Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this UTMPoint to a Latitude/Longitude point using the WGS-84 datum. The
        /// coordinate pair's units will be in meters, and should be usable to make distance
        /// calculations over short distances. /// reference: http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/usefuldata/utmformulas.htm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="utm">The UTM point to convert</param>
        /// <returns>The latitude/longitude</returns>
        public static LatLngPoint ToLatLng(this UTMPoint utm)
            if (utm is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(utm));

            var    N0         = utm.Hemisphere == UTMPoint.GlobeHemisphere.Northern ? 0.0 : DatumWGS_84.FalseNorthing;
            var    xi         = (utm.Y - N0) / (DatumWGS_84.pointScaleFactor * DatumWGS_84.A);
            var    eta        = (utm.X - DatumWGS_84.E0) / (DatumWGS_84.pointScaleFactor * DatumWGS_84.A);
            var    xiPrime    = xi;
            var    etaPrime   = eta;
            double sigmaPrime = 1;
            double tauPrime   = 0;

            for (var j = 1; j <= 3; ++j)
                var beta    = DatumWGS_84.beta[j - 1];
                var je2     = 2 * j * xi;
                var jn2     = 2 * j * eta;
                var sinje2  = Sin(je2);
                var coshjn2 = Cosh(jn2);
                var cosje2  = Cos(je2);
                var sinhjn2 = Sinh(jn2);

                xiPrime    -= beta * sinje2 * coshjn2;
                etaPrime   -= beta * cosje2 * sinhjn2;
                sigmaPrime -= 2 * j * beta * cosje2 * coshjn2;
                tauPrime   -= 2 * j * beta * sinje2 * sinhjn2;

            var chi = Asin(Sin(xiPrime) / Cosh(etaPrime));

            var lat = chi;

            for (var j = 1; j <= 3; ++j)
                lat += DatumWGS_84.delta[j - 1] * Sin(2 * j * chi);

            float long0 = (utm.Zone * 6) - 183;
            var   lng   = Atan(Sinh(etaPrime) / Cos(xiPrime));

            return(new LatLngPoint(
                       long0 + Radians.Degrees((float)lng),
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert Equitorial Spherical Position to Horizontal Spherical Position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">The point on earth</param>
        /// <param name="n">The Julian day</param>
        /// <returns>The elevation above the horizon</returns>
        public static HorizontalSphericalPosition ToHorizontal(this EquitorialSphericalPosition value, LatLngPoint location, float n)
            if (value is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));

            if (location is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(location));

            var GMST    = (18.697374558f + (24.06570982441908f * n)).Repeat(24);
            var LST     = GMST + Degrees.Hours(location.Longitude);
            var RA      = Degrees.Hours(value.RightAscensionDegrees);
            var H       = Hours.Radians(LST - RA);
            var sin_H   = Sin(H);
            var cos_H   = Cos(H);
            var lat_rad = Degrees.Radians(location.Latitude);
            // var lng_rad = lng_deg * Deg2Rad;
            var delta_rad = Degrees.Radians(value.DeclinationDegrees);
            var sin_delta = Sin(delta_rad);
            var cos_delta = Cos(delta_rad);
            var sin_lat   = Sin(lat_rad);
            var cos_lat   = Cos(lat_rad);
            var sin_alt   = (sin_delta * sin_lat) + (cos_delta * cos_lat * cos_H);
            var cos_alt   = Sqrt(1 - (sin_alt * sin_alt));
            var sin_azm   = sin_H * cos_delta / cos_alt;
            var cos_azm   = (sin_delta - (sin_lat * sin_alt)) / (cos_lat * cos_alt);

            var altitude_rad = (float)Atan2(sin_alt, cos_alt);
            var azimuth_rad  = (float)Atan2(sin_azm, cos_azm);

            return(new HorizontalSphericalPosition(
                       (180 - Radians.Degrees(azimuth_rad)).Repeat(360),
        /// <summary>
        /// This calculation is only good for the Sun, as it does not take the Ecliptic Latitude into consideration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n">The Julian Day</param>
        /// <returns>The position of the son on the equitorial plane</returns>
        public static EquitorialSphericalPosition ToEquitorial(this GeocentricEclipticSphericalPosition p, float n)
            if (p is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(p));

            var epsilon_deg = 23.439f - (0.0000004f * n);
            var epsilon_rad = Degrees.Radians(epsilon_deg);
            var sin_epsilon = Sin(epsilon_rad);
            var cos_epsilon = Cos(epsilon_rad);
            var lambda_rad  = Degrees.Radians(p.LongitudeDegrees);
            var sin_lambda  = Sin(lambda_rad);
            var cos_lambda  = Cos(lambda_rad);

            var alpha_rad = (float)Atan2(cos_epsilon * sin_lambda, cos_lambda);
            var delta_rad = (float)Asin(sin_epsilon * sin_lambda);

            return(new EquitorialSphericalPosition(