Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Given a LanguageDef, create a token parser.
        ///  The expression makeTokenParser(language) creates a 'GenTokenParser'
        ///  record that contains lexical parsers that are defined using the
        ///  definitions in the language record.
        ///  The use of this function is quite stylised - one imports the
        ///  appropiate language definition and selects the lexical parsers that
        ///  are needed from the resulting 'GenTokenParser'.
        ///    // The parser
        ///    ...
        ///    var expr  =  either(
        ///                     parens(expr),
        ///                     identifier,
        ///                     ...
        ///                 )
        ///    // The lexer
        ///    var lexer       = makeTokenParser(langDef)
        ///    var parens      = lexer.Parens(p);
        ///    var braces      = lexer.Braces(p);
        ///    var identifier  = lexer.Identifier;
        ///    var reserved    = lexer.Reserved;
        ///    ...
        /// </summary>
        public static GenTokenParser makeTokenParser(GenLanguageDef def)
            var simpleSpace = skipMany1(satisfy(System.Char.IsWhiteSpace));

            Parser <Unit>         multiLineComment = null;
            Parser <Unit>         inCommentMulti   = null;
            Parser <Unit>         inCommentSingle  = null;
            Func <double, double> power            = null;
            Func <string, bool>   isReservedName   = null;

            var startEnd = List.append(def.CommentEnd.ToArray(), def.CommentStart.ToArray()).Distinct().ToArray();

            inCommentMulti =
                    from x in attempt(str(def.CommentEnd))
                    select unit,
                    from x in multiLineComment
                    from y in inCommentMulti
                    select unit,
                    from x in skipMany1(noneOf(startEnd))
                    from y in inCommentMulti
                    select unit,
                    from x in oneOf(startEnd)
                    from y in inCommentMulti
                    select unit)
                .label("end of comment");

            inCommentSingle =
                    from x in attempt(str(def.CommentEnd))
                    select unit,
                    from x in skipMany1(noneOf(startEnd))
                    from y in inCommentSingle
                    select unit,
                    from x in oneOf(startEnd)
                    from y in inCommentSingle
                    select unit)
                .label("end of comment");

            var inComment = def.NestedComments
                ? inCommentMulti
                : inCommentSingle;

            multiLineComment =
                from x in attempt(str(def.CommentStart))
                from _ in inComment
                select unit;

            var oneLineComment =
                from x in attempt(str(def.CommentLine))
                from _ in skipMany(satisfy(c => c != '\n'))
                select unit;

            var whiteSpace =
                def.CommentLine == null && def.CommentStart == null?skipMany(simpleSpace.label(""))
                    : def.CommentStart == null?skipMany(either(simpleSpace, multiLineComment).label(""))
                        : def.CommentLine == null?skipMany(either(simpleSpace, oneLineComment).label(""))
                            : skipMany(choice(simpleSpace, oneLineComment, multiLineComment).label(""));

            var lexemeStr      = lexemeDef <string>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeCh       = lexemeDef <char>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeInt      = lexemeDef <int>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeDbl      = lexemeDef <double>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeUnit     = lexemeDef <Unit>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeFnIntInt = lexemeDef <Func <int, int> >(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeEiIntDbl = lexemeDef <Either <int, double> >(whiteSpace);

            var symbol = fun((string name) => lexemeStr(str(name)));

            var semi  = symbol(";");
            var comma = symbol(",");
            var dot   = symbol(".");
            var colon = symbol(":");

            var dec = from x in many1(digit)
                      let v = parseInt(new string(x.ToArray()))
                              from n in v.Match(
                Some: d => result(d),
                None: () => failure <int>("Not a valid decimal value"))
                              select n;

            var octal = (from _ in ch('o')
                         from x in many1(octDigit)
                         let v = parseInt(new string(x.ToArray()), 8)
                                 from n in v.Match(
                             Some: d => result(d),
                             None: () => failure <int>("Not a valid octal value"))
                                 select n)
                        .label("octal number");

            var hexadecimal = (from _ in ch('x')
                               from x in many1(hexDigit)
                               let v = parseInt(new string(x.ToArray()), 16)
                                       from n in v.Match(
                                   Some: d => result(d),
                                   None: () => failure <int>("Not a valid octal value"))
                                       select n)
                              .label("octal number");

