Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Export all features for documentation
        /// </summary>
        private void ExportFeaturesForDocumentation()
            var brwsr = new FolderBrowserDialog()
                Description = "Choose where to save the ResharperFeatures.xml file."

            if (brwsr.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
            string saveDirectoryPath = brwsr.SelectedPath;
            string fileName          = Path.Combine(saveDirectoryPath, "ResharperFeatures.xml");
            var    xDoc     = new XDocument();
            var    xDocRoot = new XElement("Features");

//            var productVersion = new ReSharperApplicationDescriptor().ProductVersion;
//            version = String.Format("{0}.{1}", productVersion.Major, productVersion.Minor);
            this.version = "9.0";

            this.myTestAssemblies = new List <Assembly>();
            foreach (var testAssemblyName in this.myTestAssemblyNames)
                var testAssembly = Assembly.Load(testAssemblyName);

            var cache = this.GetTestsForFeatures();

            // Context actions
            int cAnumber = 0;
//            var contextActionTable = Shell.Instance.GetComponent<ContextActionTable>();
//            foreach (var ca in contextActionTable.AllActions)
//            {
//                AddFeature(xDocRoot, ca.MergeKey.Split('.').Last(), ca.Type,
//                  "ContextAction", version, ca.Name, ca.Description, String.Empty, cache, null);
//                cAnumber++;
//            }

            // Quick fixes and Inspections
            int qFnumber      = 0;
            int insTypeNumber = 0;
            var quickFixTable = Shell.Instance.GetComponent <QuickFixTable>();

            foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                Type[] types = null;

                    types = assembly.GetTypes();
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBox.ShowError("Cannot load assembly!!!!" + e.ToString());

                if (types == null)

                foreach (var type in types)
                    string name        = "Unknown";
                    string description = "Unknown";
                    string lang        = String.Empty;
                    var    attrs       = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(type);

                    // Quick fixes
                    if (typeof(IQuickFix).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !type.IsInterface && !type.IsAbstract)
                        //            foreach (var attr in attrs)
                        //            {
                        //              if (attr is FeatureDescAttribute)
                        //              {
                        //                var a = (FeatureDescAttribute)attr;
                        //                name = a.Title;
                        //                description = a.Description;
                        //              }
                        //            }
                        this.AddFeature(xDocRoot, type.Name, type, "QuickFix", this.version, name, description, lang, cache, null);

                    // Inspections
                    if (typeof(IHighlighting).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !type.IsInterface && !type.IsAbstract)
                        string id            = string.Empty;
                        string severity      = string.Empty;
                        string group         = string.Empty;
                        string solutionWide  = string.Empty;
                        string allQuickFixes = string.Empty;
                        string configurable  = string.Empty;
                        string compoundName  = string.Empty;
                        /// TODO: Make GetHighlightingQuickFixesInfo public
//                        var quickFixes = quickFixTable.GetHighlightingQuickFixesInfo(type);

//                        foreach (var quickFix in quickFixes)
//                            allQuickFixes += quickFix.QuickFixType.Name + ",";

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(allQuickFixes))
                            allQuickFixes = allQuickFixes.TrimEnd(',');

                        foreach (var attr in attrs)
                            if (attr is ConfigurableSeverityHighlightingAttribute)
                                var a = (ConfigurableSeverityHighlightingAttribute)attr;
                                id = a.ConfigurableSeverityId;
                                var inpectionInstance = HighlightingSettingsManager.Instance.GetSeverityItem(id);
                                lang = this.GetLangsForInspection(id);
                                if (inpectionInstance != null)
                                    name         = inpectionInstance.FullTitle;
                                    description  = inpectionInstance.HTMLDescriptionBody;
                                    severity     = inpectionInstance.DefaultSeverity.ToString();
                                    solutionWide = inpectionInstance.SolutionAnalysisRequired ? "yes" : "no";
                                    group        = inpectionInstance.GroupId;
                                    compoundName = inpectionInstance.CompoundItemName;
                                    configurable = "yes";

