Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal void CreateIVACamera()
     //Create a new IVA camera if one does not exist.
     if (IVAcamera == null)
         //Create a new Gameobject to attach everything to.
         //Attach the IVA Camera to it.
         if (baseGO == null)
             baseGO = new GameObject("JSIAdvTransparentPods");
         IVAcamera            = baseGO.gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>();
         IVAcamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth;
         IVAcameraTransform   = IVAcamera.transform;
         //Get the Main Flight camera.
         Maincamera = FlightCamera.fetch.mainCamera;
         //The IVA cmaera Transform needs to be parented to the InternalSpace Transform.
         IVAcameraTransform.parent = InternalSpace.Instance.transform;
         MaincameraTransform       = Maincamera.transform;
         //Depth of 3 is above the Main Cameras.
         IVAcamera.depth        = 3f;
         IVAcamera.fieldOfView  = Maincamera.fieldOfView;
         IVAcamera.farClipPlane = 200f;
         //Show Only Kerbals and Internal Space layers.
         IVAcamera.cullingMask = 1114112;
         //Attach a Culler class to the camera to cull objects we don't want rendered.
         if (IVACamJSICameraCuller == null && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
             IVACamJSICameraCuller = IVAcamera.gameObject.AddComponent <JSIIVACameraEvents>();
     //Finally turn the new camera on.
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void OnDestroy()
        internal bool IsIVAObstructed(Transform Origin, Transform Target)
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(Target.position, Origin.position);

            RaycastHit[] hitInfo;
            Vector3      direction = (Target.position - Origin.position).normalized;

            #if LINEDEBUG
            drawMyLine(Origin.position, Target.position, Color.yellow, 1f);
            hitInfo = Physics.RaycastAll(new Ray(Origin.position, direction), distance, 1148433);

            for (int i = 0; i < hitInfo.Length; i++)
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("View Obstructed by {0} , Origin: {1} , Target {2} , Direction {3} , Hit: {4}",
                                         hitInfo[i].collider.name, Origin.position, Target.position, direction, hitInfo[i].transform.position);
                if (Origin.position != hitInfo[i].transform.position)

            JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("No View obstruction");
        public void ProcessPortraits(Vessel vsl)
            // Now we need to make sure that the list of portraits in the GUI conforms to what actually is in the active vessel.
            // This is important because IVA/EVA buttons clicked on kerbals that are not in the active vessel cause problems
            // that I can't readily debug, and it shouldn't happen anyway.

            // Only the pods that are not the active vessel should be doing this. So if this part/vessel is not part of the active vessel then:-
            //Search the seats and where there is a kerbalRef try to Unregister them from the PortraitGallery.
            if (part.internalModel != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < part.internalModel.seats.Count; i++)
                    if (part.internalModel.seats[i].kerbalRef != null)
                            if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.id != vessel.id)
                            if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.id == vessel.id)
                                Portraits.RestorePortrait(part, part.internalModel.seats[i].kerbalRef);
                        catch (Exception)
                            JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Un/Register Portrait on inactive part failed {0}", part.internalModel.seats[i].kerbalRef.crewMemberName);
        internal bool IsIVAObstructed(Transform Origin, Transform Target)
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(Target.position, Origin.position);

            RaycastHit[] hitInfo;
            Vector3      direction = (Target.position - Origin.position).normalized;

            if (JSIAdvTransparentPods.Instance.DebugShowLaser)
                drawMyLine(Origin.position, Target.position, Color.yellow, 1f);
            hitInfo = Physics.RaycastAll(new Ray(Origin.position, direction), distance, 3245585, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);

            for (int i = 0; i < hitInfo.Length; i++)
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("View Obstructed by {0} , Origin: {1} , Target {2} , Direction {3} , Hit: {4}, Layer: {5}",
                                         hitInfo[i].collider.name, Origin.position, Target.position, direction, hitInfo[i].transform.position, hitInfo[i].collider.gameObject.layer);
                if (Origin.position != hitInfo[i].transform.position)

            JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("No View obstruction");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void OnDestroy()
Ejemplo n.º 7
 internal void DestroyIVACamera()
     if (IVAcamera != null)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void onVesselSwitching(Vessel oldvessel, Vessel newvessel)
     if (oldvessel != null)
         JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("From: {0} ({1})", oldvessel.vesselName, oldvessel.id);
     if (newvessel != null)
         JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("To: {0} ({1}) ", newvessel.vesselName, newvessel.id);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void ResetIVA()
                if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight || HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Need to reset IVA in part {0}({1})", part.name, part.craftID);

                    // Now the cruical bit.
                    // If the root part changed, we actually need to recreate the IVA forcibly even if it still exists.
                    if (vessel.rootPart != knownRootPart)
                        // In this case we also need to kick the user out of IVA if they're currently in our pod,
                        // otherwise lots of things screw up in a bizarre fashion.
                        if (JSIAdvPodsUtil.UserIsInPod(part))
                            JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("The user is in pod {0} and I need to kick them out.", part.partName);
                        if (part.internalModel != null)
                            part.internalModel = null;
                    // But otherwise the existing one will serve.

