Ejemplo n.º 1
        public object Clone()
            var clonedQuery = new RecipeQuery()
                Keywords  = this.Keywords,
                Rating    = this.Rating,
                Meal      = this.Meal,
                Offset    = this.Offset,
                Photos    = this.Photos,
                Sort      = this.Sort,
                Direction = this.Direction,
                Time      = this.Time.Clone() as TimeFilter,
                Diet      = this.Diet.Clone() as DietFilter,
                Nutrition = this.Nutrition.Clone() as NutritionFilter,
                Skill     = this.Skill.Clone() as SkillFilter,
                Taste     = this.Taste.Clone() as TasteFilter

            if (this.Include != null)
                clonedQuery.Include = this.Include.Clone() as Guid[];

            if (this.Exclude != null)
                clonedQuery.Exclude = this.Exclude.Clone() as Guid[];

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void RecipeActionSearch_ShouldReturnARecipeFinderWithCorrectValues()
            var recipeQuery = new RecipeQuery();

            var recipeFinder = this.Action.Search(recipeQuery);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(RecipeFinder), recipeFinder);
            Assert.AreSame(this.Context, recipeFinder.Context);
            Assert.AreSame(recipeQuery, recipeFinder.Query);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public RecipeQuery(RecipeQuery query)
     this.Keywords = query.Keywords;
      this.Rating = query.Rating;
      if (query.Include != null) this.Include = (Guid[]) query.Include.Clone();
      if (query.Exclude != null) this.Exclude = (Guid[]) query.Exclude.Clone();
      this.Time = query.Time;
      this.Photos = query.Photos;
      this.Sort = query.Sort;
      this.Direction = query.Direction;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void RecipeQueryClone_ShouldCloneObject()
            var query = new RecipeQuery
                                Keywords = "clone",
                                Meal = MealFilter.Breakfast,
                                Rating = Rating.OneStar,
                                Sort = SortOrder.CookTime,
                                Direction = SortDirection.Ascending,
                                Offset = 3,
                                Photos = PhotoFilter.HighRes,
                                Taste =
                                        MildToSpicy = SpicinessLevel.Spicy,
                                        SavoryToSweet = SweetnessLevel.Sweet
                                Include = new Guid[] { Guid.NewGuid(), },
                                Exclude = new Guid[] { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() }

            var clonedQuery = query.Clone() as RecipeQuery;

            Assert.AreEqual(query.Keywords, clonedQuery.Keywords);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Meal, clonedQuery.Meal);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Rating, clonedQuery.Rating);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Sort, clonedQuery.Sort);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Direction, clonedQuery.Direction);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Offset, clonedQuery.Offset);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Photos, clonedQuery.Photos);

            Assert.AreEqual(query.Time, clonedQuery.Time);
            Assert.AreNotSame(query.Time, clonedQuery.Time);

            Assert.AreEqual(query.Diet, clonedQuery.Diet);
            Assert.AreNotSame(query.Diet, clonedQuery.Diet);

            Assert.AreEqual(query.Nutrition, clonedQuery.Nutrition);
            Assert.AreNotSame(query.Nutrition, clonedQuery.Nutrition);

            Assert.AreEqual(query.Skill, clonedQuery.Skill);
            Assert.AreNotSame(query.Skill, clonedQuery.Skill);

            Assert.AreEqual(query.Taste, clonedQuery.Taste);
            Assert.AreNotSame(query.Taste, clonedQuery.Taste);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(query.Include, clonedQuery.Include);
            Assert.AreNotSame(query.Include, clonedQuery.Include);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(query.Exclude, clonedQuery.Exclude);
            Assert.AreNotSame(query.Exclude, clonedQuery.Exclude);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public RecipeQuery(RecipeQuery query)
     this.Keywords = query.Keywords;
     this.Rating   = query.Rating;
     if (query.Include != null)
         this.Include = (Guid[])query.Include.Clone();
     if (query.Exclude != null)
         this.Exclude = (Guid[])query.Exclude.Clone();
     this.Time      = query.Time;
     this.Photos    = query.Photos;
     this.Sort      = query.Sort;
     this.Direction = query.Direction;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestRecipeQueryConstructor()
            var query = new RecipeQuery();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(query.Include, new Guid[0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(query.Exclude, new Guid[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Keywords, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Meal, MealFilter.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Photos, PhotoFilter.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Rating, Rating.None);
            Assert.AreEqual(SortOrder.Rating, query.Sort);
            Assert.AreEqual(SortDirection.Descending, query.Direction);