                            if (attr is StaticSeverityHighlightingAttribute)
                                id = type.Name;
                                var a = (StaticSeverityHighlightingAttribute)attr;
                                name         = a.ToolTipFormatString;
                                group        = a.GroupId;
                                severity     = a.Severity.ToString();
                                solutionWide = "no";
                                configurable = "no";
                        if (name != "Unknown")
                            var details = new XElement("Details",
                                                       new XAttribute("DefaultSeverity", severity),
                                                       new XAttribute("Group", group),
                                                       new XAttribute("SolutionWide", solutionWide),
                                                       new XAttribute("Configurable", configurable),
                                                       new XAttribute("CompoundName", compoundName ?? ""),
                                                       new XAttribute("QuickFixes", allQuickFixes)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && description == "Unknown")
                                name = RsDocExportFeatures.SplitCamelCase(type.Name);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                                name = description;
                            this.AddFeature(xDocRoot, id, type, "Inspection", this.version, name, description, lang, cache, details);

            xDocRoot.Add(new XAttribute("TotalContextActions", cAnumber),
                         new XAttribute("TotalQuickFixes", qFnumber),
                         new XAttribute("TotalInspections", insTypeNumber));

            foreach (var ins in HighlightingSettingsManager.Instance.SeverityConfigurations)
                var inspection = (from nodes in xDocRoot.Elements()
                                  let xAttribute = nodes.Attribute("Id")
                                                   where xAttribute != null && xAttribute.Value == ins.Id
                                                   select nodes).FirstOrDefault();
                if (inspection == null)
                    var details = new XElement("Details",
                                               new XAttribute("DefaultSeverity", ins.DefaultSeverity),
                                               new XAttribute("Group", ins.GroupId),
                                               new XAttribute("SolutionWide", ins.SolutionAnalysisRequired ? "yes" : "no"),
                                               new XAttribute("Configurable", "yes"),
                                               new XAttribute("CompoundName", ins.CompoundItemName ?? ""),
                                               new XAttribute("QuickFixes", "")
                    this.AddFeature(xDocRoot, ins.Id, ins.GetType(), "Inspection", this.version,
                                    ins.FullTitle, ins.HTMLDescriptionBody, this.GetLangsForInspection(ins.Id), null, details);

            MessageBox.ShowInfo("ReSharper features exported successfully.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a dictionary (feature type, test object)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <KeyValuePair <Type, Object> > GetTestsForFeatures()
            var cache = new List <KeyValuePair <Type, Object> >();

            foreach (var assembly in this.myTestAssemblies)
                foreach (var testType in assembly.GetTypes())
                    if (testType.IsAbstract || testType.IsInterface || testType.Name.Contains("Availability"))
                    var matchFound = false;
                    var ignore     = false;

                    foreach (var attribute in testType.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                        if (attribute.GetType().Name == "IgnoreAttribute")
                            ignore = true;

                    if (ignore)

                    foreach (Type genericTypeArgument in testType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments())
                        if (genericTypeArgument != null && !testType.ContainsGenericParameters)
                            cache.Add(new KeyValuePair <Type, Object>(genericTypeArgument, Activator.CreateInstance(testType)));
                            matchFound = true;

                    var methods = testType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    foreach (var methodInfo in methods)
                        if (methodInfo.Name == "CreateContextAction")
                            if (methodInfo.GetParameters().Length == 1)
                                var parametersArray  = new object[] { null };
                                var testTypeInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(testType);
                                    object result = methodInfo.Invoke(testTypeInstance, parametersArray);
                                    cache.Add(new KeyValuePair <Type, Object>(result.GetType(), testTypeInstance));
                                catch (Exception e)

                                matchFound = true;
                    if (!matchFound && testType.Name.EndsWith("Test"))