Ejemplo n.º 1
 public new Xic GetFullProductExtractedIonChromatogram(double mz, Tolerance tolerance, double precursorIonMz)
     var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
     var minMz = mz - tolTh;
     var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
     return GetFullProductExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz, precursorIonMz);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static IList<Peak> FindAllPeaks(List<Peak> peakList, double mz, Tolerance tolerance)
     var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
     var minMz = mz - tolTh;
     var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
     return FindAllPeaks(peakList, minMz, maxMz);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the extracted ion chromatogram of the specified m/z (using only MS1 spectra)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mz">target m/z</param>
 /// <param name="tolerance">tolerance</param>
 /// <returns>XIC as a list of XICPeaks</returns>
 public IList<XicPeak> GetExtractedIonChromatogram(double mz, Tolerance tolerance)
     var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
     var minMz = mz - tolTh;
     var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
     return GetExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the maximum intensity peak within the specified range
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mz">m/z</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">tolerance</param>
        /// <returns>maximum intensity peak</returns>
        public Peak FindPeak(double mz, Tolerance tolerance)
            var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
            var minMz = mz - tolTh;
            var maxMz = mz + tolTh;

            return FindPeak(minMz, maxMz);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public int FindPeakIndex(double mz, Tolerance tolerance)
            var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
            var minMz = mz - tolTh;
            var maxMz = mz + tolTh;

            return(FindPeakIndex(minMz, maxMz));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void FilterNosieByIntensityHistogram()
            var filteredPeaks = new List <Peak>();
            var intensities   = new double[Peaks.Length];
            var tolerance     = new Tolerance(10000);

            var st = 0;
            var ed = 0;

            foreach (var peak in Peaks)
                var mzWindowWidth = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(peak.Mz);
                var intensity     = peak.Intensity;

                var mzStart = peak.Mz - mzWindowWidth;
                var mzEnd   = peak.Mz + mzWindowWidth;

                while (st < Peaks.Length)
                    if (st < Peaks.Length - 1 && Peaks[st].Mz < mzStart)
                while (ed < Peaks.Length)
                    if (ed < Peaks.Length - 1 && Peaks[ed].Mz < mzEnd)

                var abundantIntensityBucket = GetMostAbundantIntensity(st, ed);
                if (abundantIntensityBucket.LowerBound < intensity && intensity < abundantIntensityBucket.UpperBound)

            Peaks = filteredPeaks.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal RankedPeak FindPeak(double mz, Tolerance tolerance)
            var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
            var minMz = mz - tolTh;
            var maxMz = mz + tolTh;

            var index = Array.BinarySearch(Peaks, new RankedPeak((minMz + maxMz) / 2, 0, 0));
            if (index < 0) index = ~index;

            RankedPeak bestPeak = null;
            var bestIntensity = 0.0;

            // go down
            var i = index - 1;
            while (i >= 0 && i < Peaks.Length)
                if (Peaks[i].Mz <= minMz) break;
                if (Peaks[i].Intensity > bestIntensity)
                    bestIntensity = Peaks[i].Intensity;
                    bestPeak = Peaks[i];

            // go up
            i = index;
            while (i >= 0 && i < Peaks.Length)
                if (Peaks[i].Mz >= maxMz) break;
                if (Peaks[i].Intensity > bestIntensity)
                    bestIntensity = Peaks[i].Intensity;
                    bestPeak = Peaks[i];
            return bestPeak;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the extracted ion chromatogram of the specified m/z range (using only MS1 spectra)
 /// Only XicPeaks around the targetScanNum are returned 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mz">target m/z</param>
 /// <param name="tolerance">tolerance</param>
 /// <param name="targetScanNum">target scan number to generate xic</param>
 /// <param name="maxNumConsecutiveScansWithoutPeak">maximum number of consecutive scans with a peak</param>
 /// <returns>XIC around targetScanNum</returns>
 public Xic GetPrecursorExtractedIonChromatogram(double mz, Tolerance tolerance, int targetScanNum, int maxNumConsecutiveScansWithoutPeak = 3)
     var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
     var minMz = mz - tolTh;
     var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
     if (targetScanNum < 0) return GetPrecursorExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz);
     return GetPrecursorExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz, targetScanNum, maxNumConsecutiveScansWithoutPeak);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the extracted ion chromatogram of the specified m/z (using only MS1 spectra)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mz">target m/z</param>
 /// <param name="tolerance">tolerance</param>
 /// <returns>XIC as an Xic object</returns>
 public Xic GetPrecursorExtractedIonChromatogram(double mz, Tolerance tolerance)
     var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
     var minMz = mz - tolTh;
     var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
     return GetPrecursorExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void FindMissingLcMsFeatures()
            var mspfFolder = @"D:\MassSpecFiles\CompRef_Kelleher\Study3";
            var ms1ftFolder = @"D:\MassSpecFiles\CompRef_Kelleher\Study3";

            const int Nfraction1 = 3;
            const int Nfraction2 = 5;

            for (var frac1 = 1; frac1 <= Nfraction1; frac1++)
                for (var frac2 = 1; frac2 <= Nfraction2; frac2++)
                    var datasets = GetDataSetNamesStudy3(frac1, frac2);
                    //var outFilePath = string.Format(@"D:\MassSpecFiles\CompRef_Kelleher\study3_GFrep{0}_Gfrac{1}.tsv", frac1.ToString("D2"), frac2.ToString("D2"));
                    var nDataset = datasets.Count;
                    var prsmReader = new ProteinSpectrumMatchReader();
                    var tolerance = new Tolerance(12);

                    for (var i = 0; i < nDataset; i++)
                        var rawFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.pbf", PbfPath, datasets[i]);
                        var mspFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}_IcTda.tsv", mspfFolder, datasets[i]);
                        var ms1FtFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.ms1ft", ms1ftFolder, datasets[i]);
                        var outPath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.seqtag.ms1ft", ms1ftFolder, datasets[i]);

                        if (File.Exists(outPath)) continue;

                        var run = PbfLcMsRun.GetLcMsRun(rawFile);
                        var features = LcMsFeatureAlignment.LoadProMexResult(i, ms1FtFile, run);
                        var prsmList = prsmReader.LoadIdentificationResult(mspFile, ProteinSpectrumMatch.SearchTool.MsPathFinder);
                        var prsmFeatureMatch = new bool[prsmList.Count];

                        for (var j = 0; j < features.Count; j++)
                            //features[j].ProteinSpectrumMatches = new ProteinSpectrumMatchSet(i);
                            var massTol = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(features[j].Mass);
                            for (var k = 0; k < prsmList.Count; k++)
                                var match = prsmList[k];
                                if (features[j].MinScanNum < match.ScanNum && match.ScanNum < features[j].MaxScanNum && Math.Abs(features[j].Mass - match.Mass) < massTol)
                                    prsmFeatureMatch[k] = true;

                        var missingPrsm = new List<ProteinSpectrumMatch>();
                        for (var k = 0; k < prsmList.Count; k++) if (!prsmFeatureMatch[k]) missingPrsm.Add(prsmList[k]);

                        FeatureFind(missingPrsm, run, outPath);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public Ms1Peak[] GetAllIsotopePeaks(double monoIsotopeMass, int charge, TheoreticalIsotopeEnvelope isotopeList, Tolerance tolerance)
            var observedPeaks = new Ms1Peak[isotopeList.Size];
            var mz            = isotopeList.GetIsotopeMz(charge, 0);

            var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
            var minMz = mz - tolTh;
            var maxMz = mz + tolTh;

            var index = Array.BinarySearch(Peaks, new Ms1Peak(minMz, 0, 0));

            if (index < 0)
                index = ~index;

            var bestPeakIndex = -1;
            var bestIntensity = 0.0;
            // go up
            var i = index;

            while (i >= 0 && i < Peaks.Length)
                if (Peaks[i].Mz >= maxMz)
                if (Peaks[i].Intensity > bestIntensity)
                    bestIntensity    = Peaks[i].Intensity;
                    bestPeakIndex    = i;
                    observedPeaks[0] = (Ms1Peak)Peaks[bestPeakIndex];

            var peakIndex = (bestPeakIndex >= 0) ? bestPeakIndex + 1 : index;

