public string ChangeText(string text)
            IEnumerable <WNode> nodes = Tagger.Parse(text);

            if (ChangeToJotai)
                Changer.PreferDearu = (JotaiPreferences & JotaiPreferences.PreferDearu) != 0;
                var buffer = new EditBuffer(nodes);
                nodes = buffer;
            Combiner.CombineMode = CombineMode;
            switch (WidthPreferences
                    & (WidthPreferences.HalfwidthParentheses | WidthPreferences.FullwidthParentheses))
            case WidthPreferences.HalfwidthParentheses:
                Combiner.Postprocess = TokenCombiner.AsciiParentheses;

            case WidthPreferences.FullwidthParentheses:
                Combiner.Postprocess = TokenCombiner.FullWidthParentheses;

                Combiner.Postprocess = null;
            if (WidthPreferences.None != (WidthPreferences
                                          & (WidthPreferences.FullwidthAlphabets
                                             | WidthPreferences.FullwidthDigits
                                             | WidthPreferences.FullwidthSymbols
                                             | WidthPreferences.CustomFullwidthSet)))
                var p = TokenCombiner.SimpleFullwidthPostprocess(
                    WidthPreferences.HasFlag(WidthPreferences.FullwidthAlphabets) ? TokenCombiner.AsciiAlphabets : null,
                    WidthPreferences.HasFlag(WidthPreferences.FullwidthDigits) ? TokenCombiner.AsciiDigits : null,
                    WidthPreferences.HasFlag(WidthPreferences.FullwidthSymbols) ? TokenCombiner.OtherAsciiSymbols : null,
                    WidthPreferences.HasFlag(WidthPreferences.CustomFullwidthSet) ? CustomFullwidthSet : null);
                var q = Combiner.Postprocess;
                Combiner.Postprocess = (q == null) ? p : sb => p(q(sb));
            if (WidthPreferences.None != (WidthPreferences
                                          & WidthPreferences.CustomHalfwidthSet))
                var p = TokenCombiner.SimpleHalfwidthPostprocess(
                    WidthPreferences.HasFlag(WidthPreferences.CustomHalfwidthSet) ? CustomHalfwidthSet : null);
                var q = Combiner.Postprocess;
                Combiner.Postprocess = (q == null) ? p : sb => p(q(sb));
            var result = Combiner.Combine(nodes);

        public void ToJotai(EditBuffer buffer)
            int p = 0;

            while (p < buffer.Count)
                buffer.Changed = false;
                var current = buffer[p];
                switch (current.Lemma_id)
                case 25653:     // 助動詞「です」
                    // Replace this です with だ (or である depending on the option
                    // and if it apparently terminates a sentence).
                    // OR, if the です follows a 形容詞 or is followed by some particular 終助詞,
                    // just remove です, regardless of the である preference, unless it is in 意思推量形.
                    IList <WNode>[] possibilities;
                    if (current.CForm != "意志推量形" &&
                        (current.Prev.Pos1 == "動詞" ||
                         current.Prev.Pos1 == "形容詞" ||
                         current.Prev.Pos1 == "助動詞" ||
                         NoDaEndingParticles.Contains(current.Next.Lemma_id) ||
                         current.Next.Lemma_id == 57 /* question mark */))
                        // The case to remove です.
                        var prev_conjugations = Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(current.Prev, current.CForm);
                        if (prev_conjugations == null)
                            // The preceding word to です was a non-conjugating word.
                            // We simply remove the です without changing any preceding/following words.
                            // The preceding word to です was a conjugating word.
                            // We should find a best conjugation.
                            possibilities = new IList <WNode>[2]
                                new[] { current.Next },
                            var best_conjugations = Conjugator.ChooseBest(possibilities);
                            buffer[p - 1] = best_conjugations[0];
                    else if (PreferDearu &&
                             current.CForm.StartsWith("終止形") &&
                             (current.Next.IsEos || current.Next.Pos1 == "補助記号"))
                        // The case to change です to である.
                        possibilities = new IList <WNode>[4]
                            new[] { current.Prev },
                            Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(DummyNode_22916, "連用形"),
                            Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(DummyNode_1216, current.CForm),
                            new[] { current.Next },
                        var best_conjugations = Conjugator.ChooseBest(possibilities);
                        buffer[p] = best_conjugations[1];
                        buffer.Insert(p + 1, best_conjugations[2]);
                        // The case to change です to だ.
                        possibilities = new IList <WNode>[3]
                            new[] { current.Prev },
                            Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(DummyNode_22916, current.CForm),
                            new[] { current.Next },
                        var best_conjugations = Conjugator.ChooseBest(possibilities);
                        buffer[p] = best_conjugations[1];

