Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IEnumerator <bool> Init()
            iniSerializer = new INISerializer("DroneControl");
            iniSerializer.AddValue("controllerName", x => x, "Controller");

            if (Me.CustomData == "")
                string temp = Me.CustomData;
                iniSerializer.FirstSerialization(ref temp);
                Me.CustomData = temp;
            yield return(true);

            time = new IngameTime();
            GTS  = new GridTerminalSystemUtils(Me, GridTerminalSystem);
            yield return(true);

            controller = GTS.GetBlockWithNameOnGrid(controllerName) as IMyShipController;
            yield return(true);

            entityTracking = new EntityTracking_Module(GTS, controller, null, EntityTracking_Module.refExpSettings.Turret);
            autoPilot      = new AutoPilot(GTS, controller, time, entityTracking);
            yield return(true);

            comms   = new InterGridComms(IGC, time, Me);
            comms.P = this;
            yield return(true);

            loaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public override bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV)
                if (Goal == null)
                IMyCubeBlock reference = Reference ?? owner.Controller;
                MatrixD      wm        = reference.WorldMatrix;

                Vector3D direction = Goal.CurrentPosition - wm.Translation;
                double   distance  = direction.Normalize();

                //linear velocity
                linearV = direction * MaxLinearSpeed + Goal.Velocity;
                //angular velocity
                double diff = owner.RotateToMatch(direction, Vector3D.Zero,
                                                  ref angularV);

                if (diff < OrientationEpsilon)
                    angularV = Vector3D.Zero;
                return((diff < OrientationEpsilon) && (distance < PositionEpsilon));
Ejemplo n.º 3
            /// <summary>
            /// Queries the strategy on which linear and angular velocities the ship should have.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="owner">AutoPilot instance that queries the strategy.</param>
            /// <param name="linearV">Initial value - current linear velocity. Is set to desired linear velocity.</param>
            /// <param name="angularV">Initial value - current rotation. Is set to desired rotation.</param>
            /// <returns>True if goal is considered achieved.</returns>
            public override bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV)
                if (Goal == null)
                IMyCubeBlock reference = Reference ?? owner.Controller;
                Vector3D     pos       = Goal.CurrentPosition;
                MatrixD      wm        = reference.WorldMatrix;
                Vector3D     direction = pos - wm.Translation;
                double       distance  = direction.Normalize();

                linearV.X = linearV.Y = linearV.Z = 0;
                double diff = owner.RotateToMatch(direction, Vector3D.Zero,
                                                  ref angularV);

                if (diff < OrientationEpsilon)
                    angularV = Vector3D.Zero;
Ejemplo n.º 4
            /// <summary>
            /// Queries the strategy on which linear and angular velocities the ship should have.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="owner">AutoPilot instance that queries the strategy.</param>
            /// <param name="linearV">Initial value - current linear velocity. Is set to desired linear velocity.</param>
            /// <param name="angularV">Initial value - current rotation. Is set to desired rotation.</param>
            /// <returns>True if goal is considered achieved.</returns>
            public override bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV)
                if (Goal == null)
                bool         distanceok    = false;
                bool         orientationok = false;
                IMyCubeBlock reference     = Reference ?? owner.Controller;
                MatrixD      wm            = reference.WorldMatrix;

                Vector3D direction       = Goal.CurrentPosition - wm.Translation;
                double   distance        = direction.Normalize();
                Vector3D facingdirection = direction; //we should face our goal, still.

                if (distance < Goal.TargetDistance)   //Are we too close to the goal?
                {                                     // yep! better back off.
                    direction *= -1;
                    distance   = Goal.TargetDistance - distance;
                else //nah, we aren't there yet - just cut the distance we need to travel.
                    distance -= Goal.TargetDistance;
                if (distance > PositionEpsilon) //Are we too far from our desired position?
                    //rotate the ship to face it
                    double diff = owner.RotateToMatch(facingdirection, Vector3D.Zero,
                                                      ref angularV);
                    if (diff > OrientationEpsilon) //we still need to rotate
                        linearV = Goal.Velocity;   //match velocities with our target, then.
                    else //we are good
                        orientationok = true;
                        //how quickly can we go, assuming we still need to stop at the end?
                        double accel               = owner.GetMaxAccelerationFor(-direction);
                        double braking_time        = Math.Sqrt(2 * distance / accel);
                        double acceptable_velocity = Math.Min(VelocityUsage * accel * braking_time, MaxLinearSpeed);
                        //extra slowdown when close to the target
                        acceptable_velocity = Math.Min(acceptable_velocity, distance);
                        //moving relative to the target
                        linearV  = direction * acceptable_velocity + Goal.Velocity;
                        angularV = Vector3D.Zero;
                else //we are close to our ideal position - attempting to rotate the ship is not a good idea.
                    distanceok    = true;
                    orientationok = true;
                    linearV       = Goal.Velocity;
                    angularV      = Vector3D.Zero;
                return(distanceok && orientationok);
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public override bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV)
                if (Goal == null)
                IMyCubeBlock reference = Reference ?? owner.Controller;
                MatrixD      wm        = reference.WorldMatrix;

