public void BackupFarm(SPFarm farm, bool prepare)
            if (prepare)

            if (_includeIis)
                // Export the IIS settings.
                string iisBakPath = Path.Combine(_path, "iis_full.bak");
                if (_overwrite && File.Exists(iisBakPath))
                if (!_overwrite && File.Exists(iisBakPath))
                    throw new SPException(
                        string.Format("The IIS backup file '{0}' already exists - specify '-overwrite' to replace the file.", iisBakPath));

                //Utilities.RunCommand("cscript", string.Format("{0}\\iiscnfg.vbs /export /f \"{1}\" /inherited /children /sp /lm", Environment.SystemDirectory, iisBakPath), false);
                using (DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost"))
                    Logger.Write("Exporting full IIS settings....");
                    string decryptionPwd = string.Empty;
                    de.Invoke("Export", new object[] { decryptionPwd, iisBakPath, "/lm", FLAG_EXPORT_INHERITED_SETTINGS });
            SPEnumerator enumerator = new SPEnumerator(farm);
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command.</param>
        /// <param name="keyValues">The key values.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The output.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int Execute(string command, StringDictionary keyValues, out string output)
            output = string.Empty;
            Logger.Verbose = true;

            string scope = Params["scope"].Value.ToLowerInvariant();

            SPFarm farm = SPFarm.Local;
            SPWebService webService = farm.Services.GetValue<SPWebService>("");

            m_quotaColl = webService.QuotaTemplates;
            m_setQuota = Params["setquota"].UserTypedIn;

            if (Params["quota"].UserTypedIn)
                m_quota = m_quotaColl[Params["quota"].Value];
                if (m_quota == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The specified quota template name could not be found.");

            SPEnumerator enumerator;
            if (scope == "farm")
                enumerator = new SPEnumerator(SPFarm.Local);
            else if (scope == "webapplication")
                enumerator = new SPEnumerator(SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri(Params["url"].Value.TrimEnd('/'))));
                // scope == "site"
                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(Params["url"].Value.TrimEnd('/')))
                return (int)ErrorCodes.NoError;

            enumerator.SPSiteEnumerated += enumerator_SPSiteEnumerated;

            return (int)ErrorCodes.NoError;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the SPWebApplicationEnumerated event of the enumerator control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="Lapointe.SharePoint.STSADM.Commands.OperationHelpers.SPEnumerator.SPWebApplicationEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void OnSPWebApplicationEnumerated(object sender, SPEnumerator.SPWebApplicationEventArgs e)
            if (!_includeIis)

            foreach (SPIisSettings iis in e.WebApplication.IisSettings.Values)
                string iisBakPath = Path.Combine(_path, string.Format("iis_w3svc_{0}.bak", iis.PreferredInstanceId));
                if (_overwrite && File.Exists(iisBakPath))
                if (!_overwrite && File.Exists(iisBakPath))
                    throw new SPException(string.Format("The IIS backup file '{0}' already exists - specify '-overwrite' to replace the file.", iisBakPath));

                //    "cscript",
                //    string.Format("{0}\\iiscnfg.vbs /export /f \"{1}\" /inherited /children /sp /lm/w3svc/{2}",
                //        Environment.SystemDirectory,
                //        iisBakPath,
                //        iis.PreferredInstanceId),
                //    false);

                using (DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost"))
                    Logger.Write("Exporting IIS settings for web application '{0}'....", iis.ServerComment);
                    string decryptionPwd = string.Empty;
                    string path = string.Format("/lm/w3svc/{0}", iis.PreferredInstanceId);
                    de.Invoke("Export", new object[] { decryptionPwd, iisBakPath, path, FLAG_EXPORT_INHERITED_SETTINGS });
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the SPSiteEnumerated event of the enumerator control.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="Lapointe.SharePoint.STSADM.Commands.OperationHelpers.SPEnumerator.SPSiteEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 private void OnSPSiteEnumerated(object sender, SPEnumerator.SPSiteEventArgs e)
        private void InitiateEnumerator(SPEnumerator enumerator)
            if (enumerator != null)
                // Listen for web application events so that we can export the settings for the specified application.
                enumerator.SPWebApplicationEnumerated += new SPEnumerator.SPWebApplicationEnumeratedEventHandler(OnSPWebApplicationEnumerated);

                enumerator.SPSiteEnumerated += new SPEnumerator.SPSiteEnumeratedEventHandler(OnSPSiteEnumerated);
        public void BackupWebApplication(List<SPWebApplication> webApps, bool prepare)
            if (prepare)

            foreach (SPWebApplication webApp in webApps)
                SPEnumerator enumerator = new SPEnumerator(webApp);
        public void BackupWebApplication(SPWebApplication webApp, bool prepare)
            if (prepare)

