Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool SaveAlternateCategories(AlternateCategoryListVM model, ProviderMember aMember)
            List<ProviderAlternateCategoryId> alternateList = aMember.AlternateCategoryList;
            ProviderCategory defaultCategory = new ProviderCategory(InsideWordSettingsDictionary.Instance.DefaultCategoryId.Value);
            foreach(AlternateCategoryMapVM aMap in model.AlternateCategoryMapList)
                ProviderAlternateCategoryId altCategory = null;
                if (alternateList.Exists(altId => altId.AlternateId == aMap.AlternateId))
                    altCategory = alternateList.Find(altId => altId.AlternateId == aMap.AlternateId);
                    altCategory = new ProviderAlternateCategoryId();
                    altCategory.AlternateId = aMap.AlternateId;
                    altCategory.MemberId = aMember.Id.Value;

                if (aMap.MapId.HasValue)
                    if (aMap.MapId == -1)
                        aMap.MapId = defaultCategory.Id;

                    if (altCategory.CategoryId != aMap.MapId)
                        altCategory.CategoryId = aMap.MapId;
                        if (!altCategory.IsNew)
                            // The category map changed. Re-categorize all articles related to this alternate category.
                            AsyncRefreshArticleManager.Instance.AddBy(AsyncRefreshArticleManager.LoadEnum.AltCategory, altCategory.Id.Value);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aMap.AlternateTitle))
                    altCategory.DisplayName = aMap.AlternateTitle;
                altCategory.OverrideFlag = model.OverrideFlag;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static List<AlternateCategoryMapVM> MapCategories(ProviderCurrentMember currentMember, List<AlternateCategoryMapVM> memberToIWMap)
            List<AlternateCategoryMapVM> IWToMemberMap = new List<AlternateCategoryMapVM>();
            ProviderCategory defaultCategory = new ProviderCategory(InsideWordSettingsDictionary.Instance.DefaultCategoryId.Value);
            List<ProviderAlternateCategoryId> alternateList = currentMember.AlternateCategoryList;
            List<ProviderCategory> iwCategoryList = ProviderCategory.LoadAll();
            ProviderAlternateCategoryId alternateCategory = null;
            ProviderCategory iwCategory = null;
            long? bestIWMatch = null;
            bool mapHasChanged = false;

            foreach (AlternateCategoryMapVM aMap in memberToIWMap)
                mapHasChanged = false;
                alternateCategory = null;
                iwCategory = null;

                if (alternateList.Exists(altId => altId.AlternateId == aMap.AlternateId))
                    // The alternate category is already in our system so just load it
                    alternateCategory = alternateList.Find(altId => altId.AlternateId == aMap.AlternateId);
                    // The alternate category is not in our system so do a bit more work
                    alternateCategory = new ProviderAlternateCategoryId();
                    alternateCategory.MemberId = currentMember.Id.Value;
                    alternateCategory.AlternateId = aMap.AlternateId;

                if (alternateCategory.OverrideFlag)
                    // This is an override so use the server value
                    iwCategory = iwCategoryList.Find(aCategory => aCategory.Id == alternateCategory.CategoryId);
                else if (aMap.MapId.HasValue && iwCategoryList.Exists(aCategory => aCategory.Id == aMap.MapId.Value))
                    // the map is preset by the member so use that
                    iwCategory = iwCategoryList.Find(aCategory => aCategory.Id == aMap.MapId.Value);
                else if (alternateCategory.CategoryId.HasValue)
                    // the map is not preset by the member, but we have a server value so use the server value
                    iwCategory = iwCategoryList.Find(aCategory => aCategory.Id == alternateCategory.CategoryId);
                    // this category map doesn't exist at all so find the best match
                    bestIWMatch = ProviderAlternateCategoryId.BestMatch(aMap.AlternateTitle);
                    if (bestIWMatch.HasValue)
                        iwCategory = iwCategoryList.Find(aCategory => aCategory.Id.Value == bestIWMatch.Value);
                    else if (iwCategoryList.Exists(aCategory => !aCategory.IsRoot &&
                                                                        .CompareTo(aMap.AlternateTitle.ToLowerInvariant()) == 0))
                        iwCategory = iwCategoryList.Find(aCategory => aCategory.Title
                                                                        .CompareTo(aMap.AlternateTitle.ToLowerInvariant()) == 0);
                        iwCategory = defaultCategory;

                if (!alternateCategory.CategoryId.HasValue || alternateCategory.CategoryId.Value != iwCategory.Id.Value)
                    alternateCategory.CategoryId = iwCategory.Id.Value;
                    mapHasChanged = true;

                // finish and save the changes to the alternate category
                alternateCategory.OverrideFlag = false; // always reset the override flag here
                alternateCategory.DisplayName = aMap.AlternateTitle;

                IWToMemberMap.Add(new AlternateCategoryMapVM { AlternateTitle = iwCategory.Title, AlternateId = iwCategory.Id.Value, MapId = aMap.AlternateId });

