Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will get the list/child corresponding the keys
        ///  (Keys can basically be a path [similar to a filesystem or XPath]
        ///    ex: "/root/child/subchild" or just an "element"/key)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Keys">The path to the node/child</param>
        /// <param name="ReturnAll">Should we return all that matches?</param>
        public ktList Get(ktString Keys, bool ReturnAll)
            // Init...
            ktString Key;
            ktString TmpKeys = Keys; // Temporary to save the given value

            //  Remove leading slashs (/)..
            Keys.Trim(ktStripType.leading, "/");

            if (Keys.Contains("/"))
                // Get the first key
                Key = Keys.BeforeFirst('/');
                // Remove the first key
                Keys = Keys.AfterFirst('/');
                Key = Keys;

            // If the given key matches the key of "this node" (or we didn't get a key)
            if ((m_Node != null) && (m_Node.Check(Key)) || (Key == ""))
                // Return "this"
                return this;

            // No elements??
            if (m_Head == null)
                // there's nothing to get
                throw new ktError("The list is empty (in ktList::Get( " + TmpKeys + ", bool ))", ktERR.EMPTY);

            // Init...
            ktList TmpList = null;
            ktList AllMatches = null;
            bool GoOn = true;

            // Should we return all matches?
            if (ReturnAll)
                AllMatches = new ktList();

            // Go thru the list..
            while (MoveNext() && GoOn)
                // Try it...
                    // Get the "sublist(s)"
                    TmpList = CurrentNode.Get(Keys, ReturnAll); // Key or Keys??

                    // If we should return all
                    if (ReturnAll)
                        // Add the found list... (and then go on)
                        // Stop looking...
                        GoOn = false;
                    // Catch an error...
                catch (ktError E)
                    // If it was an error other than "Not found" or empty...
                    if ((E.ErrorNumber != ktERR._404) && (E.ErrorNumber != ktERR.EMPTY))
                        // Re-throw it
                        throw E;
                    } // If
                } // Catch
            } // While

            // If we should return all matches and
            //  we found something (The list isn't empty)
            if (ReturnAll && (!AllMatches.IsEmpty()))
                // Set GoOn to false (as it marks a found node/list)
                GoOn = false;

            // If we should get all matches but only found one
            if (ReturnAll && (AllMatches.GetCount() == 1))
                // Get the first (and only) child
                TmpList = AllMatches.First;
                // Set "match/return all" to false
                ReturnAll = false;

                // Set tail and head to null...
                AllMatches.m_Head = AllMatches.m_Tail = null;

                // Dispose of the list...

            // If we didn't find a match
            if (GoOn)
                // Throw an error
                throw new ktError("Couldn't find the list '" + TmpKeys + "' (in ktList::Get(  " + TmpKeys + " ))", ktERR._404);
                // If we should return all matches...
            else if (ReturnAll)
                // Return the list
                return AllMatches;
                // Found an match
                // Return it..
                return TmpList;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static Dictionary<ktString, ktString> ParseInfoString( ktString InfoStr )
            int p = 0, p2 = 0;
            ktString property;
            ktString prop_name, prop_value;

            Dictionary<ktString, ktString> InfoMap = new Dictionary<ktString, ktString>();

            while (!InfoStr.IsEmpty())
                p = InfoStr.IndexOf(';');
                if (p < 0)
                    property = InfoStr;
                    p = InfoStr.Length() - 1;
                    property = InfoStr.SubString(0, p).Trim();
                p2 = property.IndexOf('=');
                prop_name = property.SubString(0, p2).AsUpper();
                prop_value = property.SubString(p2 + 1);

                InfoMap.Add(prop_name, prop_value);

                InfoStr.Remove(0, p + 1);
                InfoStr = InfoStr.Trim();

            return InfoMap;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan/Parse the script into tokens
        /// </summary>
        public bool Scan(ktString Script, ktString Name)
            bool Ret = true;

            Script.Replace("\r\n", "\n",true);

            // Initiate the lineno.
            m_CurLine = 1;
            m_CharPos = 1;
              // .. and name
            m_Name = Name;

            if (m_Tokens != null)
                m_Tokens = null;

            // Init...
            ktString Line = new ktString();
            int Pos = 0;
            ktRegEx RE = new ktRegEx(ktToken.Separators);

            // ... the block-stack
            if (m_BlockStack != null)
                m_BlockStack = null;
            m_BlockStack = new ktList();
            // ... the token-list
            if (m_Tokens != null)
                m_Tokens = null;
            m_Tokens = new ktList();
            m_Tokens.Node = new ktNode("ktTStatement", new ktToken(ktTokenType.Statement, "", 0, 0));
            // ... the token-stack
            if (m_TokenStack != null)
                m_TokenStack = null;
            m_TokenStack = new ktList();
            // ... the lines (??)
            if (m_Lines != null)
                m_Lines = null;
            m_Lines = new ktList();
            m_Lines.Node = new ktNode(Name, m_CurToken = new ktToken(ktTokenType.Program, Name, 0, 0));
            // ... the line-stack
            if (m_LineStack != null)
                m_LineStack = null;
            m_LineStack = new ktList();

            if (m_MainBlock == null)
                m_MainBlock = new ktBlock(new ktList());
                if (m_MainBlock.Lines != null)

            m_BlockStack.Add("ktTBlock", m_MainBlock);