            SPEnumerator enumerator = new SPEnumerator(webApp);
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the SPWebEnumerated event of the enumerator control.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="Lapointe.SharePoint.STSADM.Commands.OperationHelpers.SPEnumerator.SPWebEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 private void enumerator_SPWebEnumerated(object sender, SPEnumerator.SPWebEventArgs e)
     ActivateDeactivateFeatureAtWeb(e.Site, e.Web, m_Activate, m_FeatureId, m_Force, m_IgnoreNonActive);
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the SPWebApplicationEnumerated event of the enumerator control.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="Lapointe.SharePoint.STSADM.Commands.OperationHelpers.SPEnumerator.SPWebApplicationEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 private void enumerator_SPWebApplicationEnumerated(object sender, SPEnumerator.SPWebApplicationEventArgs e)
     ActivateDeactivateFeatureAtWebApplication(e.WebApplication, m_FeatureId, m_Activate, m_Force, m_IgnoreNonActive);
        internal void ActivateDeactivateFeatureAtScope(SPFeatureDefinition feature, ActivationScope scope, bool activate, string url, bool force, bool ignoreNonActive)
            m_IgnoreNonActive = ignoreNonActive;
            m_Activate = activate;
            m_Force = force;
            m_Url = url;
            m_FeatureId = feature.Id;

            if (feature.Scope == SPFeatureScope.Farm)
                if (scope != ActivationScope.Farm)
                    throw new SPSyntaxException("The Feature specified is scoped to the Farm.  The -scope parameter must be \"Farm\".");
                ActivateDeactivateFeatureAtFarm(activate, m_FeatureId, m_Force, m_IgnoreNonActive);
            else if (feature.Scope == SPFeatureScope.WebApplication)
                if (scope != ActivationScope.Farm && scope != ActivationScope.WebApplication)
                    throw new SPSyntaxException("The Feature specified is scoped to the Web Application.  The -scope parameter must be either \"Farm\" or \"WebApplication\".");

                if (scope == ActivationScope.Farm)
                    SPEnumerator enumerator = new SPEnumerator(SPFarm.Local);
                    enumerator.SPWebApplicationEnumerated += enumerator_SPWebApplicationEnumerated;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Url))
                        throw new SPSyntaxException("The -url parameter is required if the scope is \"WebApplication\".");
                    SPWebApplication webApp = SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri(m_Url));
                    ActivateDeactivateFeatureAtWebApplication(webApp, m_FeatureId, activate, m_Force, m_IgnoreNonActive);
            else if (feature.Scope == SPFeatureScope.Site)
                if (scope == ActivationScope.Web)
                    throw new SPSyntaxException("The Feature specified is scoped to Site.  The -scope parameter cannot be \"Web\".");

                SPSite site = null;
                SPEnumerator enumerator = null;
                    if (scope == ActivationScope.Farm)
                        enumerator = new SPEnumerator(SPFarm.Local);
                    else if (scope == ActivationScope.WebApplication)
                        SPWebApplication webApp = SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri(m_Url));
                        enumerator = new SPEnumerator(webApp);
                    else if (scope == ActivationScope.Site)
                        site = new SPSite(m_Url);
                        ActivateDeactivateFeatureAtSite(site, activate, m_FeatureId, m_Force, m_IgnoreNonActive);
                    if (enumerator != null)
                        enumerator.SPSiteEnumerated += enumerator_SPSiteEnumerated;
                    if (site != null)
            else if (feature.Scope == SPFeatureScope.Web)
                SPSite site = null;
                SPWeb web = null;
                SPEnumerator enumerator = null;
                    if (scope == ActivationScope.Farm)
                        enumerator = new SPEnumerator(SPFarm.Local);
                    else if (scope == ActivationScope.WebApplication)
                        SPWebApplication webApp = SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri(m_Url));
                        enumerator = new SPEnumerator(webApp);
                    else if (scope == ActivationScope.Site)
                        site = new SPSite(m_Url);
                        enumerator = new SPEnumerator(site);
                    else if (scope == ActivationScope.Web)

                        site = new SPSite(m_Url);
                        web = site.AllWebs[Utilities.GetServerRelUrlFromFullUrl(m_Url)];
                        enumerator = new SPEnumerator(web);
                    if (enumerator != null)
                        enumerator.SPWebEnumerated += enumerator_SPWebEnumerated;
                    if (web != null)
                    if (site != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the SPSiteEnumerated event of the enumerator control.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="Lapointe.SharePoint.STSADM.Commands.OperationHelpers.SPEnumerator.SPSiteEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 private void enumerator_SPSiteEnumerated(object sender, SPEnumerator.SPSiteEventArgs e)