                Vector3D currentGoalPos  = Goal.CurrentPosition;
                Vector3D direction       = currentGoalPos - wm.Translation;
                double   distance        = direction.Normalize();
                double   target_distance = distance;
                double   diff;

                if (!Vector3D.IsZero(Approach))
                    Vector3D minusApproach = -Approach;
                    diff = owner.RotateToMatch(Approach, Facing,
                                               ref angularV);
                    PlaneD   alignment  = new PlaneD(wm.Translation, minusApproach);
                    Vector3D alignedPos = alignment.Intersection(ref currentGoalPos, ref minusApproach);
                    Vector3D correction = alignedPos - wm.Translation;
                    if (!Vector3D.IsZero(correction, PositionEpsilon)) //are we on approach vector?
                    {                                                  //no - let's move there
                        direction = correction;
                        distance  = direction.Normalize();
                    //otherwise, we can keep our current direction
                    diff = owner.RotateToMatch(direction, Facing,
                                               ref angularV);
                //rotate the ship to face it
                if (diff > OrientationEpsilon) //we still need to rotate
                    linearV = Goal.Velocity;   //match velocities with our target, then.
                else //we are good
                    //how quickly can we go, assuming we still need to stop at the end?
                    double accel               = owner.GetMaxAccelerationFor(-direction);
                    double braking_time        = Math.Sqrt(2 * distance / accel);
                    double acceptable_velocity = Math.Min(VelocityUsage * accel * braking_time, MaxLinearSpeed);
                    //extra slowdown when close to the target
                    acceptable_velocity = Math.Min(acceptable_velocity, distance);
                    //moving relative to the target
                    linearV  = direction * acceptable_velocity + Goal.Velocity;
                    angularV = Vector3D.Zero;
                return(TryLockIn(distance) || (target_distance < PositionEpsilon));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private bool ScanForObstacles(AutoPilot owner, double distance)
     foreach (IMyCameraBlock cam in Cameras)
         if (cam.EnableRaycast)
             Vector3D scan = cam.GetPosition() + TargetVector * distance;
             cam.Enabled = true;
             if (cam.CanScan(scan))
                 //owner.Log?.Invoke("Scanning via " + cam.CustomName);
                 Obstacle = cam.Raycast(scan);
     //owner.Log?.Invoke("No cameras can scan at this time.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
            /// <summary>
            /// Queries the strategy on which linear and angular velocities the ship should have.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="owner">AutoPilot instance that queries the strategy.</param>
            /// <param name="linearV">Initial value - current linear velocity. Is set to desired linear velocity.</param>
            /// <param name="angularV">Initial value - current rotation. Is set to desired rotation.</param>
            /// <returns>False, since orbiter has no goal to achieve.</returns>
            public override bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV)
                if (Goal == null)
                IMyCubeBlock reference = Reference ?? owner.Controller;
                MatrixD      wm        = reference.WorldMatrix;
                Vector3D     radius    = Goal.CurrentPosition - wm.Translation;
                double       R         = radius.Normalize();
                Vector3D     vel       = Normal.Cross(radius);

                linearV = Goal.Velocity + vel * MaxLinearSpeed + radius * (R - Goal.TargetDistance);
                double diff = owner.RotateToMatch(radius, Normal,
                                                  ref angularV);