            // go up
            for (var j = 1; j < isotopeList.Size; j++)
                var isotopeMz = isotopeList.GetIsotopeMz(charge, j);
                tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (i = peakIndex; i < Peaks.Length; i++)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz > maxMz)
                        peakIndex = i;
                    if (peakMz >= minMz) // find match, move to prev isotope
                        var peak = Peaks[i];
                        if (observedPeaks[j] == null ||
                            peak.Intensity > observedPeaks[j].Intensity)
                            observedPeaks[j] = (Ms1Peak)peak;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private IList<LcMsPeakCluster> GetLcMs1PeakClusters(int binNumber)
            const int chargeNeighborGap = 4;
            var targetMass = Comparer.GetMzAverage(binNumber);
            BuildFeatureMatrix(targetMass); // should be called first

            var clusters = new List<LcMsPeakCluster>();

            // todo : bottom up dataset??
            if (_rows.Length < 2 || _cols.Length < 1) return clusters;

            var tempEnvelope = new double[_theoreticalEnvelope.Size];
            var tempEnvelope2 = new double[_theoreticalEnvelope.Size];
            var ms1ScanNums = Run.GetMs1ScanVector();
            var ms1ScanNumToIndex = Run.GetMs1ScanNumToIndex();
            var mostAbuInternalIndex = _theoreticalEnvelope.IndexOrderByRanking[0];
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(Comparer.Ppm*0.5);

            foreach (var seed in _seedEnvelopes.OrderBy(s=>s.Key).Select(s=> s.Value))
                var row = seed.Charge - _targetMinCharge;
                var col = ms1ScanNumToIndex[seed.ScanNum];
                if (_featureMatrix[row][col].CheckedOutFlag) continue;

                var mostAbuMz = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetIsotopeMz(seed.Charge, mostAbuInternalIndex);
                var seedLocalWin = Ms1Spectra[col].GetLocalMzWindow(mostAbuMz);
                var poissonPvalue = seedLocalWin.GetPoissonTestPvalue(_featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks, _theoreticalEnvelope.Size);
                var rankSumPvalue = seedLocalWin.GetRankSumTestPvalue(_featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks, _theoreticalEnvelope.Size);

                var goodEnvelope = (rankSumPvalue < 0.01 || poissonPvalue < 0.01);
                if (!goodEnvelope) continue;

                var chargeCheck = CorrectChargeState(seed, Ms1Spectra[col]);
                if (!chargeCheck) continue;
                var seedMass = _featureMatrix[row][col].AccurateMass;
                var massTol = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(seedMass);
                var newCluster = new LcMsPeakCluster(Run, seed);

                Array.Clear(tempEnvelope, 0, tempEnvelope.Length);

                var neighbors = new Queue<ObservedIsotopeEnvelope>();
                neighbors.Enqueue(seed); // pick a seed
                _featureMatrix[row][col].CheckedOutFlag = true;

                var summedBcDist = _featureMatrix[row][col].DivergenceDist;
                var summedCorr = _featureMatrix[row][col].CorrelationCoeff;

                while (neighbors.Count > 0)
                    var cell = neighbors.Dequeue();
                    var charge = cell.Charge;

                    var minRw = (int)Math.Max(charge - _targetMinCharge - chargeNeighborGap, _rows.First());
                    var maxRw = (int)Math.Min(charge - _targetMinCharge + chargeNeighborGap, _rows.Last());
                    var currCol = ms1ScanNumToIndex[cell.ScanNum];

                    for (var k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                        var j = currCol;
                        if (k < 3) j += k;
                        else j -= (k - 2);

                        if (j < _cols.First() || j > _cols.Last()) continue;

                        for (var i = minRw; i <= maxRw; i++)
                            if (_featureMatrix[i][j].CheckedOutFlag) continue;
                            if (!(_featureMatrix[i][j].AccurateMass > 0)) continue;
                            if (Math.Abs(seedMass - _featureMatrix[i][j].AccurateMass) > massTol) continue;
                            Array.Copy(tempEnvelope, tempEnvelope2, tempEnvelope2.Length);

                            var newDivergence = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetBhattacharyyaDistance(tempEnvelope);
                            var newCorrelation = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetPearsonCorrelation(tempEnvelope);
                            if (_featureMatrix[i][j].DivergenceDist < 0.02 ||_featureMatrix[i][j].CorrelationCoeff > 0.7 || newDivergence < summedBcDist || newCorrelation > summedCorr)
                                var envelope = new ObservedIsotopeEnvelope(_featureMatrix[i][j].AccurateMass,
                                    i + _targetMinCharge, ms1ScanNums[j], _featureMatrix[i][j].EnvelopePeaks,

                                _featureMatrix[i][j].CheckedOutFlag = true;

                                summedBcDist = newDivergence;
                                summedCorr = newCorrelation;
                                Array.Copy(tempEnvelope2, tempEnvelope, tempEnvelope.Length);

                LcMsPeakCluster refinedCluster = null;
                if (summedCorr > 0.5 || summedBcDist < 0.15)
                    // re-update check-out map
                    SetCheckOutFlag(newCluster.MinCharge - _targetMinCharge, newCluster.MaxCharge - _targetMinCharge, ms1ScanNumToIndex[newCluster.MinScanNum], ms1ScanNumToIndex[newCluster.MaxScanNum], false);
                    refinedCluster = GetLcMsPeakCluster(newCluster.RepresentativeMass, newCluster.RepresentativeCharge, newCluster.MinScanNum, newCluster.MaxScanNum, true);

                if (refinedCluster != null && (_scorer == null || (_scorer != null && refinedCluster.GoodEnougth && refinedCluster.Score >= _scorer.ScoreThreshold)))
                    SetCheckOutFlag(_rows.First(), _rows.Last(), ms1ScanNumToIndex[refinedCluster.MinScanNum], ms1ScanNumToIndex[refinedCluster.MaxScanNum], true);
                    SetCheckOutFlag(newCluster.MinCharge - _targetMinCharge, newCluster.MaxCharge - _targetMinCharge, ms1ScanNumToIndex[newCluster.MinScanNum], ms1ScanNumToIndex[newCluster.MaxScanNum], true);
            return clusters;            
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private bool CorrectChargeState(ObservedIsotopeEnvelope envelope, Ms1Spectrum spectrum)
            if (envelope.Charge > 20) return true; //high charge (> +20), just pass

            var peaks = spectrum.Peaks;
            var peakStartIndex = envelope.MinMzPeak.IndexInSpectrum;
            var peakEndIndex = envelope.MaxMzPeak.IndexInSpectrum;
            var intensityThreshold = envelope.HighestIntensity * 0.15;
            var nPeaks = 0;
            for (var i = peakStartIndex; i <= peakEndIndex; i++)
                if (peaks[i].Intensity > intensityThreshold) nPeaks++;

            if (envelope.NumberOfPeaks > nPeaks * 0.7) return true;