                    // If the internal model doesn't yet exist, this call will implicitly create it anyway.
                    // It will also initialise it, which in this case implies moving it into the correct location in internal space
                    // and populate it with crew, which is what we want.
                    if (part.CrewCapacity > 0)
                    setVisible = true;
                    // And then we remember the root part and the active vessel these coordinates refer to.
                    knownRootPart    = vessel.rootPart;
                    lastActiveVessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel;
            catch (Exception ex)
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Reset IVA failed: {0}", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Awake()
     JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("OnAwake in {0}", HighLogic.LoadedScene);
     if (Instance != null)
     Instance = this;
     PartstoFilterfromIVADict = new List <Part>();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Awake()
            JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("OnAwake in {0}", HighLogic.LoadedScene);
            if (Instance != null)
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Instance already exists, so destroying this one");
            if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Not in Flight, so destroying this instance");
            Instance = this;

            PartstoFilterfromIVADict = new List <Part>();
        public void Update()
            if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < 1f)

            // In the editor, none of this logic should matter, even though the IVA probably exists already.
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && !disableLoadingInEditor)
                if (transparentPodSetting == "ON" || (transparentPodSetting == "AUTO" && mouseOver))
                    // Make the internal model visible...
                    if (part.internalModel != null)
                    // And for a good measure we make sure the shader change has been applied.
                    // Now we attach the restored IVA directly into the pod at zero local coordinates and rotate it,
                    // so that it shows up on the main outer view camera in the correct location.
                    setVisible = true;
                    //if (JSIZfighterStock != null)
                    //    JSIZfighterStock.Update(stockOverlayTransform);
                    //if (JSIZfightertransparent != null)
                    //    JSIZfightertransparent.Update(transparentPodTransform);

                // If we are in editor mode we need to turn off the internal if the internal is in OFF or AUTO mode and not moused over.
                //Otherwise we make it visible.
                if (transparentPodSetting == "OFF" || (transparentPodSetting == "AUTO" && !mouseOver))
                    // Make the internal model Invisible...
                    if (part.internalModel != null)
                    setVisible = false;

                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Part {0} : Layer {1}", part.name, part.gameObject.layer);

                //Turn the DepthMasks off in the Editor or we get Z-Fighting.
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                //Now FlightScene Processing

                //IVA OBstruction process of the transparentPodSetting field
                //If previously IVA was obstructed and now it is not reset the transparentPodSetting back to it's previous value.
                if (previsIVAobstructed && !isIVAobstructed)
                    transparentPodSetting                    = prevtransparentPodSetting;
                    displaytransparentPodSetting             = prevdisplaytransparentPodSetting;
                    Events["eventToggleTransparency"].active = true;
                previsIVAobstructed = isIVAobstructed;
                //isIVAobstructed = false;

                // If the root part changed, or the IVA is mysteriously missing, we reset it and take note of where it ended up.
                if (vessel.rootPart != knownRootPart || lastActiveVessel != FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel || part.internalModel == null)

                // So we do have an internal model, right?
                if (part.internalModel != null)
                    // If transparentPodSetting = OFF or AUTO and not the focused active part we treat the part like a non-transparent part.
                    // and we turn off the shaders (if set) and the internal to the filter list and exit OnUpdate.
                    if (transparentPodSetting == "OFF" || (transparentPodSetting == "AUTO" && !mouseOver) && !isIVAobstructed)
                        if (!JSIAdvTransparentPods.PartstoFilterfromIVADict.Contains(part))
                        setVisible = false;

