Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected ActivationObject(ActivationObject parent, CodeSettings codeSettings)
            m_isKnownAtCompileTime = true;
            m_useStrict            = false;
            m_settings             = codeSettings;

            Parent      = parent;
            NameTable   = new Dictionary <string, JSVariableField>();
            ChildScopes = new List <ActivationObject>();

            // if our parent is a scope....
            if (parent != null)
                // add us to the parent's list of child scopes

                // if the parent is strict, so are we
                UseStrict = parent.UseStrict;

            // create the two lists of declared items for this scope
            ScopeLookups           = new HashSet <Lookup>();
            VarDeclaredNames       = new HashSet <INameDeclaration>();
            LexicallyDeclaredNames = new HashSet <INameDeclaration>();

            GhostedCatchParameters = new HashSet <ParameterDeclaration>();
            GhostedFunctions       = new HashSet <FunctionObject>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void ResolveGhostedCatchParameter(ActivationObject scope, ParameterDeclaration catchParameter)
            // check to see if the name exists in the outer variable scope.
            var ghostField = scope[catchParameter.Name];

            if (ghostField == null)
                // set up a ghost field to keep track of the relationship
                ghostField = new JSVariableField(FieldType.GhostCatch, catchParameter.Name, 0, null)
                    OriginalContext = catchParameter.Context.Clone()

            else if (ghostField.FieldType == FieldType.GhostCatch)
                // there is, but it's another ghost catch variable. That's fine; just use it.
                // don't even flag it as ambiguous because if someone is later referencing the error variable
                // used in a couple catch variables, we'll say something then because other browsers will have that
                // variable undefined or from an outer scope.
                // there is, and it's NOT another ghosted catch variable. Possible naming
                // collision in IE -- if an error happens, it will clobber the existing field's value,
                // although that MAY be the intention; we don't know for sure. But it IS a cross-
                // browser behavior difference.
                ghostField.IsAmbiguous = true;

                if (ghostField.OuterField != null)
                    // and to make matters worse, it's actually bound to an OUTER field
                    // in modern browsers, but will bind to this catch variable in older
                    // versions of IE! Definitely a cross-browser difference!
                    // throw a cross-browser issue error.

            // link them so they all keep the same name going forward
            // (since they are named the same in the sources)
            catchParameter.VariableField.OuterField = ghostField;

            // TODO: this really should be a LIST of ghosted fields, since multiple
            // elements can ghost to the same field.
            ghostField.GhostedField = catchParameter.VariableField;

            // if the actual field has references, we want to bubble those up
            // since we're now linking those fields
            if (catchParameter.VariableField.RefCount > 0)
                // add the catch parameter's references to the ghost field
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public BlockScope(ActivationObject parent, Context context, CodeSettings settings)
            : base(parent, settings)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            m_context = context.Clone();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public BlockScope(ActivationObject parent, Context context, CodeSettings settings)
            : base(parent, settings)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            m_context = context.Clone();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private ResolutionVisitor(ActivationObject rootScope, CodeSettings settings)
            // create the lexical and variable scope stacks and push the root scope onto them
            m_lexicalStack = new Stack <ActivationObject>();

            m_variableStack = new Stack <ActivationObject>();

            m_settings = settings;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static void CreateFields(ActivationObject scope)
            // declare this scope

            // and recurse
            foreach (var childScope in scope.ChildScopes)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal FunctionScope(ActivationObject parent, bool isExpression, CodeSettings settings, FunctionObject funcObj)
            : base(parent, settings)
            m_refScopes = new HashSet <ActivationObject>();
            if (isExpression)
                // parent scopes automatically reference enclosed function expressions

            FunctionObject = funcObj;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static void CollapseBlockScope(ActivationObject blockScope)
            // copy over the stuff we want to carry over to the parent