                // determine if we need to refresh the articles on the server
                // Do this last to avoid race condition
                if (!alternateCategory.IsNew && mapHasChanged)
                    // The category map changed. Re-categorize all articles related to this alternate category.
                    AsyncRefreshArticleManager.Instance.AddBy(AsyncRefreshArticleManager.LoadEnum.AltCategory, alternateCategory.Id.Value);

            return IWToMemberMap;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual JsonResult PublishArticle(APIArticleVM model)
            string from = "APILOGINFO - " + HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress;
            InsideWordWebLog.Instance.Buffer(from, "PublishArticle( "+model+" )");
            ApiMsgVM returnMessage = new ApiMsgVM( (int)ApiMsgVM.StatusEnum.failure );

            ProviderCurrentMember currentMember = ProviderCurrentMember.Instance;

            if (!currentMember.IsLoggedOn)
                returnMessage.StatusCode = (int)ApiMsgVM.StatusEnum.failure;
                returnMessage.StatusMessage = "You must be logged in to use this command. Use the API function " + Url.Action(MVC.API.Login()) + " to login.";
            else if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                returnMessage.StatusCode = (int)ApiMsgVM.StatusEnum.failure;
                returnMessage.StatusMessage = "Could not parse the data.";
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Title) ||
                returnMessage.StatusCode = (int)ApiMsgVM.StatusEnum.failure;
                returnMessage.StatusMessage = "title and text cannot be blank.";
                ProviderArticle anArticle = null;
                ProviderAlternateArticleId altId = new ProviderAlternateArticleId();

                if (model.Id.HasValue)
                    anArticle = new ProviderArticle(model.Id.Value);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.AltId) &&
                        altId.Load(model.AltId, currentMember.Id.Value))
                    anArticle = new ProviderArticle(altId.ArticleId);
                    anArticle = new ProviderArticle();

                if (!model.CategoryId.HasValue && anArticle.IsNew)
                    returnMessage.StatusCode = (int)ApiMsgVM.StatusEnum.failure;
                    returnMessage.StatusMessage = "New articles must have a Category Id";
                else if (model.CategoryId.HasValue && !ProviderCategory.Exists(model.CategoryId.Value))
                    returnMessage.StatusCode = (int)ApiMsgVM.StatusEnum.failure;
                    returnMessage.StatusMessage = "The category id " + model.CategoryId + " does not exist.";
                else if (!currentMember.CanEdit(anArticle))
                    returnMessage.StatusCode = (int)ApiMsgVM.StatusEnum.failure;
                    returnMessage.StatusMessage = "You do not have the rights to edit article with InsideWord id " + anArticle.Id;
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.AltId))
                        returnMessage.StatusMessage += " and alternate id " + model.AltId;
                    if (anArticle.IsNew)
                        anArticle.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    // The edit date is controlled by InsideWord and not the ones using the API
                    // this is because edit date is actually rather important.
                    anArticle.EditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (model.IsPublished.HasValue)
                        anArticle.IsPublished = model.IsPublished.Value;
                    else if (anArticle.IsNew)
                        anArticle.IsPublished = true;

                    anArticle.Blurb = model.Blurb;
                    anArticle.Title = model.Title;
                    anArticle.RawText = model.Text;
                    anArticle.MemberId = currentMember.Id.Value;

                    if (model.CategoryId.HasValue)

                    if (model.AlternateCategoryId.HasValue)
                        List<ProviderAlternateCategoryId> altCategoryList = currentMember.AlternateCategoryList;
                        ProviderAlternateCategoryId alternateCategory = null;
                        if (altCategoryList.Exists(altCat => altCat.AlternateId == model.AlternateCategoryId))
                            alternateCategory = altCategoryList.Find(altCat => altCat.AlternateId == model.AlternateCategoryId);
                            // Doesn't seem to exist. This must be a new category we don't have any info on yet because the update from the client hasn't occurred yet.
                            // Save this as an incomplete alternate category
                            alternateCategory = new ProviderAlternateCategoryId();
                            alternateCategory.AlternateId = model.AlternateCategoryId.Value;
                            alternateCategory.MemberId = currentMember.Id.Value;

                    // Associate the photos, but don't bother returning any errors.
                    List<string> errorList = new List<string>();
                    ArticleBL.AssociatePhotos(model.Text, anArticle, ref errorList);
                    if (errorList.Count > 0)
                        InsideWordWebLog.Instance.Log.Debug(string.Join(", ", errorList));


                    // now that the article is saved check if the model came in with an alternate id and if it did then try and create and attach.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.AltId) &&
                        ProviderAlternateArticleId.Exists(model.AltId, currentMember.Id.Value) == null)
                        altId.MemberId = currentMember.Id.Value;
                        altId.AlternateId = model.AltId;
                        altId.ArticleId = anArticle.Id.Value;

                    returnMessage.StatusCode = (int)ApiMsgVM.StatusEnum.success;
                    returnMessage.StatusMessage = "Article has been submitted successfully.";
                    returnMessage.Content = anArticle.Id.ToString();
            InsideWordWebLog.Instance.Buffer(from, "Done PublishArticle - " + returnMessage);
            return Json(returnMessage);