private void btnEnterIrishWordForEnglishWord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            exerciseType        = "EnterIrishForEnglish";
            exerciseDescription = "Enter the Irish word for the given English word e.g. if the English word is 'English' enter the Irish word for this (i.e. Gaeilge)";
            Form MatchOrEnterWordForWordExerciseForm = new MatchOrEnterWordForWordExerciseForm(connection, currentUser, isStudentUser, exerciseTopic, exerciseType, exerciseDescription);

            this.Enabled = false;
        private void btnMatchIrishWordToEnglishWord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            exerciseType        = "MatchIrishToEnglish";
            exerciseDescription = "Match the Irish word to the given English word e.g. if the English word is 'Irish' enter the Irish word for this (i.e. Gaeilge)" +
                                  "\n\rComplete the answer column with vocabulary from the Irish column (your answer should be in Irish)";
            Form MatchOrEnterWordForWordExerciseForm = new MatchOrEnterWordForWordExerciseForm(connection, currentUser, isStudentUser, exerciseTopic, exerciseType, exerciseDescription);

            this.Enabled = false;