A simple immutable storage utility to hold multiple strings.
Inheritance: System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase, IStringCollection
Ejemplo n.º 1
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Splits a string in the same way as the System.String.Split() method but
        /// with support for special treatment for escaped characters and for quoted
        /// sections which won't be split.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Escaping supports the following special treatment:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>escape is followed by 'n': a new line character is inserted</item>
        /// <item>escape is followed by 'r': a form feed character is inserted</item>
        /// <item>escape is followed by 't': a tabulator character is inserted</item>
        /// <item>escape is followed by 'x': the next two characters are interpreted
        /// as a hex code of the character to be inserted</item>
        /// <item>any other character after the escape is inserted literally</item>
        /// </list>
        /// Escaping is applied within and outside of quoted sections.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="toSplit">the string to split</param>
        /// <param name="quote">the quoting character, e.g. '&quot;'</param>
        /// <param name="escape">an escaping character to use both within and outside
        /// of quoted sections, e.g. '\\'</param>
        /// <param name="includeEmptyUnquotedSections">whether to return zero-length sections
        /// outside of quotations or not. empty sections adjacent to a quoted section are
        /// never returned.</param>
        /// <param name="separator">the separator character(s) which will be used to
        /// split the string outside of quoted sections</param>
        /// <returns>the array of sections into which the string has been split up.
        /// never null but possibly empty.</returns>
        public static string[] SplitQuoted( string toSplit, char quote, char escape,
            bool includeEmptyUnquotedSections, params char[] separator)
            if ( toSplit == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "toSplit" );
            if ( separator == null || separator.Length == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "separator" );
            string separators = new string( separator );
            if ( separators.IndexOf( quote ) >= 0 || separators.IndexOf( escape ) >= 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException( Strings.StringToolSeparatorIncludesQuoteOrEscapeChar, "separator" );

            StringCollection sections = new StringCollection();

            StringBuilder section = null;
            int length = toSplit.Length;
            bool inQuotedSection = false;
            for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
                char c = toSplit[ i ];
                if ( c == escape )
                    if ( i < length - 1 )
                        if ( section == null )
                            section = new StringBuilder();
                        c = toSplit[ i ];
                        switch ( c )
                            case 'n':
                                section.Append( '\n' );
                            case 'r':
                                section.Append( '\r' );
                            case 't':
                                section.Append( '\t' );
                            case 'x':
                                if ( i < length - 2 )
                                    int upperHexNibble = GetHexValue( toSplit[ i + 1 ] ) * 16;
                                    int lowerHexNibble = GetHexValue( toSplit[ i + 2 ] );
                                    char hexChar = (char)( upperHexNibble + lowerHexNibble );
                                    section.Append( hexChar );
                                    i += 2;
                                    throw new ArgumentException( Strings.StringToolMissingEscapedHexCode, "toSplit" );
                                section.Append( c );
                        throw new ArgumentException( Strings.StringToolMissingEscapedChar, "toSplit" );
                else if ( c == quote )
                    if ( section != null )
                        sections.Add( section.ToString() );
                        section = null;
                    else if ( inQuotedSection )
                        sections.Add( string.Empty );
                    inQuotedSection = !inQuotedSection;
                else if ( separators.IndexOf( c ) >= 0 )
                    if ( inQuotedSection )
                        if ( section == null )
                            section = new StringBuilder();
                        section.Append( c );
                        if ( section != null )
                            sections.Add( section.ToString() );
                            section = null;
                        else if ( includeEmptyUnquotedSections )
                            if ( i == 0 || separators.IndexOf( toSplit[ i - 1 ] ) >= 0 )
                                sections.Add( string.Empty );
                    if ( section == null )
                        section = new StringBuilder();
                    section.Append( c );
            if ( inQuotedSection )
                throw new ArgumentException( Strings.StringToolUnbalancedQuotes, "toSplit" );
            if ( section != null )
                sections.Add( section.ToString() );

            string[] sectionArray = new string[ sections.Count ];
            sections.CopyTo( sectionArray, 0 );
            return sectionArray;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 public static StringCollection FromCommaSeparated( string commaSeparatedList )
     StringCollection fromCommaSeparated = new StringCollection();
     fromCommaSeparated.AddCommaSeparated( commaSeparatedList );
     return fromCommaSeparated;