            // remove it from its parent's collection of child scopes
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal FunctionScope(ActivationObject parent, bool isExpression, CodeSettings settings, FunctionObject funcObj)
            : base(parent, settings)
            m_refScopes = new HashSet<ActivationObject>();
            if (isExpression)
                // parent scopes automatically reference enclosed function expressions

            FunctionObject = funcObj;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static void ResolveLookups(ActivationObject scope, CodeSettings settings)
            // resolve each lookup this scope contains
            foreach (var lookup in scope.ScopeLookups)
                ResolveLookup(scope, lookup, settings);

            // and recurse
            foreach (var childScope in scope.ChildScopes)
                ResolveLookups(childScope, settings);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal void AddReference(ActivationObject scope)
            // we don't want to include block scopes or with scopes -- they are really
            // contained within their parents
            while (scope != null && scope is BlockScope)
                scope = scope.Parent;

            if (scope != null)
                // add the scope to the hash
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static void AddGhostedFields(ActivationObject scope)
            foreach (var catchParameter in scope.GhostedCatchParameters)
                ResolveGhostedCatchParameter(scope, catchParameter);

            foreach (var ghostFunc in scope.GhostedFunctions)
                ResolveGhostedFunctions(scope, ghostFunc);

            // recurse
            foreach (var childScope in scope.ChildScopes)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void Apply(AstNode node, ActivationObject scope, CodeSettings settings)
            if (node != null && scope != null)
                // create the visitor and run it. This will create all the child
                // scopes and populate all the scopes with the var-decl, lex-decl,
                // and lookup references within them.
                var visitor = new ResolutionVisitor(scope, settings);

                // now that all the scopes are created and they all know what decls
                // they contains, create all the fields

                // now that all the fields have been created in all the scopes,
                // let's go through and resolve all the references
                ResolveLookups(scope, settings);

                // now that everything is declared and resolved as per the language specs,
                // we need to go back and add ghosted fields for older versions of IE that
                // incorrectly implement catch-variables and named function expressions.
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private ResolutionVisitor(ActivationObject rootScope, CodeSettings settings)
            // create the lexical and variable scope stacks and push the root scope onto them
            m_lexicalStack = new Stack<ActivationObject>();

            m_variableStack = new Stack<ActivationObject>();

            m_settings = settings;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        internal void AddReference(ActivationObject scope)
            // we don't want to include block scopes or with scopes -- they are really
            // contained within their parents
            while (scope != null && scope is BlockScope)
                scope = scope.Parent;

            if (scope != null)
                // add the scope to the hash
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static void ResolveGhostedCatchParameter(ActivationObject scope, ParameterDeclaration catchParameter)
            // check to see if the name exists in the outer variable scope.
            var ghostField = scope[catchParameter.Name];
            if (ghostField == null)
                // set up a ghost field to keep track of the relationship
                ghostField = new JSVariableField(FieldType.GhostCatch, catchParameter.Name, 0, null)
                    OriginalContext = catchParameter.Context.Clone()

            else if (ghostField.FieldType == FieldType.GhostCatch)
                // there is, but it's another ghost catch variable. That's fine; just use it.
                // don't even flag it as ambiguous because if someone is later referencing the error variable
                // used in a couple catch variables, we'll say something then because other browsers will have that
                // variable undefined or from an outer scope.
                // there is, and it's NOT another ghosted catch variable. Possible naming
                // collision in IE -- if an error happens, it will clobber the existing field's value,
                // although that MAY be the intention; we don't know for sure. But it IS a cross-
                // browser behavior difference.
                ghostField.IsAmbiguous = true;

                if (ghostField.OuterField != null)
                    // and to make matters worse, it's actually bound to an OUTER field
                    // in modern browsers, but will bind to this catch variable in older
                    // versions of IE! Definitely a cross-browser difference!
                    // throw a cross-browser issue error.