            Assert.AreEqual(query.Time, new TimeFilter());
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Diet, new DietFilter());
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Nutrition, new NutritionFilter());
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Skill, new SkillFilter());
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Taste, new TasteFilter());
 public RecipeQueryBuilder SortBy(RecipeQuery.SortOrder sortOrder, RecipeQuery.SortDirection direction = RecipeQuery.SortDirection.Ascending)
     query.Sort = sortOrder;
      query.Direction = direction;
      return this;
 public RecipeQueryBuilder SavoryToSweet(RecipeQuery.SweetnessLevel scale)
     query.Taste.SavoryToSweet = scale;
      return this;
 public RecipeQueryBuilder MildToSpicy(RecipeQuery.SpicinessLevel scale)
     query.Taste.MildToSpicy = scale;
      return this;
        private static IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> SearchByDiet(
            RecipeQuery query,
            IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> recipesQuery,
            RecipeMetadata metadata)
            if (query.Diet.GlutenFree)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.DietGlutenFree);

            if (query.Diet.NoAnimals)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.DietNoAnimals);

            if (query.Diet.NoMeat)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.DietNomeat);

            if (query.Diet.NoPork)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.DietNoPork);

            if (query.Diet.NoRedMeat)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.DietNoRedMeat);

            return recipesQuery;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Searches for recipes matching the specified criteria.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="query">A RecipeQuery object indicating the recipes to match.</param>
 /// <returns>A SearchResults object containing recipe briefs and a total count.</returns>
 public virtual SearchResults RecipeSearch(RecipeQuery query)
     return this.Adapter.RecipeSearch(this.Identity, query);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void RecipeFinderResults_ShouldCallContextRecipeSearch()
            var testQuery = new RecipeQuery();
            var recipeFinder = new RecipeFinder(this.Context, testQuery);

            this.Context.RSCalledTimes = 0;

            var search = recipeFinder.Results();

            var query = this.Context.search;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, this.Context.RSCalledTimes);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(query.Include, new Guid[0]);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(query.Exclude, new Guid[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Keywords, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Meal, MealFilter.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Photos, PhotoFilter.All);
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Rating, Rating.None);
            Assert.AreEqual(SortOrder.Rating, query.Sort);
            Assert.AreEqual(SortDirection.Descending, query.Direction);

            Assert.AreEqual(query.Time, new TimeFilter());
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Diet, new DietFilter());
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Nutrition, new NutritionFilter());
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Skill, new SkillFilter());
            Assert.AreEqual(query.Taste, new TasteFilter());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public SearchResults Search(AuthIdentity identity, RecipeQuery query)
            using (var session = this.adapter.GetSession())
                Recipes recipe = null;

                var q = session.QueryOver<Recipes>(() => recipe)
                   .Where(p => !p.Hidden);

                // Add keyword search
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Keywords))
                    q = q.Where(
                          Restrictions.InsensitiveLike("Title", string.Format("%{0}%", query.Keywords.Trim())),
                           Restrictions.InsensitiveLike("Description", string.Format("%{0}%", query.Keywords.Trim()))));

                if (query.Time.MaxPrep.HasValue)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.PrepTime <= query.Time.MaxPrep.Value);

                if (query.Time.MaxCook.HasValue)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.CookTime <= query.Time.MaxCook.Value);

                if (query.Rating > 0)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Rating >= (int)query.Rating);

                // Add ingredients to include
                if (query.Include != null && query.Include.Length > 0)
                    // Create a sub-query for ingredients to include
                    q = q.WithSubquery
                          .Where(item => item.Recipe.RecipeId == recipe.RecipeId)
                          .Where(Restrictions.InG("Ingredient", query.Include.Select(Models.Ingredients.FromId).ToArray()))
                          .Select(i => i.RecipeIngredientId).Take(1));

                // Add ingredients to exclude
                if (query.Exclude != null && query.Exclude.Length > 0)
                    // Create a sub-query for ingredients to exclude
                    q = q.WithSubquery
                          .Where(item => item.Recipe.RecipeId == recipe.RecipeId)
                          .Where(Restrictions.InG("Ingredient", query.Exclude.Select(Models.Ingredients.FromId).ToArray()))
                          .Select(i => i.RecipeIngredientId).Take(1));

                if (query.Photos == PhotoFilter.Photo || query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes)
                    q = q.Where(Restrictions.IsNotNull("ImageUrl"));

