Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static int CreateKMessageBox(KDialog dialog, QIcon icon, string text, List<string> strlist, string ask, ref bool checkboxReturn, uint options)
     StackItem[] stack = new StackItem[8];
     #if DEBUG
     stack[1].s_class = (IntPtr) DebugGCHandle.Alloc(dialog);
     stack[1].s_class = (IntPtr) GCHandle.Alloc(dialog);
     #if DEBUG
     stack[2].s_class = (IntPtr) DebugGCHandle.Alloc(icon);
     stack[2].s_class = (IntPtr) GCHandle.Alloc(icon);
     #if DEBUG
     stack[3].s_class = (IntPtr) DebugGCHandle.Alloc(text);
     stack[3].s_class = (IntPtr) GCHandle.Alloc(text);
     #if DEBUG
     stack[4].s_class = (IntPtr) DebugGCHandle.Alloc(strlist);
     stack[4].s_class = (IntPtr) GCHandle.Alloc(strlist);
     #if DEBUG
     stack[5].s_class = (IntPtr) DebugGCHandle.Alloc(ask);
     stack[5].s_class = (IntPtr) GCHandle.Alloc(ask);
     stack[6].s_bool = checkboxReturn;
     stack[7].s_uint = options;
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("createKMessageBox##$?$$$", "createKMessageBox(KDialog*, const QIcon&, const QString&, const QStringList&, const QString&, bool*, KMessageBox::Options)", stack);
     #if DEBUG
     DebugGCHandle.Free((GCHandle) stack[1].s_class);
     ((GCHandle) stack[1].s_class).SynchronizedFree();
     #if DEBUG
     DebugGCHandle.Free((GCHandle) stack[2].s_class);
     ((GCHandle) stack[2].s_class).SynchronizedFree();
     #if DEBUG
     DebugGCHandle.Free((GCHandle) stack[3].s_class);
     ((GCHandle) stack[3].s_class).SynchronizedFree();
     #if DEBUG
     DebugGCHandle.Free((GCHandle) stack[4].s_class);
     ((GCHandle) stack[4].s_class).SynchronizedFree();
     #if DEBUG
     DebugGCHandle.Free((GCHandle) stack[5].s_class);
     ((GCHandle) stack[5].s_class).SynchronizedFree();
     checkboxReturn = stack[6].s_bool;
     return stack[0].s_int;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the button that will be activated when the Escape key
 ///  is pressed.
 ///  By default, the Escape key is mapped to either the Cancel or the Close button
 ///  if one of these buttons are defined. The user expects that Escape will
 ///  cancel an operation so use this function with caution.
 /// <param> name="id" The button code.
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Sets the button that will be activated when the Escape key  is pressed.</short>
 public void SetEscapeButton(KDialog.ButtonCode id)
     interceptor.Invoke("setEscapeButton$", "setEscapeButton(KDialog::ButtonCode)", typeof(void), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Hide or display a general action button.
 ///   Only buttons that have
 ///  been created in the constructor can be displayed. This method will
 ///  not create a new button.
 /// <param> name="id" Button identifier.
 /// </param><param> name="state" true display the button(s).
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Hide or display a general action button.</short>
 public void ShowButton(KDialog.ButtonCode id, bool state)
     interceptor.Invoke("showButton$$", "showButton(KDialog::ButtonCode, bool)", typeof(void), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id, typeof(bool), state);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void SetButtonMenu(KDialog.ButtonCode id, QMenu menu)
     interceptor.Invoke("setButtonMenu$#", "setButtonMenu(KDialog::ButtonCode, QMenu*)", typeof(void), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id, typeof(QMenu), menu);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the "What's this?" text of any button.
 /// <param> name="id" The button identifier.
 /// </param><param> name="text" Button text.
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Sets the "What's this?" text of any button.</short>
 public void SetButtonWhatsThis(KDialog.ButtonCode id, string text)
     interceptor.Invoke("setButtonWhatsThis$$", "setButtonWhatsThis(KDialog::ButtonCode, const QString&)", typeof(void), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id, typeof(string), text);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the icon of any button.
 /// <param> name="id" The button identifier.
 /// </param><param> name="icon" Button icon.
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Sets the icon of any button.</short>
 public void SetButtonIcon(KDialog.ButtonCode id, KIcon icon)
     interceptor.Invoke("setButtonIcon$#", "setButtonIcon(KDialog::ButtonCode, const KIcon&)", typeof(void), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id, typeof(KIcon), icon);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the menu of any button.
 /// <param> name="id" The button identifier.
 /// </param><param> name="menu" The menu.
 /// </param><param> name="popupmode" Choose if KPushButton setMenu or setDelayedMenu is used
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Sets the menu of any button.</short>
 public void SetButtonMenu(KDialog.ButtonCode id, QMenu menu, KDialog.ButtonPopupMode popupmode)
     interceptor.Invoke("setButtonMenu$#$", "setButtonMenu(KDialog::ButtonCode, QMenu*, KDialog::ButtonPopupMode)", typeof(void), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id, typeof(QMenu), menu, typeof(KDialog.ButtonPopupMode), popupmode);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the KGuiItem directly for the button instead of using 3 methods to
 ///  set the text, tooltip and whatsthis strings. This also allows to set an
 ///  icon for the button which is otherwise not possible for the extra
 ///  buttons beside Ok, Cancel and Apply.
 /// <param> name="id" The button identifier.
 /// </param><param> name="item" The KGuiItem for the button.
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Sets the KGuiItem directly for the button instead of using 3 methods to  set the text, tooltip and whatsthis strings.</short>
 public void SetButtonGuiItem(KDialog.ButtonCode id, KGuiItem item)
     interceptor.Invoke("setButtonGuiItem$#", "setButtonGuiItem(KDialog::ButtonCode, const KGuiItem&)", typeof(void), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id, typeof(KGuiItem), item);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets the focus to the button of the passed <code>id.</code>
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Sets the focus to the button of the passed <code>id.</code></short>
 public void SetButtonFocus(KDialog.ButtonCode id)
     interceptor.Invoke("setButtonFocus$", "setButtonFocus(KDialog::ButtonCode)", typeof(void), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Returns whether any button is enabled.
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Returns whether any button is enabled.</short>
 public bool IsButtonEnabled(KDialog.ButtonCode id)
     return (bool) interceptor.Invoke("isButtonEnabled$", "isButtonEnabled(KDialog::ButtonCode) const", typeof(bool), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Returns the "What's this?" text of any button.
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Returns the "What's this?" text of any button.</short>
 public string ButtonWhatsThis(KDialog.ButtonCode id)
     return (string) interceptor.Invoke("buttonWhatsThis$", "buttonWhatsThis(KDialog::ButtonCode) const", typeof(string), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Returns the icon of any button.
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Returns the icon of any button.</short>
 public KIcon ButtonIcon(KDialog.ButtonCode id)
     return (KIcon) interceptor.Invoke("buttonIcon$", "buttonIcon(KDialog::ButtonCode) const", typeof(KIcon), typeof(KDialog.ButtonCode), id);