/// <summary>
        /// dispatch the notification as an email
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notification">The notification to dispatch</param>
        /// <param name="users">users to send the email to</param>
        /// <param name="store"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Dispatch(Notification notification,IEnumerable<Organisation.SimpleUser> users,IDocumentStore store )
            //create an email from the notification and user details
            var email = new Email
                                Body = notification.Body,
                                Subject = notification.Title,
                                To = users.Where(simpleUser => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(simpleUser.EmailAddress)).Select(u => new EmailRecipient { Email = u.EmailAddress, Name = u.FullName }).ToList()

            if (email.To.Count == 0)
                _log.Warn(string.Format("Cannot send email with subject {0} because there is not a valid To address",email.Subject));
                return false;
                if (_emailSender.Send(email))
                    using (var session = store.OpenSession())

                    _log.Info(string.Format("successfully sent email to {0}", email.To[0].Email));
                    return true;
                _log.Error(string.Format("problem sending email for {0}", email.To[0].Email));
                return false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Error(string.Format("problem sending email for {0}", email.To[0].Email), ex);
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the email
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email">The email to be sent</param>
        /// <returns>a flag indicating if the email ewas ent or not (as far as is known)</returns>
        public bool Send(Email email)
            //use restsharp to create a client to talk to the MailGun REST API
            var client = new RestClient
                BaseUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MAILGUN_API_URL"],
                Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator("api", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MAILGUN_API_KEY"])
            //create a new request to mailgun and fill in the details of the email to be sent
            var request = new RestRequest();
            var mailgunDomain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MAILGUN_DOMAIN"];
            request.AddParameter("domain", mailgunDomain
                                 , ParameterType.UrlSegment);
            request.Resource = "{domain}/messages";
            request.AddParameter("from", string.Format("Illuminate <illuminate@{0}>", mailgunDomain));
            foreach (var to in email.To)
                request.AddParameter("to", to.Email);
            foreach (var cc in email.Cc)
                request.AddParameter("cc", cc.Email);
            foreach (var bcc in email.Bcc)
                request.AddParameter("bcc", bcc.Email);

            request.AddParameter("subject", email.Subject);
            request.AddParameter("html", email.Body);
            request.Method = Method.POST;
            //TODO - test response for errors
            //execute the request - mailgun should send the email
            var response = client.Execute(request);
            return response.ErrorException == null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void DoWork(IlluminateDatabase database,IEmailSender emailSender)
            Logger.Information("EmailDailyTasks started");

            //we need to get a list of tasks that are Overdue, duetoday or due tomorrow. 
            foreach (var db in database.GetAllOrgStores())
                Currentstore = db; 

                List<User> users;
                using (var session = db.OpenSession())
                    users = session.Query<User>().ToList();

                //get the tasks etc for this user. 
                foreach (var user in users)
                    Currentuser = user; 

                    //set culture
                    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = user.Culture;

                    var bodyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 

                    using (var session = db.OpenSession()) //smaller sessions
                        var targetuser = user;

                        var tasks =
                                        x =>
                                        x.ConsolidatedAssignees.Any(a => a.UserId == targetuser.Id) &&
                                        x.DueDate <= DateTime.Today.AddDays(3) && x.CompletedDate == null);
                        var meetings =
                                        x =>
                                        x.Invitees.Any(i => i.UserId == targetuser.Id) &&
                                        x.DueDate <= DateTime.Today.AddDays(3) &&
                                        x.DueDate >= DateTime.Today); 

                        var items = new List<TimelineItem>();


                        Logger.Information("{0} items for {1}", items.Count, targetuser.Name);

                        var sectionbuilder = new StringBuilder();

                        if (items.Count > 0)

                            var overduelines =
                                (from i in items
                                    where i.start.Date < DateTime.Today
                                    orderby i.start ascending
                                 select FormatItem(i));
                            sectionbuilder.AppendLine(SubHeader("Overdue tasks"));
                            if (overduelines.Any())
                                sectionbuilder.Append(String.Join("\n", overduelines.ToList()));
                                sectionbuilder.AppendLine("No items to show<br/>"); 


                            var todaylines =
                                (from i in items
                                 where i.start.Date == DateTime.Today
                                 orderby i.start ascending
                                 select FormatItem(i));

                            sectionbuilder.AppendLine(SubHeader("Today's tasks"));
                            if (todaylines.Any())
                                sectionbuilder.Append(String.Join("\n", todaylines.ToList()));
                                sectionbuilder.AppendLine("No items to show<br/>");


                            var futurelines =
                                (from i in items
                                 where i.start.Date > DateTime.Today
                                 orderby i.start ascending
                                 select FormatItem(i));

                            sectionbuilder.AppendLine(SubHeader("Upcoming tasks"));
                            if (futurelines.Any())
                                sectionbuilder.Append(String.Join("\n", futurelines.ToList()));
                                sectionbuilder.AppendLine("No items to show<br/>");


                        //TODO: Add Insights

                        //TODO: Add Messages

                        //render section

                        //clear section builder. 

                        //TODO: Add KPIs

                        if (targetuser.CanManageOthers) //TODO: no point if they don't have any managees. 
                            //TODO: Add Team KPIs

                            //TODO: Add Team HIG


                        var stuffToSend = (targetuser.EmailAddress == "*****@*****.**"); 

                        if (stuffToSend)//only send if stuff to send?
                            var email = new Email();
                            email.To.Add(new EmailRecipient
                                                 Name = targetuser.Name,
                                                 Email = targetuser.EmailAddress

                            const string headertemplate = "<table style='text-align:left;width:100%;padding:0px; margin-top:0px;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td style='width:0px;'>{0}&nbsp;</td><td style='font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; line-height: 1.3; text-decoration: none; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFF; padding: 0'>{1}</td></tr></table>"; 

                            var headername = new StringBuilder();
                            headername.AppendLine(targetuser.Name + "<br/>");
                            headername.AppendLine(String.Format("<div style='font-size:14px;'>{0}</div>", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()));

                            var headeravatar = String.Format(AvatarImageString,
                                                             ImageHelper.GetAvatarUrl(user.Avatar.PublicID, 50),

                            email.Subject = "Your Illuminate Daily Update";
                            email.Body = Email.WrapBody(HostName, "Illuminate Daily Update", String.Format(headertemplate, headeravatar, headername), bodyBuilder.ToString());


Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void TestEmail()
                var email = new Email
                                    Body = "<html><a href='http://www.bbc.co.uk'>click</a></html>",
                                    To = {new EmailRecipient{Email = "*****@*****.**",Name = "Andy"}},
                                    Subject="test subject"
            new MailGunEmailSender().Send(email);