                // Need to search in metadata
                if (query.Diet || query.Nutrition || query.Skill || query.Taste || (query.Meal != MealFilter.All) || (query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes))
                    RecipeMetadata metadata = null;
                    q = q.JoinAlias(r => r.RecipeMetadata, () => metadata);

                    // Meal
                    if (query.Meal != MealFilter.All)
                        if (query.Meal == MealFilter.Breakfast)
                            q = q.Where(() => metadata.MealBreakfast);

                        if (query.Meal == MealFilter.Dessert)
                            q = q.Where(() => metadata.MealDessert);

                        if (query.Meal == MealFilter.Dinner)
                            q = q.Where(() => metadata.MealDinner);

                        if (query.Meal == MealFilter.Lunch)
                            q = q.Where(() => metadata.MealLunch);

                    // High-res photos
                    if (query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.PhotoRes >= 1024 * 768);

                    // Diet
                    if (query.Diet.GlutenFree)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.DietGlutenFree);

                    if (query.Diet.NoAnimals)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.DietNoAnimals);

                    if (query.Diet.NoMeat)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.DietNomeat);

                    if (query.Diet.NoPork)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.DietNoPork);

                    if (query.Diet.NoRedMeat)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.DietNoRedMeat);

                    // Nutrition
                    if (query.Nutrition.LowCalorie)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowCalorie);

                    if (query.Nutrition.LowCarb)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowCarb);

                    if (query.Nutrition.LowFat)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowFat);

                    if (query.Nutrition.LowSodium)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowSodium);

                    if (query.Nutrition.LowSugar)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowSugar);

                    // Skill
                    if (query.Skill.Common)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.SkillCommon).OrderBy(() => metadata.Commonality).Desc();

                    if (query.Skill.Easy)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.SkillEasy);

                    if (query.Skill.Quick)
                        q = q.Where(() => metadata.SkillQuick);

                    // Taste
                    if (query.Taste.MildToSpicy != SpicinessLevel.Medium)
                        q = query.Taste.MildToSpicy < SpicinessLevel.Medium
                           ? q.Where(() => metadata.TasteMildToSpicy <= query.Taste.Spiciness).OrderBy(() => metadata.TasteMildToSpicy).Asc()
                           : q.Where(() => metadata.TasteMildToSpicy >= query.Taste.Spiciness).OrderBy(() => metadata.TasteMildToSpicy).Desc();

                    if (query.Taste.SavoryToSweet != SweetnessLevel.Medium)
                        q = query.Taste.SavoryToSweet < SweetnessLevel.Medium
                           ? q.Where(() => metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet <= query.Taste.Sweetness).OrderBy(() => metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet).Asc()
                           : q.Where(() => metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet >= query.Taste.Sweetness).OrderBy(() => metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet).Desc();

                IQueryOverOrderBuilder<Recipes, Recipes> orderBy;
                switch (query.Sort)
                    case SortOrder.Title:
                        orderBy = q.OrderBy(p => p.Title);
                    case SortOrder.PrepTime:
                        orderBy = q.OrderBy(p => p.PrepTime);
                    case SortOrder.CookTime:
                        orderBy = q.OrderBy(p => p.CookTime);
                    case SortOrder.Image:
                        orderBy = q.OrderBy(p => p.ImageUrl);
                        orderBy = q.OrderBy(p => p.Rating);

                var results = (query.Direction == SortDirection.Descending ? orderBy.Desc() : orderBy.Asc())

                return new SearchResults
                    Briefs = results.Select(r => r.AsRecipeBrief()).ToArray(),
                    TotalCount = results.Count
        public SearchResults Search(AuthorIdentity identity, RecipeQuery query)
            using (var session = this.adapter.GetSession())
                Recipes recipe = null;

                var recipesQuery = session.QueryOver(() => recipe).Where(p => !p.Hidden);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Keywords))
                    // Add keyword search
                    recipesQuery =
                                    string.Format("%{0}%", query.Keywords.Trim())),
                                Restrictions.InsensitiveLike("Description", string.Format("%{0}%", query.Keywords.Trim()))));

                if (query.Time.MaxPrep.HasValue)
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(p => p.PrepTime <= query.Time.MaxPrep.Value);

                if (query.Time.MaxCook.HasValue)
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(p => p.CookTime <= query.Time.MaxCook.Value);

