Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new image to the montage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NewIm">New image to be integrated</param>
        /// <param name="IsForceInconsistencies">if set to TRUE then we'll try to force the image integration within the montage even if there are some inconsistencies with the last image (resolution, number of channels)</param>
        public bool Add(cImage NewIm, bool IsForceInconsistencies)
            if (ListImage == null)
                ListImage = new List<cImage>();

            if ((ListImage[ListImage.Count - 1].GetNumChannels() != NewIm.GetNumChannels()) && (!IsForceInconsistencies))
                return false;
                if (this.NumberOfChannels < NewIm.GetNumChannels())
                    this.NumberOfChannels = NewIm.GetNumChannels();


            if (((ListImage[ListImage.Count - 1].Resolution.X != NewIm.Resolution.X) && (!IsForceInconsistencies)) ||
                ((ListImage[ListImage.Count - 1].Resolution.Y != NewIm.Resolution.Y) && (!IsForceInconsistencies)) ||
                ((ListImage[ListImage.Count - 1].Resolution.Z != NewIm.Resolution.Z) && (!IsForceInconsistencies)))
                return false;
                this.Resolution.X = NewIm.Resolution.X;
                this.Resolution.Y = NewIm.Resolution.Y;
                this.Resolution.Z = NewIm.Resolution.Z;


            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void AnalyseSequence(cImage SeqToAnalyse)
            //    //FormForThumbnails WindThumbnail = new FormForThumbnails();

            //    //for (int k = 0; k < ListFormForControl.Count; k++)
            //    //{
            //    //        FormForControl Obj = ListFormForControl.ElementAt(ListFormForControl.Count - k-1);
            //    //        Obj.DisplayThumbnail(WindThumbnail);
            //    //}
            //    //WindThumbnail.Show();

            //    //return;

            #region initialization

            if (SeqToAnalyse == null) return;

            // create World
            if (Current3DWorld == null)
                Current3DWorld = new c3DNewWorld(new cPoint3D(SeqToAnalyse.Width, SeqToAnalyse.Height, SeqToAnalyse.Depth),
                                                 new cPoint3D(SeqToAnalyse.Resolution));
            //     //   Current3DWorld.ren1.
              //  Current3DWorld.Terminate();
                Current3DWorld = null;
                 Current3DWorld = new c3DNewWorld(new cPoint3D(SeqToAnalyse.Width, SeqToAnalyse.Height, SeqToAnalyse.Depth),
                                                         new cPoint3D(SeqToAnalyse.Resolution));


            for (int k = 0; k < ListFormForControl.Count; k++)
                FormForControl Obj = ListFormForControl.ElementAt(ListFormForControl.Count - k-1);
                if (Obj.numericUpDownChannel.Value >= SeqToAnalyse.GetNumChannels())
                    MessageBox.Show("Wrong number of channels", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //   // Current3DWorld.ListObjControl = ListFormForControl;
            //    //   dataGridViewForClassif.DataSource = CurrentTable;
            //    if (DataGrid == null)
            //    {
            //        DataGrid = new FormForDataGridView();
            //        DataGrid.Show();
            //    }
            //    Current3DWorld.SetLinkToDataGridView(DataGrid.dataGridViewForResults);

            Current3DWorld.ListMetaObjectList = new List<cMetaBiologicalObjectList>();
            cMetaBiologicalObjectList ListMetacells = new cMetaBiologicalObjectList("List Meta Objects");

            #region Detection
            for (int k = 0; k < ListFormForControl.Count; k++)
                FormForControl Obj = ListFormForControl.ElementAt(ListFormForControl.Count - k -1);

                if (Obj.radioButtonIsVolume.Checked)    // we have to detect a volume !
                    cVolumeDetection Detection = new cVolumeDetection(SeqToAnalyse, (int)Obj.numericUpDownChannel.Value, Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.checkBoxIsBorderKill.Checked);
                    Detection.SetShift(new cPoint3D((float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftX.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftY.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftZ.Value));

                    if ((Obj.checkBoxPreProcessings.Checked == false) || (Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.checkBoxMedianIsDisabled.Checked))
                        Detection.SetShift(new cPoint3D(0, 0, 0));
                        Detection.SetShift(new cPoint3D((float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftX.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftY.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftZ.Value));

                    if (Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.checkBoxVolumeSmooth.Checked)
                        Detection.MeshSmoother = new cMeshSmoother((int)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownSmoothIterations.Value);

                    if ((Obj.comboBoxContainer.SelectedItem !=null) && (Obj.comboBoxContainer.SelectedItem.ToString() != ""))
                        if (Obj.InOrOut.radioButtonIn.Checked) Detection.SetContainersMode(0);
                        else Detection.SetContainersMode(1);

                    if (Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.checkBoxIsRegionGrowing.Checked == false)  // no region growing direct detection
                        Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList = Detection.IntensityThreshold((float)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownIntensityThreshold.Value,
                   else // region growing
                        if (Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.radioButtonRegionsBased.Checked) // start from a segmentation
                            if (Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.radioButtonVolumeDetectionNew.Checked) // a new segmentation has to be performed
            //                        // Image3D CurrentPatch = new Image3D(2 * Radius, 2 * Radius, 1, CurrentImageToProcess.NumBands);
                                cImage CurrentBinary = new cImage(SeqToAnalyse.Width, SeqToAnalyse.Height, SeqToAnalyse.Depth, 1);

