public double distanceFrom(RecordNeighbor other)
            double distance, fixedParamsDistance, listsDistance;

            fixedParamsDistance = calculateFixedParametersDistanceFrom(other);
            listsDistance       = calculatRecognitionsDistanceFrom(other);
            distance            = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(fixedParamsDistance, 2) + Math.Pow(listsDistance, 2));

        public double calculateFixedParametersDistanceFrom(RecordNeighbor other)
            double distance;

            double[] myFixedParameters    = PrepareFixedParameters();
            double[] otherFixedParameters = other.PrepareFixedParameters();
            int      paramsCount          = myFixedParameters.Length;

            double[] distances = new double[paramsCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < paramsCount; i++)
                distances[i] = Math.Pow((myFixedParameters[i] - otherFixedParameters[i]), 2);
            distance = Math.Sqrt(distances.Sum());

        public double calculatRecognitionsDistanceFrom(RecordNeighbor other)
            int           myRecognitionsCount    = Recognitions.Count;
            int           otherRecognitionsCount = other.Recognitions.Count;
            List <double> longerRecognitionsList;
            List <double> shorterRecognitionsList;
            List <double> longerIntervalsList;
            List <double> shorterIntervalsList;
            int           smallerCount, largerCount;

            //find the shorter lists and the longer lists
            if (myRecognitionsCount >= otherRecognitionsCount)
                largerCount             = myRecognitionsCount;
                smallerCount            = otherRecognitionsCount;
                longerRecognitionsList  = Recognitions;
                longerIntervalsList     = Intervals;
                shorterRecognitionsList = other.Recognitions;
                shorterIntervalsList    = other.Intervals;
                largerCount             = otherRecognitionsCount;
                smallerCount            = myRecognitionsCount;
                longerRecognitionsList  = other.Recognitions;
                longerIntervalsList     = other.Intervals;
                shorterRecognitionsList = Recognitions;
                shorterIntervalsList    = Intervals;

            //trim the first part of the longer lists by skipping the first elements in each list
            //the amount of skipped-on elements is the diffrence between the longer and the shorter lists
            List <double> trimmedRecognitions =
                new List <double>(longerRecognitionsList.Skip(largerCount - smallerCount));
            List <double> trimmedIntervals =
                new List <double>(longerIntervalsList.Skip(largerCount - smallerCount));

            //compare the last recognitions and last intervals between the current object and the other object
            double recognitionsBasedDistance = compareDistanceBetweenEvenSizedLists(trimmedRecognitions, shorterRecognitionsList, true);
            double intervalsBasedDistance    = compareDistanceBetweenEvenSizedLists(trimmedIntervals, shorterIntervalsList, false);
            double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(recognitionsBasedDistance, 2) + Math.Pow(intervalsBasedDistance, 2));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public string TestAndClassify(RecordNeighbor toTest, int k)
            Dictionary <string, double> classifications = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            NeighborsComparer           comparer        = new NeighborsComparer(toTest);

            // Sorting the neighbors set by distance from tested object.

            // Keeping the classifications of the k closest neighbors
            // (first k objects in the sorted list) in a dictionary,
            // counting the repeatitions of each one of them.
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                if (classifications.ContainsKey(mNeighbors[i].Classification))
                    classifications.Add(mNeighbors[i].Classification, 1 / mNeighbors[i].distanceFrom(toTest)); //test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            // Returns the classification of the most common of them
            // pay attention to cases of a few different classifications
            // with equal amount of repeatitons.
            List <KeyValuePair <string, double> > maxpairs = new List <KeyValuePair <string, double> >();
            double max = classifications.Values.Max();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, double> pair in classifications)
                if (pair.Value == max)