            //var tolerance = new Tolerance(5);
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(Comparer.Ppm * 0.5);
            var threshold = nPeaks * 0.5;
            var threshold2 = envelope.NumberOfPeaks + (envelope.TheoreticalEnvelope.Size - 1) * 0.7;

            var mzTol = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(peaks[peakStartIndex].Mz);

            var minCheckCharge = Math.Max(envelope.Charge * 2 - 1, 4);
            var maxCheckCharge = Math.Min(envelope.Charge * 5 + 1, 60);
            var maxDeltaMz = Constants.C13MinusC12 / minCheckCharge + mzTol;
            var nChargeGaps = new int[maxCheckCharge - minCheckCharge + 1];
            for (var i = peakStartIndex; i <= peakEndIndex; i++)
                if (!(peaks[i].Intensity > intensityThreshold)) continue;
                for (var j = i + 1; j <= peakEndIndex; j++)
                    if (!(peaks[j].Intensity > intensityThreshold)) continue;
                    var deltaMz = peaks[j].Mz - peaks[i].Mz;

                    if (deltaMz > maxDeltaMz) break;

                    if (Math.Abs(deltaMz - mzTol) < float.Epsilon)
                        // Peaks are too close together; continue 

                    for (var c = Math.Round(1 / (deltaMz + mzTol)); c <= Math.Round(1 / (deltaMz - mzTol)); c++)
                        if (c < minCheckCharge)

                        if (c > maxCheckCharge)

                        var k = (int)c - minCheckCharge;

                        if (nChargeGaps[k] + 1 > threshold && nChargeGaps[k] + 1 > threshold2) return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void FilterNosieByLocalWindow(double signalToNoiseRatio = 1.4826, int windowPpm = 10000)
            var filteredPeaks = new List<Peak>();
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(windowPpm);
            var st = 0;
            var ed = 0;

            var prevSt = 0;
            var prevEd = 0;

            var intensityValues = new SortedSet<double>();

            foreach (var peak in Peaks)
                var mzWindowWidth = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(peak.Mz);
                var mzStart = peak.Mz - mzWindowWidth;
                var mzEnd = peak.Mz + mzWindowWidth;

                while (st < Peaks.Length)
                    if (st < Peaks.Length - 1 && Peaks[st].Mz < mzStart) st++;
                    else break;
                while (ed < Peaks.Length)
                    if (ed < Peaks.Length - 1 && Peaks[ed].Mz < mzEnd) ed++;
                    else break;

                if (ed - st + 1 < 2)

                if (intensityValues.Count < 1)
                    for (var i = st; i <= ed; i++) intensityValues.Add(Peaks[i].Intensity);
                    if (prevEd >= st)
                        for (var i = prevSt; i < ed; i++) intensityValues.Remove(Peaks[i].Intensity);
                        for (var i = prevEd+1; i <= ed; i++) intensityValues.Add(Peaks[i].Intensity);
                        for (var i = prevSt; i <= prevEd; i++) intensityValues.Remove(Peaks[i].Intensity);
                var intensityMedian = intensityValues.Median();
                if (peak.Intensity > intensityMedian*signalToNoiseRatio) filteredPeaks.Add(peak);

                prevSt = st;
                prevEd = ed;
            Peaks = filteredPeaks.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public Peak[] GetAllIsotopePeaks(double monoIsotopeMass, int charge, IsotopomerEnvelope envelope, Tolerance tolerance, double relativeIntensityThreshold)
            var mostAbundantIsotopeIndex = envelope.MostAbundantIsotopeIndex;
            var isotopomerEnvelope = envelope.Envolope;
            var mostAbundantIsotopeMz = Ion.GetIsotopeMz(monoIsotopeMass, charge, mostAbundantIsotopeIndex);
            var mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex = FindPeakIndex(mostAbundantIsotopeMz, tolerance);
            if (mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex < 0) return null;

            var observedPeaks = new Peak[isotopomerEnvelope.Length];
            observedPeaks[mostAbundantIsotopeIndex] = Peaks[mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex];

            // go down
            var peakIndex = mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex - 1;
            for (var isotopeIndex = mostAbundantIsotopeIndex - 1; isotopeIndex >= 0; isotopeIndex--)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold) break;
                var isotopeMz = Ion.GetIsotopeMz(monoIsotopeMass, charge, isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex; i >= 0; i--)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz < minMz)
                        peakIndex = i;
                    if (peakMz <= maxMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        var peak = Peaks[i];
                        if (observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] == null ||
                            peak.Intensity > observedPeaks[isotopeIndex].Intensity)
                            observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] = peak;

            // go up
            peakIndex = mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex + 1;
            for (var isotopeIndex = mostAbundantIsotopeIndex + 1; isotopeIndex < isotopomerEnvelope.Length; isotopeIndex++)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold) break;
                var isotopeMz = Ion.GetIsotopeMz(monoIsotopeMass, charge, isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex; i < Peaks.Length; i++)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz > maxMz)
                        peakIndex = i;
                    if (peakMz >= minMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        var peak = Peaks[i];
                        if (observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] == null ||
                            peak.Intensity > observedPeaks[isotopeIndex].Intensity)
                            observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] = peak;
            return observedPeaks;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether this spectrum contains all isotope peaks whose relative intensity is equal or larter than the threshold
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ion">ion</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">tolerance</param>
        /// <param name="relativeIntensityThreshold">relative intensity threshold of the theoretical isotope profile</param>
        /// <returns>true if spectrum contains all ions; false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool ContainsIon(Ion ion, Tolerance tolerance, double relativeIntensityThreshold)
            var baseIsotopeIndex = ion.Composition.GetMostAbundantIsotopeZeroBasedIndex();
            var isotopomerEnvelope = ion.Composition.GetIsotopomerEnvelopeRelativeIntensities();
            var baseIsotopMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(baseIsotopeIndex);
            var baseIsotopePeakIndex = FindPeakIndex(baseIsotopMz, tolerance);
            if (baseIsotopePeakIndex < 0) return false;

            // go down
            var peakIndex = baseIsotopePeakIndex;
            for (var isotopeIndex = baseIsotopeIndex - 1; isotopeIndex >= 0; isotopeIndex--)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold) break;
                var isotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz < minMz) return false;
                    if (peakMz <= maxMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        peakIndex = i;

            // go up
            peakIndex = baseIsotopePeakIndex;
            for (var isotopeIndex = baseIsotopeIndex + 1; isotopeIndex < isotopomerEnvelope.Length; isotopeIndex++)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold) break;
                var isotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex + 1; i < Peaks.Length; i++)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz > maxMz) return false;
                    if (peakMz >= minMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        peakIndex = i;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void TestGeneratingProductManyXics()
            var methodName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;

            const string rawFilePath = TestRawFilePath;
            if (!File.Exists(rawFilePath))
                Assert.Ignore(@"Skipping test {0} since file not found: {1}", methodName, rawFilePath);

            var run = InMemoryLcMsRun.GetLcMsRun(rawFilePath);
            //var run2 = new DiaLcMsRun(new OldPbfReader(Path.ChangeExtension(rawFilePath, ".pbf")), 0.0, 0.0);

            var tolerance = new Tolerance(10);

            var mzArr = new double[100000];
            var precursorMzArr = new double[mzArr.Length];
            var rnd = new Random();
            for (var i = 0; i < mzArr.Length; i++)
                mzArr[i] = rnd.NextDouble()*1450.0 + 50.0;
                precursorMzArr[i] = rnd.NextDouble()*(810.0-390.0) + 390.0;

            var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            //double sec;

            // method 1
            for (var i = 0; i < mzArr.Length; i++)
                var mz = mzArr[i];
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
                var minMz = mz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
                var xic1 = run.GetFullProductExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz, precursorMzArr[i]);
                //var xic2 = run.GetFullProductExtractedIonChromatogram2(minMz, maxMz, precursorMzArr[i]);

            Console.WriteLine(@"Method 1: {0:f4} sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            for (var i = 0; i < mzArr.Length; i++)
                var mz = mzArr[i];
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
                var minMz = mz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
                run.GetFullProductExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz, precursorMzArr[i]);

