ProcessArguments() public method

Processes command-line arguments to build a BMultiMap and sends those options to the other overload of this method.
Note: If you get your command-line arguments as a single string, use G.SplitCommandLineArguments(string) first to split it into an array. This method doesn't check for --help. To implement --help, call MaybeShowHelp on the return value.
public ProcessArguments ( IList args, bool warnAboutUnknownOptions, bool autoOpenInputFiles, IList inputFiles = null ) : string>.BMultiMap
args IList Arg list from which to extract options. **NOTE**: /// discovered options are removed from the list. This parameter /// cannot be an array.
warnAboutUnknownOptions bool Whether this method should /// call for you.
autoOpenInputFiles bool Whether to open input files /// for you by calling . ///
inputFiles IList A list of input files to open if /// autoOpenInputFiles is true. If this is null, The input files are /// assumed to be those command-line arguments left over after the options /// are removed.
return string>.BMultiMap
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Compiler ProcessArguments(BMultiMap <string, string> options, SeverityMessageFilter sink, Type prelude, List <string> inputFiles)
            if (inputFiles.Count == 0)
                sink.Write(Severity.Error, null, "No input provided, stopping.");
            Compiler c = new Compiler(sink, prelude);

            c.Files = new List <InputOutput>(OpenSourceFiles(sink, inputFiles));
            return(c.ProcessArguments(options) ? c : null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        [STAThread]         // Required by ICSharpCode.TextEditor
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (!args.Contains("--nologo"))
                Console.WriteLine("LeMP macro compiler ({0})", typeof(Compiler).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());

            Severity minSeverity = Severity.NoteDetail;

                        #if DEBUG
            minSeverity = Severity.DebugDetail;
            var filter = new SeverityMessageFilter(ConsoleMessageSink.Value, minSeverity);

            Compiler c = new Compiler(filter, typeof(BuiltinMacros));

            var argList = args.ToList();
            var options = c.ProcessArguments(argList, false, true);
            if (options == null)
                return;                 // error occurred, message should have printed already
            if (!MaybeShowHelp(options, KnownOptions))
                WarnAboutUnknownOptions(options, filter, KnownOptions);

                if (c.Files.Count == 0)
                    filter.Error(null, "No input files provided, stopping. Add --help for usage info.".Localized());
                    if (!options.ContainsKey("nologo"))
                        // Give users a simple way to find out which copy they're using:
                        // Windows doesn't have `which` and the dotnet tools version of
                        // LeMP.exe is not the real one anyway (it's not a .NET module)
                        Console.WriteLine("You're using {0}".Localized(typeof(MacroProcessor).Assembly.Location));
                        Console.WriteLine("  ({0})".Localized(typeof(MacroProcessor).Assembly.FullName));
                    using (LNode.SetPrinter(EcsLanguageService.WithPlainCSharpPrinter))
Ejemplo n.º 3
        [STAThread]         // Required by ICSharpCode.TextEditor
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (!args.Contains("--nologo"))
                Console.WriteLine("LeMP macro compiler ({0})", typeof(Compiler).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
            if (args.Contains("--editor"))
                Console.WriteLine("Starting editor...");
                System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new TextEditor.LempDemoForm());

            KnownOptions["editor"] = Pair.Create("", "Show built-in text editor");

            Severity minSeverity = Severity.NoteDetail;

                        #if DEBUG
            minSeverity = Severity.DebugDetail;
            var filter = new SeverityMessageFilter(ConsoleMessageSink.Value, minSeverity);

            Compiler c = new Compiler(filter, typeof(BuiltinMacros));

            var argList = args.ToList();
            var options = c.ProcessArguments(argList, false, true);
            if (options == null)
                return;                 // error occurred, message should have printed already
            if (argList.Count == 0)
                filter.Error(null, "No input files provided, stopping.");
            if (!MaybeShowHelp(options, KnownOptions))
                WarnAboutUnknownOptions(options, filter,
                                        KnownOptions.With("nologo", Pair.Create("", "")));
                using (LNode.SetPrinter(EcsLanguageService.WithPlainCSharpPrinter))
Ejemplo n.º 4
		[STAThread] // Required by ICSharpCode.TextEditor
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			if (!args.Contains("--nologo"))
				Console.WriteLine("LeMP macro compiler ({0})", typeof(Compiler).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
			if (args.Contains("--editor")) {
				Console.WriteLine("Starting editor...");
				System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new TextEditor.LempDemoForm());

