CommitOffsets() public method

Commits the offsets of all messages consumed so far.
public CommitOffsets ( ) : void
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
            private void CloseFetchersForQueues(
                Cluster cluster,
                IDictionary <string, IList <KafkaStream <TKey, TValue> > > messageStreams,
                IEnumerable <BlockingCollection <FetchedDataChunk> > queuesToBeCleared)
                var allPartitionInfos = parent.topicRegistry.Values.SelectMany(p => p.Values).ToList();

                if (parent.fetcher != null)
                    ClearFetcherQueues(allPartitionInfos, cluster, queuesToBeCleared, messageStreams);
                    Logger.Info("Committing all offsets after clearing the fetcher queues");

                     * here, we need to commit offsets before stopping the consumer from returning any more messages
                     * from the current Data chunk. Since partition ownership is not yet released, this commit offsets
                     * call will ensure that the offsets committed now will be used by the next consumer thread owning the partition
                     * for the current Data chunk. Since the fetchers are already shutdown and this is the last chunk to be iterated
                     * by the consumer, there will be no more messages returned by this iterator until the rebalancing finishes
                     * successfully and the fetchers restart to fetch more Data chunks
                    if (parent.Config.AutoCommitEnable)
        public void TestBasic()
            // test consumer timeout logic
            var consumerConfig0 = TestUtils.CreateConsumerProperties(ZkConnect, Group, Consumer0, 200);
            var zkConsumerConnector0 = new ZookeeperConsumerConnector(consumerConfig0);
            var topicMessageSterams0 =
                    new Dictionary<string, int> { { Topic, 1 } }, new StringDecoder(), new StringDecoder());

            // no messages to consume, we should hit timeout;
            // also the iterator should support re-entrant, so loop it twice
            for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    () => this.GetMessages(nMessages * 2, topicMessageSterams0));


            // send some messages to each broker
            var sentMessages1 =
                this.SendMessagesToBrokerPartition(Configs.First(), Topic, 0, nMessages)
                .Union(this.SendMessagesToBrokerPartition(Configs.Last(), Topic, 0, nMessages)).ToList();

            // wait to make sure the topic and partition have a leader for the successful case
            TestUtils.WaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(this.ZkClient, Topic, 0, 500); 
            TestUtils.WaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(this.ZkClient, Topic, 1, 500);

            TestUtils.WaitUntilMetadataIsPropagated(this.Servers, Topic, 0, 1000);
            TestUtils.WaitUntilMetadataIsPropagated(this.Servers, Topic, 1, 1000);

            // create a consuemr
            var consumerConfig1 = TestUtils.CreateConsumerProperties(ZkConnect, Group, Consumer1);
            var zkConsumerConnector1 = new ZookeeperConsumerConnector(consumerConfig1);
            var topicMessageStreams1 =
                    new Dictionary<string, int> { { Topic, 1 } }, new StringDecoder(), new StringDecoder());

            var receivedMessages1 = this.GetMessages(nMessages * 2, topicMessageStreams1);
            Assert.Equal(sentMessages1.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray(), receivedMessages1.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray());

            // also check partition ownership
            var actual_1 = this.GetZKChildrenValues(this.dirs.ConsumerOwnerDir);
            var expected_1 = new List<Tuple<string, string>>
                                     Tuple.Create("0", "group1_consumer1-0"),
                                     Tuple.Create("1", "group1_consumer1-0")
            Assert.Equal(expected_1, actual_1);

            // commit consumer offsets

            // create a consumer
            var consumerConfig2 = TestUtils.CreateConsumerProperties(ZkConnect, Group, Consumer2);
            consumerConfig2.RebalanceBackoffMs = RebalanceBackoutMs;

            var zkConsumerConnector2 = new ZookeeperConsumerConnector(consumerConfig2);
            var topicMessageStreams2 =
                    new Dictionary<string, int> { { Topic, 1 } }, new StringDecoder(), new StringDecoder());