            Console.WriteLine(@"Method 2: {0:f4} sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void FilterNosieByLocalWindow(double signalToNoiseRatio = 1.4826, int windowPpm = 10000)
            var filteredPeaks = new List <Peak>();
            var tolerance     = new Tolerance(windowPpm);
            var st            = 0;
            var ed            = 0;

            var prevSt = 0;
            var prevEd = 0;

            var intensityValues = new SortedSet <double>();

            foreach (var peak in Peaks)
                var mzWindowWidth = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(peak.Mz);
                var mzStart       = peak.Mz - mzWindowWidth;
                var mzEnd         = peak.Mz + mzWindowWidth;

                while (st < Peaks.Length)
                    if (st < Peaks.Length - 1 && Peaks[st].Mz < mzStart)
                while (ed < Peaks.Length)
                    if (ed < Peaks.Length - 1 && Peaks[ed].Mz < mzEnd)

                if (ed - st + 1 < 2)

                if (intensityValues.Count < 1)
                    for (var i = st; i <= ed; i++)
                    if (prevEd >= st)
                        for (var i = prevSt; i < ed; i++)
                        for (var i = prevEd + 1; i <= ed; i++)
                        for (var i = prevSt; i <= prevEd; i++)

                var intensityMedian = intensityValues.Median();
                if (peak.Intensity > intensityMedian * signalToNoiseRatio)

                prevSt = st;
                prevEd = ed;
            Peaks = filteredPeaks.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void TestGeneratingProductXics()
            var methodName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;

            if (!File.Exists(TestRawFilePath))
                Assert.Ignore(@"Skipping test {0} since file not found: {1}", methodName, TestRawFilePath);

            var run = InMemoryLcMsRun.GetLcMsRun(TestRawFilePath);

//            const string rafFilePath = @"C:\cygwin\home\kims336\Data\QCShewQE\QC_Shew_13_04_A_17Feb14_Samwise_13-07-28.raf";
            const string rafFilePath = @"H:\Research\Jarret\10mz\raw\Q_2014_0523_50_10_fmol_uL_10mz.raf";
            if (!File.Exists(rafFilePath))
                Assert.Ignore(@"Skipping raf portion of test {0} since file not found: {1}", methodName, rafFilePath);

            var rafRun = new PbfLcMsRun(rafFilePath);

            var tolerance = new Tolerance(10);

            var mzArr = new double[100000];
            var precursorMzArr = new double[mzArr.Length];
            var rnd = new Random();
            for (var i = 0; i < mzArr.Length; i++)
                mzArr[i] = rnd.NextDouble() * 1450.0 + 50.0;
                precursorMzArr[i] = rnd.NextDouble() * (810.0 - 390.0) + 390.0;

            var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            //double sec;

            // method 1
            for (var i = 0; i < mzArr.Length; i++)
                var mz = mzArr[i];
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
                var minMz = mz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
                var xic1 = run.GetFullProductExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz, precursorMzArr[i]);
                //var xic2 = rafRun.GetFullProductExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz, precursorMzArr[i]);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Method 1: {0:f4} sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            for (var i = 0; i < mzArr.Length; i++)
                var mz = mzArr[i];
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
                var minMz = mz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
                rafRun.GetFullProductExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz, precursorMzArr[i]);
            Console.WriteLine(@"Method 2: {0:f4} sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void ExtractLcMsFeaturesForTrainingSet()
            var methodName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;

            const string idFileFolder = @"D:\MassSpecFiles\training\FilteredIdResult";
            if (!Directory.Exists(idFileFolder))
                Assert.Ignore(@"Skipping test {0} since folder not found: {1}", methodName, idFileFolder);
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(10);
            var tolerance2 = new Tolerance(20);
            var id = 1;
            for(var d = 0; d < TrainSetFileLists.Length; d++)
                var dataset = TrainSetFileLists[d];
                var dataname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dataset);
                var filtedIdResultFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.trainset.tsv", idFileFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dataset));
                var featureResult = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.ms1ft", idFileFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dataset));

                if (!File.Exists(dataset))
                    Console.WriteLine(@"Warning: Skipping since file not found: {0}", dataset);
                if (!File.Exists(filtedIdResultFile))
                    Console.WriteLine(@"Warning: Skipping since file not found: {0}", filtedIdResultFile);

                var run = PbfLcMsRun.GetLcMsRun(dataset);
                var targetStatWriter = new StreamWriter(string.Format(@"D:\MassSpecFiles\training\statistics\{0}.tsv", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dataset)));
                var decoyStatWriter = new StreamWriter(string.Format(@"D:\MassSpecFiles\training\statistics\{0}_decoy.tsv", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dataset)));
                var writer = new StreamWriter(featureResult);

                var tsvParser = new TsvFileParser(filtedIdResultFile);

                var featureFinder = new LcMsPeakMatrix(run);
                for (var i = 0; i < tsvParser.NumData; i++)
                    var minScan = int.Parse(tsvParser.GetData("MinScan")[i]);
                    var maxScan = int.Parse(tsvParser.GetData("MaxScan")[i]);
                    var minCharge = int.Parse(tsvParser.GetData("MinCharge")[i]);
                    var maxCharge = int.Parse(tsvParser.GetData("MaxCharge")[i]);
                    var mass = double.Parse(tsvParser.GetData("Mass")[i]);


                    var binNum = featureFinder.Comparer.GetBinNumber(mass);

                    var binMass = featureFinder.Comparer.GetMzAverage(binNum);

                    var binNumList = (mass < binMass) ? new int[] { binNum, binNum - 1, binNum + 1 } : new int[] { binNum, binNum + 1, binNum - 1 };
                    LcMsPeakCluster refinedFeature = null;

                    foreach (var bi in binNumList)
                        var tempList = new List<LcMsPeakCluster>();
                        var features = featureFinder.FindFeatures(bi);
                        var massTh = (mass < 2000) ? tolerance2.GetToleranceAsTh(mass) : tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mass);
                        foreach (var feature in features)
                            if (Math.Abs(mass - feature.Mass) < massTh) tempList.Add(feature);

                        //var nHits = 0;
                        var highestAbu = 0d;
                        //var scans = Enumerable.Range(minScan, maxScan - minScan + 1);
                        foreach (var feature in tempList)
                            //var scans2 = Enumerable.Range(feature.MinScanNum, feature.MaxScanNum - feature.MinScanNum + 1);
                            //var hitScans = scans.Intersect(scans2).Count();
                            if (feature.MinScanNum < 0.5*(minScan + maxScan) &&
                                0.5*(minScan + maxScan) < feature.MaxScanNum)
                                if (feature.Abundance > highestAbu)
                                    refinedFeature = feature;
                                    highestAbu = feature.Abundance;
                            /*if (hitScans > 0)
                                refinedFeature = feature;
                                nHits = hitScans;

                        if (refinedFeature != null) break;

                    if (refinedFeature != null)
                        writer.Write(refinedFeature.MaxElutionTime - refinedFeature.MinElutionTime);

                        var good = (refinedFeature.MinScanNum <= minScan && refinedFeature.MaxScanNum >= maxScan);
                        writer.Write(good ? 1 : 0);
                        //writer.Write(0); writer.Write("\t");
                        //writer.Write(0); writer.Write("\n");

                        OutputEnvelopPeakStat(id, refinedFeature, targetStatWriter);

                        var chargeRange = featureFinder.GetDetectableMinMaxCharge(refinedFeature.RepresentativeMass, run.MinMs1Mz, run.MaxMs1Mz);
                        refinedFeature.UpdateWithDecoyScore(featureFinder.Ms1Spectra, chargeRange.Item1, chargeRange.Item2);
                        OutputEnvelopPeakStat(id, refinedFeature, decoyStatWriter);