            var zeroNumber = (from _ in ch('0')
                              from r in choice(hexadecimal, octal, dec, result(0))
                              select r)

            var nat = either(zeroNumber, dec);

            var sign = choice(from _ in ch('-')
                              select fun((double d) => - d),
                              from _ in ch('+')
                              select fun((double d) => d),
                              result(fun((double d) => d)));

            var signi = choice(from _ in ch('-')
                               select fun((int d) => - d),
                               from _ in ch('+')
                               select fun((int d) => d),
                               result(fun((int d) => d)));

            var int_ = from f in lexemeFnIntInt(signi)
                       from n in nat
                       select f(n);

            var charEsc = choice(escMap.Map(pair => parseEsc(pair.Item1, pair.Item2)));

            var charNum = choice(dec, hexadecimal, octal)
                          .Map(x => x[0]);

            var charControl = from _ in ch('^')
                              from c in upper
                              select(char)(c - 64);

            var escapeCode = choice(charEsc, charNum, charControl).label("escape code");

            var charEscape = from _ in ch('\\')
                             from c in escapeCode
                             select c;

            var charLetter = satisfy(c => c != '\'' && c != '\\' && c > 26);

            var characterChar = either(charLetter, charEscape).label("literal character");

            var charLiteral =
                        ch('\'').label("end of character"),

            var stringLetter = satisfy(c => c != '"' && c != '\\' && c > 26);

            var escapeGap = (from _ in many1(space)
                             from c in ch('\\')
                             select c)
                            .label("end of string gap");

            var escapeEmpty = ch('&');

            var stringEscape = from _ in ch('\\')
                               from esc in choice(
                from x in escapeGap
                select Option <char> .None,
                from x in escapeEmpty
                select Option <char> .None,
                from c in escapeCode
                select Some(c))
                               select esc;

            var stringChar =
                either(from c in stringLetter
                       select Some(c),
                .label("string character");

            var stringLiteral =
                    from s in between(
                    select new string(s.Somes().ToArray()))
                .label("literal string");

            power =
                fun((double e) => e < 0
                    ? 1.0 / power(-e)
                    : Math.Pow(10, e));

            var exponent = from _ in oneOf("eE")
                           from f in sign
                           from e in dec.label("exponent")
                           select power(f(e));

            var fraction = (from _ in ch('.')
                            from f in asInteger(many1(digit).label("fraction"))
                            from n in f.Match(
                                Some: d => result(d),
                                None: () => failure <int>("Not a valid fractional value"))
                            select n / 10.0)

            var fractExponent =
                fun((int n) =>
                    either(from fract in fraction
                           from expo in optionOrElse(1.0, exponent)
                           select(((double)n) + fract) * expo,
                           from expo in exponent
                           select((double)n) * expo));

            var fractFloat =
                fun((int n) =>
                    from f in fractExponent(n)
                    select Right <int, double>(f));

            var decimalFloat = from d in dec
                               from x in optionOrElse(Left <int, double>(d), fractFloat(d))
                               select x;

            var zeroNumFloat =
                    from d in either(hexadecimal, octal)
                    select Left <int, double>(d),
                    result(Left <int, double>(0)));

            var natFloat =
                    from z in ch('0')
                    from r in zeroNumFloat
                    select r,

            //var floating =
            //    from n in dec
            //    from f in fractExponent(n)
            //    select f;

            // -1.05e+003
            var floating = from si in optionOrElse("", from x in oneOf("+-") select x.ToString())
                           from nu in asString(many(digit))
                           from frac in optionOrElse("",
                                                     from pt in dot
                                                     from fr in asString(many(digit))
                                                     from ex in optionOrElse("",
                                                                             from e in oneOf("eE")
                                                                             from s in oneOf("+-")
                                                                             from n in asString(many1(digit))
                                                                             select $"{e}{s}{n}"
                                                     select $"{pt}{fr}{ex}")
                           let all                     = $"{si}{nu}{frac}"
                                               let opt = parseDouble(all)
                                                         from res in opt.Match(
                x => result(x),
                () => failure <double>("Invalid floating point value")
                                                         select res;