            // send some messages to each broker
            var sentMessages2 =
                this.SendMessagesToBrokerPartition(Configs.First(), Topic, 0, nMessages)
                .Union(this.SendMessagesToBrokerPartition(Configs.Last(), Topic, 1, nMessages)).ToList();

            // wait to make sure the topic and partition have a leader for the successful case
            TestUtils.WaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(this.ZkClient, Topic, 0, 500);
            TestUtils.WaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(this.ZkClient, Topic, 1, 500);

            var receivedMessages2 =
                this.GetMessages(nMessages, topicMessageStreams1)
                    .Union(this.GetMessages(nMessages, topicMessageStreams2))
            Assert.Equal(sentMessages2.OrderBy(x => x).ToList(), receivedMessages2.OrderBy(x => x).ToList());

            // also check partition ownership
            var actual_2 = this.GetZKChildrenValues(this.dirs.ConsumerOwnerDir);
            var expected_2 = new List<Tuple<string, string>>
                                     Tuple.Create("0", "group1_consumer1-0"),
                                     Tuple.Create("1", "group1_consumer2-0")
            Assert.Equal(expected_2, actual_2);

            // create a consumer with empty map
            var consumerConfig3 = TestUtils.CreateConsumerProperties(ZkConnect, Group, Consumer3);
            var zkConsumerConnector3 = new ZookeeperConsumerConnector(consumerConfig3);
            zkConsumerConnector3.CreateMessageStreams(new Dictionary<string, int>());

            // send some messages to each broker
            var sentMessages3 =
                this.SendMessagesToBrokerPartition(Configs.First(), Topic, 0, nMessages)
                    .Union(this.SendMessagesToBrokerPartition(Configs.Last(), Topic, 1, nMessages))

            // wait to make sure the topic and partition have a leader for the successful case
            TestUtils.WaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(this.ZkClient, Topic, 0, 500);
            TestUtils.WaitUntilLeaderIsElectedOrChanged(this.ZkClient, Topic, 1, 500);

            var receivedMessages3 =
                this.GetMessages(nMessages, topicMessageStreams1)
                    .Union(this.GetMessages(nMessages, topicMessageStreams2))
            Assert.Equal(sentMessages3.OrderBy(x => x).ToList(), receivedMessages3.OrderBy(x => x).ToList());

            // also check partition ownership
            var actual_3 = this.GetZKChildrenValues(this.dirs.ConsumerOwnerDir);
            Assert.Equal(expected_2, actual_3);


            Logger.Info("all consumer connectors stopped");
        internal void Consume()
            // connects to zookeeper
            using (ZookeeperConsumerConnector connector = new ZookeeperConsumerConnector(configSettings, true))
                if (this.ThreadID == 0)
                    ConsumerGroupHelper.initialOffset = connector.GetOffset(cgOptions.Topic);

                    Logger.InfoFormat("======Original offset \r\n{0}", ConsumerGroupHelper.initialOffset == null ? "(NULL)" : ConsumeGroupMonitorHelper.GetComsumerGroupOffsetsAsLog(ConsumerGroupHelper.initialOffset));

                // defines collection of topics and number of threads to consume it with
                // ===============NOTE============================
                // For example , if there is 80 partitions for one topic.
                // Normally start more than 96 = 80*120% clients with same GroupId.  ( the extra 20% are buffer for autopilot IMP).  And set  FetchThreadCountPerConsumer as 1.
                // Then 80 clients can lock partitions,  can set MACHINENAME_ProcessID as ConsumerId, other 16 are idle.  Strongly recomand take this method.
                // If start 40 clients,  and  set  FetchThreadCountPerConsumer as 1. then every client can lock 2 partitions at least.   And if some client not available for autopilot
                // IMP reason, then some of the client maybe lock 3 partitions.
                //  If start 40 clients, and set  FetchThreadCountPerConsumer as 2,  you will get two IEnumerator<Message>:topicData[0].GetEnumerator(),topicData[1].GetEnumerator()
                //  you need start TWO threads to process them in dependently.
                //  If the client get 2 partitions, each thread will handle 1 partition,
                //  If the client get 3 partitions, then one thread get 2 partitions, the other one get 1 partition.  It will make the situaiton complex and the consume of partition not balance.
                IDictionary<string, int> topicMap = new Dictionary<string, int> { { cgOptions.Topic, cgOptions.FetchThreadCountPerConsumer } };

