Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool OnRead(BaseSocket sock, byte[] buf, int offset, int length)
            if (!m_running)
                Debug.WriteLine("shutting down.  extra bytes received.");
                return false;

            Debug.WriteLine("OnRead: " + ((HttpSocket)sock).Name);

            // Parse out the first start tag or empty element, which will be
            // <body/>.
            Kixeye.Xpnet.UTF8Encoding e = new Kixeye.Xpnet.UTF8Encoding();
            Kixeye.Xpnet.ContentToken ct = new Kixeye.Xpnet.ContentToken();
            Kixeye.Xpnet.TOK tok = e.tokenizeContent(buf, offset, offset + length, ct);

            if ((tok != Kixeye.Xpnet.TOK.START_TAG_WITH_ATTS) &&
                (tok != Kixeye.Xpnet.TOK.EMPTY_ELEMENT_WITH_ATTS))
                m_listener.OnError(this, new ProtocolViolationException("Invalid HTTP binding XML.  Token type: " + tok.ToString()));
                return false;

            string name = ENC.GetString(buf,
                                        offset + e.MinBytesPerChar,
                                        ct.NameEnd - offset - e.MinBytesPerChar);
            Debug.Assert(name == "body");
            Body b = new Body(m_doc);
            string val;
            int start;
            int end;
            for (int i = 0; i < ct.getAttributeSpecifiedCount(); i++)
                start = ct.getAttributeNameStart(i);
                end = ct.getAttributeNameEnd(i);
                name = ENC.GetString(buf, start, end - start);

                start = ct.getAttributeValueStart(i);
                end = ct.getAttributeValueEnd(i);
                val = ENC.GetString(buf, start, end - start);

                if (!name.StartsWith("xmlns"))
                    b.SetAttribute(name, val);

            if (b.SID != null)
                m_sid = b.SID;

            if (m_sid == null)
                m_listener.OnError(this, new ProtocolViolationException("Invalid HTTP binding.  No SID."));
                return false;

            if (b.Wait != -1)
                m_wait = b.Wait;

            if (StartStream)
                StartStream = false;
                m_authID = b.AuthID;
                if (!FakeReceivedStream())
                    return false;

            lock (m_queue)
                if (!m_running)
                    return false;

                if (b.Type == BodyType.terminate)
                    m_running = false;
                    Error err = new Error(m_doc);
                    err.AppendChild(m_doc.CreateElement(b.GetAttribute("condition"), URI.STREAM_ERROR));
                    byte[] sbuf = ENC.GetBytes(err.OuterXml);
                    m_listener.OnRead(this, sbuf, 0, sbuf.Length);
                    sbuf = ENC.GetBytes("</stream:stream>");
                    m_listener.OnRead(this, sbuf, 0, sbuf.Length);
                    return false;

            if (tok == Kixeye.Xpnet.TOK.START_TAG_WITH_ATTS)
                // len(</body>) = 7
                start = ct.TokenEnd;
                if (m_listener.OnRead(this, buf, start, offset + length - start - 7))

            lock (m_queue)
            return true;