            // link them so they all keep the same name going forward
            // (since they are named the same in the sources)
            catchParameter.VariableField.OuterField = ghostField;

            // TODO: this really should be a LIST of ghosted fields, since multiple 
            // elements can ghost to the same field.
            ghostField.GhostedField = catchParameter.VariableField;

            // if the actual field has references, we want to bubble those up
            // since we're now linking those fields
            if (catchParameter.VariableField.RefCount > 0)
                // add the catch parameter's references to the ghost field
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private static void ResolveGhostedFunctions(ActivationObject scope, FunctionObject funcObject)
            var functionField = funcObject.VariableField;

            // let's check on ghosted names in the outer variable scope
            var ghostField = scope[funcObject.Name];
            if (ghostField == null)
                // nothing; good to go. Add a ghosted field to keep track of it.
                ghostField = new JSVariableField(FieldType.GhostFunction, funcObject.Name, 0, funcObject)
                    OriginalContext = functionField.OriginalContext.Clone(),
                    CanCrunch = funcObject.VariableField.IfNotNull(v => v.CanCrunch)

            else if (ghostField.FieldType == FieldType.GhostFunction)
                // there is, but it's another ghosted function expression.
                // what if a lookup is resolved to this field later? We probably still need to
                // at least flag it as ambiguous. We will only need to throw an error, though,
                // if someone actually references the outer ghost variable. 
                ghostField.IsAmbiguous = true;
                // something already exists. Could be a naming collision for IE or at least a
                // a cross-browser behavior difference if it's not coded properly.
                // mark this field as a function, even if it wasn't before
                ghostField.IsFunction = true;

                if (ghostField.OuterField != null)
                    // if the pre-existing field we are ghosting is a reference to
                    // an OUTER field, then we actually have a problem that creates a BIG
                    // difference between older IE browsers and everything else.
                    // modern browsers will have the link to the outer field, but older
                    // IE browsers will link to this function expression!
                    // fire a cross-browser error warning
                    ghostField.IsAmbiguous = true;
                else if (ghostField.IsReferenced)
                    // if the ghosted field isn't even referenced, then who cares?
                    // but it is referenced. Let's see if it matters.
                    // something like: var nm = function nm() {}
                    // is TOTALLY cool common cross-browser syntax.
                    var parentVarDecl = funcObject.Parent as VariableDeclaration;
                    if (parentVarDecl == null
                        || parentVarDecl.Name != funcObject.Name)
                        // see if it's a simple assignment.
                        // something like: var nm; nm = function nm(){},
                        // would also be cool, although less-common than the vardecl version.
                        Lookup lookup;
                        var parentAssignment = funcObject.Parent as BinaryOperator;
                        if (parentAssignment == null || parentAssignment.OperatorToken != JSToken.Assign
                            || parentAssignment.Operand2 != funcObject
                            || (lookup = parentAssignment.Operand1 as Lookup) == null
                            || lookup.Name != funcObject.Name)
                            // something else. Flag it as ambiguous.
                            ghostField.IsAmbiguous = true;

            // link them so they all keep the same name going forward
            // (since they are named the same in the sources)
            functionField.OuterField = ghostField;

            // TODO: this really should be a LIST of ghosted fields, since multiple 
            // elements can ghost to the same field.
            ghostField.GhostedField = functionField;

            // if the actual field has references, we want to bubble those up
            // since we're now linking those fields
            if (functionField.RefCount > 0)
                // add the function's references to the ghost field
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private static void ResolveLookup(ActivationObject scope, Lookup lookup, CodeSettings settings)
            // resolve lookup via the lexical scope
            lookup.VariableField = scope.FindReference(lookup.Name);
            if (lookup.VariableField.FieldType == FieldType.UndefinedGlobal)
                // couldn't find it.
                // if the lookup isn't generated and isn't the object of a typeof operator,
                // then we want to throw an error.
                if (!lookup.IsGenerated)
                    var parentUnaryOp = lookup.Parent as UnaryOperator;
                    if (parentUnaryOp != null && parentUnaryOp.OperatorToken == JSToken.TypeOf)
                        // this undefined lookup is the target of a typeof operator.
                        // I think it's safe to assume we're going to use it. Don't throw an error
                        // and instead add it to the "known" expected globals of the global scope
                        // report this undefined reference