            /// <summary>
            /// Queries the strategy on which linear and angular velocities the ship should have.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="owner">AutoPilot instance that queries the strategy.</param>
            /// <param name="linearV">Initial value - current linear velocity. Is set to desired linear velocity.</param>
            /// <param name="angularV">Initial value - current rotation. Is set to desired rotation.</param>
            /// <returns>True if goal is considered achieved.</returns>
            public override bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV)
                if (Goal == null)
                IMyCubeBlock reference = Reference ?? owner.Controller;
                MatrixD      wm        = reference.WorldMatrix;

                Vector3D direction = Goal.CurrentPosition - wm.Translation;
                double   distance  = direction.Normalize();

                if (distance < Goal.TargetDistance)
                    direction *= -1;
                    distance   = Goal.TargetDistance - distance;
                if (distance > PositionEpsilon)
                    //linear velocity
                    double accel               = owner.GetMaxAccelerationFor(-direction);
                    double braking_time        = Math.Sqrt(2 * distance / accel);
                    double acceptable_velocity = Math.Min(VelocityUsage * accel * braking_time, MaxLinearSpeed);
                    acceptable_velocity = Math.Min(acceptable_velocity, distance);//slow down when close
                    Vector3D targetv = direction * acceptable_velocity;
                    linearV = targetv + Goal.Velocity;
                    linearV = Vector3D.Zero;
                angularV = Vector3D.Zero;
                if (distance < PositionEpsilon)
                    owner.Log?.Invoke("Target position reached.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV)
     throw new Exception();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public Program()
     GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyTerminalBlock>(null, (b) =>
         if (b.CubeGrid.EntityId == Me.CubeGrid.EntityId)
             if (b is IMyThrust)
                 Thrusters.Add(b as IMyThrust);
             else if (b is IMyGyro)
                 Gyros.Add(b as IMyGyro);
             else if (b is IMySensorBlock)
                 Sensors.Add(b as IMySensorBlock);
             else if (b is IMyBatteryBlock)
                 Batteries.Add(b as IMyBatteryBlock);
             else if (b is IMyShipController)
                 Controller = b as IMyShipController;
             else if (b is IMyShipConnector)
                 Connector = b as IMyShipConnector;
             else if (b is IMyRadioAntenna)
                 Antenna = b as IMyRadioAntenna;
             else if (b is IMyLandingGear)
                 Clamp = b as IMyLandingGear;
             else if (b is IMyCameraBlock)
                 Cameras.Add(b as IMyCameraBlock);
     if (Controller == null)
         throw new Exception("Controller not found.");
     if (Thrusters.Count == 0)
         throw new Exception("Thrusters not found.");
     if (Gyros.Count == 0)
         throw new Exception("Gyros not found.");
     if (Connector == null)
         throw new Exception("Connector not found.");
     if (Clamp == null)
         throw new Exception("Clamp not found.");
     if (Sensors.Count == 0)
         throw new Exception("Sensors not found.");
     foreach (var cam in Cameras)
         cam.EnableRaycast = true;
     Pilot = new AutoPilot(Controller, Thrusters, Gyros);
         Configure(Storage, true);
         Message("Retriever Drone state restored.");
     catch (Exception)
         Configure(Me.CustomData, false);
         Message("Retriever Drone initialized.");
     Message($"Drone {Me.CubeGrid.CustomName} IGC ID: 0x{IGC.Me:X}");
     logScreen             = Me.GetSurface(0);
     logScreen.ContentType = ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE;
     //Pilot.Log = (s) => logScreen?.WriteText(s, true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
            public override bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV)
                if (CurrentState == State.Destination)
                angularV = Vector3D.Zero;

                IMyCubeBlock reference = Reference ?? owner.Controller;
                MatrixD      wm        = reference.WorldMatrix;

                TargetVector = wm.GetDirectionVector(ReferenceForward);
                BoundingSphereD bs       = reference.CubeGrid.WorldVolume;
                Vector3D        refpoint = bs.Center + TargetVector * (bs.Radius + Distance);

                RaycastChargeSpeed = 0;
                foreach (IMyCameraBlock cam in Cameras)
                    if (cam.IsWorking && (cam.WorldMatrix.Forward.Dot(TargetVector) > Math.Cos(cam.RaycastConeLimit)))
                        RaycastChargeSpeed += 2000.0;
                        cam.Enabled         = true;
                        cam.EnableRaycast   = true;
                if (RaycastChargeSpeed == 0) //we can't scan in that orientation (or at all)!
                    throw new Exception("Can't scan!");