                                for (int i = 0; i < CurrentBinary.ImageSize; i++)
                                    if (SeqToAnalyse.SingleChannelImage[(int)Obj.numericUpDownChannel.Value].Data[i] >= (float)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownIntensityThreshold.Value)
                                        CurrentBinary.SingleChannelImage[0].Data[i] = 1;

                                eConnectivity CurrentConnectivity = eConnectivity.TWOD_4;
                                if (CurrentBinary.Depth > 1)
                                    CurrentConnectivity = eConnectivity.THREED_6;

                                ConnectedComponentSet OFNucleus = new ConnectedComponentSet(CurrentBinary, null, null, 0, CurrentConnectivity, (int)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownRegionBasedMinArea.Value, (int)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownRegionBasedMaxArea.Value);
            //                      //  RegionGrowing = new cRegionGrowing(OFNucleus, NewSeq[0], (int)numericUpDownChannelForRegionGrowing.Value, (float)numericUpDownIntensityForRegionGrowing.Value, (int)numericUpDownMaxNucleusArea.Value);
                                int NumIterations = -1;
                                if (Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.checkBoxIsConvergence.Checked == false) NumIterations = (int)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownIterationNumber.Value;

                                float MergingRatio = (float)((Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.trackBarMergingStrength.Maximum - Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.trackBarMergingStrength.Value) / 100.0);
                                Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList = Detection.RegionGrowing(OFNucleus,
                                                                                            (float)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownVolumeMaxVol.Value, NumIterations, MergingRatio);

            //                    else
            //                    {
            //                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Not implemented", "Error");
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                else // start from seeds points
            //                {

            //                        // first gather the seeds
            //                        if (Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.comboBoxExistingSpotsDetected.Items.Count == 0) break;
            //                       List<cBiological3DObject> ListSeeds = Current3DWorld.GetListBiologicalObjectsOfType(Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.comboBoxExistingSpotsDetected.Items[0].ToString());

            //                       int NumIterations = -1;
            //                       if (Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.checkBoxIsConvergence.Checked == false) NumIterations = (int)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownIterationNumber.Value;

            //                       float MergingRatio = (float)((Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.trackBarMergingStrength.Maximum - Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.trackBarMergingStrength.Value) / 100.0);
            //                       Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList = Detection.RegionGrowing(ListSeeds,
            //                                                                                   (float)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownIntensityForRegionGrowing.Value,
            //                                                                                   (float)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownVolumeMinVol.Value,
            //                                                                                   (float)Obj.WindowForVolumeDetection.numericUpDownVolumeMaxVol.Value, NumIterations, MergingRatio);
                    if (Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList != null)
                        Obj.richTextBoxInfo.AppendText(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList.Count + " objects detected.");

                        for (int i = 0; i < Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList.Count; i++)
                            cBiological3DVolume TmpVol = (cBiological3DVolume)Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i];
            //                    TmpVol.ThumbnailnewImage = imageListForThumbnail.Images[Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i].GetType() + ".jpg"];
                            Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i].Name = Obj.textBoxName.Text + " " + i;
              //                  Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i].IsMaster = Obj.IsMasterObject();
            //                    List<double> Res = TmpVol.Information.GetInformation();

                            if (Obj.checkBoxIsDisplayName.Checked)
                                cGeometric3DObject AssociatedText = TmpVol.AttachText(TmpVol.Name, 10, Color.White);
                                AssociatedText.IsStayInFrontOfCamera = true;

                                //                        TmpVol.AddText(TmpVol.Name, Current3DWorld, (double)Obj.ForText.numericUpDownArrowScale.Value, Obj.ForText.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor);

                            if (Obj.checkIsBoxPointingArrow.Checked)
                                cGeometric3DObject AssociatedArrow = TmpVol.AttachPointingArrow((double)Obj.ForArrow.numericUpDownArrowScale.Value,




                            // if the object it the Master then create a meta-object and put it inside
                            if (Obj.IsMasterObject())
                                cMetaBiologicalObject Cell = new cMetaBiologicalObject(Obj.WindowForMaster.textBoxName.Text + i, Current3DWorld.ListMetaObjectList[0], Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i]);
            //                        // Cell.AddObject(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i]);

                        if (Obj.radioButtonColorSingle.Checked)
                            Current3DWorld.AddBiological3DObjects(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList, Obj.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor, eColorMode.Regular);
                        else if (Obj.radioButtonColorRandom.Checked)
                            Current3DWorld.AddBiological3DObjects(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList, Obj.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor, eColorMode.Random);
                        else if (Obj.radioButtonColorIndexed.Checked)
                            Current3DWorld.AddBiological3DObjects(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList, Obj.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor, eColorMode.Indexed);

                else if (Obj.RadioButtonIsSpot.Checked)
                    cSpotDetection Detection = new cSpotDetection(SeqToAnalyse, (int)Obj.numericUpDownChannel.Value);

                    if ((Obj.checkBoxPreProcessings.Checked == false) || (Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.checkBoxMedianIsDisabled.Checked))
                        Detection.SetShift(new cPoint3D(0, 0, 0));
                        Detection.SetShift(new cPoint3D((float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftX.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftY.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftZ.Value));

                    if ((Obj.comboBoxContainer.Items.Count > 0) && (Obj.comboBoxContainer.SelectedItem != null))
                        if (Obj.InOrOut.radioButtonIn.Checked) Detection.SetContainersMode(0);
                        else Detection.SetContainersMode(1);

