private void AddColumnInfoToDb(int newColumnType, UploadViewFileColumn column)
            string columnName = column.ColumnName;

            IngestionColumnInfo uploadedColumnInfo = new IngestionColumnInfo
                IngestionColumnType = newColumnType,
                IngestionColumnName = columnName

        private IngestionColumnType AddColumnTypeToDb(UploadViewFileColumn column)
            string uniqueColumnTypeName = MakeUniqueColumnTypeName(column.ColumnName);
            string columnName = column.ColumnName;
            string dataType = column.DataType;

            IngestionColumnType ingestionColumnType = new IngestionColumnType
                HeaderName = columnName,
                IngestionColumnDataType = dataType,
                IngestionColumnTypeName = uniqueColumnTypeName


            return ingestionColumnType;
        private List<UploadViewFileColumn> MakeColumnTypeList(int headerRow, ExcelWorksheet worksheet)
            // this assumes that columns in the spreadsheet with blank header rows do
            // not contain relevant data

            List<UploadViewFileColumn> columnList = new List<UploadViewFileColumn>();

            for (int column = 1; column <= worksheet.Dimension.End.Column; column++)
                if (worksheet.Cells[headerRow, column].Value != null)
                    if (worksheet.Cells[headerRow, column].Value.ToString() != "")
                        UploadViewFileColumn homeViewColumn = new UploadViewFileColumn
                            ColumnName = worksheet.Cells[headerRow, column].Value.ToString().Trim(),
                            DataType = SetType(worksheet.Cells[headerRow + 1, column].Value)
                        if (homeViewColumn.ColumnName == "") homeViewColumn.ColumnName = "NONAME";


            return columnList;
        //private List<int> MakeListOfMatchingFileTypes(List<UploadViewFileTab> uploadedFileTabList)
        //    // this is a list of filetypes that have this many tabs associated with them
        //    int tabCount = uploadedFileTabList.Count;
        //    var listOfPossibleFileTypeIds = (from x in db.IngestionFileTypes
        //                                         where x.NumberOfTabs == tabCount
        //                                        select x.Id).ToList();
        //    // if there are no filetypeid numbers in this list then this type of file is not
        //    // in the database and we bail out
        //    if (!listOfPossibleFileTypeIds.Any()) return null;
        //    // here the listofpossiblefiletypeIDs is a list of all of the file types that use this many tabs
        //    // since there are filetypes in the db that have this many tabs
        //    // let's further trim this list to the types of files whose tab parameters
        //    // match the uploaded file's tab's parameters
        //    listOfPossibleFileTypeIds = MakeListOfTabsThatMatchFiles(uploadedFileTabList, listOfPossibleFileTypeIds);
        //    if (!listOfPossibleFileTypeIds.Any()) return null;
        //    // now the list of matchingFiles is a list of all of the filetype ids that tabs of this sort are in
        //    // are in according to the wtiw db. let's compare that list to the list of file type ids that use
        //    // this many tabs according to the tabtypes db. if it is in the list of possible IDs and not in the matching files
        //    // let's remove it from the list of possible IDs
        //    return listOfPossibleFileTypeIds;
        //private List<int> MakeListOfTabsThatMatchFiles(List<UploadViewFileTab> uploadedFileTabList, List<int> possibleFileTypeIDs )
        //    List<int> matchingFiles = possibleFileTypeIDs;
        //    foreach (var uploadedTab in uploadedFileTabList)
        //    {
        //        int columnCount = uploadedTab.ColumnList.Count;
        //        // do tabs with this many columns exist in the db
        //        var tabTypes = (from x in db.IngestionTabTypes
        //                       where x.NumberOfDataColumns == columnCount
        //                       select x.Id).ToList();
        //        // if no match on this it is a new file type
        //        if (!tabTypes.Any()) return null;
        //        tabTypes = MakeListOfColumnsThatMatchTabs(uploadedTab.ColumnList, tabTypes);
        //        if (!tabTypes.Any()) return null;
        //        // at this point the list matchingTabs consists of the tabtypeIDs from the db
        //        // which match the type of this tab
        //        foreach (var matchingTab in tabTypes)
        //        {
        //            int tab = matchingTab;
        //            var fileList = from x in db.WhichTabsInWhichFiles
        //                           where x.TabTypeID == tab
        //                           select x.FileTypeID;
        //            if (!fileList.Any()) return null;
        //            foreach (var fileID in matchingFiles)
        //            {
        //                if (!fileList.Contains(fileID)) matchingFiles.Remove(fileID);
        //            }
        //            if (!matchingFiles.Any()) return null;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return matchingFiles;
        //private List<int> MakeListOfColumnsThatMatchTabs(List<UploadViewFileColumn> uploadedColumnList, List<int> listOfMatchingTabs)
        //    foreach (var uploadedColumn in uploadedColumnList)
        //    {
        //        string dataType = uploadedColumn.DataType;
        //        string columnName = uploadedColumn.ColumnName;
        //        // does this column type already exist in the db
        //        IQueryable<int> columnTypes = from x in db.IngestionColumnTypes
        //                                      where ((x.IngestionColumnDataType == dataType)
        //                                             && (x.HeaderName == columnName))
        //                                      select x.Id;
        //        // if no match on this it is a new file type
        //        if (!columnTypes.Any()) return null;
        //        foreach (var columnType in columnTypes)
        //        {
        //            int type = columnType;
        //            IQueryable<int> matchingTabsForThisColumn = from x in db.WhichColumnsInWhichTabs
        //                                            where x.ColumnID == type
        //                                            select x.TabID;
        //            if (!matchingTabsForThisColumn.Any()) return null;
        //            foreach (var matchingTab in listOfMatchingTabs)
        //            {
        //                if (!matchingTabsForThisColumn.Contains(matchingTab)) listOfMatchingTabs.Remove(matchingTab);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        if (!listOfMatchingTabs.Any()) return null;
        //    }
        //    return listOfMatchingTabs;
        private int WhatColumnTypeIsThis(UploadViewFileColumn uploadedColumn)
            int columnType = (from x in db.IngestionColumnTypes
                where ((x.HeaderName == uploadedColumn.ColumnName)
                       && (x.IngestionColumnDataType == uploadedColumn.DataType))
                select x.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            return columnType;