Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static XMVector RgbToHsv(XMVector rgb)
            XMVector r = XMVector.SplatX(rgb);
            XMVector g = XMVector.SplatY(rgb);
            XMVector b = XMVector.SplatZ(rgb);

            XMVector min = XMVector.Min(r, XMVector.Min(g, b));
            XMVector v   = XMVector.Max(r, XMVector.Max(g, b));

            XMVector d = XMVector.Subtract(v, min);
            XMVector s = XMVector3.NearEqual(v, XMGlobalConstants.Zero, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon) ?
                         XMGlobalConstants.Zero :
                         XMVector.Divide(d, v);

            if (XMVector3.Less(d, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon))
                // Achromatic, assume H of 0
                XMVector hv  = XMVector.Select(v, XMGlobalConstants.Zero, XMGlobalConstants.Select1000);
                XMVector hva = XMVector.Select(rgb, hv, XMGlobalConstants.Select1110);
                return(XMVector.Select(s, hva, XMGlobalConstants.Select1011));
                XMVector h;

                if (XMVector3.Equal(r, v))
                    // Red is max
                    h = XMVector.Divide(XMVector.Subtract(g, b), d);

                    if (XMVector3.Less(g, b))
                        h = XMVector.Add(h, XMGlobalConstants.Six);
                else if (XMVector3.Equal(g, v))
                    // Green is max
                    h = XMVector.Divide(XMVector.Subtract(b, r), d);
                    h = XMVector.Add(h, XMGlobalConstants.Two);
                    // Blue is max
                    h = XMVector.Divide(XMVector.Subtract(r, g), d);
                    h = XMVector.Add(h, XMGlobalConstants.Four);

                h = XMVector.Divide(h, XMGlobalConstants.Six);

                XMVector hv  = XMVector.Select(v, h, XMGlobalConstants.Select1000);
                XMVector hva = XMVector.Select(rgb, hv, XMGlobalConstants.Select1110);
                return(XMVector.Select(s, hva, XMGlobalConstants.Select1011));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static XMVector HueToClr(XMVector p, XMVector q, XMVector h)
            XMVector oneSixth  = XMVector.FromFloat(1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f, 1.0f / 6.0f);
            XMVector twoThirds = XMVector.FromFloat(2.0f / 3.0f, 2.0f / 3.0f, 2.0f / 3.0f, 2.0f / 3.0f);

            XMVector t = h;

            if (XMVector3.Less(t, XMGlobalConstants.Zero))
                t = XMVector.Add(t, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            if (XMVector3.Greater(t, XMGlobalConstants.One))
                t = XMVector.Subtract(t, XMGlobalConstants.One);

            if (XMVector3.Less(t, oneSixth))
                // p + (q - p) * 6 * t
                XMVector t1 = XMVector.Subtract(q, p);
                XMVector t2 = XMVector.Multiply(XMGlobalConstants.Six, t);
                return(XMVector.MultiplyAdd(t1, t2, p));

            if (XMVector3.Less(t, XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf))

            if (XMVector3.Less(t, twoThirds))
                // p + (q - p) * 6 * (2/3 - t)
                XMVector t1 = XMVector.Subtract(q, p);
                XMVector t2 = XMVector.Multiply(XMGlobalConstants.Six, XMVector.Subtract(twoThirds, t));
                return(XMVector.MultiplyAdd(t1, t2, p));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static XMVector HslToRgb(XMVector hsl)
            XMVector oneThird = XMVector.FromFloat(1.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f);

            XMVector s = XMVector.SplatY(hsl);
            XMVector l = XMVector.SplatZ(hsl);

            if (XMVector3.NearEqual(s, XMGlobalConstants.Zero, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon))
                // Achromatic
                return(XMVector.Select(hsl, l, XMGlobalConstants.Select1110));
                XMVector h = XMVector.SplatX(hsl);

                XMVector q;

                if (XMVector3.Less(l, XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf))
                    q = XMVector.Multiply(l, XMVector.Add(XMGlobalConstants.One, s));
                    q = XMVector.Subtract(XMVector.Add(l, s), XMVector.Multiply(l, s));

                XMVector p = XMVector.Subtract(XMVector.Multiply(XMGlobalConstants.Two, l), q);

                XMVector r = XMColor.HueToClr(p, q, XMVector.Add(h, oneThird));
                XMVector g = XMColor.HueToClr(p, q, h);
                XMVector b = XMColor.HueToClr(p, q, XMVector.Subtract(h, oneThird));

                XMVector rg = XMVector.Select(g, r, XMGlobalConstants.Select1000);
                XMVector ba = XMVector.Select(hsl, b, XMGlobalConstants.Select1110);

                return(XMVector.Select(ba, rg, XMGlobalConstants.Select1100));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static XMVector RgbToHsl(XMVector rgb)
            XMVector r = XMVector.SplatX(rgb);
            XMVector g = XMVector.SplatY(rgb);
            XMVector b = XMVector.SplatZ(rgb);

            XMVector min = XMVector.Min(r, XMVector.Min(g, b));
            XMVector max = XMVector.Max(r, XMVector.Max(g, b));

            XMVector l  = XMVector.Multiply(XMVector.Add(min, max), XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf);
            XMVector d  = XMVector.Subtract(max, min);
            XMVector la = XMVector.Select(rgb, l, XMGlobalConstants.Select1110);

            if (XMVector3.Less(d, XMGlobalConstants.Epsilon))
                // Achromatic, assume H and S of 0
                return(XMVector.Select(la, XMGlobalConstants.Zero, XMGlobalConstants.Select1100));
                XMVector s;
                XMVector h;

                XMVector d2 = XMVector.Add(min, max);

                if (XMVector3.Greater(l, XMGlobalConstants.OneHalf))
                    // d / (2-max-min)
                    s = XMVector.Divide(d, XMVector.Subtract(XMGlobalConstants.Two, d2));
                    // d / (max+min)
                    s = XMVector.Divide(d, d2);

                if (XMVector3.Equal(r, max))
                    // Red is max
                    h = XMVector.Divide(XMVector.Subtract(g, b), d);
                else if (XMVector3.Equal(g, max))
                    // Green is max
                    h = XMVector.Divide(XMVector.Subtract(b, r), d);
                    h = XMVector.Add(h, XMGlobalConstants.Two);
                    // Blue is max
                    h = XMVector.Divide(XMVector.Subtract(r, g), d);
                    h = XMVector.Add(h, XMGlobalConstants.Four);

                h = XMVector.Divide(h, XMGlobalConstants.Six);

                if (XMVector3.Less(h, XMGlobalConstants.Zero))
                    h = XMVector.Add(h, XMGlobalConstants.One);

                XMVector lha = XMVector.Select(la, h, XMGlobalConstants.Select1100);
                return(XMVector.Select(s, lha, XMGlobalConstants.Select1011));