                //owner.Log?.Invoke($"Direction: {TargetVector.X:F1}:{TargetVector.Y:F1}:{TargetVector.Z:F1}");
                double accel = owner.GetMaxAccelerationFor(TargetVector);
                double decel = owner.GetMaxAccelerationFor(-TargetVector);

                //owner.Log?.Invoke($"Accel: {accel:F1}m/s^2");
                //owner.Log?.Invoke($"Decel: {decel:F1}m/s^2");
                if (decel == 0) //we can't decelerate afterwards!
                    throw new Exception("Can't decelerate!");

                double speed = linearV.Length();

                //account for possible acceleration
                speed += accel * owner.elapsedTime;
                //account for obstacle velocity relative to us
                double obstacle_speed = Obstacle.IsEmpty() ? 0.0
                    : Math.Max(0, Obstacle.Velocity.Dot(-TargetVector));

                speed += obstacle_speed;

                //time required to charge the camera enough to scan
                double scan_charge_time = (speed * speed) / (2 * decel * (RaycastChargeSpeed - speed));

                //this is reaction time - how much time will pass before we can re-scan
                scan_charge_time = Math.Max(scan_charge_time, owner.elapsedTime);
                //distance requried to decelerate + distance we will pass in time till the next scan
                double scan_dist = scan_charge_time * RaycastChargeSpeed;

                scan_dist = Math.Max(scan_dist, 100);

                if (ScanForObstacles(owner, scan_dist))
                {   //obstacle detected - we are done
                    linearV = Vector3D.Zero;
                {   //no obstacles detected - fly at top speed
                    linearV = TargetVector * MaxLinearSpeed;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public Program()
            LogScreen = Me.GetSurface(0);
            if (LogScreen != null)
                LogScreen.ContentType = ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE;

            Pilot = new AutoPilot(GridTerminalSystem, Me);
            GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType <IMyTerminalBlock>(null, (b) =>
                if (b.CubeGrid != Me.CubeGrid)
                if (b is IMyCockpit && b.IsFunctional)
                    Cockpit = b as IMyCockpit;
                if ((b is IMyCameraBlock) &&
                    b.IsFunctional &&
                    (Pilot.Controller.WorldMatrix.Forward.Dot(b.WorldMatrix.Forward) > 0.9))
                    Front = b as IMyCameraBlock;
                else if (b.BlockDefinition.TypeIdString == "MyObjectBuilder_ShipConnector" &&
                         b.BlockDefinition.SubtypeName != "ConnectorSmall" &&
                    Connector = b as IMyShipConnector;
                else if (b is IMyBatteryBlock)
                    Batteries.Add(b as IMyBatteryBlock);
                if (b.InventoryCount > 0 &&
                    !(b is IMyConveyorSorter) &&
                    b.BlockDefinition.SubtypeName != "ConnectorSmall")
            if (Cockpit == null)
                throw new Exception("Cockpit not found.");
            if (Connector == null)
                throw new Exception("Connector not found.");
            if (Front == null)
                throw new Exception("Front camera not found.");

            StorageBlocks.Sort((a, b) => ((double)b.GetInventory(0).MaxVolume).CompareTo((double)a.GetInventory(0).MaxVolume));

            Front.EnableRaycast = true;

            Middle = Cockpit.GetSurface(0);
            Left   = Cockpit.GetSurface(1);
            Right  = Cockpit.GetSurface(2);

            Middle.ContentType = ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE;
            Middle.Font        = "Monospace";
            Middle.FontSize    = 1.5f;

            Left.ContentType = ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE;
            Left.Font        = "Debug";
            Left.FontSize    = 2.0f;

            Right.ContentType = ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE;
            Right.Font        = "Debug";
            Right.FontSize    = 2.0f;

            Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Queries the strategy on which linear and angular velocities the ship should have.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="owner">AutoPilot instance that queries the strategy.</param>
 /// <param name="linearV">Initial value - current linear velocity. Set it to desired linear velocity.</param>
 /// <param name="angularV">Initial value - current rotation. Set it to desired rotation.</param>
 /// <returns>True if goal is considered achieved.</returns>
 public abstract bool Update(AutoPilot owner, ref Vector3D linearV, ref Vector3D angularV);