public void LoadValidKml_Successfully_TrueTeturned()
            //  Arrange
            //  Make sure we're getting a new instance initialised properly
            //  so that the ones loaded from files do not get changed.
            var bldr = new StringBuilder(_kmlJune);
            _kml = bldr.ToString();

            //  Set up the method responses from the Mock helper class
            _mockSnhHelper.Setup(h => h.SetNameSpace(It.IsAny<string>()));

            //  Instantiate the SnhDataSource class
            _datasource = new SnhDataSource(_mockSnhHelper.Object);

            //  Act
            var success = _datasource.LoadSource(_kml);

            //  Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(success, "Expected the load to succeed and return TRUE");
        public void LoadInvalidKml_FalseReturned()
            //  Arrange
            var bldr = new StringBuilder(_invalidKml);
            _kml = bldr.ToString();

            //  Set up the method responses from the Mock helper class
            _mockSnhHelper.Setup(h => h.SetNameSpace(It.IsAny<string>()));

            //  Instantiate the SnhDataSource class
            _datasource = new SnhDataSource(_mockSnhHelper.Object);

            //  Act
            var success = _datasource.LoadSource(_kml);

            //  Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(success, "Expected the load to fail and return FALSE");