                if (query.Rating > 0)
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(p => p.Rating >= (int)query.Rating.Value);

                recipesQuery = AddIngredientsToInclude(query, recipesQuery, recipe);

                recipesQuery = AddIngredientsToExclude(query, recipesQuery, recipe);

                if (query.Photos == PhotoFilter.Photo || query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes)
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(Restrictions.IsNotNull("ImageUrl"));

                if (query.Diet || query.Nutrition || query.Skill || query.Taste || (query.Meal != MealFilter.All)
                    || (query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes))
                    // Need to search in metadata
                    RecipeMetadata metadata = null;
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.JoinAlias(r => r.RecipeMetadata, () => metadata);

                    recipesQuery = SearchByMeal(query, recipesQuery, metadata);

                    recipesQuery = SearchByHighResolutionPhotos(query, recipesQuery, metadata);

                    recipesQuery = SearchByDiet(query, recipesQuery, metadata);

                    recipesQuery = SearchByNutrition(query, recipesQuery, metadata);

                    recipesQuery = SearchBySkill(query, recipesQuery, metadata);

                    recipesQuery = SearchByTaste(query, recipesQuery, metadata);

                IQueryOverOrderBuilder<Recipes, Recipes> orderBy;
                switch (query.Sort)
                    case SortOrder.Title:
                        orderBy = recipesQuery.OrderBy(p => p.Title);
                    case SortOrder.PrepTime:
                        orderBy = recipesQuery.OrderBy(p => p.PrepTime);
                    case SortOrder.CookTime:
                        orderBy = recipesQuery.OrderBy(p => p.CookTime);
                    case SortOrder.Image:
                        orderBy = recipesQuery.OrderBy(p => p.ImageUrl);
                        orderBy = recipesQuery.OrderBy(p => p.Rating);

                var results =
                    (query.Direction == SortDirection.Descending ? orderBy.Desc() : orderBy.Asc()).Skip(query.Offset)

                return new SearchResults
                               Briefs = results.Select(r => r.AsRecipeBrief()).ToArray(),
                               TotalCount = results.Count

                               // TODO: This needs to be the total matches, not the returned matches
        private static IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> SearchByTaste(
            RecipeQuery query,
            IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> recipesQuery,
            RecipeMetadata metadata)
            if (query.Taste.MildToSpicy != SpicinessLevel.Medium)
                recipesQuery = query.Taste.MildToSpicy < SpicinessLevel.Medium
                                   ? recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.TasteMildToSpicy <= query.Taste.Spiciness)
                                         .OrderBy(() => metadata.TasteMildToSpicy)
                                   : recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.TasteMildToSpicy >= query.Taste.Spiciness)
                                         .OrderBy(() => metadata.TasteMildToSpicy)

            if (query.Taste.SavoryToSweet != SweetnessLevel.Medium)
                recipesQuery = query.Taste.SavoryToSweet < SweetnessLevel.Medium
                                   ? recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet <= query.Taste.Sweetness)
                                         .OrderBy(() => metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet)
                                   : recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet >= query.Taste.Sweetness)
                                         .OrderBy(() => metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet)

            return recipesQuery;
        private static IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> SearchBySkill(
            RecipeQuery query,
            IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> recipesQuery,
            RecipeMetadata metadata)
            if (query.Skill.Common)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.SkillCommon).OrderBy(() => metadata.Commonality).Desc();

            if (query.Skill.Easy)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.SkillEasy);

            if (query.Skill.Quick)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.SkillQuick);

            return recipesQuery;
        private static IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> SearchByNutrition(
            RecipeQuery query,
            IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> recipesQuery,
            RecipeMetadata metadata)
            if (query.Nutrition.LowCalorie)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowCalorie);

            if (query.Nutrition.LowCarb)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowCarb);

            if (query.Nutrition.LowFat)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowFat);

            if (query.Nutrition.LowSodium)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowSodium);

            if (query.Nutrition.LowSugar)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.NutritionLowSugar);

            return recipesQuery;
        private static IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> SearchByMeal(
            RecipeQuery query,
            IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> recipesQuery,
            RecipeMetadata metadata)
            if (query.Meal != MealFilter.All)
                if (query.Meal == MealFilter.Breakfast)
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.MealBreakfast);

                if (query.Meal == MealFilter.Dessert)
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.MealDessert);