                    //var feature = featureFinder.FindLcMsPeakCluster(mass, (int) scan, (int) charge);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private double[] GetSummedEnvelopeAtCharge(double targetMass, int row, int minCol, int maxCol)
            const int maxScanSkips = 2;
            const double goodEnoughBcDistance = 0.07;
            const double goodEnoughCorrCoeff = 0.7;
            var summedEnvelope = new double[_theoreticalEnvelope.Size];
            var seedCol = -1;
            var seedDist = 10.0d;
            var newMinCol = minCol;
            var newMaxCol = maxCol;
            //var tolerance = new Tolerance(5);
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(Comparer.Ppm * 0.5);
            var massTol = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(targetMass);

            for (var j = minCol; j <= maxCol; j++)
                if (!_featureMatrix[row][j].Exist) continue;
                if (_featureMatrix[row][j].CheckedOutFlag) continue;
                if (Math.Abs(targetMass - _featureMatrix[row][j].AccurateMass) > massTol) continue;
                var bcDist = _featureMatrix[row][j].DivergenceDist;
                if (bcDist > seedDist) continue;

                //var signalToNoiseRatio = _featureMatrix[row][j].HighestIntensity / Ms1Spectra[j].MedianIntensity;
                //if (signalToNoiseRatio < 3) continue;
                seedCol = j;
                seedDist = bcDist;

            var summedBcDist = 1.0d;
            var summedCorr = 0d;

            _corrProfileAcrossCharge[row] = 0d;
            _distProfileAcrossCharge[row] = 1.0d;

            if (seedCol < 0) return summedEnvelope;

            // going forward
            var tempEnvelope = new double[_theoreticalEnvelope.Size];
            var n = 0;
            for(var col = seedCol; col < NColumns; col++)
                if (_featureMatrix[row][col].CheckedOutFlag) break;

                if (n >= maxScanSkips)
                    newMaxCol = col;

                if (!_featureMatrix[row][col].Exist)

                var tempBcDist = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetBhattacharyyaDistance(tempEnvelope);
                var tempCorr = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetPearsonCorrelation(tempEnvelope);

                if (tempBcDist < summedBcDist || tempCorr > summedCorr || _featureMatrix[row][col].DivergenceDist < goodEnoughBcDistance || _featureMatrix[row][col].CorrelationCoeff > goodEnoughCorrCoeff)
                    summedBcDist = tempBcDist;
                    summedCorr = tempCorr;
                    Array.Copy(tempEnvelope, summedEnvelope, tempEnvelope.Length);
                    n = 0;
                    Array.Copy(summedEnvelope, tempEnvelope, tempEnvelope.Length);

            // going backward
            summedBcDist = 10.0d;
            summedCorr = 0d;
            Array.Clear(tempEnvelope, 0, tempEnvelope.Length);
            Array.Clear(summedEnvelope, 0, summedEnvelope.Length);
            n = 0;
            for (var col = seedCol; col >= 0; col--)
                if (_featureMatrix[row][col].CheckedOutFlag) break;

                if (n >= maxScanSkips)
                    newMinCol = col;

                if (!_featureMatrix[row][col].Exist)

                var tempBcDist = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetBhattacharyyaDistance(tempEnvelope);
                var tempCorr = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetPearsonCorrelation(tempEnvelope);

                if (tempBcDist < summedBcDist || tempCorr > summedCorr || _featureMatrix[row][col].DivergenceDist < goodEnoughBcDistance || _featureMatrix[row][col].CorrelationCoeff > goodEnoughCorrCoeff)
                    summedBcDist = tempBcDist;
                    summedCorr = tempCorr;
                    Array.Copy(tempEnvelope, summedEnvelope, tempEnvelope.Length);
                    n = 0;
                    Array.Copy(summedEnvelope, tempEnvelope, tempEnvelope.Length);

            // construct summed envelope, given newMinCol and newMaxCol
            summedBcDist = 10.0d;
            summedCorr = 0d;
            Array.Clear(tempEnvelope, 0, tempEnvelope.Length);
            Array.Copy(tempEnvelope, summedEnvelope, summedEnvelope.Length);
            var colShift = 0;
            var hitMinCol = false;
            var hitMaxCol = false;
            while (true)
                if (hitMinCol && hitMaxCol) break;
                if (n > 3) break;

                for (var colDir = 0; colDir < 2; colDir++)
                    var col = (colDir == 0) ? seedCol + colShift : seedCol - colShift;

                    if (col < newMinCol)
                        hitMinCol = true;
                    if (col > newMaxCol)
                        hitMaxCol = true;

                    if (!_featureMatrix[row][col].Exist) continue;

                    var tempBcDist = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetBhattacharyyaDistance(tempEnvelope);
                    var tempCorr = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetPearsonCorrelation(tempEnvelope);

                    if (tempBcDist < summedBcDist || tempCorr > summedCorr)
                        summedBcDist = tempBcDist;
                        summedCorr = tempCorr;
                        Array.Copy(tempEnvelope, summedEnvelope, tempEnvelope.Length);
                        Array.Copy(summedEnvelope, tempEnvelope, tempEnvelope.Length);
            _corrProfileAcrossCharge[row] = summedCorr;
            _distProfileAcrossCharge[row] = summedBcDist;

            _summedEnvelopeColRange[row, 0] = newMinCol;
            _summedEnvelopeColRange[row, 1] = newMaxCol;
            return summedEnvelope;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void FilterNosieByIntensityHistogram()
            var filteredPeaks = new List<Peak>();
            var intensities = new double[Peaks.Length];
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(10000);

            var st = 0;
            var ed = 0;

            foreach (var peak in Peaks)
                var mzWindowWidth = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(peak.Mz);
                var intensity = peak.Intensity;

                var mzStart = peak.Mz - mzWindowWidth;
                var mzEnd = peak.Mz + mzWindowWidth;

                while (st < Peaks.Length)
                    if (st < Peaks.Length - 1 && Peaks[st].Mz < mzStart) st++;
                    else break;
                while (ed < Peaks.Length)
                    if (ed < Peaks.Length - 1 && Peaks[ed].Mz < mzEnd) ed++;
                    else break;

                var abundantIntensityBucket = GetMostAbundantIntensity(st, ed);
                if (abundantIntensityBucket.LowerBound < intensity && intensity < abundantIntensityBucket.UpperBound)

            Peaks = filteredPeaks.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 23
        //public const double SNRthreshold = 1.4826;
        private void BuildFeatureMatrix(double targetMass)

            var observedRows        = new BitArray(NRows);
            var observedCols        = new BitArray(NColumns);
            var mostAbuInternalIdx = _theoreticalEnvelope.IndexOrderByRanking[0];
            var totalElutionLength = Run.GetElutionTime(Run.MaxLcScan);
            var elutionSamplingHalfLen = Math.Max(Math.Min(totalElutionLength * 0.003, 5.0), 0.5);
            var neighborHalfColumns = (int) Math.Max((elutionSamplingHalfLen/totalElutionLength)*NColumns, 5);

            var targetMassBinNum = Comparer.GetBinNumber(targetMass);
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(Comparer.Ppm*0.5);

            var minMs1Mz = _ms1PeakList.First().Mz;
            var maxMs1Mz = _ms1PeakList.Last().Mz;
            var nPeaksCutoff = NumberOfPeaksCutoff;
            var bcSeedCutoff = GetSeedBcDistThreshold();
            var corrSeedCutoff = GetSeedCorrThreshold();
            var ms1ScanNums = Run.GetMs1ScanVector();
            var ms1ScanNumToIndex = Run.GetMs1ScanNumToIndex();
            var options = new ParallelOptions();
            if (_maxThreadCount > 0) options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _maxThreadCount;

