Ejemplo n.º 1
 public MessageViewModel(ChatMessage message)
     Id = message.Id;
     Content = message.Content;
     User = new UserViewModel(message.User);
     When = message.When;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public MessageViewModel(ChatMessage message)
     Id = message.Id;
     Content = message.Content;
     HtmlContent = message.HtmlContent;
     User = new UserViewModel(message.User);
     When = message.When;
     HtmlEncoded = message.HtmlEncoded;
     MessageType = message.MessageType;
     Source = message.Source;
     ImageUrl = message.ImageUrl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public MessageViewModel(ChatMessage message)
     Id = message.Id;
     Content = message.Content;
     HtmlContent = message.HtmlContent;
     User = new UserViewModel(message.User);
     UserRoomPresence = ChatService.GetUserRoomPresence(message.User, message.Room);
     When = message.When;
     HtmlEncoded = message.HtmlEncoded;
     MessageType = message.MessageType;
     Source = message.Source;
     ImageUrl = message.ImageUrl;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void OnUserNameChanged(ChatUser user, string oldUserName, string newUserName)
            // Create the view model
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

            // Tell the user's connected clients that the name changed
            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)

            // Notify all users in the rooms
            foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                HubContext.Clients.Group(room.Name).changeUserName(oldUserName, userViewModel, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void LogOn(ChatUser user, string clientId)
            // Update the client state
            Caller.id = user.Id;
            Caller.name = user.Name;
            Caller.hash = user.Hash;

            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
            var rooms = new List<RoomViewModel>();

            var ownedRooms = user.OwnedRooms.Select(r => r.Key);

            foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                var isOwner = ownedRooms.Contains(room.Key);

                // Tell the people in this room that you've joined
                Clients[room.Name].addUser(userViewModel, room.Name, isOwner).Wait();

                // Add the caller to the group so they receive messages
                Groups.Add(clientId, room.Name).Wait();

                // Add to the list of room names
                rooms.Add(new RoomViewModel
                    Name = room.Name,
                    Private = room.Private,
                    Closed = room.Closed

            // Initialize the chat with the rooms the user is in
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void DisconnectClient(string clientId)

            // Sleep a little so that a browser refresh doesn't show the user
            // coming offline and back online

            // Query for the user to get the updated status
            ChatUser user = _repository.GetUserByClientId(clientId);

            // There's no associated user for this client id
            if (user == null)

            // The user will be marked as offline if all clients leave
            if (user.Status == (int)UserStatus.Offline)
                foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                    var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

                    Clients[room.Name].leave(userViewModel, room.Name).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Task Reconnect(IEnumerable<string> groups)
            string id = GetUserId();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                return null;

            ChatUser user = _repository.VerifyUserId(id);

            // Make sure this client is being tracked
            _service.AddClient(user, Context.ConnectionId, UserAgent);

            var currentStatus = (UserStatus)user.Status;

            if (currentStatus == UserStatus.Offline)
                // Mark the user as inactive
                user.Status = (int)UserStatus.Inactive;

                // If the user was offline that means they are not in the user list so we need to tell
                // everyone the user is really in the room
                var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

                foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                    var isOwner = user.OwnedRooms.Contains(room);

                    // Tell the people in this room that you've joined
                    Clients[room.Name].addUser(userViewModel, room.Name, isOwner).Wait();

                    // Add the caller to the group so they receive messages
                    Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, room.Name).Wait();

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void INotificationService.RemoveAdmin(ChatUser targetUser)
            foreach (var client in targetUser.ConnectedClients)
                // Tell this client it's no longer an owner

            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(targetUser);

            // Tell all users in rooms to change the admin status
            foreach (var room in targetUser.Rooms)
                Clients[room.Name].removeAdmin(userViewModel, room.Name);

            // Tell the calling client the removal of admin status was successful
Ejemplo n.º 9
        void INotificationService.LockRoom(ChatUser targetUser, ChatRoom room)
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(targetUser);

            // Tell the room it's locked
            Clients.lockRoom(userViewModel, room.Name);

            // Tell the caller the room was successfully locked

            // Notify people of the change
Ejemplo n.º 10
        void INotificationService.JoinRoom(ChatUser user, ChatRoom room)
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
            var roomViewModel = new RoomViewModel
                Name = room.Name,
                Private = room.Private,
                Welcome = ConvertUrlsAndRoomLinks(room.Welcome ?? ""),
                Closed = room.Closed

            var isOwner = user.OwnedRooms.Contains(room);

