group squad by squad.Race into squadRace
                                        select new { Race = squadRace.Key, Count = squadRace.Sum(squad => squad.Numbers), Deaths = squadRace.Sum(squad => squad.Deaths) };

            foreach (var squad in groupedDefenderSquads)
                Defenders.Add(new Squad(squad.Race, squad.Count + NotableDefenders.Count(defender => defender.Race == squad.Race), squad.Deaths + Collection.OfType <HFDied>().Count(death => death.HistoricalFigure.Race == squad.Race && NotableDefenders.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure)), -1, -1));
            foreach (var defender in NotableDefenders.Where(hf => Defenders.Count(squad => squad.Race == hf.Race) == 0).GroupBy(hf => hf.Race).Select(race => new { Race = race.Key, Count = race.Count() }))
                Defenders.Add(new Squad(defender.Race, defender.Count, Collection.OfType <HFDied>().Count(death => NotableDefenders.Contains(death.HistoricalFigure) && death.HistoricalFigure.Race == defender.Race), -1, -1));
            DefendersAsList = new List <string>();
            foreach (Squad squad in Defenders)
                for (int i = 0; i < squad.Numbers; i++)

            Deaths = new List <string>();
            foreach (Squad squad in Attackers.Concat(Defenders))
                for (int i = 0; i < squad.Deaths; i++)

            AttackerDeathCount = Attackers.Sum(attacker => attacker.Deaths);
            DefenderDeathCount = Defenders.Sum(defender => defender.Deaths);

            if (Outcome == BattleOutcome.AttackerWon)
                Victor = Attacker;
            else if (Outcome == BattleOutcome.DefenderWon)
                Victor = Defender;

            War parentWar = ParentCollection as War;

            if (parentWar != null)
                if (parentWar.Attacker == Attacker)
                    parentWar.AttackerDeathCount += AttackerDeathCount;
                    parentWar.DefenderDeathCount += DefenderDeathCount;
                    parentWar.AttackerDeathCount += DefenderDeathCount;
                    parentWar.DefenderDeathCount += AttackerDeathCount;
                parentWar.DeathCount += attackerSquadDeaths.Sum() + defenderSquadDeaths.Sum() + Collection.OfType <HFDied>().Count();

                if (Attacker == parentWar.Attacker && Victor == Attacker)

            if (Site != null)
            if (Region != null)
            if (UndergroundRegion != null)

            if ((attackerSquadDeaths.Sum() + defenderSquadDeaths.Sum() + Collection.OfType <HFDied>().Count()) == 0)
                Notable = false;
            if ((attackerSquadNumbers.Sum() + NotableAttackers.Count) > ((defenderSquadNumbers.Sum() + NotableDefenders.Count) * 10) && //NotableDefenders outnumbered 10 to 1
                Victor == Attacker &&
                AttackerDeathCount < ((NotableAttackers.Count + attackerSquadNumbers.Sum()) * 0.1))    //NotableAttackers lossses < 10%
                Notable = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Entity(List <Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)
            Name        = "";
            Race        = "Unknown";
            Type        = EntityType.Unknown;
            Parent      = null;
            Worshipped  = new List <HistoricalFigure>();
            LeaderTypes = new List <string>();
            Leaders     = new List <List <HistoricalFigure> >();
            Groups      = new List <Entity>();
            SiteHistory = new List <OwnerPeriod>();
            SiteLinks   = new List <EntitySiteLink>();
            EntityLinks = new List <EntityEntityLink>();
            Wars        = new List <War>();
            Populations = new List <Population>();
            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;

                case "race":
                    Race = Formatting.MakePopulationPlural(Formatting.FormatRace(property.Value));

                case "type":
                    switch (property.Value)
                    case "civilization":
                        Type = EntityType.Civilization;

                    case "religion":
                        Type = EntityType.Religion;

                    case "sitegovernment":
                        Type = EntityType.SiteGovernment;

                    case "nomadicgroup":
                        Type = EntityType.NomadicGroup;

                    case "outcast":
                        Type = EntityType.Outcast;

                    case "migratinggroup":
                        Type = EntityType.MigratingGroup;

                    case "performancetroupe":
                        Type = EntityType.PerformanceTroupe;

                        Type = EntityType.Unknown;
                        world.ParsingErrors.Report("Unknown Entity Type: " + property.Value);

                case "child":
                    property.Known = true;

                case "site_link":
                    SiteLinks.Add(new EntitySiteLink(property.SubProperties, world));

                case "entity_link":
                    property.Known = true;
                    foreach (Property subProperty in property.SubProperties)
                        subProperty.Known = true;
                    world.AddEntityEntityLink(this, property);

                case "worship_id":
                    property.Known = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Site(List <Property> properties, World world)
            : base(properties, world)
            Type                     = Name = UntranslatedName = "";
            Warfare                  = new List <EventCollection>();
            OwnerHistory             = new List <OwnerPeriod>();
            Connections              = new List <Site>();
            Populations              = new List <Population>();
            Officials                = new List <Official>();
            BeastAttacks             = new List <BeastAttack>();
            Structures               = new List <Structure>();
            RelatedHistoricalFigures = new List <HistoricalFigure>();

            foreach (Property property in properties)
                switch (property.Name)
                case "type":
                    Type = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value);
                    switch (property.Value)
                    case "cave": SiteType = SiteType.Cave; break;

