Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void webTree_NodeBound(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
        // Copy Item Id to node Tag so that Client script can access it
        e.Node.Tag = e.Node.DataKey.ToString();

        // Clean Nodes text (remove common text with parents)
        Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Node n = e.Node;
        Utils.CleanNodeText(ref n);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void treeMenu_NodeClicked(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
     if (e.Node.Tag != null && e.Node.Tag is RptViewEntry)
         this.txtEntryCodeQuery.Text = ((RptViewEntry)e.Node.Tag).EntryCode;
         this.txtEntryCodeQuery.Text = "";
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void webTree_DemandLoad(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
        bool showObsolete;
        bool level1Flag;

        if (bLinkFrom)
            CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyCustom("chkObs").FindControl("chkObsolete");
            showObsolete = cb.Checked;
            showObsolete = true;
        if (Ultrawebtoolbar2.Items.FromKeyCustom("LoadLevel1").Visible)
            CheckBox checkLoad = (CheckBox)Ultrawebtoolbar2.Items.FromKeyCustom("LoadLevel1").FindControl("chkLoad");
            level1Flag = checkLoad.Checked;
            level1Flag = false;

        // Get children
        //ds = Link.GetTreeView(linkTypeId, Convert.ToByte(bLinkFrom), SessionState.Culture.Code, Convert.ToInt64(e.Node.DataKey), itemId, Convert.ToByte(showObsolete), Convert.ToByte(level1Flag));
        //Added by Venkata 07-10-16
        ds = GetTreeView(linkTypeId, Convert.ToByte(bLinkFrom), SessionState.Culture.Code, Convert.ToInt64(e.Node.DataKey), itemId, Convert.ToByte(showObsolete), Convert.ToByte(level1Flag));
        if (ds != null)
            if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                e.Node.DataBind(ds.Tables[0].DefaultView, "Items");

                e.Node.Expanded = true;
                currentNodeId   = String.Format("{0}{1}", webTree.UniqueID.Replace("$", ""), e.Node.GetIdString());

                if (ds != null)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected void treeDocument_NodeSelectionChanged(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
            if (e.Node.Tag != null)
                this.txtDocDirQuery.Text = ((DocumentTreeNode)e.Node.Tag).docDir.Dirserial.ToString();
                DocumentTreeNode parentNode = (DocumentTreeNode)e.Node.Tag;
                string           title      = "";
                title = parentNode.docDir.Dirname;
                while (parentNode.docDir.Pdirserial != 0)
                    parentNode = (DocumentTreeNode)parentNode.Parent;
                    title      = parentNode.docDir.Dirname + "\\" + title;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                    title = this.languageComponent1.GetLanguage("documentRoot").ControlText;
                    title = this.languageComponent1.GetLanguage("documentRoot").ControlText + "\\" + title;
                this.lblDocDirTitle.Text = title;
                this.txtDocDirQuery.Text = "";
            //if (_DocumentFacade == null)
            //    _DocumentFacade = new DocumentFacade(this.DataProvider);
            //if (_DocumentFacade.GetDocDirRight(int.Parse(((DocumentTreeNode)e.Node.Tag).docDir.Dirserial.ToString()), this.GetUserCode(), "CHECK"))
            //    cmdCheck.Disabled = false;
            //    cmdCheck.Disabled = true;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected void treeDocument_NodeSelectionChanged(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
            if (e.Node.Tag != null)
                DocumentTreeNode parentNode = (DocumentTreeNode)e.Node.Tag;
                this.txtDocDirQuery.Text = parentNode.docDir.Dirserial.ToString();

                string title = "";
                title = parentNode.docDir.Dirname;
                while (parentNode.docDir.Pdirserial != 0)
                    parentNode = (DocumentTreeNode)parentNode.Parent;
                    title      = parentNode.docDir.Dirname + "\\" + title;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                    title = this.languageComponent1.GetLanguage("documentRoot").ControlText;
                    title = this.languageComponent1.GetLanguage("documentRoot").ControlText + "\\" + title;
                this.lblDocDirTitle.Text = title;
                this.txtDocDirQuery.Text = "";


                this.drpParentDirCodeEdit.SelectedValue = this.txtDocDirQuery.Text;
                this.drpParentDirCodeEdit.SelectedIndex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void treeMenu_NodeSelectionChanged(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
            if (e.Node.Tag != null)
                this.txtMenuCodeQuery.Text = ((MenuTreeNode)e.Node.Tag).MenuWithUrl.MenuCode;
                this.txtMenuCodeQuery.Text = "";


                this.drpParentMenuCodeEdit.SelectedValue = this.txtMenuCodeQuery.Text;
                this.drpParentMenuCodeEdit.SelectedIndex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected void webTree_NodeBound(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
     //if (e.Node.Level == 3)
     e.Node.Text = "[" + e.Node.DataKey + "] " + e.Node.Text;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    private void webTree_NodeBound(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
        // Flag node if it has childs
            if (e.Node.DataKey != null)
                //Response.Write("<font size=1 face=verdana>Table Count = " + ds.Tables.Count.ToString());
                //Response.Write("<br>DataKey = " + e.Node.DataKey.ToString());
                DataTable dtChildren = e.Node.DataKey.ToString() == "-1" ? ds.Tables[0] : ds.Tables.Count > 1 ? ds.Tables[1] : ds.Tables[0];
                //Response.Write("<br>Rows Count = " + dtChildren.Rows.Count.ToString());