            Parallel.ForEach(_rows, options, row =>
                var charge = row + _targetMinCharge;

                for (var col = 0; col < NColumns; col++) _featureMatrix[row][col].Init();
                for (var k = 0; k < _theoreticalEnvelope.Size; k++)
                    var i = _theoreticalEnvelope.IndexOrderByRanking[k];
                    var isotopeIndex = _theoreticalEnvelope.Isotopes[i].Index;
                    var isotopeMzLb = (k == 0) ? Ion.GetIsotopeMz(Comparer.GetMzStart(targetMassBinNum), charge, isotopeIndex) : Ion.GetIsotopeMz(Comparer.GetMzAverage(targetMassBinNum - 1), charge, isotopeIndex);
                    var isotopeMzUb = (k == 0) ? Ion.GetIsotopeMz(Comparer.GetMzEnd(targetMassBinNum), charge, isotopeIndex) : Ion.GetIsotopeMz(Comparer.GetMzAverage(targetMassBinNum + 1), charge, isotopeIndex);

                    if (isotopeMzLb < minMs1Mz || isotopeMzUb > maxMs1Mz) continue;
                    var st = _ms1PeakList.BinarySearch(new Ms1Peak(isotopeMzLb, 0, 0));

                    if (st < 0) st = ~st;

                    for (var j = st; j < _ms1PeakList.Count; j++)
                        var ms1Peak         = _ms1PeakList[j];
                        if (ms1Peak.Mz > isotopeMzUb) break;
                        var col = ms1Peak.Ms1SpecIndex;

                        if (k == 0) // most abundant peak
                            if (_featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i] == null || ms1Peak.Intensity > _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i].Intensity)
                                _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i] = ms1Peak;
                                _featureMatrix[row][col].AccurateMass = Ion.GetMonoIsotopicMass(ms1Peak.Mz, charge, isotopeIndex);
                            if (!(_featureMatrix[row][col].AccurateMass > 0)) continue;
                            var expectedPeakMz = Ion.GetIsotopeMz(_featureMatrix[row][col].AccurateMass, charge, isotopeIndex);
                            if (Math.Abs(expectedPeakMz - ms1Peak.Mz) > tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(ms1Peak.Mz)) continue;
                            // in case of existing isotope peaks, select peaks maximizing envelope similairty
                            if (_featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i] != null)
                                if (_featureMatrix[row][col].CountActivePeaks == 1)
                                    if (ms1Peak.Intensity > _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i].Intensity) _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i] = ms1Peak;
                                    var tmpPeak = _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i];
                                    var bc1 = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetBhattacharyyaDistance(_featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks);
                                    _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i] = ms1Peak;
                                    var bc2 = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetBhattacharyyaDistance(_featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks);
                                    if (bc1 < bc2) _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i] = tmpPeak;                                    
                                _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[i] = ms1Peak;

                    if (k == 0)
                        // for cells missing most abundant peaks
                        for (var col = 0; col < NColumns; col++)
                            if (_featureMatrix[row][col].Exist) continue;
                            var highestIntensity = 0d;
                            var inferredAccurateMass = 0d;
                            // find the most intense abundant peak from neighboring cells
                            for (var j = Math.Max(col - neighborHalfColumns, 0); j <= Math.Min(col + neighborHalfColumns, NColumns - 1); j++)
                                var mostAbuPeak = _featureMatrix[row][j].EnvelopePeaks[mostAbuInternalIdx];
                                if (mostAbuPeak != null && mostAbuPeak.Intensity > highestIntensity)
                                    highestIntensity = mostAbuPeak.Intensity;
                                    inferredAccurateMass = _featureMatrix[row][j].AccurateMass;
                            _featureMatrix[row][col].AccurateMass = inferredAccurateMass;


                for (var col = 0; col < NColumns; col++)
                    if (!(_featureMatrix[row][col].Exist)) continue;
                    if (_featureMatrix[row][col].CountActivePeaks >= nPeaksCutoff)
                        var corr = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetPearsonCorrelation(_featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks);
                        var bcDist = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetBhattacharyyaDistance(_featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks);
                        _featureMatrix[row][col].CorrelationCoeff = corr;
                        _featureMatrix[row][col].DivergenceDist = bcDist;

                        if (!observedRows[row]) observedRows[row] = true;
                        if (!observedCols[col]) observedCols[col] = true;
                        // collect seed envelopes
                        var mostAbuPeak = _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks[mostAbuInternalIdx];
                        if (mostAbuPeak != null && (bcDist < bcSeedCutoff || corr < corrSeedCutoff))
                            var signalToNoiseRatio = mostAbuPeak.Intensity / Ms1Spectra[col].MedianIntensity;
                            if (signalToNoiseRatio > 3)
                                var seed = new ObservedIsotopeEnvelope(_featureMatrix[row][col].AccurateMass, row + _targetMinCharge, ms1ScanNums[col], _featureMatrix[row][col].EnvelopePeaks, _theoreticalEnvelope);

                                lock (_seedEnvelopes)
                                    _seedEnvelopes.Add(new KeyValuePair<double, ObservedIsotopeEnvelope>(bcDist, seed));
                        _featureMatrix[row][col].AccurateMass = 0d;
            }// end or row for-loop

            var temp = new List<int>();
            for (var i = 0; i < observedRows.Length; i++) if (observedRows[i]) temp.Add(i);
            _rows = temp.ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < observedCols.Length; i++) if (observedCols[i]) temp.Add(i);
            _cols = temp.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private bool FindIon(Ion ion, Tolerance tolerance, double relativeIntensityThreshold, out int baseIsotopePeakIndex, out int nIsotopes, out int nMatchedIsotopes)
            //matchedPeakIndex = new List<int>();
            var baseIsotopeIndex = ion.Composition.GetMostAbundantIsotopeZeroBasedIndex();
            var isotopomerEnvelope = ion.Composition.GetIsotopomerEnvelopeRelativeIntensities();
            var baseIsotopMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(baseIsotopeIndex);
            baseIsotopePeakIndex = _ms2Spec.FindPeakIndex(baseIsotopMz, tolerance);

            nIsotopes = isotopomerEnvelope.Select(x => x >= relativeIntensityThreshold).Count();
            nMatchedIsotopes = 0;

            if (baseIsotopePeakIndex < 0) return false;
            //if (baseIsotopePeakIndex < 0) baseIsotopePeakIndex = ~baseIsotopePeakIndex;

            // go down
            var peakIndex = baseIsotopePeakIndex;
            for (var isotopeIndex = baseIsotopeIndex - 1; isotopeIndex >= 0; isotopeIndex--)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold) break;

                var isotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var peakMz = _ms2Spec.Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz < minMz)
                        //peakIndex = i;
                        return false;
                    if (peakMz <= maxMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        peakIndex = i;

            // go up
            peakIndex = baseIsotopePeakIndex;
            for (var isotopeIndex = baseIsotopeIndex + 1; isotopeIndex < isotopomerEnvelope.Length; isotopeIndex++)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold) break;

                var isotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex + 1; i < _ms2Spec.Peaks.Length; i++)
                    var peakMz = _ms2Spec.Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz > maxMz)
                        //peakIndex = i;
                        return false;
                    if (peakMz >= minMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        peakIndex = i;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private LcMsPeakCluster CollectLcMsPeaks(double targetMass, int minRow, int maxRow, int minCol, int maxCol, bool reCollectAllPeaks = false)
            var ms1ScanNums = Run.GetMs1ScanVector();
            var envelopes = new List<ObservedIsotopeEnvelope>();
            var bestBcDist = 100d;
            ObservedIsotopeEnvelope bestEnvelope = null;
            var mostAbuInternalIndex = _theoreticalEnvelope.IndexOrderByRanking[0];
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(Comparer.Ppm * 0.5);
            var massTol = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(targetMass);
            var nPeaksCutoff = NumberOfPeaksCutoff;

            var bcCutoff = GetSeedBcDistThreshold();
            var corrCutoff = GetSeedCorrThreshold();
            for (var i = minRow; i <= maxRow; i++)
                for (var j = minCol; j <= maxCol; j++)
                    if (reCollectAllPeaks) _featureMatrix[i][j].Init();

                    if (reCollectAllPeaks || !_featureMatrix[i][j].Exist || Math.Abs(_featureMatrix[i][j].AccurateMass - targetMass) > massTol)
                        var peaks = Ms1Spectra[j].GetAllIsotopePeaks(targetMass, i + _targetMinCharge, _theoreticalEnvelope, tolerance);