			KnownOptions["editor"] = Pair.Create("", "Show built-in text editor");

			Severity minSeverity = Severity.Note;
			#if DEBUG
			minSeverity = Severity.Debug;
			var filter = new SeverityMessageFilter(MessageSink.Console, minSeverity);

			Compiler c = new Compiler(filter, typeof(BuiltinMacros));

			var argList = args.ToList();
			var options = c.ProcessArguments(argList, false, true);
			if (argList.Count == 0) {
				filter.Write(Severity.Error, null, "No input files provided, stopping.");
			if (!MaybeShowHelp(options, KnownOptions))
				WarnAboutUnknownOptions(options, filter, 
					KnownOptions.With("nologo", Pair.Create("", "")));
				using (LNode.PushPrinter(EcsNodePrinter.PrintPlainCSharp))
Ejemplo n.º 5
		protected override byte[] Generate(string inputFilePath, string inputFileContents, string defaultNamespace, IVsGeneratorProgress progressCallback)
			string oldCurDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
			try {
				string inputFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFilePath);
 				Environment.CurrentDirectory = inputFolder; // --macros should be relative to file being processed

				// Originally I wrote a conversion from IVsGeneratorProgress to
 				// IMessageSink so that errors could be reported immediately and
				// directly to Visual Studio. This broke in a bizarre way when I
				// added processing on a separate thread (in order to be able to
				// abort the thread if it runs too long); I got the following
				// InvalidCastException: "Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' 
				// to interface type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsGeneratorProgress'.
				// This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for 
				// the interface with IID '{BED89B98-6EC9-43CB-B0A8-41D6E2D6669D}' failed due to 
				// the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 
				// 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."
				// A simple solution is to store the messages rather than reporting
				// them immediately. I'll report the errors at the very end.
				MessageHolder sink = new MessageHolder();
				var sourceFile = new InputOutput((UString)inputFileContents, inputFilePath);

				Compiler.KnownOptions["no-out-header"] = Pair.Create("", "Remove explanatory comment from output file");
				Compiler.KnownOptions.Remove("parallel");   // not applicable to single file
				Compiler.KnownOptions.Remove("noparallel"); // not applicable to single file

				var c = new Compiler(sink, sourceFile) { 
					AbortTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
					Parallel = false // only one file, parallel doesn't help

				var argList = G.SplitCommandLineArguments(defaultNamespace);
				var options = c.ProcessArguments(argList, true, false);
				// Note: if default namespace is left blank, VS uses the namespace 
				// from project settings. Don't show an error in that case.
				if (argList.Count > 1 || (argList.Count == 1 && options.Count > 0))
					sink.Write(Severity.Error, "Command line", "'{0}': expected options only (try --help).", argList[0]);

				string _;
				if (options.TryGetValue("help", out _) || options.TryGetValue("?", out _))
					var ms = new MemoryStream();
					LeMP.Compiler.ShowHelp(LeMP.Compiler.KnownOptions, new StreamWriter(ms), false);
					return ms.GetBuffer();

				LeMP.Compiler.WarnAboutUnknownOptions(options, sink, LeMP.Compiler.KnownOptions);
				if (options.ContainsKey("no-out-header"))
					c.NoOutHeader = true;
				if (c.InLang == LesLanguageService.Value || inputFilePath.EndsWith(".les", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
				_requestedExtension = c.OutExt;

				// Report errors
				foreach (var msg in sink.List)
					ReportErrorToVS(progressCallback, msg.Severity, msg.Context, msg.Format, msg.Args);

				return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(c.Output.ToString());
			} finally {
				Environment.CurrentDirectory = oldCurDir;