                if (query.Meal == MealFilter.Dinner)
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.MealDinner);

                if (query.Meal == MealFilter.Lunch)
                    recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.MealLunch);

            return recipesQuery;
        private static IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> SearchByHighResolutionPhotos(
            RecipeQuery query,
            IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> recipesQuery,
            RecipeMetadata metadata)
            int highResolution = 1024 * 768;
            if (query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes)
                recipesQuery = recipesQuery.Where(() => metadata.PhotoRes >= highResolution);

            return recipesQuery;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for recipes matching the specified criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">A RecipeQuery object indicating the recipes to match.</param>
        /// <returns>A SearchResults object containing recipe briefs and a total count.</returns>
        public SearchResults RecipeSearch(RecipeQuery query)
            if (searchProvder == null)
            searchProvder = new StaticSearch(store);

             return searchProvder.Search(Identity, query);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public SearchResults RecipeSearch(AuthIdentity identity, RecipeQuery query)
            if (SearchProvider == null)
            throw new NoConfiguredSearchProvidersException();

             return SearchProvider.Search(identity, query);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public object Clone()
            var clonedQuery = new RecipeQuery()
                                      Keywords = this.Keywords,
                                      Rating = this.Rating,
                                      Meal = this.Meal,
                                      Offset = this.Offset,
                                      Photos = this.Photos,
                                      Sort = this.Sort,
                                      Direction = this.Direction,
                                      Time = this.Time.Clone() as TimeFilter,
                                      Diet = this.Diet.Clone() as DietFilter,
                                      Nutrition = this.Nutrition.Clone() as NutritionFilter,
                                      Skill = this.Skill.Clone() as SkillFilter,
                                      Taste = this.Taste.Clone() as TasteFilter

            if (this.Include != null)
                clonedQuery.Include = this.Include.Clone() as Guid[];

            if (this.Exclude != null)
                clonedQuery.Exclude = this.Exclude.Clone() as Guid[];

            return clonedQuery;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public SearchResults Search(AuthIdentity identity, RecipeQuery query)
            var index = this.store.GetSearchIndex();

            var q = index.Where(p => !p.Recipe.Hidden);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Keywords))
                q = q.Where(p =>
                   (p.Recipe.Title ?? string.Empty).IndexOf(query.Keywords, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0 ||
                   (p.Recipe.Description ?? string.Empty).IndexOf(query.Keywords, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);

            if (query.Time.MaxPrep.HasValue)
                q = q.Where(p => p.Recipe.PreparationTime <= query.Time.MaxPrep.Value);

            if (query.Time.MaxCook.HasValue)
                q = q.Where(p => p.Recipe.CookTime <= query.Time.MaxCook.Value);

            if (query.Rating > 0)
                q = q.Where(p => p.Recipe.Rating >= (int)query.Rating.Value);

            if (query.Include != null && query.Include.Length > 0)
                // Add ingredients to include
                q = q.Where(p => p.Ingredients.Any(i => query.Include.Contains(i.IngredientId)));

            if (query.Exclude != null && query.Exclude.Length > 0)
                // Add ingredients to exclude
                q = q.Where(p => !p.Ingredients.Any(i => query.Exclude.Contains(i.IngredientId)));

            if (query.Photos == PhotoFilter.Photo || query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes)
                q = q.Where(p => p.Recipe.ImageUrl != null);

            // Need to search in metadata
            if (query.Diet ||
                query.Nutrition ||
                query.Skill ||
                query.Taste ||
                query.Meal != MealFilter.All ||
                query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes)
                // Meal
                if (query.Meal != MealFilter.All)
                    switch (query.Meal)
                        case MealFilter.Breakfast:
                            q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.MealBreakfast);
                        case MealFilter.Lunch:
                            q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.MealLunch);
                        case MealFilter.Dinner:
                            q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.MealDinner);
                        case MealFilter.Dessert:
                            q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.MealDessert);

                // High-resolution photos
                if (query.Photos == PhotoFilter.HighRes)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.PhotoResolution >= 1024 * 768);

                // Diet
                if (query.Diet.GlutenFree)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.DietGlutenFree);

                if (query.Diet.NoAnimals)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.DietNoAnimals);

                if (query.Diet.NoMeat)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.DietNomeat);

                if (query.Diet.NoPork)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.DietNoPork);

                if (query.Diet.NoRedMeat)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.DietNoRedMeat);

