Ejemplo n.º 1
        // A bit clumsy but better than full-blown reflection use or an open set of Create* methods for each
        // type we support now or in the future
        protected virtual T CreateHierarchyElement <T> (HierarchyBase parent) where T : HierarchyElement
            Type          type = typeof(T);
            HierarchyBase ret  = null;

            if (type == typeof(HierarchyNamespace))
                ret = new HierarchyNamespace(Context, parent as Hierarchy);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyClass))
                ret = new HierarchyClass(Context, parent as HierarchyNamespace);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyImplements))
                ret = new HierarchyImplements(Context, parent as HierarchyObject);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyMethod))
                ret = new HierarchyMethod(Context, parent as HierarchyObject);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyConstructor))
                ret = new HierarchyConstructor(Context, parent as HierarchyObject);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyException))
                ret = new HierarchyException(Context, parent as HierarchyMethod);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyTypeParameter))
                ret = new HierarchyTypeParameter(Context, parent as HierarchyElement);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyTypeParameterGenericConstraint))
                ret = new HierarchyTypeParameterGenericConstraint(Context, parent as HierarchyTypeParameter);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyMethodParameter))
                ret = new HierarchyMethodParameter(Context, parent as HierarchyMethod);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyField))
                ret = new HierarchyField(Context, parent as HierarchyObject);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyInterface))
                ret = new HierarchyInterface(Context, parent as HierarchyNamespace);
            else if (type == typeof(HierarchyEnum))
                ret = new HierarchyEnum(Context, parent as Hierarchy);
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unsupported hierarchy element type {type}");

            return(ret as T);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public HierarchyInterfaceInvoker(GeneratorContext context, HierarchyElement parent, HierarchyInterface invokedInterface) : base(context, parent)
     InvokedInterface = invokedInterface ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(invokedInterface));
     Visibility       = ApiVisibility.Internal;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected abstract InterfaceCodeGenerator GetInterfaceGenerator(HierarchyInterface iface);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public abstract void AddMember(HierarchyInterface iface);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Build(IList <ApiElement> rawElements)
            if (rawElements == null || rawElements.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("must be a non-empty collection", nameof(rawElements));

            // Pass 1: build basic hierarchy (no class or interface nesting yet)
            Helpers.ForEachNotNull(rawElements, (ApiElement e) => {
                switch (e)
                case ApiNameSpace ns:

                case ApiEnum enm:

                    Logger.Warning($"Unsupported top-level element type: {e.GetType ().FullName}");

            HierarchyNamespace androidRuntime = namespaces?.Where(ns => String.Compare(DefaultInterfaceBaseTypeNamespace, ns?.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

            if (androidRuntime == null)
                Logger.Verbose("Creating Android.Runtime namespace (not found after parsing API description)");
                androidRuntime = CreateHierarchyElementInternal <HierarchyNamespace> (this);
                androidRuntime.IgnoreForCodeGeneration = true;
                androidRuntime.FullName        = DefaultInterfaceBaseTypeNamespace;
                androidRuntime.Name            = Helpers.GetBaseTypeName(androidRuntime.FullName);
                androidRuntime.ManagedName     = androidRuntime.Name;
                androidRuntime.FullManagedName = androidRuntime.FullName;
                Helpers.AddToList(androidRuntime, ref namespaces);

            // IJavaObject is defined in Xamarin.Android's non-generated source and implmented by all
            // interfaces that don't derive from other interfaces
            HierarchyInterface iJavaLangObject = androidRuntime.Members?.OfType <HierarchyInterface> ().Where(iface => String.Compare(DefaultInterfaceBaseType, iface?.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

            if (iJavaLangObject == null)
                Logger.Verbose("Synthesizing Android.Runtime.IJavaObject interface (not found after parsing API description)");
                iJavaLangObject = CreateHierarchyElementInternal <HierarchyInterface> (androidRuntime);
                iJavaLangObject.FullName = DefaultInterfaceBaseType;
                iJavaLangObject.Name     = Helpers.GetBaseTypeName(iJavaLangObject.FullName);
                iJavaLangObject.IgnoreForCodeGeneration = true;
                iJavaLangObject.InvokerNotNeeded        = true;
                iJavaLangObject.UseGlobal = true;

            // Pass 2: nest classes, interfaces

            // Pass 3: generate managed names
            Helpers.ForEachNotNull(namespaces, (HierarchyNamespace ns) => GenerateManagedNames(ns));

            // TODO: fix generation of full managed names for enums
            Helpers.ForEachNotNull(enums, (HierarchyEnum enm) => GenerateManagedNames(enm));

            // Pass 4: nest enums (they need managed names)

            // Pass 5: generate and inject synthetic elements

            // Pass 6: resolve base types since we have everything in place now

            // Pass 7: sort class members