                    case "fortress": SiteType = SiteType.Fortress; break;

                    case "forest retreat": SiteType = SiteType.ForestRetreat; break;

                    case "dark fortress": SiteType = SiteType.DarkFortress; break;

                    case "town": SiteType = SiteType.Town; break;

                    case "hamlet": SiteType = SiteType.Hamlet; break;

                    case "vault": SiteType = SiteType.Vault; break;

                    case "dark pits": SiteType = SiteType.DarkPits; break;

                    case "hillocks": SiteType = SiteType.Hillocks; break;

                    case "tomb": SiteType = SiteType.Tomb; break;

                    case "tower": SiteType = SiteType.Tower; break;

                    case "mountain halls": SiteType = SiteType.MountainHalls; break;

                    case "camp": SiteType = SiteType.Camp; break;

                    case "lair": SiteType = SiteType.Lair; break;

                    case "labyrinth": SiteType = SiteType.Labyrinth; break;

                    case "shrine": SiteType = SiteType.Shrine; break;

                    case "important location": SiteType = SiteType.ImportantLocation; break;

                        property.Known = false;

                case "name": Name = Formatting.InitCaps(property.Value); break;

                case "coords": Coordinates = Formatting.ConvertToLocation(property.Value); break;

                case "structures":
                    HasStructures  = true;
                    property.Known = true;
                    if (property.SubProperties != null)
                        foreach (Property subProperty in property.SubProperties)
                            subProperty.Known = true;
                            Structures.Add(new Structure(subProperty.SubProperties, world, this));

                case "civ_id": property.Known = true; break;

                case "cur_owner_id": property.Known = true; break;

                case "rectangle":
                    char[]   delimiterChars = { ':', ',' };
                    string[] rectArray      = property.Value.Split(delimiterChars);
                    if (rectArray.Length == 4)
                        int x0 = Convert.ToInt32(rectArray[0]);
                        int y0 = Convert.ToInt32(rectArray[1]);
                        int x1 = Convert.ToInt32(rectArray[2]);
                        int y1 = Convert.ToInt32(rectArray[3]);
                        Rectangle = new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
                        property.Known = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void GenerateCivIdenticons()
            _worker.ReportProgress(0, "... Civilization Identicons");
            List <Entity> civs  = Entities.Where(entity => entity.IsCiv).ToList();
            List <string> races = Entities.Where(entity => entity.IsCiv).GroupBy(entity => entity.Race).Select(entity => entity.Key).OrderBy(entity => entity).ToList();

            //Calculates color
            //Creates a variety of colors
            //Races 1 to 6 get a medium color
            //Races 7 to 12 get a light color
            //Races 13 to 18 get a dark color
            //19+ reduced color variance
            int maxHue = 300;
            int colorVariance;

            if (races.Count <= 1)
                colorVariance = 0;
            else if (races.Count <= 6)
                colorVariance = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(maxHue / Convert.ToDouble(races.Count - 1)));
            else if (races.Count > 18)
                colorVariance = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(maxHue / (Math.Ceiling(races.Count / 3.0) - 1)));
                colorVariance = 60;

            foreach (Entity civ in civs)
                int   colorIndex = races.IndexOf(civ.Race);
                Color raceColor;
                if (colorIndex * colorVariance < 360)
                    raceColor = Formatting.HsvToRgb(colorIndex * colorVariance, 1, 1.0);
                else if (colorIndex * colorVariance < 720)
                    raceColor = Formatting.HsvToRgb(colorIndex * colorVariance - 360, 0.4, 1);
                else if (colorIndex * colorVariance < 1080)
                    raceColor = Formatting.HsvToRgb(colorIndex * colorVariance - 720, 1, 0.4);
                    raceColor = Color.Black;

                var alpha = 176;

                if (!MainRaces.ContainsKey(civ.Race))
                    MainRaces.Add(civ.Race, raceColor);
                civ.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(alpha, raceColor);

                var iconStyle = new IdenticonStyle
                    BackColor = Jdenticon.Rendering.Color.FromArgb(alpha, raceColor.R, raceColor.G, raceColor.B)
                var identicon = Identicon.FromValue(civ.Name, 128);
                identicon.Style = iconStyle;
                civ.Identicon   = identicon.ToBitmap();
                using (MemoryStream identiconStream = new MemoryStream())
                    civ.Identicon.Save(identiconStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                    byte[] identiconBytes = identiconStream.GetBuffer();
                    civ.IdenticonString = Convert.ToBase64String(identiconBytes);
                var small = Identicon.FromValue(civ.Name, 32);
                small.Style = iconStyle;
                var smallIdenticon = small.ToBitmap();
                using (MemoryStream smallIdenticonStream = new MemoryStream())
                    smallIdenticon.Save(smallIdenticonStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                    byte[] smallIdenticonBytes = smallIdenticonStream.GetBuffer();
                    civ.SmallIdenticonString = Convert.ToBase64String(smallIdenticonBytes);
                foreach (var childGroup in civ.Groups)
                    childGroup.Identicon = civ.Identicon;
                    childGroup.LineColor = civ.LineColor;

            foreach (var entity in Entities.Where(entity => entity.Identicon == null))
                var identicon = Identicon.FromValue(entity.Name, 128);
                entity.Identicon = identicon.ToBitmap();