                    //If we are in flight and the user has the Stock Overlay on and this part is not part of the active vessel we turn off the internal.
                    // also if the user has set the LoadedInactive to False - we don't show TransparentPods that aren't on the active vessel.
                    // We turn it off rather than registering it for the PreCull list because if Stock Overlay is on the JSI camera is not active.
                    if (!vessel.isActiveVessel &&
                        (JSIAdvPodsUtil.StockOverlayCamIsOn || !LoadGlobals.Instance.LoadedInactive))
                        setVisible = false;
                            "Internal turned off as vessel is Not Active Vessel and stock overlay is on or LoadedInactive is False: ({0}) {1}",
                            part.craftID, vessel.vesselName);

                    if (!vessel.isActiveVessel)
                        //For some reason (probably performance) Squad do not actively update the position and rotation of InternalModels that are not part of the active vessel.
                        //Calculate the Vessel position and rotation and then apply that to the InternalModel position and rotation with the MagicalVoodooRotation.
                        Vector3 VesselPosition = part.vessel.transform.position +
                                                 part.vessel.transform.rotation * part.orgPos;
                        part.internalModel.transform.position = InternalSpace.WorldToInternal(VesselPosition);
                        Quaternion VesselRotation = part.vessel.transform.rotation * part.orgRot;
                        part.internalModel.transform.rotation = InternalSpace.WorldToInternal(VesselRotation) *

                        // If the current part is not part of the active vessel, we calculate the distance from the part to the flight camera.
                        // If this distance is > distanceToCameraThreshold metres we turn off transparency for the part.
                        // Uses Maths calcs intead of built in Unity functions as this is up to 5 times faster.
                        Vector3   heading;
                        Transform thisPart     = part.transform;
                        Transform flightCamera = FlightCamera.fetch.transform;
                        heading.x = thisPart.position.x - flightCamera.position.x;
                        heading.y = thisPart.position.y - flightCamera.position.y;
                        heading.z = thisPart.position.z - flightCamera.position.z;
                        var distanceSquared = heading.x * heading.x + heading.y * heading.y + heading.z * heading.z;
                        distanceToCamera = Mathf.Sqrt(distanceSquared);

                        if (distanceToCamera > distanceToCameraThreshold)
                            if (!JSIAdvTransparentPods.PartstoFilterfromIVADict.Contains(part))
                            setVisible = false;

                    //If inactive vessel IVAs are turned on via the settings then we:
                    //Check for obstructions between this IVA and the Camera that may be on lower layers and turn off the IVA if there is one.
                    //Not a perfect solution..... and bad performance-wise.
                    if (LoadGlobals.Instance.LoadedInactive)
                        if (JSIAdvTransparentPods.Instance != null &&
                            CameraManager.Instance.currentCameraMode == CameraManager.CameraMode.Flight)
                            if (JSIAdvTransparentPods.Instance.MaincameraTransform != null)
                                isIVAobstructed = IsIVAObstructed(part.transform, JSIAdvTransparentPods.Instance.MaincameraTransform);
                                if (isIVAobstructed)
                                    if (!JSIAdvTransparentPods.PartstoFilterfromIVADict.Contains(part))
                                    setVisible = false;
                                    //Set the prevtransparentPodSetting to the current transparentPodSetting and then set transparenPodSetting to "OFF"
                                    if (!previsIVAobstructed)
                                        Events["eventToggleTransparency"].active = false;
                                        prevtransparentPodSetting        = transparentPodSetting;
                                        prevdisplaytransparentPodSetting = displaytransparentPodSetting;
                                        transparentPodSetting            = "Obstructed";
                                        displaytransparentPodSetting     = transparentPodSetting;

                    // Make the internal model visible...
                    // And for a good measure we make sure the shader change has been applied.
                    if (JSIAdvTransparentPods.PartstoFilterfromIVADict.Contains(part))
                    setVisible = true;
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("Where is my Internal model for : {0}", part.craftID);
        public override void OnStart(StartState state)
            JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("OnStart {0} {1} in state {2}", part.craftID, part.name, state);
            if (state == StartState.Editor && disableLoadingInEditor)
                // Early out for people who want to disable transparency in
                // the editor due to low-spec computers.