            var natural        = lexemeInt(nat).label("natural");
            var integer        = lexemeInt(int_).label("integer");
            var float_         = lexemeDbl(floating).label("float");
            var naturalOrFloat = lexemeEiIntDbl(natFloat).label("number");

            var reservedOp = fun((string name) =>
                                         from n in str(name)
                                         from _ in notFollowedBy(def.OpLetter).label("end of " + name)
                                         select unit)));

            var oper = (from c in def.OpStart
                        from cs in many(def.OpLetter)
                        select new string(c.Cons(cs).ToArray()))

            var operator_ =
                        from name in oper
                        from op in def.ReservedOpNames.Contains(name)
                            ? unexpected <string>("reserved operator " + name)
                            : result(name)
                        select op));

            var theReservedNames =
                    ? def.ReservedNames
                    : def.ReservedNames.Map(x => x.ToLower()).Freeze();

            var isReserved = fun((Lst <string> names, string name) =>
                        ? name
                        : name.ToLower()));

            isReservedName = fun((string name) =>
                                 isReserved(theReservedNames, name));

            var ident = (from c in def.IdentStart
                         from cs in many1(def.IdentLetter)
                         select new string(c.Cons(cs).ToArray()))

            var identifier = lexemeStr(
                    from name in ident
                    from r in isReservedName(name)
                        ? unexpected <string>("reserved word " + name)
                        : result(name)
                    select r));

            var caseString = fun((string name) => str(name));
            //    ? str(name)
            //    : /* TODO - fully implement case insensitive version*/);

            var reserved = fun((string name) =>
                                       from x in caseString(name)
                                       from _ in notFollowedBy(def.IdentLetter).label("end of " + name)
                                       select x)));

            return(new GenTokenParser(
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Given a LanguageDef, create a token parser.
        ///  The expression makeTokenParser(language) creates a 'GenTokenParser'
        ///  record that contains lexical parsers that are defined using the
        ///  definitions in the language record.
        ///  The use of this function is quite stylised - one imports the
        ///  appropriate language definition and selects the lexical parsers that
        ///  are needed from the resulting 'GenTokenParser'.
        ///    // The parser
        ///    ...
        ///    var expr  =  either(
        ///                     parens(expr),
        ///                     identifier,
        ///                     ...
        ///                 )
        ///    // The lexer
        ///    var lexer       = makeTokenParser(langDef)
        ///    var parens      = lexer.Parens(p);
        ///    var braces      = lexer.Braces(p);
        ///    var identifier  = lexer.Identifier;
        ///    var reserved    = lexer.Reserved;
        ///    ...
        /// </summary>
        public static GenTokenParser makeTokenParser(GenLanguageDef def)
            var simpleSpace = skipMany1(satisfy(System.Char.IsWhiteSpace));

            Parser <Unit>       multiLineComment = null;
            Parser <Unit>       inCommentMulti   = null;
            Parser <Unit>       inCommentSingle  = null;
            Func <string, bool> isReservedName   = null;

            var startEnd = List.append(def.CommentEnd.ToArray(), def.CommentStart.ToArray()).Distinct().ToArray();

            inCommentMulti =
                    from x in attempt(str(def.CommentEnd))
                    select unit,
                    from x in lazyp(() => multiLineComment)
                    from y in inCommentMulti
                    select unit,
                    from x in skipMany1(noneOf(startEnd))
                    from y in inCommentMulti
                    select unit,
                    from x in oneOf(startEnd)
                    from y in inCommentMulti
                    select unit)
                .label("end of comment");

            inCommentSingle =
                    from x in attempt(str(def.CommentEnd))
                    select unit,
                    from x in skipMany1(noneOf(startEnd))
                    from y in inCommentSingle
                    select unit,
                    from x in oneOf(startEnd)
                    from y in inCommentSingle
                    select unit)
                .label("end of comment");

            var inComment = def.NestedComments
                ? inCommentMulti
                : inCommentSingle;

            multiLineComment =
                from x in attempt(str(def.CommentStart))
                from _ in inComment
                select unit;