            // Tell all clients to join this room
            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)

            // Tell the people in this room that you've joined
            Clients[room.Name].addUser(userViewModel, room.Name, isOwner).Wait();

            // Notify users of the room count change

            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)
                // Add the caller to the group so they receive messages
                Groups.Add(client.Id, room.Name).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        void INotificationService.JoinRoom(ChatUser user, ChatRoom room)
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
            var roomViewModel = new RoomViewModel
                Name = room.Name,
                Private = room.Private,
                Welcome = room.Welcome ?? "",
                Closed = room.Closed

            var isOwner = user.OwnedRooms.Contains(room);

            // Tell all clients to join this room
            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)

            // Tell the people in this room that you've joined
            Clients.Group(room.Name).addUser(userViewModel, room.Name, isOwner).Wait();

            // Notify users of the room count change

            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)
                Groups.Add(client.Id, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void SetTypingIndicatorOff(ChatUser user)
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

            // Set the typing indicator off in all rooms
            foreach (var r in user.Rooms)
                Clients[r.Name].setTyping(userViewModel, r.Name, false);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void LogOn(ChatUser user, string clientId)
            // Update the client state
            Caller.id = user.Id;
            Caller.name = user.Name;

            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
            var rooms = new List<RoomViewModel>();

            foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                var isOwner = user.OwnedRooms.Contains(room);

                // Tell the people in this room that you've joined
                Clients[room.Name].addUser(userViewModel, room.Name, isOwner).Wait();

                // Update the room count

                // Update activity
                UpdateActivity(user, room);

                // Add the caller to the group so they receive messages
                GroupManager.AddToGroup(clientId, room.Name).Wait();

                // Add to the list of room names
                rooms.Add(new RoomViewModel
                    Name = room.Name,
                    Private = room.Private

            // Initialize the chat with the rooms the user is in
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void DisconnectClient(string clientId)
            ChatUser user = _service.DisconnectClient(clientId);

            // There's no associated user for this client id
            if (user == null)

            // Turn the typing indicator off for this user (even if it's just one client)

            // The user will be marked as offline if all clients leave
            if (user.Status == (int)UserStatus.Offline)
                foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                    var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

                    Clients[room.Name].leave(userViewModel, room.Name).Wait();

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void Typing(bool isTyping)
            if (OutOfSync)

            string id = Caller.id;
            string roomName = Caller.activeRoom;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))

            ChatUser user = _repository.GetUserById(id);

            if (user == null)

            ChatRoom room = _repository.VerifyUserRoom(user, roomName);

            if (isTyping)
                UpdateActivity(user, room);
                var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
                Clients[room.Name].setTyping(userViewModel, room.Name, true);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        void INotificationService.ChangeGravatar(ChatUser user)
            Caller.hash = user.Hash;

            // Update the calling client
            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)

            // Create the view model
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

            // Tell all users in rooms to change the gravatar
            foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                Clients[room.Name].changeGravatar(userViewModel, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        void INotificationService.ChangeNote(ChatUser user)
            bool isNoteCleared = user.Note == null;

            // Update the calling client
            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)
                Clients[client.Id].noteChanged(user.IsAfk, isNoteCleared);

            // Create the view model
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

            // Tell all users in rooms to change the note
            foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                Clients[room.Name].changeNote(userViewModel, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        void INotificationService.ListRooms(ChatUser user)
            string userId = Context.User.Identity.Name;

            var userModel = new UserViewModel(user);

            Clients.Caller.showUsersRoomList(userModel, user.Rooms.Allowed(userId).Select(r => r.Name));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        void INotificationService.ListRooms(ChatUser user)
            string userId = GetUserId();
            var userModel = new UserViewModel(user);

            Caller.showUsersRoomList(userModel, user.Rooms.Allowed(userId).Select(r => r.Name));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override Task OnReconnected()
            var userId = Context.User.Identity.Name;

            ChatUser user = _repository.VerifyUserId(userId);

            // Make sure this client is being tracked
            _service.AddClient(user, Context.ConnectionId, UserAgent);

            var currentStatus = (UserStatus)user.Status;

            if (currentStatus == UserStatus.Offline)
                // Mark the user as inactive
                user.Status = (int)UserStatus.Inactive;