                DataRow dr = dtChildren.Select("ItemId = " + e.Node.DataKey.ToString())[0];
                e.Node.ShowExpand = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ChildCount"]) > 0;

                // if node is project, put in different style
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsProject"]))
                    e.Node.CssClass    = "hc_pnode";
                    e.Node.HoverClass  = "hc_opnode";
                    e.Node.HiliteClass = "hc_spnode";
                e.Node.TargetFrame = e.Node.Text;
                // Copy Item Id to node Tag so that Client script can access it
                e.Node.Tag = e.Node.DataKey.ToString();
                if (e.Node.ShowExpand && e.Node.Nodes.Count == 0)
                    e.Node.Tag += "|needsLoadOnDemand";
                    Node loadNode = e.Node.Nodes.Add("<img src='/hc_v4/img/ed_wait.gif'/>Loading...");
                    loadNode.ImageUrl = "/hc_v4/ig/s_blank.gif";
                    e.Node.Expanded   = false;
                if (e.Node.Parent != null)
                    string tag = e.Node.Parent.Tag.ToString();
                    if (tag.IndexOf("|needsLoadOnDemand") > 0)
                        e.Node.Parent.Tag = tag.Replace("|needsLoadOnDemand", String.Empty);
                        if (e.Node.Parent.Nodes[0].Text.EndsWith("Loading..."))
                // if node has a roll, put image
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["HasRoll"]))
                    e.Node.Text = "<img src='/hc_v4/img/ed_roll.gif'> " + e.Node.Text;
                // if node is country specific
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsCountrySpecific"]))
                    e.Node.Text = "<img src='/hc_v4/img/M.gif'> " + e.Node.Text;
                // Add status for obsolete and future
                string status = dr["Status"].ToString();
                e.Node.ImageUrl = e.Node.SelectedImageUrl = "/hc_v4/ig/s_" + status + ".gif";

                // If level Is Sku level, update Icon
                int levelId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LevelId"]);
                if (levelId == SkuLevel)
                    e.Node.ImageUrl = "/hc_v4/img/type_" + dr["ItemTypeId"].ToString() + ".png";
                    if (e.Node.TargetUrl == "1") // Top Value
                        e.Node.ImageUrl = "/hc_v4/img/type_1.png";
                    e.Node.SelectedImageUrl = e.Node.ImageUrl;
                    switch (status.ToLower())
                    case ("o"):
                        e.Node.Text = "<font color=gray>[O] </font>" + e.Node.Text;

                    case ("f"):
                        e.Node.Text = "<font color=green>[F] </font>" + e.Node.Text;

                    case ("e"):
                        e.Node.Text = "<font color=red>[E] </font>" + e.Node.Text;
                    if (levelId > SkuLevel)
                        e.Node.SelectedImageUrl = e.Node.ImageUrl = "/hc_v4/img/option.png";

                // Item deleted
                if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["PMDeleted"]) > 0)
                    e.Node.Style.CustomRules += "text-decoration:line-through;";

                // Clean Nodes text (remove common text with parents)
                Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Node n = e.Node;
                //// Moueen Code for SMO
                #region COMPANY COLUMN

                if (e.Node.Level == 1)
                    string company        = string.Empty;
                    int    defaultCompany = 0;
                    using (Database dbObj = Utils.GetMainDB())
                        using (SqlDataReader rs = dbObj.RunSPReturnRS("[GetCompanyInfoFromItemId]",
                                                                      new SqlParameter("@ItemId", e.Node.DataKey),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("@AlwaysDefault", defaultCompany)))
                            if ((dbObj.LastError == string.Empty) && (rs.HasRows))
                                company = rs["Company_Info"].ToString();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(company))
                        e.Node.Text = company + "-" + e.Node.Text;
                if ((bool)SessionState.User.GetOptionById((int)OptionsEnum.OPT_SHOW_SHRINKED_NAMES).Value)
                    Trace.Warn("Before Clean = " + n.Text);
                    Utils.CleanNodeText(ref n);
                    Trace.Warn("After Clean = " + n.Text);
        catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    //Added by Venkata end

    protected void webTree_NodeBound(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.WebTreeNodeEventArgs e)
        // Flag node if it has childs
        if (e.Node.DataKey != null)
            //Code added for Links Requirement (PR664195) to show/hide obsolete items by Prachi on 12th Dec 2012
            bool showObsolete;
            if (bLinkFrom)
                CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyCustom("chkObs").FindControl("chkObsolete");
                showObsolete = cb.Checked;
                showObsolete = true;

            //Code added for Links Requirement (PR658940) - to enable the checkbox above the SKU Level by Prachi on 11th Dec 2012
            e.Node.CheckBox = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.CheckBoxes.False;

