/*Checks if a dvd has buy copies in stock.*/
 public static Boolean isAvailableForBuying(String movieID)
         DvdInfo        dvdInfo        = new DvdInfoService().getByID(movieID);                          //Throws NoRecordException
         List <DvdCopy> availabeCopies = new DvdCopyService().getAllInStockBuyCopiesForDvdInfo(dvdInfo); //Throws NoRecordException || DALException
     catch (NoRecordException)
        /*Sets the supplied order as paid and assigns a dvd copy to each orderLine (if possible).*/
        public void payOrder(Order selectedOrder)
            //set the order status to PAID
            selectedOrder.orderstatus = new OrderStatusService().getByID("2");          //Throws NoRecordException
            new OrderService().updateOrder(selectedOrder);

            //assign copies to the orderlines
            List <OrderLine> orderLines = new OrderLineService().getByOrder(selectedOrder);            //Throws NoRecordException

            foreach (OrderLine orderLine in orderLines)
                if (orderLine.orderLineType.id == 1) //rent copy
                    DvdInfo thisDVD = orderLine.dvdInfo;

                    //get all unavailable dates starting from TODAY

                    Dictionary <int, List <DateTime> > dicCopyUnavailableDates = new AvailabilityModel().getAllUnavailableDaysPerCopyForDvdInfo(thisDVD, DateTime.Today); //Throws NoRecordException
                    Dictionary <int, int> dicDaysFreeForCopy = new Dictionary <int, int>();                                                                               //contains the number of free days for the dvdCopy (copy-id, freedays)

                    int selectedCopyId = -1;                                                                                                                              //id of the copy that will be assigned to this orderLine

                    //loop over the list of occupied dates per copy, check how many free dates exist around the chosen period, store that amount in dicDaysFreeForCopy
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <DateTime> > entry in dicCopyUnavailableDates)
                        //determine how many days the copy will be rented
                        int  rentPeriodDays  = (orderLine.enddate - orderLine.startdate).Days;
                        bool copyIsAvailable = true;

                        for (int i = 0; i <= rentPeriodDays; i++)
                            //loop over the occupied days, check if the copy is available on all of the requested dates
                            if (entry.Value.Contains(orderLine.startdate.AddDays(i)))
                                //one of the requested days is not free, this copy can not be used
                                copyIsAvailable = false;

                        if (copyIsAvailable)
                            //we now know this copy has the needed time available, now to determine the size of this free period
                            dicDaysFreeForCopy.Add(entry.Key, 0);

                            //check the amount of free days between start date and the first unavailable date (going backwards)
                            bool unavailableFound = false;
                            int  offset           = 0;
                                if (entry.Value.Contains(orderLine.startdate.AddDays(-offset)) || orderLine.startdate.AddDays(-offset) == DateTime.Today)
                                    //the copy is reserved on this date, break out of loop
                                    unavailableFound = true;
                            } while (!unavailableFound);

                            //check the amount of free days between end date and the first unavailable date (going forward)
                            unavailableFound = false;
                            offset           = 0;
                                if (entry.Value.Contains(orderLine.enddate.AddDays(offset)) || orderLine.enddate.AddDays(offset) >= DateTime.Today.AddDays(14))
                                    //the copy is reserved on this date, break out of loop
                                    unavailableFound = true;
                            } while (!unavailableFound);

                    int daysFree = 1000;

                    //loop over all copies, select the one with the smallest free window
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> entryDays in dicDaysFreeForCopy)
                        if (entryDays.Value < daysFree)
                            daysFree       = entryDays.Value;
                            selectedCopyId = entryDays.Key;

                    //assign the copy if it has been found
                    if (selectedCopyId > 0)
                            orderLine.dvdCopy = new DvdCopyService().getByID(selectedCopyId.ToString());            //Throws NoRecordException || DALException
                        catch (NoRecordException)
                            //No dvd's were found
                        new OrderLineService().updateOrderLine(orderLine);

                        //update the amount_sold field of the dvdInfo record
                        orderLine.dvdInfo.amount_sold = orderLine.dvdInfo.amount_sold + 1;
                        new DvdInfoService().update(orderLine.dvdInfo);                                                             //Throws NoRecordException
                        //no copies with future orderLines are available for this reservation/rent order
                        //get all fully available copies (=copies with no orderLines in the future) to assign to this orderline
                            List <DvdCopy> dvdCopies = new DvdCopyService().getAllFullyAvailableCopies(thisDVD, orderLine.startdate);      //Throws NoRecordException || DALException

                            //set the first available copy as the copy for this orderline
                            orderLine.dvdCopy = dvdCopies[0];
                            //update database
                            new OrderLineService().updateOrderLine(orderLine);
                            //update the amount_sold field of the dvdInfo record
                            dvdCopies[0].dvdinfo.amount_sold += 1;
                            new DvdInfoService().update(dvdCopies[0].dvdinfo);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            //no copy can be assigned at this time, this means someone else received the last copy between the time where
                            //this user added the item to his cart and when he payed for the order.
                else if (orderLine.orderLineType.id == 2) //sale copy
                    //get all available copies
                    //get this list again for every item so you can add a new, available copy to the order
                    List <DvdCopy> availableCopies = new DvdCopyService().getAllInStockBuyCopiesForDvdInfo(orderLine.dvdInfo);           //Throws NoRecordException || DALException

                    //get the first available copy
                    //set the found copy as the copy for this orderline
                    orderLine.dvdCopy = availableCopies[0];
                    new OrderLineService().updateOrderLine(orderLine);

                    //update the amount_sold field of the dvdInfo record
                    DvdInfo dvdInfo = availableCopies[0].dvdinfo;
                    dvdInfo.amount_sold = dvdInfo.amount_sold + 1;
                    new DvdInfoService().update(dvdInfo);         //Throws NoRecordException

                    //mark the found copy as NOT in_stock
                    availableCopies[0].in_stock = false;
                    if (new DvdCopyService().updateCopy(availableCopies[0]))            //Throws NoRecordException || DALException
                        //Success, record updated