            /* In the "original scanner" (C++), we took one line (terminated by \n)
             * 	at a time and worked on, now we just go through the line.
             * And We hope that it will be much "leaner"!
            // Go on until the there's nothing left...
            while (!Script.IsEmpty())
                // Get the position for the next separator
                Pos = RE.Find(Script);

                // If there was none...
                if (Pos < 0)
                    // Take it to the end...
                    Pos = Script.Len();
                else if (Pos == 0)
                // Get the next "token"
                Line = Script.SubStr(0, Pos);

                // If it's the start of a comment
                if ((Line == "/") && (Script.StartsWith("//") || Script.StartsWith("/*")))
                    Line = Script.SubStr(0, 2);
                else if ((Line == "*") && (Script.StartsWith("*/")))
                    Line = "*/";

                ReactOnToken(Line, m_CurLine, ref m_CharPos);

                if (Line == "\n")
                    m_CharPos = 1;
                    m_CharPos += Line.Len();

                // Remove the "token", we just worked on...
                Script.Remove(0, Pos);

            #if ParseDebug || DebugXML
            if (!m_Tokens.IsEmpty())
                if (m_AllowMissingEOL)
                    ((ktToken)m_Tokens.Node.Value).Type = ktTokenType.Line;
                    ((ktToken)m_Tokens.Node.Value).Name = m_Tokens.Node.Name = "ktTLine";

                    m_Tokens = null;
                    throw new ktError("Expected a ktTEOL at line " + m_CurLine.ToString() + " but didn't find one!",
            if (m_BlockStack.Count > 1)
                throw new ktError("Expecting ktTEOB (}) at " + m_CharPos.ToString() + ", line " +
                                    m_CurLine.ToString() + ".", ktERR.MISSING);

            //ktToken.OnlyExportValue = false;
            //ktDebug.Log( m_LineStack.Get_R(  ) );
            //ktToken.OnlyExportValue = false;
            #if ParseDebug || DebugXML
            ktDebug.Log( "XML:" );
            ktDebug.Log( ktXML.FromList(m_LineStack).AsXML() );
            ktDebug.Log( "==================" );
            ktDebug.Log( ktXML.FromList(m_Lines).AsXML() );

            /*			ktDebug.Log( "?+++++\n" + m_Tokens.Get_R( "\t", true ) );
            ktDebug.Log( "?+++++\n" + m_CurToken.Export
            if (m_CurToken != null) {
                if (m_CurToken.Type == ktTokenType.List) {
                    throw new ktError( "Expected a ktTEndPar at line " + m_CurLine.ToString() + " but didn't find one!",
                                      ktERR.MISSING );
                } else if (m_CurToken.Type == ktTokenType.String) {
                    throw new ktError( "Expected a ktTStringQuot at line " + m_CurLine.ToString() + " but didn't find one!",
                                      ktERR.MISSING );
                } else if (m_CurToken.Type == ktTokenType.Block) {
                    throw new ktError( "Expected a ktTEndOfBlock at line " + m_CurLine.ToString() + " but didn't find one!",
                                      ktERR.MISSING );
            } else if ((m_Tokens != null) && (!m_Tokens.IsEmpty())) {
                throw new ktError( "Expected a ktTEOL at line " + m_CurLine.ToString() + " but didn't find one!",
                                  ktERR.MISSING );
            //			MakeATree( );
            //			MakeAOpTree( );

            if ((m_BlockStack == null) || (m_BlockStack.IsEmpty()))
                return Ret;

            ktBlock Block = (ktBlock)(m_BlockStack.Pop().Node.Value);
            #if ParseDebug
            ktDebug.Log( "BLOCK1:" + ktXML.FromList(Block.Lines).AsXML() );r

            #if ParseDebug
            ktDebug.Log("BLOCK2:" + ktXML.FromList(m_Lines).AsXML());
            Block.Lines = MakeAOpTree();

            m_LineStack = null;

            // Add Current "statement"/"post" to the block and theń switch them
            //Temp.AddList( m_Tokens );
            //m_Tokens = Temp;
            #if ParseDebug
            ktDebug.Log( "BLOCK:" + ((Block == m_MainBlock) ? "MAIN":"NOT_MAIN") );
            /*ktList Temp = null;

            if (LastBlockLines == null) {
                throw new ktError( "No Last Block Lines!", ktERR.MISSING );
            LastBlockLines.Add( "ktTBlock", new ktToken( Block, m_CurToken.LineNo, m_CurToken.CharPos ) );*/
            #if ParseDebug || DebugXML
            ktDebug.Log( "XML_After Tree:" + ktXML.FromList(Block.Lines).AsXML() );
            ktDebug.Log( "XML_After Tree:" + Block.Lines.Get_R( "\t", true ) );
            //ktDebug.Log( m_Lines.Export() );

            return Ret;