                        if (peaks.Count(p => p != null) > 0)
                            _featureMatrix[i][j].DivergenceDist = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetBhattacharyyaDistance(peaks); ;
                            _featureMatrix[i][j].AccurateMass = targetMass;
                            _featureMatrix[i][j].CorrelationCoeff = _theoreticalEnvelope.GetPearsonCorrelation(peaks); ;
                            Array.Copy(peaks, _featureMatrix[i][j].EnvelopePeaks, peaks.Length);    

                    if (!_featureMatrix[i][j].Exist) continue;
                    if (_featureMatrix[i][j].CountActivePeaks < nPeaksCutoff) continue;
                    if (_featureMatrix[i][j].DivergenceDist > bcCutoff && _featureMatrix[i][j].CorrelationCoeff < corrCutoff) continue; // exclude outliers
                    var envelope = new ObservedIsotopeEnvelope(_featureMatrix[i][j].AccurateMass, i + _targetMinCharge, ms1ScanNums[j], _featureMatrix[i][j].EnvelopePeaks, _theoreticalEnvelope);

                    if (_featureMatrix[i][j].EnvelopePeaks[mostAbuInternalIndex] != null && _featureMatrix[i][j].DivergenceDist < bestBcDist)
                        bestBcDist = _featureMatrix[i][j].DivergenceDist;
                        bestEnvelope = envelope;

            if (bestEnvelope == null) return null;

            var cluster = new LcMsPeakCluster(Run, bestEnvelope);
            cluster.AddEnvelopes(minRow + _targetMinCharge, maxRow + _targetMinCharge, ms1ScanNums[minCol], ms1ScanNums[maxCol], envelopes);
            return cluster;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public Peak[] GetAllIsotopePeaks(double monoIsotopeMass, int charge, IsotopomerEnvelope envelope, Tolerance tolerance, double relativeIntensityThreshold)
            var mostAbundantIsotopeIndex     = envelope.MostAbundantIsotopeIndex;
            var isotopomerEnvelope           = envelope.Envolope;
            var mostAbundantIsotopeMz        = Ion.GetIsotopeMz(monoIsotopeMass, charge, mostAbundantIsotopeIndex);
            var mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex = FindPeakIndex(mostAbundantIsotopeMz, tolerance);

            if (mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex < 0)

            var observedPeaks = new Peak[isotopomerEnvelope.Length];

            observedPeaks[mostAbundantIsotopeIndex] = Peaks[mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex];

            // go down
            var peakIndex = mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex - 1;

            for (var isotopeIndex = mostAbundantIsotopeIndex - 1; isotopeIndex >= 0; isotopeIndex--)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold)
                var isotopeMz = Ion.GetIsotopeMz(monoIsotopeMass, charge, isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh     = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz     = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz     = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex; i >= 0; i--)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz < minMz)
                        peakIndex = i;
                    if (peakMz <= maxMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        var peak = Peaks[i];
                        if (observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] == null ||
                            peak.Intensity > observedPeaks[isotopeIndex].Intensity)
                            observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] = peak;

            // go up
            peakIndex = mostAbundantIsotopePeakIndex + 1;
            for (var isotopeIndex = mostAbundantIsotopeIndex + 1; isotopeIndex < isotopomerEnvelope.Length; isotopeIndex++)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold)
                var isotopeMz = Ion.GetIsotopeMz(monoIsotopeMass, charge, isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh     = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz     = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz     = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex; i < Peaks.Length; i++)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz > maxMz)
                        peakIndex = i;
                    if (peakMz >= minMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        var peak = Peaks[i];
                        if (observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] == null ||
                            peak.Intensity > observedPeaks[isotopeIndex].Intensity)
                            observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] = peak;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void TestFeatureAlignment()
            const string outFilePath = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Jungkap\Lewy\aligned\promex_crosstab_temp.tsv";
            var prsmReader = new ProteinSpectrumMatchReader();
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(10);
            var alignment = new LcMsFeatureAlignment(new AnalysisCompRef.CompRefFeatureComparer(tolerance));

            for (var i = 0; i < NdataSet; i++)
                var rawFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.pbf", PbfPath, GetDataSetNames(i));
                var mspFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}_IcTda.tsv", MsPfFolder, GetDataSetNames(i));
                var mspFile2 = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}_IcTda.tsv", MsPfFolder2, GetDataSetNames(i));
                var ms1FtFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.ms1ft", Ms1FtFolder, GetDataSetNames(i));
                var run = PbfLcMsRun.GetLcMsRun(rawFile);
                var prsmList1 = prsmReader.LoadIdentificationResult(mspFile, ProteinSpectrumMatch.SearchTool.MsPathFinder);
                var prsmList2 = prsmReader.LoadIdentificationResult(mspFile2, ProteinSpectrumMatch.SearchTool.MsPathFinder);
                var prsmList = MergePrsm(prsmList1);
                var features = LcMsFeatureAlignment.LoadProMexResult(i, ms1FtFile, run);

                for (var j = 0; j < prsmList.Count; j++)
                    var match = prsmList[j];
                    match.ProteinId = match.ProteinName;

                // tag features by PrSMs
                for (var j = 0; j < features.Count; j++)
                    //features[j].ProteinSpectrumMatches = new ProteinSpectrumMatchSet(i);
                    var massTol = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(features[j].Mass);
                    foreach (var match in prsmList)
                        if (features[j].MinScanNum < match.ScanNum && match.ScanNum < features[j].MaxScanNum && Math.Abs(features[j].Mass - match.Mass) < massTol)

                alignment.AddDataSet(i, features, run);


            Console.WriteLine("{0} alignments ", alignment.CountAlignedFeatures);
            for (var i = 0; i < NdataSet; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} has been processed", GetDataSetNames(i));
            OutputCrossTabWithId(outFilePath, alignment);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether this spectrum contains all isotope peaks whose relative intensity is equal or larter than the threshold
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ion">ion</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">tolerance</param>
        /// <param name="relativeIntensityThreshold">relative intensity threshold of the theoretical isotope profile</param>
        /// <returns>true if spectrum contains all ions; false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool ContainsIon(Ion ion, Tolerance tolerance, double relativeIntensityThreshold)
            var baseIsotopeIndex     = ion.Composition.GetMostAbundantIsotopeZeroBasedIndex();
            var isotopomerEnvelope   = ion.Composition.GetIsotopomerEnvelopeRelativeIntensities();
            var baseIsotopMz         = ion.GetIsotopeMz(baseIsotopeIndex);
            var baseIsotopePeakIndex = FindPeakIndex(baseIsotopMz, tolerance);

            if (baseIsotopePeakIndex < 0)

            // go down
            var peakIndex = baseIsotopePeakIndex;

            for (var isotopeIndex = baseIsotopeIndex - 1; isotopeIndex >= 0; isotopeIndex--)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold)
                var isotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh     = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz     = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz     = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz < minMz)
                    if (peakMz <= maxMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        peakIndex = i;

            // go up
            peakIndex = baseIsotopePeakIndex;
            for (var isotopeIndex = baseIsotopeIndex + 1; isotopeIndex < isotopomerEnvelope.Length; isotopeIndex++)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold)
                var isotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh     = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz     = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz     = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex + 1; i < Peaks.Length; i++)
                    var peakMz = Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz > maxMz)
                    if (peakMz >= minMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        peakIndex = i;

