Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Add(UInt32 key, UInt32 value)
            if (Keys.IndexOf(key) > -1)
                ExceptionMethods.Throw(new FOS_System.Exception("Cannot add duplicate key to the dictionary!"));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the cluster numbers in a cluster chain starting at the specified cluster number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileSize">The size of file being read (used only for estimating number of clusters). Must be non-zero.</param>
        /// <param name="FirstClusterNum">The first cluster number in the chain.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of cluster numbers in the chain.</returns>
        public UInt32List ReadClusterChain(UInt64 fileSize, UInt32 FirstClusterNum)
            //The capacity calculation is designed to make the internal array of the list exactly
            //  the correct size (or one bigger) for the number of cluster numbers in the chain.
            UInt32List Result = new UInt32List((int)((UInt32)fileSize / (SectorsPerCluster * BytesPerSector)) + 1);

            //Preallocated array for a sector of data. Used to store table data
            byte[] SectorBuffer = new byte[BytesPerSector];
            //The sector number of the sector which contains the cluster chain information
            //  for the current cluster number
            UInt64 SectorNum = 0;
            //Whether the current sector has been loaded or not. This allows us to load a given sector
            //  the minimum number of times. If the cluster chain stays all within one sector, then 
            //  there's no need to keep reloading the sector.
            bool SectorLoaded = false;
            //The current cluster number in the chain
            UInt32 ClusterNum = FirstClusterNum;

            //The sector number and offset for the next entry in the cluster chain
            UInt64 NextSectorNum;
            UInt32 NextSectorOffset;

            //We need to do this at least once to read in the value for the starting cluster number
                //Get the sector number and offset for the current cluster num in the table.
                NextSectorNum = GetFATTableSectorPosition_SectorNum(ClusterNum);
                NextSectorOffset = GetFATTableSectorPosition_Offset(ClusterNum);

                //Load the sector if it hasn't already been loaded
                if (SectorLoaded == false || SectorNum != NextSectorNum)
                    ReadFATSector(NextSectorNum, SectorBuffer);
                    SectorNum = NextSectorNum;
                    SectorLoaded = true;

                //Add the current cluster number

                //Read the entry in the table for the current cluster number
                ClusterNum = ReadFATEntry(SectorBuffer, ClusterNum, NextSectorOffset);
            //Keep looping reading the chain until we reach the end of the file.
            while (!FATEntryIndicatesEOF(ClusterNum));

            return Result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Pushes the specified object onto the stack.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">The object to push.</param>
 public void Push(UInt32 obj)