Ejemplo n.º 1
 public KPlotObject(QColor color, KPlotObject.PlotType otype)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("KPlotObject#$", "KPlotObject(const QColor&, KPlotObject::PlotType)", typeof(void), typeof(QColor), color, typeof(KPlotObject.PlotType), otype);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Constructor.
 /// <param> name="color" The color for plotting this object. By default this sets
 ///  the color for Points, Lines and Bars, but there are functions to
 ///  override any of these.
 /// </param><param> name="otype" the PlotType for this object (Points, Lines or Bars)
 /// </param><param> name="size" the size to use for plotted points, in pixels
 /// </param><param> name="ps" The PointStyle describing the shape for plotted points
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Constructor.</short>
 public KPlotObject(QColor color, KPlotObject.PlotType otype, double size, KPlotObject.PointStyle ps)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("KPlotObject#$$$", "KPlotObject(const QColor&, KPlotObject::PlotType, double, KPlotObject::PointStyle)", typeof(void), typeof(QColor), color, typeof(KPlotObject.PlotType), otype, typeof(double), size, typeof(KPlotObject.PointStyle), ps);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Replace an item in the KPlotObject list.
 /// <param> name="i" the index of the item to be replaced
 /// </param><param> name="o" pointer to the replacement KPlotObject
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Replace an item in the KPlotObject list.</short>
 public void ReplacePlotObject(int i, KPlotObject o)
     interceptor.Invoke("replacePlotObject$#", "replacePlotObject(int, KPlotObject*)", typeof(void), typeof(int), i, typeof(KPlotObject), o);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Set a new style for drawing the points in this object
 /// <param> name="p" the new style
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Set a new style for drawing the points in this object </short>
 public void SetPointStyle(KPlotObject.PointStyle p)
     interceptor.Invoke("setPointStyle$", "setPointStyle(KPlotObject::PointStyle)", typeof(void), typeof(KPlotObject.PointStyle), p);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Add an item to the list of KPlotObjects to be plotted.
 ///  @note do not use this multiple time if many objects have to be added,
 ///  addPlotObjects() is strongly suggested in this case
 /// <param> name="object" the KPlotObject to be added
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Add an item to the list of KPlotObjects to be plotted.</short>
 public void AddPlotObject(KPlotObject arg1)
     interceptor.Invoke("addPlotObject#", "addPlotObject(KPlotObject*)", typeof(void), typeof(KPlotObject), arg1);