AppendBytes() public method

Reads count bytes from the stream and appends them to the given buffer. If count is Int32.MaxValue the stream is read to the end. Unless preserveEndOfLines is set the line endings in the appended data are normalized to "\n".
public AppendBytes ( MutableString buffer, int count, bool preserveEndOfLines ) : int
buffer MutableString
count int
preserveEndOfLines bool
return int
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void File_AppendBytes1()
            string s;
            string crlf = "\r\n";
            var stream = new TestStream(false, B(
                "ab\r\r\n" +
                "e" + (s = "fgh" + crlf + "ijkl" + crlf + "mnop" + crlf + crlf + crlf + crlf + "qrst") +
                crlf + "!"
            int s_crlf_count = 6;

            var io = new RubyBufferedStream(stream);
            Assert(io.PeekByte() == (byte)'a');

            var buffer = MutableString.CreateBinary(B("foo:"));
            Assert(io.AppendBytes(buffer, 4, false) == 4);
            Assert(buffer.ToString() == "foo:ab\r\n");

            buffer = MutableString.CreateBinary();
            Assert(io.AppendBytes(buffer, 1, false) == 1);
            Assert(buffer.ToString() == "e");

            buffer = MutableString.CreateMutable("x:", RubyEncoding.Binary);
            int c = s.Length - s_crlf_count - 2;
            Assert(io.AppendBytes(buffer, c, false) == c);
            Assert(buffer.ToString() == "x:" + s.Replace(crlf, "\n").Substring(0, c));

            buffer = MutableString.CreateBinary();
            Assert(io.AppendBytes(buffer, 10, false) == 4);
            Assert(buffer.ToString() == "st\n!");

            buffer = MutableString.CreateBinary();
            Assert(io.AppendBytes(buffer, 10, false) == 0);
            Assert(buffer.ToString() == "");

            stream = new TestStream(false, B(s = "abcd" + crlf + "xyz" + crlf + "qqq;"));
            io = new RubyBufferedStream(stream);
            buffer = MutableString.CreateBinary();
            Assert(io.AppendBytes(buffer, Int32.MaxValue, true) == s.Length);
            io.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            Assert(io.AppendBytes(buffer, Int32.MaxValue, false) == s.Length - 2);
            Assert(buffer.ToString() == s + s.Replace(crlf, "\n"));