                        // possibly undefined global (but definitely not local).
                        // see if this is a function or a variable.
                        var callNode = lookup.Parent as CallNode;
                        var isFunction = callNode != null && callNode.Function == lookup;
                        lookup.Context.HandleError((isFunction ? JSError.UndeclaredFunction : JSError.UndeclaredVariable), false);
            else if (lookup.VariableField.FieldType == FieldType.Predefined)
                if (string.CompareOrdinal(lookup.Name, "window") == 0)
                    // it's the global window object
                    // see if it's the child of a member or call-brackets node
                    var member = lookup.Parent as Member;
                    if (member != null)
                        // we have window.XXXX. Add XXXX to the known globals if it
                        // isn't already a known item.
                        var callNode = lookup.Parent as CallNode;
                        if (callNode != null && callNode.InBrackets
                            && callNode.Arguments.Count == 1
                            && callNode.Arguments[0] is ConstantWrapper
                            && callNode.Arguments[0].FindPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.String)
                            // we have window["XXXX"]. See if XXXX is a valid identifier.
                            // TODO: we could get rid of the ConstantWrapper restriction and use an Evaluate visitor
                            // to evaluate the argument, since we know for sure that it's a string.
                            var identifier = callNode.Arguments[0].ToString();
                            if (JSScanner.IsValidIdentifier(identifier))
                                // Add XXXX to the known globals if it isn't already a known item.
                else if (settings.EvalTreatment != EvalTreatment.Ignore
                    && string.CompareOrdinal(lookup.Name, "eval") == 0)
                    // it's an eval -- but are we calling it?
                    // TODO: what if we are assigning it to a variable? Should we track that variable and see if we call it?
                    // What about passing it as a parameter to a function? track that as well in case the function calls it?
                    var parentCall = lookup.Parent as CallNode;
                    if (parentCall != null && parentCall.Function == lookup)
                        scope.IsKnownAtCompileTime = false;

            // add the reference

            // we are actually referencing this field, so it's no longer a placeholder field if it
            // happens to have been one.
            lookup.VariableField.IsPlaceholder = false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private static void AddGhostedFields(ActivationObject scope)
            foreach (var catchParameter in scope.GhostedCatchParameters)
                ResolveGhostedCatchParameter(scope, catchParameter);

            foreach (var ghostFunc in scope.GhostedFunctions)
                ResolveGhostedFunctions(scope, ghostFunc);

            // recurse
            foreach (var childScope in scope.ChildScopes)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private static void ResolveLookups(ActivationObject scope, CodeSettings settings)
            // resolve each lookup this scope contains
            foreach (var lookup in scope.ScopeLookups)
                ResolveLookup(scope, lookup, settings);

            // and recurse
            foreach (var childScope in scope.ChildScopes)
                ResolveLookups(childScope, settings);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private static void CreateFields(ActivationObject scope)
            // declare this scope

            // and recurse
            foreach (var childScope in scope.ChildScopes)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private static void ResolveLookup(ActivationObject scope, Lookup lookup, CodeSettings settings)
            // resolve lookup via the lexical scope
            lookup.VariableField = scope.FindReference(lookup.Name);
            if (lookup.VariableField.FieldType == FieldType.UndefinedGlobal)
                // couldn't find it.
                // if the lookup isn't generated and isn't the object of a typeof operator,
                // then we want to throw an error.
                if (!lookup.IsGenerated)
                    var parentUnaryOp = lookup.Parent as UnaryOperator;
                    if (parentUnaryOp != null && parentUnaryOp.OperatorToken == JSToken.TypeOf)
                        // this undefined lookup is the target of a typeof operator.
                        // I think it's safe to assume we're going to use it. Don't throw an error
                        // and instead add it to the "known" expected globals of the global scope
                        // report this undefined reference

