Ejemplo n.º 1
        //****************Income Statement*******************
        public static void IncomeStatement(string tableName)
            LeapLogDBManager sqlTables           = new LeapLogDBManager();
            string           IncomeStatementName = tableName + "IncomeStatement";

            string dbString = @"CREATE TABLE  " + IncomeStatementName + "( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, Revenue_Account_Name NVARCHAR(50) NULL, Revenue_Account_Balance FLOAT NULL, Total_Revenue FLOAT NULL, Expense_Account_Name NVARCHAR(50) NULL, Expense_Account_Balance FLOAT NULL, Total_Expense FLOAT NULL," +
                              "Net_Income FLOAT NULL,PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(Id ASC))";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        //****************Statement of Owner Equity*******************
        public static void StatementOfOwnerEquity(string tableName)
            LeapLogDBManager sqlTables         = new LeapLogDBManager();
            string           StatementOfOEName = tableName + "StatementOfOE";

            string dbString = @"CREATE TABLE  " + StatementOfOEName + "( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,Start_Capital FLOAT NULL, Net_Income FLOAT NULL, Total_Withdrawals FLOAT NULL," +
                              "Final_Capital FLOAT NULL,PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(Id ASC))";

Ejemplo n.º 3
        //****************Balance sheet*******************
        public static void BalanceSheet(string tableName)
            LeapLogDBManager sqlTables = new LeapLogDBManager();

            string BalanceSheetName = tableName + "BalanceSheet";

            string dbString = @"CREATE TABLE  " + BalanceSheetName + "( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, Asset_Account_Name  NVARCHAR(50) NULL,  Asset_Account_Balance  FLOAT NULL, Total_Assets FLOAT NULL," +
                              "Liability_Account_Name NVARCHAR(50) NULL, Liability_Account_Balance FLOAT NULL, " +
                              "Total_Liability FLOAT NULL,PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(Id ASC))";

Ejemplo n.º 4
        //****************T Accounts *******************

        public static void TAccounts(string tableName)
            LeapLogDBManager sqlTables = new LeapLogDBManager();

            string TaccountName = tableName + "Taccount";

            string dbString = @"CREATE TABLE  " + TaccountName + "( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, Account  NVARCHAR(50) NULL, Type NVARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                              "DebitList NVARCHAR(50) NULL, CreditList NVARCHAR(50) NULL, " +
                              "TotalDebit FLOAT NULL, TotalCredit  FLOAT NULL, Balance FLOAT NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(Id ASC))";

Ejemplo n.º 5
        //**************Save All table to DB*******************
        // This used to be the save button event but I turned it into a save function.
        private bool Save_DB()
            LeapLogDBManager sqlTables = new LeapLogDBManager();

            MessageBoxButton button = MessageBoxButton.OK;
            MessageBoxImage  icon   = MessageBoxImage.Warning;

            string tableName           = user_Input.Text.Replace(" ", "");
            string TaccountName        = tableName + "Taccount";
            string BalanceSheetName    = tableName + "BalanceSheet";
            string IncomeStatementName = tableName + "IncomeStatement";
            string StatementOfOEName   = tableName + "StatementOfOE";

            //**********insert into T accounts table************
            if (user_Input.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("No table name selected.", "Error", button, icon);

                    foreach (var i in Database.TEntries)
                        sqlTables.WriteData("INSERT INTO " + TaccountName + " VALUES ('" + i.Account + "','" + i.Type + "','" + string.Join("\n", i.Debit.ToArray()) + "','" + string.Join("\n", i.Credit.ToArray()) + "','" + i.TotalDebit + "','" + i.TotalCredit + "','" + i.Balance + "')");

                    //**********insert into Balance Sheet************

                    //iterate through list of all asset accounts
                    for (int i = 0; i < Database.TEntries.Count; i++)
                        string assetAccountName = "";
                        double assetBalance     = 0;
                        string loeAccountName   = "";
                        double loeBalance       = 0;
                        if (i < Database.BalanceData.assetsList.Count)
                            assetAccountName = Database.BalanceData.assetsList[i].Account;
                            assetBalance     = Database.BalanceData.assetsList[i].Balance;
                        if (i < Database.BalanceData.loeList.Count)
                            loeAccountName = Database.BalanceData.loeList[i].Account;
                            loeBalance     = Database.BalanceData.loeList[i].Balance;
                        sqlTables.WriteData("INSERT INTO " + BalanceSheetName + " VALUES ('" + assetAccountName + "','" + assetBalance + "','" + Database.BalanceData.total_assets + "','" + loeAccountName + "','" + loeBalance + "','" + Database.BalanceData.total_loe + "')");

                    //**********insert into Income Statement************

                    for (int i = 0; i < Database.TEntries.Count; i++)
                        string revenueAccountName = "";
                        double revenueBalance     = 0;
                        string expenseAccountName = "";
                        double expenseBalance     = 0;
                        if (i < Database.IncomeData.revenueList.Count)
                            revenueAccountName = Database.IncomeData.revenueList[i].Account;
                            revenueBalance     = Database.IncomeData.revenueList[i].Balance;
                        if (i < Database.IncomeData.expenseList.Count)
                            expenseAccountName = Database.IncomeData.expenseList[i].Account;
                            expenseBalance     = Database.IncomeData.expenseList[i].Balance;