                    Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList = Detection.HessianDetection((float)Obj.WindowForSpotDetection.numericUpDownSpotRadius.Value,

                    Obj.richTextBoxInfo.AppendText(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList.Count + " objects detected.");
                    for (int i = 0; i < Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList.Count; i++)
                        cBiologicalSpot TmpSpot = (cBiologicalSpot)Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i];
                        TmpSpot.Name = Obj.textBoxName.Text + " " + i;
            //                TmpSpot.ThumbnailnewImage = imageListForThumbnail.Images[Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i].GetType() + ".jpg"];

            //                if (Obj.checkBoxIsDisplayName.Checked)
            //                    TmpSpot.AddText(TmpSpot.Name, Current3DWorld, (double)Obj.ForText.numericUpDownArrowScale.Value, Obj.ForText.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor);

                            if (Obj.checkIsBoxPointingArrow.Checked)
                                cGeometric3DObject AssociatedArrow = TmpSpot.AttachPointingArrow((double)Obj.ForArrow.numericUpDownArrowScale.Value, Obj.ForArrow.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor);

            //                TmpSpot.SetOpacity((double)Obj.ColorOpacity.numericUpDownValue.Value);

            //                // if the object it the Master then create a meta-object and put it inside
                        if (Obj.IsMasterObject())
                            cMetaBiologicalObject Cell = new cMetaBiologicalObject("Cell " + i, Current3DWorld.ListMetaObjectList[0], Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i]);
            //                 //   Cell.AddObject(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList[i]);

            //                /*cMetaBiologicalObject Cell = */
            //                //Current3DWorld.ListMetaObjectList[0].AssociateWith(Current3DWorld.ListMetaObjectList[0].FindTheClosestVolumeFrom(TmpSpot.GetCentroid(), 20), TmpSpot);

            //            if (Obj.radioButtonColorSingle.Checked)
            //                Current3DWorld.AddBiological3DObjects(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList, Obj.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor, eColorMode.Regular);
            //            else if (Obj.radioButtonColorRandom.Checked)
            //                Current3DWorld.AddBiological3DObjects(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList, Obj.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor, eColorMode.Random);
            //            else if (Obj.radioButtonColorIndexed.Checked)
            //                Current3DWorld.AddBiological3DObjects(Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList, Obj.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor, eColorMode.Indexed);

                else if (Obj.radioButtonIsVolumeRendering.Checked)
                    Current3DWorld.AddVolume3D(new cVolumeRendering3D(this.AssociatedImage.SingleChannelImage[(int)Obj.numericUpDownChannel.Value],
                                               new cPoint3D((float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftX.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftY.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftZ.Value),
                                               null, Current3DWorld));

                  //  cVolume3D Volume = new cVolume3D(SeqToAnalyse, (int)Obj.numericUpDownChannel.Value, new cPoint3D((float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftX.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftY.Value, (float)Obj.WindowForPreProcessing.numericUpDownShiftZ.Value));
                  //  Current3DWorld.AddVolume3D(Volume, Color.Black, Obj.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor);

            //        Thread oThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Obj.DisplayDone));


            #region Objects Association
            cMetaBiologicalObjectList MetaCellList = Current3DWorld.ListMetaObjectList[0];

            // let's associate the objects
            for (int k = 0; k < ListFormForControl.Count; k++)
                FormForControl Obj = ListFormForControl.ElementAt(ListFormForControl.Count - k -1);

                // that's a volume rendering ... no connection
                if (Obj.radioButtonIsVolumeRendering.Checked) continue;

                // the object is the master
                if (Obj.IsMasterObject()) continue;

                // this object has not connections ... is not associated to the master
                if (Obj.comboBoxLinkToTheMaster.SelectedIndex == 0) continue;

                cPoint3D ClosestPt = new cPoint3D(0, 0, 0);

                foreach (cBiological3DVolume CurrentSubObj in Obj.AssociatedBiologicalObjectList)
                    cBiological3DVolume ObjectToIdentify = null;
                    switch (Obj.comboBoxLinkToTheMaster.SelectedIndex)
                        case 1:         // association by distance to the master centroid
                            ObjectToIdentify = MetaCellList.FindTheClosestVolumeCentroidFrom(CurrentSubObj.GetCentroid(), (double)Obj.WindowDistanceToMaster.numericUpDownDistanceMaxToMaster.Value);
                        case 2:
            //                    //cBiological3DVolume CurrentVolume
                            ObjectToIdentify = MetaCellList.FindTheClosestVolumeFrom(CurrentSubObj, (double)Obj.WindowDistanceToMaster.numericUpDownDistanceMaxToMaster.Value, out ClosestPt);

                    if (ObjectToIdentify == null) continue;
                    cMetaBiologicalObject Cell = MetaCellList.AssociateWith(ObjectToIdentify, CurrentSubObj);

            //            // --------------  draw information and links between the objects ---------------------
                    if (Obj.WindowDistanceToMaster.checkBoxDrawLinkToMasterCenter.Checked)
                        c3DLine CurrLine = new c3DLine(CurrentSubObj.GetCentroid(), ObjectToIdentify.GetCentroid());

                        //if (Obj.WindowDistanceToMaster.checkBoxDisplayBranchToCenterDistance.Checked)
                        //    CurrLine.DisplayLenght(Current3DWorld, 0.4);

            //            // --------------  draw information and links between the objects ---------------------
                    if (Obj.WindowDistanceToMaster.checkBoxDrawLinkToMasterEdges.Checked)
                        c3DLine CurrLine1 = new c3DLine(CurrentSubObj.GetCentroid(), ClosestPt);


