Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for Terrain
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">String holding terrain code</param>
        /// <param name="desc">String holding terrain description</param>
        /// <param name="tc">double holding terrain travel cost</param>
        public Terrain(String id, string desc, double tc)
            // VALIDATION

            // ID
            // trim
            id = id.Trim();

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateTerrainID(id))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Terrain ID must have the format 'terr_' followed by some letters");

            // DESC
            // trim and ensure 1st is uppercase
            desc = Utility_Methods.FirstCharToUpper(desc.Trim());

            if (!Utility_Methods.ValidateName(desc))
                throw new InvalidDataException("Terrain description must be 1-40 characters long and contain only valid characters (a-z and ') or spaces");

            // TC
            if (tc < 1)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Terrain travelCost must be a double >= 1");

            this.id          = id;
            this.description = desc;
            this.travelCost  = tc;