            DepthMaskShader = Shader.Find(DepthMaskShaderName);

            if (distanceToCameraThreshold > 200)
                distanceToCameraThreshold = 200;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opaqueShaderName))
                opaqueShader = Shader.Find(opaqueShaderName);
                if (transparentShader == null)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("opaqueShader {0} not found.", opaqueShaderName);
                    hasOpaqueShader = true;

            // In Editor, the camera we want to change is called "Main Camera". In flight, the camera to change is
            // "Camera 00", i.e. close range camera.
            if (state == StartState.Editor)
                // I'm not sure if this change is actually needed, even. Main Camera's culling mask seems to already include IVA objects,
                // they just don't normally spawn them.
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.SetCameraCullingMaskForIVA("Main Camera", true);
                //JSIAdvPodsUtil.SetCameraCullingMaskForIVA("Main Camera", false);

            // If the internal model has not yet been created, try creating it and log the exception if we fail.
            if (part.internalModel == null)
                    if (part.internalModel != null && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                catch (Exception e)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("failed to create internal model in Onstart");
                    Debug.LogException(e, this);

            if (part.internalModel == null && part.partInfo != null)
                // KSP 1.0.x introduced a new feature where it doesn't appear
                // to fully load parts if they're not the root.  In particular,
                // that CreateInternalModel() call above here returns null for
                // non-root parts until one exits the VAB and returns.
                // If the internalModel doesn't exist yet, I find the config
                // for this part, and create the Model ourselves.

                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Let's see if anyone included parts so I can assemble the interior");

                if (part.partInfo != null && part.partInfo.internalConfig != null && part.partInfo.internalConfig.HasData)
                if (part.internalModel != null && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)

            // Apply shaders to transforms on startup.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transparentTransforms))
                    transparentShader = Shader.Find(transparentShaderName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("Get transparentShader {0} failed. Error: {1}", transparentShaderName, ex);
                if (transparentShader == null)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("transpartShader {0} not found.", transparentShaderName);
                foreach (string transformName in transparentTransforms.Split('|'))
                        Transform tr = part.FindModelTransform(transformName.Trim());
                        if (tr != null)
                            //We both change the shader and backup the original shader so we can undo it later.
                            Shader backupShader = tr.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.shader;
                            if (backupShader != null)
                                backupShader = transparentShader;
                                shadersBackup.Add(new KeyValuePair <Transform, Shader>(tr, backupShader));
                        if (part.internalModel != null)
                            Transform itr = part.internalModel.FindModelTransform(transformName.Trim());
                            if (itr != null)
                                // We both change the shader and backup the original shader so we can undo it later.
                                Shader backupShader = itr.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.shader;
                                if (backupShader != null)
                                    backupShader = transparentShader;
                                    shadersBackup.Add(new KeyValuePair <Transform, Shader>(itr, backupShader));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.LogException(e, this);

            //If debugging is ON dump the InternalModel transforms.
            if (JSIAdvPodsUtil.debugLoggingEnabled && part.internalModel != null)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.DumpGameObjectChilds(part.internalModel.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject, part.name + " Internal ", sb);
                print("[JSIATP] " + sb);

            //Check and process transparentPodDepthMaskShaderTransform field.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transparentPodDepthMaskShaderTransform) && part.internalModel != null)
                transparentPodTransform = part.internalModel.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.name == transparentPodDepthMaskShaderTransform);
                if (transparentPodTransform == null)
                    transparentPodDepthMaskShaderTransform = "";
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("Unable to find transparentPodDepthMaskShaderTransform {0} in InternalModel", transparentPodDepthMaskShaderTransform);

            //Check and process stockOverlayDepthMaskShaderTransform field.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stockOverlayDepthMaskShaderTransform) && part.internalModel != null)
                stockOverlayTransform = part.internalModel.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.name == stockOverlayDepthMaskShaderTransform);
                if (stockOverlayTransform == null)
                    transparentPodDepthMaskShaderTransform = "";
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("Unable to find stockOverlayDepthMaskShaderTransform {0} in InternalModel", stockOverlayDepthMaskShaderTransform);

            // If we ended up with an existing internal model,
            if (part.internalModel != null)
                // Rotate it now, so that it is shown correctly in the editor. - OLD Method.
                if (state == StartState.Editor)
                    // Just rotating the internal is sufficient in this case.
                    part.internalModel.transform.localRotation = MagicalVoodooRotation;
                    //Find all Renderer's with DepthMask shader assigned to them and make them inactive as they cause Z-Fighting in the Editor and are
                    //not needed in the editor - OLD Method.
                    //Turn on Zfighters for the depthmask overlays if they are present.