            var oneLineComment =
                from x in attempt(str(def.CommentLine))
                from _ in skipMany(satisfy(c => c != '\n'))
                select unit;

            var whiteSpace =
                def.CommentLine == null && def.CommentStart == null?skipMany(simpleSpace.label(""))
                    : def.CommentStart == null?skipMany(either(simpleSpace, multiLineComment).label(""))
                        : def.CommentLine == null?skipMany(either(simpleSpace, oneLineComment).label(""))
                            : skipMany(choice(simpleSpace, oneLineComment, multiLineComment).label(""));

            var lexemeStr      = lexemeDef <string>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeCh       = lexemeDef <char>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeInt      = lexemeDef <int>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeDbl      = lexemeDef <double>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeUnit     = lexemeDef <Unit>(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeFnIntInt = lexemeDef <Func <int, int> >(whiteSpace);
            var lexemeEiIntDbl = lexemeDef <Either <int, double> >(whiteSpace);

            var symbol = fun((string name) => lexemeStr(str(name)));

            var semi  = symbol(";");
            var comma = symbol(",");
            var dot   = symbol(".");
            var colon = symbol(":");

            var dec = from x in many1(digit)
                      let v = parseInt(new string(x.ToArray()))
                              from n in v.Match(
                Some: result,
                None: () => failure <int>("Not a valid decimal value"))
                              select n;

            var octal = (from _ in ch('o')
                         from x in many1(octDigit)
                         let v = parseInt(new string(x.ToArray()), 8)
                                 from n in v.Match(
                             Some: result,
                             None: () => failure <int>("Not a valid octal value"))
                                 select n)
                        .label("octal number");

            var hexadecimal = (from _ in ch('x')
                               from x in many1(hexDigit)
                               let v = parseInt(new string(x.ToArray()), 16)
                                       from n in v.Match(
                                   Some: result,
                                   None: () => failure <int>("Not a valid hexadecimal value"))
                                       select n)
                              .label("hexadecimal number");

            var zeroNumber = (from _ in ch('0')
                              from r in choice(hexadecimal, octal, dec, result(0))
                              select r)

            var nat = either(zeroNumber, dec);

            var sign = choice(from _ in ch('-')
                              select fun((double d) => - d),
                              from _ in ch('+')
                              select fun((double d) => d),
                              result(fun((double d) => d)));

            var signi = choice(from _ in ch('-')
                               select fun((int d) => - d),
                               from _ in ch('+')
                               select fun((int d) => d),
                               result(fun((int d) => d)));

            var int_ = from f in lexemeFnIntInt(signi)
                       from n in nat
                       select f(n);

            var charEsc = choice(escMap.Map(pair => parseEsc(pair.Item1, pair.Item2)));

            var charNum = choice(dec, hexadecimal, octal)
                          .Map(x => x[0]);

            var charControl = from _ in ch('^')
                              from c in upper
                              select(char)(c - 64);

            var escapeCode = choice(charEsc, charNum, charControl).label("escape code");

            var charEscape = from _ in ch('\\')
                             from c in escapeCode
                             select c;

            var charLetter = satisfy(c => c != '\'' && c != '\\' && c > 26);

            var characterChar = either(charLetter, charEscape).label("literal character");

            var charLiteral =
                        ch('\'').label("end of character"),

            var stringLetter = satisfy(c => c != '"' && c != '\\' && c > 26);

            var escapeGap = (from _ in many1(space)
                             from c in ch('\\')
                             select c)
                            .label("end of string gap");

            var escapeEmpty = ch('&');

            var stringEscape = from _ in ch('\\')
                               from esc in choice(
                from x in escapeGap
                select Option <char> .None,
                from x in escapeEmpty
                select Option <char> .None,
                from c in escapeCode
                select Some(c))
                               select esc;

            var stringChar =
                either(from c in stringLetter
                       select Some(c),
                .label("string character");

            var stringLiteral =
                    from s in between(
                    select new string(s.Somes().ToArray()))
                .label("literal string");

            // -1.05e+003 - optional fractional part
            var floating = from si in optionOrElse("", oneOf("+-").Select(static x => x.ToString()))