                        //    CurrLine1.DisplayLenght(Current3DWorld, 0.4);

            #region Post Processings
            for (int k = 0; k < ListFormForControl.Count; k++)
                FormForControl Obj = ListFormForControl.ElementAt(ListFormForControl.Count - k - 1);
                // the object is the master
            //      //  if (!Obj.IsMasterObject()) continue;

                if (!Obj.WindowForMaster.checkBoxDrawAssociatedDelaunay.Checked) continue;
                foreach (cMetaBiologicalObject CurrentMeta in MetaCellList)

            if (PostProcessWindow.checkBoxRemoveUnAssociatedObjects.Checked)
                int RemovedObjects = Current3DWorld.RemoveNonAssociatedObjects();
                Console.WriteLine(RemovedObjects + " objects removed.");

            //    if (PostProcessWindow.checkBoxExportMetaObjectSignatures.Checked)
            //    {
            //        if (CurrentTable == null)
            //        {
            //            CurrentTable = new DataTable();

            //            if (CurrentExperiment == null)
            //                CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Image Idx", typeof(int)));
            //            else
            //            {
            //                CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Image Col.", typeof(int)));
            //                CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Image Row", typeof(int)));
            //            }

            //            CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Meta Object Name", typeof(string)));

            //            foreach (string DescName in MetaCellList[0].GetSignatureNames())
            //                CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(DescName, typeof(double)));

            //            CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Class", typeof(double)));
            //        }

            //        foreach (cMetaBiologicalObject CurrentMeta in MetaCellList)
            //        {
            //            List<double> CurrentSignature = CurrentMeta.GetSignature();

            //            CurrentTable.Rows.Add();
            //            if (CurrentExperiment == null)
            //            {
            //                CurrentTable.Rows[CurrentTable.Rows.Count - 1][0] = IdxImageProcessed;
            //                CurrentTable.Rows[CurrentTable.Rows.Count - 1][1] = CurrentMeta.Name;

            //                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < CurrentSignature.Count; Idx++)
            //                    CurrentTable.Rows[CurrentTable.Rows.Count - 1][Idx + 2] = CurrentSignature[Idx];
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                CurrentTable.Rows[CurrentTable.Rows.Count - 1][0] = CurrentExperiment.Column;
            //                CurrentTable.Rows[CurrentTable.Rows.Count - 1][1] = CurrentExperiment.Row;
            //                CurrentTable.Rows[CurrentTable.Rows.Count - 1][2] = CurrentMeta.Name;

            //                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < CurrentSignature.Count; Idx++)
            //                    CurrentTable.Rows[CurrentTable.Rows.Count - 1][Idx + 3] = CurrentSignature[Idx];
            //            }

            //            // Current3DWorld.CopyMetaObjectSignatureToTable(CurrentMeta, 0);
            //        }
            //        if (DataGrid != null)
            //        {
            //            DataGrid.dataGridViewForResults.DataSource = CurrentTable;
            //            DataGrid.Update();
            //            IdxImageProcessed++;
            //        }
            //    }


            //    //CurrentTable = new DataTable();
            //    if (CurrentExperiment == null)
            //    {
            //        if (PostProcessWindow.checkBoxDisplayBottomPlate.Checked) Current3DWorld.DisplayBottom(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
            //        Current3DWorld.SetBackgroundColor(PostProcessWindow.buttonChangeColorPositive.BackColor);
            //        Current3DWorld.Render();
            //    }
            //    // Current3DWorld.SetLinkToDataGridView(dataGridViewForClassif);

            cViewer3D V3D = new cViewer3D();

