Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a note board based on the given date periods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dates">An array of DateTime objects represents the start of year, of the second period and the end of the half year. </param>
        /// <returns>A boolean value represents whether this operation finished successfully or not</returns>
        private bool CreateBoard(DateTime[] dates, DateTime[,] holidays)
            if (dates.Length != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("The augument \"dates\" (array of DateTime) must have 4 items", nameof(dates));
            if (holidays.Length != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("The augument \"holidays\" (array of DateTime) must have 4 items", nameof(holidays));

            //start a new sheet
            Excel.Worksheet sheet1;
            sheet1 = (Excel.Worksheet)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Worksheets.Add();

            Excel.Range tRange;

            //Entire Sheet Setting:
            Excel.Range er = sheet1.get_Range("A:A", System.Type.Missing);
            er.EntireColumn.EntireRow.ColumnWidth = 30;
            er.EntireColumn.EntireRow.RowHeight   = 30;

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                sheet1.Cells[1, (i + 1) * 2].EntireColumn.ColumnWidth  = 10;
                sheet1.Cells[1, (i + 1) * 2].EntireColumn.WrapText     = true;
                sheet1.Cells[1, (i + 1) * 2].EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "@";
                sheet1.Cells[1, (i + 1) * 2 - 1] = "Besonderheit " + i;
                sheet1.Cells[1, (i + 1) * 2]     = "Stufe";

            sheet1.Cells[1, 1] = "Wochentage";
            sheet1.Cells[1, 2] = "Datum";
            sheet1.Cells[1, 9] = dates[0].ToString("dd.MM.yyyy", DEUTSCHCULT) + "~" + dates[1].ToString("dd.MM.yyyy", DEUTSCHCULT) + "~" + dates[2].ToString("dd.MM.yyyy", DEUTSCHCULT) + "~" + dates[3].ToString("dd.MM.yyyy", DEUTSCHCULT);
            sheet1.Cells[2, 9] = $"{holidays[0, 0]:dd.MM.yyyy}~{holidays[0, 1]:dd.MM.yyyy}";
            sheet1.Cells[3, 9] = $"{holidays[1, 0]:dd.MM.yyyy}~{holidays[1, 1]:dd.MM.yyyy}";
            sheet1.Cells[1, 1].EntireRow.Font.Bold = true;
            sheet1.Cells[1, 1].EntireRow.Font.Size = 14;

            sheet1.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitRow    = 1;
            sheet1.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true;

            #region 1. + 2. column: Weekdays and Dates
            int[] dateLength = new int[3] {
                0, DateTimeCalcUtils.BusinessDaysUntil(dates[0], dates[1]), DateTimeCalcUtils.BusinessDaysUntil(dates[0], dates[1]) + DateTimeCalcUtils.BusinessDaysUntil(dates[2], dates[3]) - 1

            DateTime[] startDates = new DateTime[3] {
                dates[0], dates[2], dates[3]
            string[] titlesStart = new string[3] {
                "Anfang d. 1. Abschnitts", "Anfang d. 2. Abschnitts", "Ende des Schulhalbjahres"
            sheet1.get_Range("B:B", System.Type.Missing).NumberFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy";  //It MAY cause a problem

            for (int i = 0; i < dateLength.Length; i++)
                tRange       = sheet1.Range[sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 3 + i, 1], sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 3 + i, 1]];
                tRange.Value = DEUTSCHCULT.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(startDates[i].DayOfWeek);

                tRange       = sheet1.Range[sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 3 + i, 2], sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 3 + i, 2]];
                tRange.Value = startDates[i].Date;

                if (i < 2)
                    sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 2 + i, 2] = titlesStart[i];
                    sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 2 + i, 2].EntireRow.Interior.Color = Color.FromArgb(146, 208, 80);
                    ((Excel.Range)sheet1.Range[sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 2 + i, 2], sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 2 + i, 2]]).Font.Size = 14;
                    tRange.AutoFill(sheet1.Range[sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 3 + i, 2], sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i + 1] + i + 2, 2]], Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillWeekdays);

                    tRange = sheet1.Range[sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 3 + i, 1], sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 3 + i, 1]];
                    tRange.AutoFill(sheet1.Range[sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i] + 3 + i, 1], sheet1.Cells[dateLength[i + 1] + i + 2, 1]], Excel.XlAutoFillType.xlFillWeekdays);
            sheet1.Cells[dateLength[2] + 3 + 1, 1] = DEUTSCHCULT.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(dates[3].DayOfWeek);
            sheet1.Cells[dateLength[2] + 3 + 2, 1] = "";
            sheet1.Cells[dateLength[2] + 3 + 1, 2] = dates[3].Date;
            sheet1.Cells[dateLength[2] + 3 + 2, 2] = titlesStart[2];
            sheet1.Cells[dateLength[2] + 3 + 2, 2].EntireRow.Interior.Color = Color.FromArgb(146, 208, 80);
            ((Excel.Range)sheet1.Range[sheet1.Cells[dateLength[2] + 3 + 2, 2], sheet1.Cells[dateLength[2] + 3 + 2, 2]]).Font.Size = 14;

            sheet1.Cells[1, 1].EntireColumn.AutoFit();

        /// <summary>
        /// If the accept is clicked, check the given values
        /// If these are valid, start to create the note board
        /// Otherwise, mark the wrong field as red
        /// </summary>
        private void btnAccept_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
            Color RED = Color.FromArgb(255, 192, 192);

            DateTime[] periods = new DateTime[3];
            //Check the validity of the given dates
            //Store the text boxes into an array called textboxs
            TextBox[] textboxes = new TextBox[3] {
                StartPeriod1, StartPeriod2, EndHY

            bool allRight = true;

            foreach (TextBox tbx in textboxes)
                tbx.BackColor = Color.White;
                    periods[Array.IndexOf(textboxes, tbx)] = DateTime.ParseExact(tbx.Text, "dd-MM-yyyy", DEUTSCHCULT);
                    if (DateTimeCalcUtils.GetWeekday(periods[Array.IndexOf(textboxes, tbx)]) == "Sa" ||
                        DateTimeCalcUtils.GetWeekday(periods[Array.IndexOf(textboxes, tbx)]) == "So")
                        throw new FormatException("The dates could not be on the weekends");
                catch (FormatException)
                    allRight      = false;
                    tbx.BackColor = RED;

                catch (Exception err)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error in \'FormForGeneratingSheet2.cs\'");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Generic Exception Handler: {err}");

            if (allRight)
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        //Test if the dates do not fit or the periods are too short
                        DateTimeCalcUtils.BusinessDaysUntil(periods[i], periods[i + 1].AddDays(-17));
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        allRight = false;
                        textboxes[i + 1].BackColor = RED;

            if (allRight)
                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes;
                if (CreateBoard(periods))
                    MessageBox.Show("Ein leerer Bemerkungsbogen wurde erfolgreich generiert.\r\nAbschnitts: " +
                                    $"{periods[0]:dd-MM-yyyy} ~ {periods[1]:dd-MM-yyyy} ~ {periods[2]:dd-MM-yyyy}",
                                    "Erfolg", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);