                    /*if (transparentPodTransform != null && JSIZfightertransparent == null)
                     * {
                     *  JSIZfightertransparent = new JSIZFighter();
                     *  JSIZfightertransparent.Start(transparentPodTransform);
                     * }
                     * if (stockOverlayTransform != null && JSIZfighterStock == null)
                     * {
                     *  JSIZfighterStock = new JSIZFighter();
                     *  JSIZfighterStock.Start(stockOverlayTransform);
                     * }*/
                    // Else this is our first startup in flight scene, we reset the IVA.
                // Some error-proofing. I won't bother doing this every frame, because one error message
                // should suffice, this module is not supposed to be attached to parts that have no internals in the first place.
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("Wait, where's my internal model?");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 void Start()
     camera = GetComponent <Camera>();
     JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Object attached to Camera {0}", camera.name);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void onLevelWasLoaded(GameScenes scene)
     JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("OnLevelWasLoaded {0}", scene);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void onVesselChange(Vessel vessel)
     JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("OnVesselChange {0} ({1})", vessel.vesselName, vessel.id);
        public override void OnStart(StartState state)
            JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("OnStart {0} {1} in state {2}", part.craftID, part.name, state);
            if (state == StartState.Editor && disableLoadingInEditor)
                // Early out for people who want to disable transparency in
                // the editor due to low-spec computers.

            DepthMaskShader = Shader.Find(DepthMaskShaderName);

            if (distanceToCameraThreshold > 200)
                distanceToCameraThreshold = 200;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opaqueShaderName))
                opaqueShader = Shader.Find(opaqueShaderName);
                if (transparentShader == null)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("opaqueShader {0} not found.", opaqueShaderName);
                    hasOpaqueShader = true;

            // In Editor, the camera we want to change is called "Main Camera". In flight, the camera to change is
            // "Camera 00", i.e. close range camera.

            if (state == StartState.Editor)
                // I'm not sure if this change is actually needed, even. Main Camera's culling mask seems to already include IVA objects,
                // they just don't normally spawn them.
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.SetCameraCullingMaskForIVA("Main Camera", true);

            // If the internal model has not yet been created, try creating it and log the exception if we fail.
            if (part.internalModel == null)
                catch (Exception e)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("failed to create internal model in Onstart");
                    Debug.LogException(e, this);

            if (part.internalModel == null && part.partInfo != null)
                // KSP 1.0.x introduced a new feature where it doesn't appear
                // to fully load parts if they're not the root.  In particular,
                // that CreateInternalModel() call above here returns null for
                // non-root parts until one exits the VAB and returns.
                // If the internalModel doesn't exist yet, I find the config
                // for this part, extract the INTERNAL node, and try to create
                // the model myself. Awfully roundabout.

                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log_Debug("Let's see if anyone included parts so I can assemble the interior");
                ConfigNode ipNameNode = (from cfg in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigs("PART")
                                         where cfg.url == part.partInfo.partUrl
                                         select cfg.config.GetNode("INTERNAL")).FirstOrDefault();

                if (ipNameNode != null)
                    part.internalModel = part.AddInternalPart(ipNameNode);

            // Apply shaders to transforms on startup.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transparentTransforms))
                    transparentShader = Shader.Find(transparentShaderName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("Get transparentShader {0} failed. Error: {1}", transparentShaderName, ex);
                if (transparentShader == null)
                    JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("transparentShader {0} not found.", transparentShaderName);
                foreach (string transformName in transparentTransforms.Split('|'))
                        Transform tr = part.FindModelTransform(transformName.Trim());
                        if (tr != null)
                            //We both change the shader and backup the original shader so we can undo it later.
                            Shader backupShader = tr.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.shader;
                            tr.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.shader = transparentShader;
                            shadersBackup.Add(tr, backupShader);
                        if (part.internalModel != null)
                            Transform itr = part.internalModel.FindModelTransform(transformName.Trim());
                            if (itr != null)
                                // We both change the shader and backup the original shader so we can undo it later.
                                Shader backupShader = itr.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.shader;
                                itr.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.shader = transparentShader;
                                shadersBackup.Add(itr, backupShader);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.LogException(e, this);

            // If we ended up with an existing internal model,
            if (part.internalModel != null)
                // Rotate it now, so that it is shown correctly in the editor. - OLD Method.
                if (state == StartState.Editor)
                    // Just rotating the internal is sufficient in this case.
                    part.internalModel.transform.localRotation = MagicalVoodooRotation;
                    //Find all Renderer's with DepthMask shader assigned to them and make them inactive as they cause Z-Fighting in the Editor and are
                    //not needed in the editor - OLD Method.
                    // Else this is our first startup in flight scene, we reset the IVA.
                // Some error-proofing. I won't bother doing this every frame, because one error message
                // should suffice, this module is not supposed to be attached to parts that have no internals in the first place.
                JSIAdvPodsUtil.Log("Wait, where's my internal model?");