            cDisplayToWindow DTW = new cDisplayToWindow();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //public void DrawPic()
        //    if (this.LUTManager == null) return;
        //    if (this.ZNavigator == null) return;
        //    int ZPos = ZNavigator.trackBarForZPos.Value;
        //    ThisGraph = this.CreateGraphics();
        //    float ZoomFactor = Zoom / 100.0f;
        //    int NewWidth = (int)(AssociatedImage.Width * ZoomFactor);
        //    int NewHeight = (int)(AssociatedImage.Height * ZoomFactor);
        //    this.Width = NewWidth;
        //    this.Height = NewHeight;
        //    if ((NewHeight == 0) || (NewWidth == 0)) return;
        //    int PosViewX = (this.Width - NewWidth) / 2;
        //    int PosViewY = (this.Height - NewHeight) / 2;
        //    //   this.Location = new Point(PosViewX,PosViewY);
        //    BT = new Bitmap(NewWidth, NewHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
        //    // Lock the bitmap's bits.
        //    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, NewWidth, NewHeight);
        //    System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = BT.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, BT.PixelFormat);
        //    // Get the address of the first line.
        //    IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0;
        //    int scanline = Math.Abs(bmpData.Stride);
        //    byte CurrentRed;
        //    byte CurrentGreen;
        //    byte CurrentBlue;
        //    int RealX;
        //    int RealY;
        //    int NewStartX = (int)(this.StartViewX / ZoomFactor);
        //    int NewStartY = (int)(this.StartViewY / ZoomFactor);
        //    List<float> Min = new List<float>();
        //    List<float> Max = new List<float>();
        //    List<double> GammaList = new List<double>();
        //    for (int IdxChannel = 0; IdxChannel < this.AssociatedImage.GetNumChannels(); IdxChannel++)
        //    {
        //        if (this.LUTManager != null)
        //        {
        //            UserControlSingleLUT SingleLUT = (UserControlSingleLUT)this.LUTManager.panelForLUTS.Controls[IdxChannel];
        //            Min.Add((float)SingleLUT.numericUpDownMinValue.Value);
        //            Max.Add((float)SingleLUT.numericUpDownMaxValue.Value);
        //            GammaList.Add((double)SingleLUT.trackBarGamma.Value / 100.0);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    #region Obsolete
        //    // test for new display
        //    //List<byte[][]> ListLut = new List<byte[][]>();
        //    //for (int IdxChannel = 0; IdxChannel < this.AssociatedImage.NumChannels; IdxChannel++)
        //    //{
        //    //    UserControlSingleLUT SingleLUT = (UserControlSingleLUT)this.LUTManager.panelForLUTS.Controls[IdxChannel];
        //    //    if (SingleLUT.checkBoxIsActive.Checked == false) continue;
        //    //    ListLut.Add(SingleLUT.SelectedLUT);
        //    //}
        //    //ConvertImageFloatToRGB(AssociatedImage, 0, 255, ListLut, 0);
        //    #endregion
        //    // Declare an array to hold the bytes of the bitmap.
        //    int bytes = scanline * NewHeight;
        //    byte[] rgbValues = new byte[bytes];
        //    // Copy the RGB values into the array.
        //    System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, rgbValues, 0, bytes);
        //    for (int IdxChannel = 0; IdxChannel < this.AssociatedImage.GetNumChannels(); IdxChannel++)
        //    {
        //        UserControlSingleLUT SingleLUT = (UserControlSingleLUT)this.LUTManager.panelForLUTS.Controls[IdxChannel];
        //        if (SingleLUT.checkBoxIsActive.Checked == false) continue;
        //        byte[][] CurrentLUT = SingleLUT.SelectedLUT;
        //        //ConvertImageFloatToRGB(AssociatedImage, 0, 255, SingleLUT.SelectedLUT, 0);
        //        if (GammaList[IdxChannel] != 1)
        //        {
        //            for (int FullY = 0; FullY < NewHeight; FullY++)
        //            {
        //                RealY = (int)(FullY / ZoomFactor) + NewStartY;
        //                if (RealY >= AssociatedImage.Height) RealY = AssociatedImage.Height - 1;
        //                for (int FullX = 0; FullX < NewWidth; FullX++)
        //                {
        //                    RealX = (int)(FullX / ZoomFactor) + NewStartX;
        //                    if (RealX >= AssociatedImage.Width) RealX = AssociatedImage.Width - 1;
        //                    float Value = AssociatedImage.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data[RealX + RealY * AssociatedImage.Width + ZPos * AssociatedImage.SliceSize];
        //                    Value = (float)Math.Pow(Value, GammaList[IdxChannel]);
        //                    int ConvertedValue = (int)((((CurrentLUT[0].Length - 1) * (Value - Min[IdxChannel])) / (Max[IdxChannel] - Min[IdxChannel])));
        //                    if (ConvertedValue < 0) ConvertedValue = 0;
        //                    if (ConvertedValue >= CurrentLUT[0].Length) ConvertedValue = CurrentLUT[0].Length - 1;
        //                    CurrentRed = (byte)CurrentLUT[0][ConvertedValue];
        //                    CurrentGreen = (byte)CurrentLUT[1][ConvertedValue];
        //                    CurrentBlue = (byte)CurrentLUT[2][ConvertedValue];
        //                    double NewValue = rgbValues[3 * FullX + FullY * scanline] + CurrentBlue;
        //                    if (NewValue > 255)
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + FullY * scanline] = 255;
        //                    else
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + FullY * scanline] += CurrentBlue;
        //                    NewValue = rgbValues[3 * FullX + 1 + FullY * scanline] + CurrentGreen;
        //                    if (NewValue > 255)
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + 1 + FullY * scanline] = 255;
        //                    else
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + 1 + FullY * scanline] += CurrentGreen;
        //                    NewValue = rgbValues[3 * FullX + 2 + FullY * scanline] + CurrentRed;
        //                    if (NewValue > 255)
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + 2 + FullY * scanline] = 255;
        //                    else
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + 2 + FullY * scanline] += CurrentRed;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            for (int FullY = 0; FullY < NewHeight; FullY++)
        //            {
        //                RealY = (int)(FullY / ZoomFactor) + NewStartY;
        //                if (RealY >= AssociatedImage.Height) RealY = AssociatedImage.Height - 1;
        //                for (int FullX = 0; FullX < NewWidth; FullX++)
        //                {
        //                    RealX = (int)(FullX / ZoomFactor) + NewStartX;
        //                    if (RealX >= AssociatedImage.Width) RealX = AssociatedImage.Width - 1;
        //                    float Value = AssociatedImage.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data[RealX + RealY * AssociatedImage.Width + ZPos * AssociatedImage.SliceSize];
        //                    int ConvertedValue = (int)((((CurrentLUT[0].Length - 1) * (Value - Min[IdxChannel])) / (Max[IdxChannel] - Min[IdxChannel])));
        //                    if (ConvertedValue < 0) ConvertedValue = 0;
        //                    if (ConvertedValue >= CurrentLUT[0].Length) ConvertedValue = CurrentLUT[0].Length - 1;
        //                    CurrentRed = (byte)CurrentLUT[0][ConvertedValue];
        //                    CurrentGreen = (byte)CurrentLUT[1][ConvertedValue];
        //                    CurrentBlue = (byte)CurrentLUT[2][ConvertedValue];
        //                    double NewValue = rgbValues[3 * FullX + FullY * scanline] + CurrentBlue;
        //                    if (NewValue > 255)
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + FullY * scanline] = 255;
        //                    else
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + FullY * scanline] += CurrentBlue;
        //                    NewValue = rgbValues[3 * FullX + 1 + FullY * scanline] + CurrentGreen;
        //                    if (NewValue > 255)
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + 1 + FullY * scanline] = 255;
        //                    else
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + 1 + FullY * scanline] += CurrentGreen;
        //                    NewValue = rgbValues[3 * FullX + 2 + FullY * scanline] + CurrentRed;
        //                    if (NewValue > 255)
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + 2 + FullY * scanline] = 255;
        //                    else
        //                        rgbValues[3 * FullX + 2 + FullY * scanline] += CurrentRed;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    // Copy the RGB values back to the bitmap
        //    System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(rgbValues, 0, ptr, bytes);
        //    // Unlock the bits.
        //    BT.UnlockBits(bmpData);
        //    // Draw the modified image.
        //    ThisGraph.DrawImage(BT, this.StartViewX, this.StartViewY);
        //    DrawLayers(ZoomFactor);
        public Bitmap ConvertImageFloatToRGB(cImage ImageFloat, float Min, float Max, List<byte[][]> ListSelectedLUTs, int Z)
            Bitmap BMP = new Bitmap(ImageFloat.Width, ImageFloat.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            BitmapData bData = BMP.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, ImageFloat.Width, ImageFloat.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            /*the size of the image in bytes */
            int size = bData.Stride * bData.Height;

