private void OnDockspaceSeparatorMoved(object sender, SplitterEventArgs e)
            // Cast to correct type and grab associated dockspace element
            KryptonDockspaceSeparator separatorControl = (KryptonDockspaceSeparator)sender;
            KryptonDockingDockspace   dockspaceElement = _lookupSeparator[separatorControl];

            // Update with delta change
            switch (Edge)
            case DockingEdge.Left:
                dockspaceElement.DockspaceControl.Width += e.SplitX;

            case DockingEdge.Right:
                dockspaceElement.DockspaceControl.Width -= e.SplitX;

            case DockingEdge.Top:
                dockspaceElement.DockspaceControl.Height += e.SplitY;

            case DockingEdge.Bottom:
                dockspaceElement.DockspaceControl.Height -= e.SplitY;

            if (_update)
                // Inform our owning control that the update has ended, allowing the client area to be drawn
                KryptonDockingControl c = GetParentType(typeof(KryptonDockingControl)) as KryptonDockingControl;
                c.PropogateAction(DockingPropogateAction.EndUpdate, (string[])null);
                _update = false;
 private void OnDockspaceSeparatorNotMoved(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (_update)
         // Inform our owning control that the update has ended, allowing the client area to be drawn
         KryptonDockingControl c = GetParentType(typeof(KryptonDockingControl)) as KryptonDockingControl;
         c.PropogateAction(DockingPropogateAction.EndUpdate, (string[])null);
         _update = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the DragTargetControlEdge class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="screenRect">Rectangle for screen area.</param>
        /// <param name="hotRect">Rectangle for hot area.</param>
        /// <param name="drawRect">Rectangle for draw area.</param>
        /// <param name="hint">Target hint which should be one of the edges.</param>
        /// <param name="controlElement">Workspace instance that contains cell.</param>
        /// <param name="allowFlags">Only drop pages that have one of these flags defined.</param>
        /// <param name="outsideEdge">Add to the outside edge (otherwise the inner edge).</param>
        public DragTargetControlEdge(Rectangle screenRect,
                                     Rectangle hotRect,
                                     Rectangle drawRect,
                                     DragTargetHint hint,
                                     KryptonDockingControl controlElement,
                                     KryptonPageFlags allowFlags,
                                     bool outsideEdge)
            : base(screenRect, hotRect, drawRect, hint, allowFlags)
            ControlElement = controlElement;
            _outsideEdge   = outsideEdge;

            // Find the orientation by looking for a matching hint (we need to exclude flags from the hint enum)
            switch (hint & DragTargetHint.ExcludeFlags)
            case DragTargetHint.Transfer:
            case DragTargetHint.EdgeLeft:
                Edge = VisualOrientation.Left;

            case DragTargetHint.EdgeRight:
                Edge = VisualOrientation.Right;

            case DragTargetHint.EdgeTop:
                Edge = VisualOrientation.Top;

            case DragTargetHint.EdgeBottom:
                Edge = VisualOrientation.Bottom;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Hint must be an edge value.");