                // get references to topic streams.
                IDictionary<string, IList<KafkaMessageStream<Message>>> streams = connector.CreateMessageStreams(topicMap, new DefaultDecoder());
                IList<KafkaMessageStream<Message>> topicData = streams[cgOptions.Topic];
                long latestTotalCount = 0;

                bool hitEndAndCommited = false;
                if (cgOptions.CancellationTimeoutMs == KafkaNETExampleConstants.DefaultCancellationTimeoutMs)
                    // Get the message enumerator.
                    IEnumerator<Message> messageEnumerator = topicData[0].GetEnumerator();
                    //TODO:  the enumerator count equal with FetchThreadCountPerConsumer . For example,  if that value is 5, then here should get 5 enumerator.
                    //IF have 100 partitions, and only 20 consumers, need set this value to 5.  and start 5 thread handle each one.

                    // Add tuples until maximum receive message count is reached or no new messages read after consumer configured timeout.
                    while (true)
                        bool noMoreMessage = false;
                            Message m = messageEnumerator.Current;
                            latestTotalCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref ConsumerGroupHelper.totalCount);
                            Logger.InfoFormat("Message {0} from Partition:{1}, Offset:{2}, key:{3}, value:{4}", latestTotalCount, m.PartitionId, m.Offset, m.Key == null ? "(null)" : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Key), m.Payload == null ? "(null)" : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Payload));
                            if (latestTotalCount == 1)
                                Logger.InfoFormat("Read FIRST message, it's offset: {0}  PartitionID:{1}", m.Offset, ((ConsumerIterator<Message>)messageEnumerator).currentTopicInfo.PartitionId);

                            hitEndAndCommited = false;
                            if (latestTotalCount % cgOptions.CommitBatchSize == 0)
                                //Normally, just directly call .CommitOffsets()
                                //    CommitOffset(string topic, int partition, long offset)  only used when customer has strong requirement for reprocess messages as few as possible.
                                //Need tune the frequecy of calling  .CommitOffsets(), it will directly increate zookeeper load and impact your overall performance
                                if (cgOptions.CommitOffsetWithPartitionIDOffset)
                                    connector.CommitOffset(cgOptions.Topic, m.PartitionId.Value, m.Offset);
                                Console.WriteLine("\tRead some and commit once,  LATEST message offset: {0}. PartitionID:{1} -- {2}  Totally read  {3}  will commit offset. {4} FetchOffset:{5}  ConsumeOffset:{6} CommitedOffset:{7}"
                                    , m.Offset, m.PartitionId.Value, ((ConsumerIterator<Message>)messageEnumerator).currentTopicInfo.PartitionId, latestTotalCount, DateTime.Now
                                    , ((ConsumerIterator<Message>)messageEnumerator).currentTopicInfo.FetchOffset
                                    , ((ConsumerIterator<Message>)messageEnumerator).currentTopicInfo.ConsumeOffset
                                    , ((ConsumerIterator<Message>)messageEnumerator).currentTopicInfo.CommitedOffset);

                            if (cgOptions.Count > 0 && latestTotalCount >= cgOptions.Count)
                                Logger.InfoFormat("Read LAST message, it's offset: {0}. PartitionID:{1}   Totally read {2}  want {3} will exit.", m.Offset, ((ConsumerIterator<Message>)messageEnumerator).currentTopicInfo.PartitionId, latestTotalCount, cgOptions.Count);
                        catch (ConsumerTimeoutException)
                            if (!hitEndAndCommited)
                                Logger.InfoFormat("Totally Read {0}  will commit offset. {1}", latestTotalCount, DateTime.Now);
                                hitEndAndCommited = true;
                            // Thrown if no new messages read after consumer configured timeout.
                            noMoreMessage = true;