            Int64 currentItemId = Convert.ToInt64(e.Node.DataKey);

            DataTable dtChildren = e.Node.DataKey.ToString() == "-1" ? ds.Tables[0] : ds.Tables.Count > 1 ? ds.Tables[1] : ds.Tables[0];
            DataRow   dr         = dtChildren.Select("ItemId = " + currentItemId.ToString())[0];

            // Display or not image to expand node
            e.Node.ShowExpand = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["HasChild"]);

            // Update image
            e.Node.ImageUrl = "/hc_v4/ig/s_l.gif";
            Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "scroll", "scroll('" + String.Format("{0}{1}", webTree.UniqueID.Replace("$", ""), e.Node.GetIdString()) + "');", true);

            // Add checkbox
            bool isSkuLevel      = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsSkuLevel"]);
            bool isMainComponent = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsMainComponent"]);
            int  typeId          = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TypeId"]);
            //Code added for Links Requirement (PR664195) to display obsolete icon by Prachi on 12th Dec 2012
            bool isObsolete = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsObsolete"]);
            //Code modified for Links Requirement (PR658940) - to enable the checkbox above the SKU Level by Prachi on 11th Dec 2012 - start
            bool isLinked = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsLinked"]);
            int  levelId  = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LevelId"]);
            int  limit    = configLimit;
            if (Ultrawebtoolbar2.Items.FromKeyCustom("LoadLevel1").Visible)
                CheckBox checkLoad = (CheckBox)Ultrawebtoolbar2.Items.FromKeyCustom("LoadLevel1").FindControl("chkLoad");
                //If retrieved Limit is Product Type and User has not checked the "Load from Product Level" checkbox, then consider the limit as the default value
                if (limit == 1) //For Product Type Level
                    if (!checkLoad.Checked)
                        if (bLinkFrom) //Companion
                            limit = Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationSettings.Parameters["Link_ProductCompanionLimit"].Value);
                        else   //Host
                            limit = Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationSettings.Parameters["Link_ProductHostLimit"].Value);
            if (levelId >= limit)  //Code modified for Links Requirement (PR658940) - to enable the checkbox above the SKU Level by Prachi on 11th Dec 2012 - end
                e.Node.CheckBox = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.CheckBoxes.True;

                //Code added for Links Requirement (PR658940) - to check the nodes if parent node is already checked by Prachi on 9th Jan 2013 - start
                Node parentNode = e.Node.Parent;
                if (parentNode.Checked)
                    e.Node.Checked = true;
                //Code added for Links Requirement (PR658940) - to check the nodes if parent node is already checked by Prachi on 9th Jan 2013 - end

                //Code modified for Links Requirement (PR658940) - to disable the checkbox if the item has already been linked by Prachi on 10th Jan 2013
                if (isLinked)
                    e.Node.Enabled    = false;
                    e.Node.Checked    = true;
                    e.Node.ShowExpand = false;

                // Check if current item is selected item
                if (currentItemId == itemId)
                    e.Node.Enabled = false;
                    e.Node.Checked = false;

                    e.Node.Style.CssClass    = "hc_error";
                    e.Node.Style.Font.Bold   = true;
                    e.Node.Style.Font.Italic = true;
                    e.Node.CheckBox          = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.CheckBoxes.False;

                // If link type is bundle and current SKU is main component
                if (isMainComponent)
                    e.Node.Enabled = false;
                    e.Node.Checked = true;

                    e.Node.Style.CssClass    = "hc_error";
                    e.Node.Style.Font.Bold   = true;
                    e.Node.Style.Font.Italic = true;
                    e.Node.CheckBox          = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.CheckBoxes.False;
                //Code added for Links Requirement (PR664195) - to not allow the user to select obsolete item if selected host/companion is already obsolete by Prachi on 16th Jan 2013
                //If selected item on left hand side is obsolete and current item in treeview is also obsolete
                if (showObsolete)
                    if (isObsolete && isItemObs)
                        e.Node.Enabled    = false;
                        e.Node.Checked    = false;
                        e.Node.ShowExpand = false;

            //Code added for Links Requirement (PR658940) - to enable the checkbox above the SKU Level by Prachi on 11th Dec 2012
            // If level is Sku level, update Icon
            if (isSkuLevel)
                e.Node.ImageUrl   = "/hc_v4/img/type_" + typeId.ToString() + ".png";
                e.Node.ShowExpand = false;

            //Code added for Links Requirement (PR664195) - to display obsolete icon and show/hide obsolete items by Prachi on 12th Dec 2012
            if (isObsolete)
                if (showObsolete)
                    e.Node.ImageUrl = e.Node.SelectedImageUrl = "/hc_v4/ig/s_o.gif";

        // Copy Item Id to node Tag so that Client script can access it
        e.Node.Tag = e.Node.DataKey.ToString();

        // Clean Nodes text (remove common text with parents)
        Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.Node n = e.Node;
        if ((bool)SessionState.User.GetOptionById((int)OptionsEnum.OPT_SHOW_SHRINKED_NAMES).Value)
            Utils.CleanNodeText(ref n);