                case 35697:     // 助動詞「ます」
                    // Remove this ます, conjugating the previous 用言 into a same conjugation form.
                    var conjugations = Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(current.Prev, current.CForm);
                    if (conjugations is null)
                        // We can do nothing.
                        var conjugations2 = Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(current.Next, current.Next.CForm);
                        if (conjugations2 is null)
                            // ます was at the end of a sentence or before a non-conjugating word.
                            // Let the preceeding word conjugate alone.
                            var possibilities = new IList <WNode>[3]
                                new[] { buffer[p - 2] },
                                new[] { current.Next },
                            var best_conjugations = Conjugator.ChooseBest(possibilities);
                            buffer[p - 1] = best_conjugations[1];
                            // Try to find the best conjugation along with the word following ます.
                            // We handle several special cases manually.
                            if (current.Next.Lemma_id == 21642)         // 助動詞「た/だ」
                                // consider both た forms and だ forms.
                                conjugations2 = conjugations2.Concat(Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(DummyNode_21642, current.Next.CForm)).ToList();
                            else if (current.Next.Lemma_id == 19587)         // 助動詞「ず」
                                // substitute ません with ない
                                conjugations2 = Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(DummyNode_27442, current.Next.CForm);
                            var possibilities = new IList <WNode>[4]
                                new[] { buffer[p - 2] },
                                new[] { current.Next.Next },
                            var best_conjugations = Conjugator.ChooseBest(possibilities);
                            buffer[p - 1] = best_conjugations[1];
                            buffer[p + 1] = best_conjugations[2];

                case 1216:     // 動詞「ある」
                    // If ある is followed by ない, just remove ある.
                    // the case may be produced by a rewriting of ません to ない.
                    if (current.Next.Lemma_id == 27442)

#if false
                case 22916:     // 助動詞「だ」
                    // If だ is placed after a 形容詞 (or a 助動詞 with 形容詞 conjugation type)
                    // remove this だ.
                    // Also remove だ if it is placed after 助動詞「た」
                    // If such a だ was followed by ある, remove that ある, too.
                    // The cases are often produced by rewriting of です to だ or である.
                    // (Note that we are talking about 助動詞「だ」 but だ form of 助動詞「た」.)
                    // However, we don't remove だ if it is in 意志推量形, because, for example,
                    // 青いだろう is preferred over 青かろう or 見ただろう is over 見たろう these days (IMHO)
                    if (current.CForm != "意志推量形" &&
                        (current.Prev.Pos1 == "形容詞" ||
                         current.Prev.Pos1 == "助動詞" && current.Prev.Lemma.EndsWith("い") ||
                         current.Prev.Lemma_id == 21642))
                        var conjugations = Conjugator.ConjugateLoosely(current.Prev, current.CForm);
                        if (!(conjugations is null))
                            var possibilities = new IList <WNode>[3]
                                new[] { current.Prev.Prev },
                                new[] { current.Next },
                            var best_conjugations = Conjugator.ChooseBest(possibilities);
                            buffer[p - 1] = best_conjugations[1];

                if (!buffer.Changed)