                        // possibly undefined global (but definitely not local).
                        // see if this is a function or a variable.
                        var callNode   = lookup.Parent as CallNode;
                        var isFunction = callNode != null && callNode.Function == lookup;
                        lookup.Context.HandleError((isFunction ? JSError.UndeclaredFunction : JSError.UndeclaredVariable), false);
            else if (lookup.VariableField.FieldType == FieldType.Predefined)
                if (string.CompareOrdinal(lookup.Name, "window") == 0)
                    // it's the global window object
                    // see if it's the child of a member or call-brackets node
                    var member = lookup.Parent as Member;
                    if (member != null)
                        // we have window.XXXX. Add XXXX to the known globals if it
                        // isn't already a known item.
                        var callNode = lookup.Parent as CallNode;
                        if (callNode != null && callNode.InBrackets &&
                            callNode.Arguments.Count == 1 &&
                            callNode.Arguments[0] is ConstantWrapper &&
                            callNode.Arguments[0].FindPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.String)
                            // we have window["XXXX"]. See if XXXX is a valid identifier.
                            // TODO: we could get rid of the ConstantWrapper restriction and use an Evaluate visitor
                            // to evaluate the argument, since we know for sure that it's a string.
                            var identifier = callNode.Arguments[0].ToString();
                            if (JSScanner.IsValidIdentifier(identifier))
                                // Add XXXX to the known globals if it isn't already a known item.
                else if (settings.EvalTreatment != EvalTreatment.Ignore &&
                         string.CompareOrdinal(lookup.Name, "eval") == 0)
                    // it's an eval -- but are we calling it?
                    // TODO: what if we are assigning it to a variable? Should we track that variable and see if we call it?
                    // What about passing it as a parameter to a function? track that as well in case the function calls it?
                    var parentCall = lookup.Parent as CallNode;
                    if (parentCall != null && parentCall.Function == lookup)
                        scope.IsKnownAtCompileTime = false;

            // add the reference

            // we are actually referencing this field, so it's no longer a placeholder field if it
            // happens to have been one.
            lookup.VariableField.IsPlaceholder = false;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static void ResolveGhostedFunctions(ActivationObject scope, FunctionObject funcObject)
            var functionField = funcObject.VariableField;

            // let's check on ghosted names in the outer variable scope
            var ghostField = scope[funcObject.Name];

            if (ghostField == null)
                // nothing; good to go. Add a ghosted field to keep track of it.
                ghostField = new JSVariableField(FieldType.GhostFunction, funcObject.Name, 0, funcObject)
                    OriginalContext = functionField.OriginalContext.Clone(),
                    CanCrunch       = funcObject.VariableField.IfNotNull(v => v.CanCrunch)

            else if (ghostField.FieldType == FieldType.GhostFunction)
                // there is, but it's another ghosted function expression.
                // what if a lookup is resolved to this field later? We probably still need to
                // at least flag it as ambiguous. We will only need to throw an error, though,
                // if someone actually references the outer ghost variable.
                ghostField.IsAmbiguous = true;
                // something already exists. Could be a naming collision for IE or at least a
                // a cross-browser behavior difference if it's not coded properly.
                // mark this field as a function, even if it wasn't before
                ghostField.IsFunction = true;