            /*Allocate buffer for image*/
            byte[] ConvertedValues = new byte[size];

            int Zpos = Z * ImageFloat.Width * ImageFloat.Height;
            int Ypos;

            float MAXMIN = Max - Min;
            double NewValue;
            byte CurrentRed;
            byte CurrentGreen;
            byte CurrentBlue;

            for (int Channel = 0; Channel < ImageFloat.GetNumChannels(); Channel++)
                byte[][] SelectedLUT = ListSelectedLUTs[Channel];
                int LUTLength = SelectedLUT[0].Length - 1;
                for (int j = 0; j < ImageFloat.Height; j++)
                    Ypos = j * AssociatedImage.Width;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ImageFloat.Width; i++)
                        float Value = ImageFloat.SingleChannelImage[Channel].Data[i + Ypos + Zpos];
                        int ConvertedValue = (int)((LUTLength * (Value - Min)) / MAXMIN);
                        if (ConvertedValue < 0) ConvertedValue = 0;
                        else if (ConvertedValue > LUTLength) ConvertedValue = LUTLength;

                        CurrentRed = (byte)SelectedLUT[0][ConvertedValue];
                        CurrentGreen = (byte)SelectedLUT[1][ConvertedValue];
                        CurrentBlue = (byte)SelectedLUT[2][ConvertedValue];

                        NewValue = ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride] + CurrentBlue;
                        if (NewValue > 255)
                            ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride] = 255;
                            ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride] += CurrentBlue;

                        NewValue = ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + 1] + CurrentGreen;
                        if (NewValue > 255)
                            ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + 1] = 255;
                            ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + 1] += CurrentGreen;

                        NewValue = ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + 2] + CurrentRed;
                        if (NewValue > 255)
                            ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + 2] = 255;
                            ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + 2] += CurrentRed;

                        //for (int RGBIdx = 0; RGBIdx < 3; RGBIdx++)

                        //    NewValue = (ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + RGBIdx] + ConvertedValue);
                        //    if (NewValue >= LUTLength) NewValue = LUTLength - 1;

                        //    // now go through the LUT
                        //    //ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + 0] = SelectedLUT[2][NewValue];
                        //    //ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + 1] = SelectedLUT[1][NewValue];
                        //    ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + RGBIdx] = SelectedLUT[RGBIdx][NewValue];

                        //ConvertedValues[i * 3 + j * bData.Stride + Channel] = (byte)NewValue;

            //for (int j = 0; j < ImageFloat.Height; j++)
            //    Ypos = j * AssociatedImage.Width;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < ImageFloat.Width; i++)
            //    {
            //        BMP.SetPixel(i, j, Color.FromArgb(SelectedLUT[0][ConvertedValues[i+Ypos]],
            //                               SelectedLUT[1][ConvertedValues[i + Ypos]],
            //                               SelectedLUT[2][ConvertedValues[i + Ypos]]));
            //    }

            /*This overload copies data of /size/ into /data/ from location specified (/Scan0/)*/
            //System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bData.Scan0, ConvertedValues, 0, size);

            //for (int i = 0; i < size; i += bitsPerPixel / 8)
            //    double magnitude = 1 / 3d * (ConvertedValues[i] + ConvertedValues[i + 1] + ConvertedValues[i + 2]);

            //    //data[i] is the first of 3 bytes of color


            /* This override copies the data back into the location specified */
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ConvertedValues, 0, bData.Scan0, ConvertedValues.Length);