                        sqlTables.WriteData("INSERT INTO " + IncomeStatementName + " VALUES ('" + revenueAccountName + "','" + revenueBalance + "','" + Database.IncomeData.total_revenue + "','" + expenseAccountName + "','" + expenseBalance + "','" + Database.IncomeData.total_expenses + "','" + Database.IncomeData.net_income + "')");

                    //**********insert into Stetemtent of Owner Equity************

                    sqlTables.WriteData("INSERT INTO " + StatementOfOEName + " VALUES ('" + Database.SoeData.start_capital + "','" + Database.SoeData.net_income + "','" + Database.SoeData.total_withdrawals + "','" + Database.SoeData.final_capital + "')");

                    //MessageBox.Show("Table data saved to database.", "Saved", button, icon);
                    MessageBox.Show("Add a database first before attempting to export.", "Error", button, icon);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //Add new entry button
        private void addEntryBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //new entry is created
            Entry tempEntry = new Entry();

            //clear any warnings, if necessary
            warningTB.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            warningAT.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            warningAN.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            //populates new entry object with user data given
                //process account names to make sure no quotation marks are entered
                if (account1TB.Text.Contains("'") || account2TB.Text.Contains("'"))
                    throw new Exception("quotation");

                // Check for account types.
                if (type1CB.SelectedItem == null || type2CB.SelectedItem == null)
                    throw new Exception("null_account_types");

                // Check for blank account names.
                if (account1TB.Text.Replace(" ", "") == string.Empty || account2TB.Text.Replace(" ", "") == string.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("blank_account_names");

                tempEntry.Account1 = account1TB.Text;
                tempEntry.Account2 = "      " + account2TB.Text;
                tempEntry.Debit    = Double.Parse(debitTB.Text);
                tempEntry.Credit   = Double.Parse(creditTB.Text);
                tempEntry.Type1    = type1CB.Text;
                tempEntry.Type2    = type2CB.Text;

                //add entry into entryGrid

                //separate entry into two t-accounts
                List <Entry_tacc> tempAccounts = T_Accounts.get_taccs(tempEntry);
                //process t-accounts

                //<<-------------inserting data to the database-------------------->>
                LeapLogDBManager sqlTables = new LeapLogDBManager();

                //<<------- this chooses the table where the data will be added to-------->>
                string tableName = user_Input.Text.Replace(" ", "");

                //**********insert into journal table************
                sqlTables.WriteData("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES ('" + DateTime.Now + "','" + account1TB.Text + "','" + account2TB.Text + "','" + type1CB.Text + "','" + type2CB.Text + "','" + double.Parse(debitTB.Text) + "','" + double.Parse(creditTB.Text) + "')");
            catch (Exception error) {
                switch (error.Message)
                case "quotation":
                    //if incorrect data entered, warning given
                    //and entry not saved
                    warningTB.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                case "null_account_types":
                    // if the account types are null, display a warning.
                    warningAT.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                case "blank_account_names":
                    // if account names are blank display warning.
                    warningAN.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            //clear textboxes
            account1TB.Text      = "";
            account2TB.Text      = "";
            debitTB.Text         = "";
            creditTB.Text        = "";
            type1CB.SelectedItem = null;
            type2CB.SelectedItem = null;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void enter_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string           messageBoxText = "Database field cannot be null or empty";
            string           caption        = "Wrong Input";
            MessageBoxButton button         = MessageBoxButton.OK;
            MessageBoxImage  icon           = MessageBoxImage.Warning;
            //**********************Check if table name already exists**********************

            List <String> list = new List <String>(); // to save the table names

            string         connetionString = null;
            SqlConnection  connection;
            SqlCommand     command;
            SqlDataAdapter adapter  = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DataSet        ds       = new DataSet();
            int            counterV = 0;
            string         sql      = null;

            connetionString = $@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename={Environment.CurrentDirectory}\Database1.MDF;Integrated Security=True";
            sql             = "Select DISTINCT(name) FROM sys.Tables";

            connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString);

                command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
                adapter.SelectCommand = command;

                for (counterV = 0; counterV <= ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; counterV++)
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Can not open connection ! ");
            //******************end of block of code*********************************

            //******************Control if statement******************

            if (list.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(user_Input.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", ""), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) != -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Database name already taken.", "Try again", button, icon);

                string tableName = user_Input.Text.Replace(" ", "");
                // If the tableName is empty quit this function.
                if (tableName.Length < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("No name was given to the table.", "Try again", button, icon);
                // Fail safe for if the user inputs an number as the first word.
                Match match = Regex.Match(tableName[0].ToString(), "[0-9]");
                if (match.Success)
                    MessageBox.Show("Letters only as the first character.", "Try again", button, icon);
                //<<--------this creates the datatable into the database------->>
                LeapLogDBManager sqlTables = new LeapLogDBManager();
                //string journalName = tableName + "Journal";
                string dbString = @"CREATE TABLE  " + tableName + "( ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,Date DATE NULL, Account_1  NVARCHAR(50) NULL, Account_2 NVARCHAR(50) NULL," +
                                  "Type_1 NVARCHAR(50) NULL, Type_2 NVARCHAR(50) NULL, " +
                                  "Debit MONEY NULL, Credit  MONEY NULL,PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(Id ASC))";
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_Input.Text) || user_Input.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, caption, button, icon);

                    MessageBox.Show("Tables " + user_Input.Text + " added to Database. ", "Table added", button, icon);