                        if (noMoreMessage)
                            Logger.InfoFormat("No more message , hit end ,will Sleep(1), {0}", DateTime.Now);
                            if (cgOptions.SleepTypeWhileAlwaysRead == 0)
                            else if (cgOptions.SleepTypeWhileAlwaysRead == 1)
                                Thread.Sleep(1);        //Best choice is Thread.Sleep(1).  Other 3 choice still make the CPU 100%
                            else if (cgOptions.SleepTypeWhileAlwaysRead == 2)

                    //Siphon scenario, repeatly take some messages and process. if no enough messages, will stop current batch after timeout.
                    while (true)
            #if NET45
                        bool noMoreMessage = false;
                        Message lastMessage = null;
                        int count = 0;
                        KafkaMessageStream<Message> messagesStream = null;
                        ConsumerIterator<Message> iterator = null;
                        using (CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(cgOptions.CancellationTimeoutMs))
                            lastMessage = null;
                            IEnumerable<Message> messages = topicData[0].GetCancellable(cancellationTokenSource.Token);
                            messagesStream = (KafkaMessageStream<Message>)messages;
                            iterator = (ConsumerIterator<Message>)messagesStream.iterator;
                            foreach (Message message in messages)
                                latestTotalCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref ConsumerGroupHelper.totalCount);
                                lastMessage = message;
                                if (latestTotalCount == 1)
                                    PartitionTopicInfo p = iterator.currentTopicInfo;
                                    Logger.InfoFormat("Read FIRST message, it's offset: {0}  PartitionID:{1}", lastMessage.Offset, p == null ? "null" : p.PartitionId.ToString());
                                hitEndAndCommited = false;
                                if (++count >= cgOptions.CommitBatchSize)
                        if (count > 0)
                            consumedTotalCount += count;
                            PartitionTopicInfo p = iterator.currentTopicInfo;
                            Console.WriteLine("\tRead some and commit once, Thread: {8}  consumedTotalCount:{9} Target:{10} LATEST message offset: {0}. PartitionID:{1} -- {2}  Totally read  {3}  will commit offset. {4} FetchOffset:{5}  ConsumeOffset:{6} CommitedOffset:{7}"
                                    , lastMessage.Offset, lastMessage.PartitionId.Value, p == null ? "null" : p.PartitionId.ToString(), latestTotalCount, DateTime.Now
                                    , p == null ? "null" : p.FetchOffset.ToString()
                                    , p == null ? "null" : p.ConsumeOffset.ToString()
                                    , p == null ? "null" : p.CommitedOffset.ToString()
                                    , this.ThreadID
                                    , this.consumedTotalCount
                                    , this.Count);
                            noMoreMessage = true;

                        if (this.Count > 0 && consumedTotalCount >= this.Count)
                            Logger.InfoFormat("Current thrad Read LAST message, Totally read {0}  want {1} will exit current thread.", consumedTotalCount, this.Count);

                        if (noMoreMessage)
                            Logger.InfoFormat("No more message , hit end ,will Sleep(2000), {0}", DateTime.Now);
                            if (cgOptions.SleepTypeWhileAlwaysRead == 0)
                            else if (cgOptions.SleepTypeWhileAlwaysRead == 1)
                                Thread.Sleep(2000);        //Best choice is Thread.Sleep(1).  Other 3 choice still make the CPU 100%
                            else if (cgOptions.SleepTypeWhileAlwaysRead == 2)

            #if NET4
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Please use .net45 to compile .");

                Logger.InfoFormat("Read {0}  will commit offset. {1}", latestTotalCount, DateTime.Now);

                latestTotalCount = Interlocked.Read(ref ConsumerGroupHelper.totalCount);

                Logger.InfoFormat("Totally read {0}  want {1} . ", latestTotalCount, cgOptions.Count);
                if (this.ThreadID == 0)
                    ConsumerGroupHelper.newOffset = connector.GetOffset(cgOptions.Topic);