            Form1 F = new Form1();
            F.pictureBox1.Image = BMP;
            return BMP;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void AddInto(cImage SubImage, int Dest_PosX, int Dest_PosY, int Dest_PosZ, int Dest_Channel)
            if (SubImage.GetNumChannels() > 1) return;

            for (int Z = 0; Z < SubImage.Depth; Z++)
                int OriginalPosZ = Dest_PosZ + Z;
                if ((OriginalPosZ < 0) || (OriginalPosZ > this.Depth - 1)) continue;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < SubImage.Height; Y++)
                    int OriginalPosY = Dest_PosY + Y;
                    if ((OriginalPosY < 0) || (OriginalPosY > this.Height - 1)) continue;

                    for (int X = 0; X < SubImage.Width; X++)
                        int OriginalPosX = Dest_PosX + X;
                        if ((OriginalPosX < 0) || (OriginalPosX > this.Width - 1)) continue;

                        this.SingleChannelImage[Dest_Channel].Data[OriginalPosX + OriginalPosY * this.Width + OriginalPosZ * this.SliceSize] += SubImage.SingleChannelImage[0].Data[X + Y * SubImage.Width + Z * SubImage.SliceSize];
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public cImage(cImage Source, bool IsCopyData)
            this.Width = Source.Width;
            this.Height = Source.Height;
            this.Depth = Source.Depth;
            this.SliceSize = this.Height * this.Width;
            this.ImageSize = SliceSize * Depth;
            this.Resolution = new cPoint3D(Source.Resolution);

            this.SingleChannelImage = new cListSingleChannelImage();
            for (int IdxChannel = 0; IdxChannel < Source.GetNumChannels(); IdxChannel++)
                this.SingleChannelImage.Add(new cSingleChannelImage(Source.Width, Source.Height, Source.Depth, new cPoint3D(Source.Resolution)));
                this.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Name = Source.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Name;
                this.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data = new float[Source.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data.Length];

                if (IsCopyData)
                    Array.Copy(Source.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data, this.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data, Source.SingleChannelImage[IdxChannel].Data.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected VoxelList(int label, cImage labeledImage, cImage image, eConnectivity connectivity)
     this.label = label;
     surfacePoints = new List<int[]>();
     points = new List<int[]>();
     indices = new List<int>();
     values = new List<float[]>();
     this.labeledImage = labeledImage;
     this.labeledImageData = labeledImage.SingleChannelImage[0].Data;
     this.image = image;
     if (image != null)
         int NumChannels = image.GetNumChannels();
         this.numBands = NumChannels;
         this.intensity = new float[NumChannels];
         this.surfaceIntensity = new float[NumChannels];
         this.maxIntensity = new float[NumChannels];
         this.minIntensity = new float[NumChannels];
         for (int b = 0; b < NumChannels; b++)
             maxIntensity[b] = float.MinValue;
             minIntensity[b] = float.MaxValue;
     this.imageWidth = labeledImage.Width;
     this.imageHeight = labeledImage.Height;
     this.imageDepth = labeledImage.Depth;
     this.scanSliceSize = labeledImage.SliceSize;
     this.connectivity = connectivity;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary> 3D connected components detector
        /// Computes various information on the detected objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labeledInputimage">Gray level input image (background value must be 0)</param>
        /// <param name="labeledOutputImage">Empty input image of same size that labeledInput image (can be null)</param>
        /// <param name="image">Original greyscale image (can be null)</param>
        /// <param name="band">the image band</param>
        /// <param name="connectivity">Connectivity. MUST be 6 or 26</param>
        /// <param name="minVolume">Minimum object volume to consider</param>
        /// <param name="maxVolume">Maximum object volume to consider</param>
        public ConnectedComponentSet(cImage labeledInputimage, cImage labeledOutputImage, cImage image, int band, eConnectivity connectivity, float minVolume, float maxVolume)
            if (image != null && (image.Width != labeledInputimage.Width || image.Height != labeledInputimage.Height || image.Depth != labeledInputimage.Depth))
                if (connectivity == eConnectivity.THREED_6 || connectivity == eConnectivity.THREED_26)
                    //  throw new DescriptorException("Uncompatible Image sizes");

            if (labeledOutputImage != null && (labeledOutputImage.Width != labeledInputimage.Width || labeledOutputImage.Height != labeledInputimage.Height || labeledOutputImage.Depth != labeledInputimage.Depth))
                if (connectivity == eConnectivity.THREED_6 || connectivity == eConnectivity.THREED_26)
                    // throw new DescriptorException("Uncompatible Image sizes");
                if (labeledOutputImage.GetNumChannels() != 1)
                    //  throw new DescriptorException("Output label image must be single band");

            if (labeledInputimage.Depth == 1)
                if (connectivity == eConnectivity.THREED_6 || connectivity == eConnectivity.THREED_26)
                    //  throw new DescriptorException("Given connectivity is incompatible with the image depth");
            else if (connectivity == eConnectivity.TWOD_4 || connectivity == eConnectivity.TWOD_8 || connectivity == eConnectivity.TWOD_24)
                //  throw new DescriptorException("Given connectivity is incompatible with the image depth");

            this.min = minVolume;
            this.max = maxVolume;
            this.connectivity = connectivity;
            this.width = labeledInputimage.Width;
            this.height = labeledInputimage.Height;
            this.depth = labeledInputimage.Depth;
            this.scanSliceSize = width * height;
            this.twoTimesWidth = 2 * width;

