Ejemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses an unary operator expression
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="funcCall">Indicates if the primary is parsed in a function call</param>
		/// <returns>An expression syntax tree</returns>
		private ExpressionSyntaxTree ParseUnary(bool funcCall = false)
			//If the current token is not an operator, it must be a primary expression
			CharacterToken charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

			if (charToken == null)
				return this.ParsePrimary(funcCall);

			if (charToken != null && (charToken.Value == '(' || charToken.Value == ')' || charToken.Value == ','))
				return this.ParsePrimary(funcCall);

			charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;
			char op = charToken.Value;

			ExpressionSyntaxTree operand = this.ParseUnary(funcCall);

			if (operand == null)
				return null;

			return new UnaryExpressionSyntaxTree(op, operand);
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns the precedence for the current token
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>The precedence or -1 if not an defined operator</returns>
		private int GetTokenPrecedence()
			CharacterToken charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

			if (charToken != null)
				if (this.binaryOperatorPrecedence.ContainsKey(charToken.Value))
					return this.binaryOperatorPrecedence[charToken.Value];

			return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses a identifier expression
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>An expression syntax tree</returns>
		private ExpressionSyntaxTree ParseIdentifierExpression()
			string identifierName = ((IdentifierToken)this.currentToken).Value;

			this.NextToken(); //Consume the identifier

			CharacterToken charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

			//Simple variable ref
			if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != '(') || charToken == null)
				return new VariableExpressionSyntaxTree(identifierName);

			this.NextToken(); //Consume the (
			List<ExpressionSyntaxTree> args = new List<ExpressionSyntaxTree>();

			if (charToken != null && charToken.Value != ')')
				while (true)
					ExpressionSyntaxTree arg = this.ParseExpression(true);

					if (arg != null)

					charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

					if (charToken != null && charToken.Value == ')')

					if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != ',') || charToken == null)
						throw new ParserException("Expected ')' or ',' in argument list");


			this.NextToken(); //Consume the )

			return new CallExpressionSyntaxTree(identifierName, args);
Ejemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses the right hand side of binary operator expression
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="expressionPrecedence">The expression precedence</param>
		/// <param name="leftHandSide">The left hand side</param>
		/// <returns>An expression syntax tree</returns>
		private ExpressionSyntaxTree ParseBinaryOpRHS(int expressionPrecedence, ExpressionSyntaxTree leftHandSide)
			//If this is a binop, find its precedence
			while (true)
				int tokenPrec = this.GetTokenPrecedence();

				//If this is a binop that binds at least as tightly as the current binop,
				//consume it, otherwise we are done.

				if (tokenPrec < expressionPrecedence)
					return leftHandSide;

				//Okay, we know this is a binop.
				CharacterToken opToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;
				this.NextToken(); //Consume the binop

				//Parse the primary expression after the binary operator.
				ExpressionSyntaxTree rightHandSide = this.ParseUnary();

				if (rightHandSide == null)
					return null;

				if (rightHandSide == null)
					return null;

				//If the bin op binds less tightly with RHS than the operator after RHS, let
				//the pending operator take RHS as its LHS.
				int nextPrec = this.GetTokenPrecedence();
				if (tokenPrec < nextPrec)
					rightHandSide = this.ParseBinaryOpRHS(tokenPrec + 1, rightHandSide);

					if (rightHandSide == null)
						return null;

				//Merge the left and right hand side
				leftHandSide = new BinaryExpressionSyntaxTree(opToken.Value, leftHandSide, rightHandSide);
Ejemplo n.º 5
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses a primary expression
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="funcCall">Indicates if the primary is parsed in a function call</param>
		/// <returns>An expression syntax tree</returns>
		private	ExpressionSyntaxTree ParsePrimary(bool funcCall = false)
			if (this.currentToken.Type == TokenType.Identifier)
				return this.ParseIdentifierExpression();

			if (this.currentToken.Type == TokenType.Number)
				return this.ParseNumberExpression();

			if (this.currentToken.Type == TokenType.Character)
				CharacterToken charToken = (CharacterToken)this.currentToken;

				if (charToken.Value == '(')
					return this.ParseParentheseExpression();

			if (this.currentToken.Type == TokenType.If)
				return this.ParseIfExpression();

			if (this.currentToken.Type == TokenType.For)
				return this.ParseForExpression();

			if (!funcCall)
				throw new ParserException("unknown token when expecting an expression");
				return null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses a parenthese expression
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>An expression syntax tree</returns>
		private ExpressionSyntaxTree ParseParentheseExpression()
			this.NextToken(); //Consume (
			ExpressionSyntaxTree expr = this.ParseExpression();

			if (expr == null)
				return null;

			CharacterToken charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

			if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != ')') ||charToken == null)
				Console.WriteLine("expected ')'");
				return null;

			this.NextToken(); //Consume )

			return expr;
Ejemplo n.º 7
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses an extern 
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>A external function syntax tree</returns>
		private ExternalFunctionSyntaxTree ParseExtern()
			this.NextToken(); //Consume the extern