                // If the user was offline that means they are not in the user list so we need to tell
                // everyone the user is really in the room
                var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

                foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                    var isOwner = user.OwnedRooms.Contains(room);

                    // Tell the people in this room that you've joined
                    Clients.Group(room.Name).addUser(userViewModel, room.Name, isOwner).Wait();

                    // Add the caller to the group so they receive messages
                    Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, room.Name);

            return base.OnReconnected();
Ejemplo n.º 21
        void INotificationService.OnUserNameChanged(ChatUser user, string oldUserName, string newUserName)
            // Create the view model
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

            // Tell the user's connected clients that the name changed
            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)

            // Notify all users in the rooms
            foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                Clients[room.Name].changeUserName(oldUserName, userViewModel, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void Typing(string roomName)
            string userId = Context.User.Identity.Name;

            ChatUser user = _repository.GetUserById(userId);

            ChatRoom room = _repository.VerifyUserRoom(_cache, user, roomName);

            UpdateActivity(user, room);

            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
            Clients.Group(room.Name).setTyping(userViewModel, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        void INotificationService.RemoveOwner(ChatUser targetUser, ChatRoom targetRoom)
            foreach (var client in targetUser.ConnectedClients)
                // Tell this client it's no longer an owner

            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(targetUser);

            // If the target user is in the target room.
            // Tell everyone in the target room that the owner was removed
            if (_repository.IsUserInRoom(_cache, targetUser, targetRoom))
                Clients[targetRoom.Name].removeOwner(userViewModel, targetRoom.Name);

            // Tell the calling client the removal of ownership was successful
            Caller.ownerRemoved(targetUser.Name, targetRoom.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void DisconnectClient(string clientId)
            string userId = _service.DisconnectClient(clientId);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))

            // Query for the user to get the updated status
            ChatUser user = _repository.GetUserById(userId);

            // There's no associated user for this client id
            if (user == null)

            // The user will be marked as offline if all clients leave
            if (user.Status == (int)UserStatus.Offline)
                foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                    var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

                    Clients.OthersInGroup(room.Name).leave(userViewModel, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void Typing(string roomName)
            string id = GetUserId();
            ChatUser user = _repository.GetUserById(id);

            if (user == null)

            ChatRoom room = _repository.VerifyUserRoom(_cache, user, roomName);

            UpdateActivity(user, room);

            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
            Clients[room.Name].setTyping(userViewModel, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        void INotificationService.AddAdmin(ChatUser targetUser)
            foreach (var client in targetUser.ConnectedClients)
                // Tell this client it's an owner

            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(targetUser);

            // Tell all users in rooms to change the admin status
            foreach (var room in targetUser.Rooms)
                Clients[room.Name].addAdmin(userViewModel, room.Name);

            // Tell the calling client the granting of admin status was successful
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void LeaveRoom(ChatUser user, ChatRoom room)
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
            Clients[room.Name].leave(userViewModel, room.Name).Wait();

            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)
                Groups.Remove(client.Id, room.Name).Wait();

Ejemplo n.º 28
        void INotificationService.AddOwner(ChatUser targetUser, ChatRoom targetRoom)
            foreach (var client in targetUser.ConnectedClients)
                // Tell this client it's an owner

            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(targetUser);

            // If the target user is in the target room.
            // Tell everyone in the target room that a new owner was added
            if (_repository.IsUserInRoom(_cache, targetUser, targetRoom))
                Clients[targetRoom.Name].addOwner(userViewModel, targetRoom.Name);

            // Tell the calling client the granting of ownership was successful
            Caller.ownerMade(targetUser.Name, targetRoom.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 private void OnUpdateActivity(ChatUser user, ChatRoom room)
     var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);
     Clients[room.Name].updateActivity(userViewModel, room.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        void INotificationService.ChangeFlag(ChatUser user)
            bool isFlagCleared = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Flag);

            // Create the view model
            var userViewModel = new UserViewModel(user);

            // Update the calling client
            foreach (var client in user.ConnectedClients)
                Clients[client.Id].flagChanged(isFlagCleared, userViewModel.Country);

            // Tell all users in rooms to change the flag
            foreach (var room in user.Rooms)
                Clients[room.Name].changeFlag(userViewModel, room.Name);