            if (labeledOutputImage == null)
                this.labeledOutputImage = new cImage(labeledInputimage.Width, labeledInputimage.Height, labeledInputimage.Depth, 1);
                this.labeledOutputImage = labeledOutputImage;
            this.labeledOutput = this.labeledOutputImage.SingleChannelImage[0].Data;
            this.labeledInputimage = labeledInputimage;
            this.labeledInput = labeledInputimage.SingleChannelImage[band].Data;
            this.image = image;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void buttonProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ImageWidth = (int)numericUpDownMapWidth.Value;
            ImageHeight = (int)numericUpDownMapHeight.Value;

            if (this.radioButton2D.Checked) ImageDepth = 1;
                ImageDepth = (int)numericUpDownMapDepth.Value;

            cImageDrawKernel GK = new cImageDrawKernel();
            GK.sigma_x = (int)numericUpDownKernelSize.Value;
            GK.sigma_y = (int)numericUpDownKernelSize.Value;
            GK.sigma_z = (int)numericUpDownKernelSize.Value;

            cImage K = GK.GetOutPut();

            if (Parent.comboBoxAxeY.SelectedIndex == -1) return;
            if (Parent.comboBoxVolume.SelectedIndex == -1) return;

            cExtendedList ListVolumes = new cExtendedList();


            cExtendedTable TableForDataToBeAnalyzed = Parent.GetActiveSignatures(false);

            for (int j = 0; j < TableForDataToBeAnalyzed[0].Count; j++)

            //MaxX = ListX.Max();
            //MinX = ListX.Min();

            //MaxY = ListY.Max();
            //MinY = ListY.Min();

            MaxX = Parent.chartForPoints.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum;
            MinX = Parent.chartForPoints.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum;

            MaxY = Parent.chartForPoints.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum;
            MinY = Parent.chartForPoints.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum;

            //MaxY = Parent.MaxY;
            //MinY = Parent.MinY;

            if (this.radioButton3D.Checked)
                for (int j = 0; j < TableForDataToBeAnalyzed[0].Count; j++)
                MaxZ = ListZ.Max();
                MinZ = ListZ.Min();

            DensityMaps = new cImage(ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageDepth, cGlobalInfo.ListCellularPhenotypes.Count);

            int[] ClassPopulations = new int[cGlobalInfo.ListCellularPhenotypes.Count];

            if (this.radioButton3D.Checked)
                int Idx = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < Parent.InputTable[0].Count; j++)
                    if (Parent.PanelPhenotypeSelection.GetListSelectedClass()[(int)Parent.MachineLearning.Classes[j]])
                        double TmpValueX = (ImageWidth * (ListX[Idx] - MinX)) / (MaxX - MinX) - K.Width / 2;
                        double TmpValueY = ImageHeight - (ImageHeight * (ListY[Idx] - MinY)) / (MaxY - MinY) - K.Height / 2;
                        double TmpValueZ = ImageDepth - (ImageDepth * (ListZ[Idx] - MinZ)) / (MaxZ - MinZ) - K.Depth / 2;

                        DensityMaps.AddInto(K, (int)TmpValueX, (int)TmpValueY, (int)TmpValueZ, (int)Parent.MachineLearning.Classes[j]);
                int Idx = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < Parent.InputTable[0].Count; j++)
                    if (Parent.PanelPhenotypeSelection.GetListSelectedClass()[(int)Parent.MachineLearning.Classes[j]])
                        double TmpValueX = (ImageWidth * (ListX[Idx] - MinX)) / (MaxX - MinX) - K.Width / 2;
                        double TmpValueY = ImageHeight - (ImageHeight * (ListY[Idx] - MinY)) / (MaxY - MinY) - K.Height / 2;

                        DensityMaps.AddInto(K, (int)TmpValueX, (int)TmpValueY, 0, (int)Parent.MachineLearning.Classes[j]);
            cListExtendedTable TablesForDensity = new cListExtendedTable(DensityMaps);

            for (int idxChannel = 0; idxChannel < DensityMaps.GetNumChannels(); idxChannel++)
                DensityMaps.SingleChannelImage[idxChannel].Name = cGlobalInfo.ListCellularPhenotypes[idxChannel].Name;
                float Sum = 1;
                if (checkBoxNormalized.Checked)
                    Sum = (float)TablesForDensity[idxChannel].Sum();
                    if (Sum <= 0.0) continue;
                    for (int i = 0; i < DensityMaps.SingleChannelImage[idxChannel].Data.Length; i++)
                        //if (ClassPopulations[idxChannel] > 0)
                        DensityMaps.SingleChannelImage[idxChannel].Data[i] = (100 * DensityMaps.SingleChannelImage[idxChannel].Data[i]) / Sum;
                    for (int i = 0; i < DensityMaps.SingleChannelImage[idxChannel].Data.Length; i++)
                        // if (ClassPopulations[idxChannel] > 0)
                        DensityMaps.SingleChannelImage[idxChannel].Data[i] = DensityMaps.SingleChannelImage[idxChannel].Data[i];

            cDisplaySingleImage IV = new cDisplaySingleImage();
            DensityMaps.Name = "Density Maps. K["+ this.numericUpDownKernelSize.Value +"]";

            if (this.checkBoxModifyColors.Checked)
                IV.ListLinearMaxColor = new List<Color>();

            int RealIdxChannel = 0;
            for (int idxChannel = 0; idxChannel < ClassPopulations.Length; idxChannel++)
                if (ClassPopulations[idxChannel] == 0)
                    if (this.checkBoxModifyColors.Checked)


            this.buttonApply.Enabled = true;