                if (ghostField.OuterField != null)
                    // if the pre-existing field we are ghosting is a reference to
                    // an OUTER field, then we actually have a problem that creates a BIG
                    // difference between older IE browsers and everything else.
                    // modern browsers will have the link to the outer field, but older
                    // IE browsers will link to this function expression!
                    // fire a cross-browser error warning
                    ghostField.IsAmbiguous = true;
                else if (ghostField.IsReferenced)
                    // if the ghosted field isn't even referenced, then who cares?
                    // but it is referenced. Let's see if it matters.
                    // something like: var nm = function nm() {}
                    // is TOTALLY cool common cross-browser syntax.
                    var parentVarDecl = funcObject.Parent as VariableDeclaration;
                    if (parentVarDecl == null ||
                        parentVarDecl.Name != funcObject.Name)
                        // see if it's a simple assignment.
                        // something like: var nm; nm = function nm(){},
                        // would also be cool, although less-common than the vardecl version.
                        Lookup lookup;
                        var    parentAssignment = funcObject.Parent as BinaryOperator;
                        if (parentAssignment == null || parentAssignment.OperatorToken != JSToken.Assign ||
                            parentAssignment.Operand2 != funcObject ||
                            (lookup = parentAssignment.Operand1 as Lookup) == null ||
                            lookup.Name != funcObject.Name)
                            // something else. Flag it as ambiguous.
                            ghostField.IsAmbiguous = true;

            // link them so they all keep the same name going forward
            // (since they are named the same in the sources)
            functionField.OuterField = ghostField;

            // TODO: this really should be a LIST of ghosted fields, since multiple
            // elements can ghost to the same field.
            ghostField.GhostedField = functionField;

            // if the actual field has references, we want to bubble those up
            // since we're now linking those fields
            if (functionField.RefCount > 0)
                // add the function's references to the ghost field
Ejemplo n.º 24
 internal CatchScope(ActivationObject parent, Context catchContext, CodeSettings settings, ParameterDeclaration catchParameter)
     : base(parent, catchContext, settings)
     CatchParameter = catchParameter;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public WithScope(ActivationObject parent, Context context, CodeSettings settings)
     : base(parent, context, settings)
     IsInWithScope = true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 internal CatchScope(ActivationObject parent, Context catchContext, CodeSettings settings, ParameterDeclaration catchParameter)
     : base(parent, catchContext, settings)
     CatchParameter = catchParameter;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public WithScope(ActivationObject parent, Context context, CodeSettings settings)
     : base(parent, context, settings)
     IsInWithScope = true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static void Apply(AstNode node, ActivationObject scope, CodeSettings settings)
            if (node != null && scope != null)
                // create the visitor and run it. This will create all the child
                // scopes and populate all the scopes with the var-decl, lex-decl,
                // and lookup references within them.
                var visitor = new ResolutionVisitor(scope, settings);

                // now that all the scopes are created and they all know what decls
                // they contains, create all the fields

                // now that all the fields have been created in all the scopes,
                // let's go through and resolve all the references
                ResolveLookups(scope, settings);

                // now that everything is declared and resolved as per the language specs,
                // we need to go back and add ghosted fields for older versions of IE that
                // incorrectly implement catch-variables and named function expressions.
Ejemplo n.º 29
        protected ActivationObject(ActivationObject parent, CodeSettings codeSettings)
            m_isKnownAtCompileTime = true;
            m_useStrict = false;
            m_settings = codeSettings;

            Parent = parent;
            NameTable = new Dictionary<string, JSVariableField>();
            ChildScopes = new List<ActivationObject>();

            // if our parent is a scope....
            if (parent != null)
                // add us to the parent's list of child scopes

                // if the parent is strict, so are we
                UseStrict = parent.UseStrict;

            // create the two lists of declared items for this scope
            ScopeLookups = new HashSet<Lookup>();
            VarDeclaredNames = new HashSet<INameDeclaration>();
            LexicallyDeclaredNames = new HashSet<INameDeclaration>();

            GhostedCatchParameters = new HashSet<ParameterDeclaration>();
            GhostedFunctions = new HashSet<FunctionObject>();
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private static void CollapseBlockScope(ActivationObject blockScope)
            // copy over the stuff we want to carry over to the parent

            // remove it from its parent's collection of child scopes