Ejemplo n.º 1
		} // WrapException
	// Create a JObject with one property.  The property's name
	// is "id" and its value is the given exception object.
	public static JObject CreateCatchScope(Exception exception, string id)
		object unwrapped;
		if (exception is WrappedException)
			unwrapped = ((WrappedException)exception).obj;
			unwrapped = exception;
		JObject obj = new JObject(null, null, "CatchScope");
		obj.Put(id, unwrapped);
		return obj;
		} // CreateCatchScope
Ejemplo n.º 2
		} // WithGet
	// Set an identifier value, searching one or more "with" scopes.
	// We first search for id in each object in the withs array, starting
	// with the last entry in the array.  If any object in the array has
	// a property of the given name, we update that property value.  Otherwise,
	// we call lhs.Put(id, value).
	public static object WithPut( JObject lhs, string id, object value,
								  params object[] withs )
		for (int i=0; i<withs.Length; i++)
			if (HasProperty(withs[i], id))
				return AssignProperty(withs[i], id, value);
		return lhs.Put(id, value);
		} // WithPut
Ejemplo n.º 3
		} // DefineBuiltinGlobals
	// For each public static method of the specified type, create a
	// function in the given prototype object.
	private static void RegisterBuiltins(Type impType, JObject proto)
		CachedTypeInfo typeInfo = CachedTypeInfo.GetInfoForType(impType, true);
		IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = typeInfo.members.GetEnumerator();
		while (enumerator.MoveNext())
			if (enumerator.Value is MethodInfo)
				// Non-overloaded method.  Register a function glue
				// object.
				JFunctionObject func = new JFunctionStaticGlue(
					typeInfo, (string) enumerator.Key, enumerator.Value );
				proto.Put((string)enumerator.Key, func);
			else if (enumerator.Value is MethodBase[])
				// Overloaded method.  Register a function glue
				// object.
				JFunctionObject func = new JFunctionStaticGlue(
					typeInfo, (string) enumerator.Key, enumerator.Value );
				proto.Put((string)enumerator.Key, func);
		} // RegisterBuiltins
Ejemplo n.º 4
		} // BoolTest
	// Create a new object from a literal expression.  There should be
	// an even number of arguments, consisting alternately of property
	// names and property values for the object.
	public static JObject LiteralObject(params object[] args)
		JObject obj = new JObject(JObject.ObjectPrototype, null, "Object");
		for (int i=0; i<args.Length; i += 2)
			obj.Put((string)(args[i]), args[i+1]);
		return obj;
		} // LiteralObject
Ejemplo n.º 5
		} // CreateTypeInstance_
	// Add a property to the given object for each built-in identifier
	// that is defined in the global scope.
	public static void DefineBuiltinGlobals(JObject globals)
		// HACK snewman 8/6/01: need to finish the ECMAScript spec.  Make
		// sure that the "length" property is defined for all functions
		// created here.
		// HACK snewman 10/3/01: document the "extra" functions we define
		// that aren't in ECMAScript, such as writeln, GetType, and
		// CreateTypeInstance.
		globals.Put("writeln", new JFunctionObject(new JFunctionObject.JFunctionImp(writeln_), null));
		globals.Put("eval",    new JFunctionObject(new JFunctionObject.JFunctionImp(eval_   ), null));
		globals.Put("GetType", new JFunctionObject(new JFunctionObject.JFunctionImp(GetType_), null));
		globals.Put("CreateTypeInstance", new JFunctionObject(new JFunctionObject.JFunctionImp(CreateTypeInstance_), null));
		// HACK snewman 10/3/01: all of these properties should be dontEnum,
		// dontDelete.
		globals.Put("NaN",       Double.NaN);
		globals.Put("Infinity",  Double.PositiveInfinity);
		globals.Put("undefined", JUndefinedObject.instance);
		RegisterBuiltins(typeof(GlobalMethods), globals);
		globals.Put("Object", JObject.ObjectConstructorObj);
		RegisterBuiltins(typeof(ObjectPrototypeMethods), JObject.ObjectPrototype);
		globals.Put("Boolean", JBooleanObject.BooleanConstructorObj);
		RegisterBuiltins(typeof(BooleanPrototypeMethods), JBooleanObject.BooleanPrototype);
		globals.Put("Number", JNumberObject.NumberConstructorObj);
		RegisterBuiltins(typeof(NumberPrototypeMethods), JNumberObject.NumberPrototype);
		globals.Put("Array", JArrayObject.ArrayConstructorObj);
		RegisterBuiltins(typeof(ArrayPrototypeMethods), JArrayObject.ArrayPrototype);
		globals.Put("String", JStringObject.StringConstructorObj);
		RegisterBuiltins(typeof(StringConstructorMethods), JStringObject.StringConstructorObj);
		RegisterBuiltins(typeof(StringPrototypeMethods), JStringObject.StringPrototype);
		JObject mathObj = new JObject(JObject.ObjectPrototype, null, "Math");
		globals.Put("Math", mathObj);
		RegisterBuiltins(typeof(MathMethods), mathObj);
		// HACK snewman 10/3/01: all of these properties should be dontEnum,
		// dontDelete, readOnly.
		mathObj.Put("E",       Math.E        );
		mathObj.Put("LN10",    Math.Log(10)  );
		mathObj.Put("LN2",     Math.Log(2)   );
		mathObj.Put("LOG2E",   1/Math.Log(2) );
		mathObj.Put("LOG10E",  1/Math.Log(10));
		mathObj.Put("PI",      Math.PI       );
		mathObj.Put("SQRT1_2", Math.Sqrt(0.5));
		mathObj.Put("SQRT2",   Math.Sqrt(2)  );
		} // DefineBuiltinGlobals