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public Peak[] GetAllIsotopePeaks(Spectrum spec, Ion ion, Tolerance tolerance, double relativeIntensityThreshold, out int[] peakIndexList)
            var mostAbundantIsotopeIndex = ion.Composition.GetMostAbundantIsotopeZeroBasedIndex();
            var isotopomerEnvelope = ion.Composition.GetIsotopomerEnvelopeRelativeIntensities();

            peakIndexList = new int[isotopomerEnvelope.Length];

            var mostAbundantIsotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(mostAbundantIsotopeIndex);
            var mostAbundantIsotopeMatchedPeakIndex = spec.FindPeakIndex(mostAbundantIsotopeMz, tolerance);
            if (mostAbundantIsotopeMatchedPeakIndex < 0) return null;

            var observedPeaks = new Peak[isotopomerEnvelope.Length];
            observedPeaks[mostAbundantIsotopeIndex] = spec.Peaks[mostAbundantIsotopeMatchedPeakIndex];
            peakIndexList[mostAbundantIsotopeIndex] = mostAbundantIsotopeMatchedPeakIndex;

            // go down
            var peakIndex = mostAbundantIsotopeMatchedPeakIndex - 1;
            for (var isotopeIndex = mostAbundantIsotopeIndex - 1; isotopeIndex >= 0; isotopeIndex--)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold) break;
                var isotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex; i >= 0; i--)
                    var peakMz = spec.Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz < minMz)
                        peakIndex = i;
                    if (peakMz <= maxMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        var peak = spec.Peaks[i];
                        if (observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] == null ||
                            peak.Intensity > observedPeaks[isotopeIndex].Intensity)
                            observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] = peak;
                            peakIndexList[isotopeIndex] = i;

            // go up
            peakIndex = mostAbundantIsotopeMatchedPeakIndex + 1;
            for (var isotopeIndex = mostAbundantIsotopeIndex + 1; isotopeIndex < isotopomerEnvelope.Length; isotopeIndex++)
                if (isotopomerEnvelope[isotopeIndex] < relativeIntensityThreshold) break;
                var isotopeMz = ion.GetIsotopeMz(isotopeIndex);
                var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(isotopeMz);
                var minMz = isotopeMz - tolTh;
                var maxMz = isotopeMz + tolTh;
                for (var i = peakIndex; i < spec.Peaks.Length; i++)
                    var peakMz = spec.Peaks[i].Mz;
                    if (peakMz > maxMz)
                        peakIndex = i;
                    if (peakMz >= minMz)    // find match, move to prev isotope
                        var peak = spec.Peaks[i];
                        if (observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] == null ||
                            peak.Intensity > observedPeaks[isotopeIndex].Intensity)
                            observedPeaks[isotopeIndex] = peak;
                            peakIndexList[isotopeIndex] = i;

            return observedPeaks;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the extracted ion chromatogram of the specified m/z range (using only MS2 spectra)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mz">target m/z</param>
 /// <param name="tolerance">tolerance</param>
 /// <param name="precursorIonMz">precursor m/z of the precursor ion</param>
 /// <param name="minScanNum">minimum scan number (inclusive)</param>
 /// <param name="maxScanNum">maximum scan number (inclusive)</param>
 /// <returns>XIC as an Xic object</returns>
 public Xic GetProductExtractedIonChromatogram(double mz, Tolerance tolerance, double precursorIonMz, int minScanNum, int maxScanNum)
     var tolTh = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(mz);
     var minMz = mz - tolTh;
     var maxMz = mz + tolTh;
     return GetProductExtractedIonChromatogram(minMz, maxMz, precursorIonMz, minScanNum, maxScanNum);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public void AlignFeatures(List<string> datasets, string mspfFolder, string ms1ftFolder, string outFilePath)
            var nDataset = datasets.Count;
            var prsmReader = new ProteinSpectrumMatchReader();
            var tolerance = new Tolerance(12);
            var alignment = new LcMsFeatureAlignment(new AnalysisCompRef.CompRefFeatureComparer(tolerance));
            for (var i = 0; i < nDataset; i++)
                var rawFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.pbf", PbfPath, datasets[i]);
                var mspFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}_IcTda.tsv", mspfFolder, datasets[i]);
                var ms1FtFile = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.ms1ft", ms1ftFolder, datasets[i]);
                var ms1FtFile2 = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.seqtag.ms1ft", ms1ftFolder, datasets[i]);

                var run = PbfLcMsRun.GetLcMsRun(rawFile);
                var features = LcMsFeatureAlignment.LoadProMexResult(i, ms1FtFile, run);
                var features2 = LcMsFeatureAlignment.LoadProMexResult(i, ms1FtFile2, run);

                if (File.Exists(mspFile))
                    var prsmList = prsmReader.LoadIdentificationResult(mspFile, ProteinSpectrumMatch.SearchTool.MsPathFinder);
                    //var prsmFeatureMatch = new bool[prsmList.Count];

                    for (var j = 0; j < prsmList.Count; j++)
                        var match = prsmList[j];
                        match.ProteinId = match.ProteinName;

                    // tag features by PrSMs
                    for (var j = 0; j < features.Count; j++)
                        //features[j].ProteinSpectrumMatches = new ProteinSpectrumMatchSet(i);
                        var massTol = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(features[j].Mass);
                        for(var k = 0; k < prsmList.Count; k++)
                            var match = prsmList[k];
                            if (features[j].MinScanNum < match.ScanNum && match.ScanNum < features[j].MaxScanNum && Math.Abs(features[j].Mass - match.Mass) < massTol)
                                //prsmFeatureMatch[k] = true;

                alignment.AddDataSet(i, features, run);


            Console.WriteLine("{0} alignments ", alignment.CountAlignedFeatures);

            for (var i = 0; i < nDataset; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} has been processed", datasets[i]);

            AnalysisCompRef.OutputCrossTabWithId(outFilePath, alignment, datasets.ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public bool CheckChargeState(ObservedIsotopeEnvelope envelope)
            var checkCharge = envelope.Charge;
            if (checkCharge > 20) return true; //high charge (> +20), just pass

            var peakStartIndex = envelope.MinMzPeak.IndexInSpectrum;
            var peakEndIndex = envelope.MaxMzPeak.IndexInSpectrum;
            var nPeaks = peakEndIndex - peakStartIndex + 1;

            if (nPeaks < 10) return false;
            if (envelope.NumberOfPeaks > nPeaks * 0.7) return true;

            var tolerance = new Tolerance(5);
            var threshold = nPeaks * 0.5;
            var mzTol = tolerance.GetToleranceAsTh(Spectrum.Peaks[peakStartIndex].Mz);

            var minCheckCharge = Math.Max(checkCharge * 2 - 1, 4);
            var maxCheckCharge = Math.Min(checkCharge * 5 + 1, 60);
            var maxDeltaMz = Constants.C13MinusC12 / minCheckCharge + mzTol;
            var nChargeGaps = new int[maxCheckCharge - minCheckCharge + 1];

            for (var i = peakStartIndex; i <= peakEndIndex; i++)
                for (var j = i + 1; j <= peakEndIndex; j++)
                    var deltaMz = Spectrum.Peaks[j].Mz - Spectrum.Peaks[i].Mz;

                    if (deltaMz > maxDeltaMz) break;
                    for (var c = Math.Round(1 / (deltaMz + mzTol)); c <= Math.Round(1 / (deltaMz - mzTol)); c++)
                        if (c < minCheckCharge || c > maxCheckCharge) continue;
                        var k = (int)c - minCheckCharge;

                        if (nChargeGaps[k] + 1 > threshold && nChargeGaps[k] + 1 > 1.25 * envelope.NumberOfPeaks) return false;

            return true;