			PrototypeSyntaxTree protoType = this.ParsePrototype();

			CharacterToken charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

			if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != ':') || charToken == null)
				throw new ParserException("Expected ':' after extern");

			//Consume the :

			charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

			if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != ':') || charToken == null)
				throw new ParserException("Expected ':' after extern");

			//Consume the :

			if (this.currentToken.Type != TokenType.Identifier)
				throw new ParserException("Expected indentifier.");

			string funcRef = ((IdentifierToken)this.currentToken).Value;

			//Consume the identifier

			return new ExternalFunctionSyntaxTree(protoType, funcRef);
Ejemplo n.º 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses the loaded tokens
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>A sequence of syntax tree</returns>
		/// <exception cref="ParserException">If the input was invalid</exception>
		public IEnumerable<SyntaxTrees> Parse()
			bool doParse = true;

			while (doParse)
				if (currentToken == null)
					doParse = false;

				CharacterToken charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

				if (charToken != null && charToken.Value == ';')

				switch (this.currentToken.Type)
					case TokenType.Eof:
						doParse = false;
					case TokenType.Def:
						yield return this.ParseDefinition();
					case TokenType.Extern:
						yield return this.ParseExtern();
						yield return this.ParseTopLevelExpression();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a for expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An expression syntax tree</returns>
        private ExpressionSyntaxTree ParseForExpression()
            this.NextToken(); //Consume the for

            if (this.currentToken.Type != TokenType.Identifier)
				throw new ParserException("expected identifier after for");

            string varName = ((IdentifierToken)this.currentToken).Value;

            this.NextToken(); //Consume the identifier

            CharacterToken charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

            if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != '=') ||charToken == null)
				throw new ParserException("expected '=' after for");

            this.NextToken(); //Consume the '='

            ExpressionSyntaxTree startExpression = this.ParseExpression();

            if (startExpression == null)
                return null;

            charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

            if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != ',') ||charToken == null)
				throw new ParserException("expected ',' after for start value");

            this.NextToken(); //Consume the ','

            ExpressionSyntaxTree endExpression = this.ParseExpression();

            if (endExpression == null)
                return null;

            //The step value is optional
            ExpressionSyntaxTree stepExpression = null;

            charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

            if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value == ',') ||charToken == null)
                this.NextToken(); //Consume the ','
                stepExpression = this.ParseExpression();

                if (stepExpression == null)
                    return null;

            if (this.currentToken.Type != TokenType.In)
				throw new ParserException("expected 'in' after for");

            this.NextToken(); //Consume the 'in'

            ExpressionSyntaxTree bodyExpression = this.ParseExpression();

            if (bodyExpression == null)
                return null;

            return new ForExpressionSyntaxTree(varName, startExpression, endExpression, stepExpression, bodyExpression);
Ejemplo n.º 10
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses a prototype
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>A prototype syntax tree</returns>
		private PrototypeSyntaxTree ParsePrototype()
			int kind = 0;
			int binaryPrecedence = 30;
			string funcName = "";
			CharacterToken charToken = null;
			IdentifierToken identToken = null;

			switch (this.currentToken.Type)
					throw new ParserException("Expected function name in prototype");
				case TokenType.Identifier:
					funcName = ((IdentifierToken)this.currentToken).Value;
					kind = 0;
					this.NextToken(); //Consume the func name
				case TokenType.Binary:

					charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

					if (charToken == null)
						throw new ParserException("Expected binary operator");

					funcName = "binary" + charToken.Value;
					kind = 2;

					//Read the precedence
					NumberToken numToken = this.currentToken as NumberToken;

					if (numToken != null)
						if (numToken.Value < 1 || numToken.Value > 100)
							throw new ParserException("Invalid precedecnce: must be in the range: 1..100");
						binaryPrecedence = (int)numToken.Value;
						throw new ParserException("Expected a number");
				case TokenType.Unary:

					charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

					if (charToken == null)
						throw new ParserException("Expected unary operator");

					funcName = "unary" + charToken.Value;
					kind = 1;


			charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

			if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != '(') || charToken == null)
				throw new ParserException("Expected '(' in prototype");

			//Read the arguments
			List<string> args = new List<string>();

			while (true)

				identToken = this.currentToken as IdentifierToken;

				if (identToken != null)

			charToken = this.currentToken as CharacterToken;

			if ((charToken != null && charToken.Value != ')') || charToken == null)
				throw new ParserException("Expected ')' in prototype");

			this.NextToken(); //Consume the )

			//Verify the arguments is the same as the operator
			if (kind != 0 && args.Count != kind)
				throw new ParserException("Invalid number of operands for operator");

			return new PrototypeSyntaxTree(funcName, args, kind != 0, binaryPrecedence);