Ejemplo n.º 1
        // generates unique and duplicate hashes for bnodes
        /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public virtual object HashBlankNodes(IEnumerable <string> unnamed_)
            IList <string> unnamed     = new List <string>(unnamed_);
            IList <string> nextUnnamed = new List <string>();
            IDictionary <string, IList <string> > duplicates = new Dictionary <string, IList <string
                                                                                              > >();
            IDictionary <string, string> unique = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            // NOTE: not using the same structure as javascript here to avoid
            // possible stack overflows
            // hash quads for each unnamed bnode
            for (int hui = 0; ; hui++)
                if (hui == unnamed.Count)
                    // done, name blank nodes
                    bool           named  = false;
                    IList <string> hashes = new List <string>(unique.Keys);
                    foreach (string hash in hashes)
                        string bnode = unique[hash];
                        named = true;
                    // continue to hash bnodes if a bnode was assigned a name
                    if (named)
                        // this resets the initial variables, so it seems like it
                        // has to go on the stack
                        // but since this is the end of the function either way, it
                        // might not have to
                        // hashBlankNodes(unnamed);
                        hui         = -1;
                        unnamed     = nextUnnamed;
                        nextUnnamed = new List <string>();
                        duplicates  = new Dictionary <string, IList <string> >();
                        unique      = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        // name the duplicate hash bnods
                        // names duplicate hash bnodes
                        // enumerate duplicate hash groups in sorted order
                        hashes = new List <string>(duplicates.Keys);
                        // process each group
                        for (int pgi = 0; ; pgi++)
                            if (pgi == hashes.Count)
                                // done, create JSON-LD array
                                // return createArray();
                                IList <string> normalized = new List <string>();
                                // Note: At this point all bnodes in the set of RDF
                                // quads have been
                                // assigned canonical names, which have been stored
                                // in the 'namer' object.
                                // Here each quad is updated by assigning each of
                                // its bnodes its new name
                                // via the 'namer' object
                                // update bnode names in each quad and serialize
                                for (int cai = 0; cai < quads.Count; ++cai)
                                    RDFDataset.Quad quad = quads[cai];
                                    foreach (string attr in new string[] { "subject", "object", "name" })
                                        if (quad.ContainsKey(attr))
                                            IDictionary <string, object> qa = (IDictionary <string, object>)quad[attr];
                                            if (qa != null && (string)qa["type"] == "blank node" && ((string)qa["value"]).IndexOf
                                                    ("_:c14n") != 0)
                                                qa["value"] = namer.GetName((string)qa["value"]);
                                    normalized.Add(RDFDatasetUtils.ToNQuad(quad, quad.ContainsKey("name"
                                                                                                  ) && !(quad["name"] == null) ? (string)((IDictionary <string, object>)((IDictionary <string, object>)quad)["name"])["value"] : null));
                                // sort normalized output
                                // handle output format
                                if (options.format != null)
                                    if ("application/nquads".Equals(options.format))
                                        string rval = string.Empty;
                                        foreach (string n in normalized)
                                            rval += n;
                                        throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.UnknownFormat, options.format);
                                string rval_1 = string.Empty;
                                foreach (string n_1 in normalized)
                                    rval_1 += n_1;
                            // name each group member
                            IList <string> group = duplicates[hashes[pgi]];
                            IList <NormalizeUtils.HashResult> results = new List <NormalizeUtils.HashResult>();
                            for (int n_2 = 0; ; n_2++)
                                if (n_2 == group.Count)
                                    // name bnodes in hash order
                                    results.SortInPlace(new _IComparer_145());
                                    foreach (NormalizeUtils.HashResult r in results)
                                        // name all bnodes in path namer in
                                        // key-entry order
                                        // Note: key-order is preserved in
                                        // javascript
                                        foreach (string key in r.pathNamer.Existing().GetKeys())
                                    // processGroup(i+1);
                                    // skip already-named bnodes
                                    string bnode = group[n_2];
                                    if (namer.IsNamed(bnode))
                                    // hash bnode paths
                                    UniqueNamer pathNamer = new UniqueNamer("_:b");
                                    NormalizeUtils.HashResult result = HashPaths(bnode, bnodes, namer, pathNamer);
                // hash unnamed bnode
                string bnode_1 = unnamed[hui];
                string hash_1  = HashQuads(bnode_1, bnodes, namer);
                // store hash as unique or a duplicate
                if (duplicates.ContainsKey(hash_1))
                    if (unique.ContainsKey(hash_1))
                        IList <string> tmp = new List <string>();
                        duplicates[hash_1] = tmp;
                        JsonLD.Collections.Remove(unique, hash_1);
                        unique[hash_1] = bnode_1;
            throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * STATUS : working on it
        private string hashFirstDegreeQuads(string id)
            IDictionary <string, IList <Object> > info = this.blankNodeInfo[id];

            if (info.ContainsKey("hash"))

            // 1) Initialize nquads to an empty list. It will be used to store quads
            // in N-Quads format.
            IList <string> nquads = new List <string>();

            // 2) Get the list of quads quads associated with the reference blank
            // node identifier in the blank node to quads map.

            IList <Object> quads = info["quads"];

            // 3) For each quad quad in quads:
            foreach (var quad in quads)
                // 3.1) Serialize the quad in N-Quads format with the following
                // special rule:

                // 3.1.1) If any component in quad is an blank node, then serialize
                // it using a special identifier as follows:

                // copy = {}

                IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> > copy = new Dictionary <string, IDictionary <string, string> >();

                /* 3.1.2) If the blank node's existing blank node identifier
                 * matches the reference blank node identifier then use the
                 * blank node identifier _:a, otherwise, use the blank node
                 * identifier _:z.
                 * STATUS: working

                RDFDataset.Quad quadMap = (RDFDataset.Quad)quad;
                foreach (var key in quadMap)
                    IDictionary <string, string> component = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    component.Add(key.Key, key.Value.ToString());
                    if (key.Equals("predicate"))
                        copy.Add(key.Key, component);
                    copy.Add(key.Key, modifyFirstDegreeComponent(component, id));

                RDFDataset.Quad copyQuad = new RDFDataset.Quad(copy, copy.ContainsKey("name") && copy["name"] != null
                    ? (copy["name"])["value"] : null);
                nquads.Add(RDFDatasetUtils.ToNQuad(copyQuad, copyQuad.ContainsKey("name") && copyQuad["name"] != null
                    ? (string)((IDictionary <string, object>)copyQuad["name"])["value"] : null));

                // 4) Sort nquads in lexicographical order.


            // 5) Return the hash that results from passing the sorted, joined
            // nquads through the hash algorithm.