                // Nutrition
                if (query.Nutrition.LowCalorie)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.NutritionLowCalorie);

                if (query.Nutrition.LowCarb)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.NutritionLowCarb);

                if (query.Nutrition.LowFat)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.NutritionLowFat);

                if (query.Nutrition.LowSodium)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.NutritionLowSodium);

                if (query.Nutrition.LowSugar)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.NutritionLowSugar);

                // Skill
                if (query.Skill.Common)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.SkillCommonIngredients).OrderByDescending(p => p.Metadata.Commonality);

                if (query.Skill.Easy)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.SkillEasyToMake);

                if (query.Skill.Quick)
                    q = q.Where(p => p.Metadata.SkillQuick);

                // Taste
                if (query.Taste.MildToSpicy != SpicinessLevel.Medium)
                    q = query.Taste.MildToSpicy < SpicinessLevel.Medium
                       ? q.Where(p => p.Metadata.TasteMildToSpicy <= query.Taste.Spiciness).OrderBy(p => p.Metadata.TasteMildToSpicy)
                       : q.Where(p => p.Metadata.TasteMildToSpicy >= query.Taste.Spiciness).OrderByDescending(p => p.Metadata.TasteMildToSpicy);

                if (query.Taste.SavoryToSweet != SweetnessLevel.Medium)
                    q = query.Taste.SavoryToSweet < SweetnessLevel.Medium
                       ? q.Where(p => p.Metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet <= query.Taste.Sweetness).OrderBy(p => p.Metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet)
                       : q.Where(p => p.Metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet >= query.Taste.Sweetness).OrderByDescending(p => p.Metadata.TasteSavoryToSweet);

            switch (query.Sort)
                case SortOrder.Title:
                    q = (query.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending) ? q.OrderBy(p => p.Recipe.Title) : q.OrderByDescending(p => p.Recipe.Title);
                case SortOrder.PrepTime:
                    q = (query.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending) ? q.OrderBy(p => p.Recipe.PreparationTime) : q.OrderByDescending(p => p.Recipe.PreparationTime);
                case SortOrder.CookTime:
                    q = (query.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending) ? q.OrderBy(p => p.Recipe.CookTime) : q.OrderByDescending(p => p.Recipe.CookTime);
                case SortOrder.Image:
                    q = (query.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending) ? q.OrderBy(p => p.Recipe.ImageUrl) : q.OrderByDescending(p => p.Recipe.ImageUrl);
                    q = (query.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending) ? q.OrderBy(p => p.Recipe.Rating) : q.OrderByDescending(p => p.Recipe.Rating);

            return new SearchResults
                Briefs = q.Select(r => Data.DTO.Recipes.ToRecipeBrief(r.Recipe)).ToArray(),
                TotalCount = q.Count()
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public SearchResults RecipeSearch(RecipeQuery query)
     this.search = query;
     return new SearchResults();
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for recipes matching the specified criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">A RecipeQuery object indicating the recipes to match.</param>
        /// <returns>A SearchResults object containing recipe briefs and a total count.</returns>
        public SearchResults RecipeSearch(RecipeQuery query)
            if (this.searchProvder == null)
                this.searchProvder = new StaticSearch(this.store);

            return this.searchProvder.Search(this.Identity, query);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public RecipeFinder(IKPCContext context, RecipeQuery query)
     this.context = context;
     this.query = query;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public RecipeFinder Search(RecipeQuery query)
     var result = new RecipeFinder(this.context, query);
     return result;
        private static IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> AddIngredientsToInclude(
            RecipeQuery query,
            IQueryOver<Recipes, Recipes> subQuery,
            Recipes recipe)
            if (query.Include != null && query.Include.Length > 0)
                // Add ingredients to include
                // Create a sub-query for ingredients to include
                subQuery =
                            .Where(item => item.Recipe.RecipeId == recipe.RecipeId)
                            .Where(Restrictions.InG("Ingredient", query.Include.Select(Ingredients.FromId).ToArray()))
                            .Select(i => i.RecipeIngredientId)

            return subQuery;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public RecipeQueryBuilder(RecipeQuery query)
     this.query = query;
 public RecipeFinder Search(RecipeQuery query)
     return new RecipeFinder(context, query);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public SearchResults RecipeSearch(RecipeQuery query)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public RecipeQueryBuilder HasPhoto(RecipeQuery.PhotoFilter photoFilter)
     query.Photos = photoFilter;
      return this;